Imogen: “What are you still doing here?”
Mysterious Mr. Gnome: “You should listen to me, dear. I’ve
got good advice for you and a secret to share.”
Imogen: “Let’s hear it.”
Mysterious Mr. Gnome: “The others are out to get you.
They’re out to put you down, trample on you and watch you suffer. They can’t
wait to see you be executed next.”
Imogen: “I think I already know that. Do you have any
fresher news?”
Mysterious Mr. Gnome: “Oh, but did you know that even
Charlie Ray Buckshot is in cahoots with them?”
Imogen: “What?”
Mysterious Mr. Gnome: “Trust no one in this game. All of
them are Moles. All of them. Listen to me and I’ll tell you how to win them.”
Imogen: “You! I don’t need your help! You’re just trying to
get in my head! I will win this! There’s no need to teach your grandmother how
to suck eggs! I already have the exemption, so I’m guaranteed a win! I’m going
to win, and you’re going down! I’ll drown you out, stupid voice in my head!”
Imogen: “I feel so happy thrashing that gnome.”
Tom: “What?”
Imogen: “Oh, um, nothing.”
Tom: “Let’s go. I don’t want to see her. It irks me.”
Imogen: “So he was right. All of you are in cahoots to throw
me out! Even you Charlie! And I thought I could trust you!”
Charlie: “You trusted the wrong Sim then."

Charlie: “Our plans are ruined now. Imogen earned that
Amy: “It’s thrown a wrench in the works but I’m sure we can
work a way around it.”
Tom: “One of us will be going home tonight. I hope it’s not
Amy: “Why not you sacrifice, Tom? Let Charlie and I go to
the finale. We need the money and glory more than you anyway.”
Tom: “What? Never! This is a matter of pride!”
Charlie: “Then who should go? Amy?”
Tom: “Why not you go? You’re too old anyway. We have an
elderly winner and we don’t need another.”

Amy: “You know what? I think this coalition is over. I’m
sick and tired of listening to others, especially their bickering. I’m sick and
tired of all this drama. I’m sick and tired of being oppressed. From now on,
I’ll do things my own way, Bull style. I need to be me again and I’m not doing
that enough.”
Quiz time. Imogen uses her exemption and is guaranteed a
spot in the finale.

Q1: Is the Mole male
or female?
A: Male
B: Female
Q2: Which room does
the Mole sleep in?
A: Black room
B: White room

Q3: Is the Mole in a
A: Yes
B: No
Q4: Did the Mole earn
an exemption in Mission 5?
A: Yes
B: No
C: The Mole is

Q5: In Mission 5, did
the Mole’s suggestions get refuted?
A: Yes
B: No
C: The Mole is
Q6: In Mission 5, did
the Mole agree to let Kay be in the list?
A: Yes
B: No
C: The Mole is
Q7: In Mission 5, was
the Mole the guesser or the chooser?
A: Guesser
B: Chooser
C: Neither

Q8: In Mission 5, how
many suggestions did the Mole give?
A: 0
B: 4
C: The Mole was the
Q9: In Mission 5, how
many suggestions did the Mole give correctly?
A: 0
B: 1
C: 2
D: The Mole was the
Q10: Who is the Mole?
A: Christopher Steel
B: Amy Bull
C: Tom Wordy
D: Imogen Pelly
E: Charlie Ray
F: Helen Hall
G: Guillermo Ichtaca
H: Matteo Torres

“Welcome to your final execution ceremony. Congratulations on
getting this far. You may have beaten the Mole, or you may have not. The Mole
may still be amongst you, or he/she may not. You won’t know until the reveal
next week. For now, all you have to concentrate on is getting past this
execution. Who wants to go first?”

Tom: “If none of you are going to man up and face the music,
then I will.”
“Very well Tom Wordy.”

Tom: “YEEEEEEEEAAAAAHHHH!!!!!!! I’m safe! Take that, all of

Charlie: “I’m willing to go next.”

Charlie: “I’m safe? I’m safe!”

Imogen: “Rubbish! All of you should be Moles! All of you
should leave! I should win this!”

Amy: “Ah well.”
“I’m sorry Amy Bull, but you are the last to be executed.
Please pack your bags and head outside.”

Charlie: “So Amy, how do you feel about being the last to be
Amy: “Heartbroken! I was so close to winning the money! I
can’t change events now though, can I?”
Charlie: “What was your biggest mistake? Do you regret not
reading your journal?”
Amy: “Nope! I never wrote in it anyway. I think my biggest
mistake was to break apart from the coalition and do things my own way. I was
outnumbered, but I don’t regret leaving my way.”
Charlie: “Are you the Mole?”
Amy: “We’ll have to wait and see.”
Charlie: “You bring a lot of colour to this house. I’d like
to know who in this house, past or present, you would like to have a showmance
Amy: “Ooh. I think I’d pick Matteo Torres. He’s hot, I tell
you! And he looks like a bad guy. I love the bad guy type. I’m currently
attracted to Marc Brandt in my hometown. So dark, so mysterious, so alluring.
It’s just too bad Matteo left so early.”

Charlie: “I see. Well, thank you for your time. We hope to
see you at the finale next week!”

Tom: “That girl needs to go. She needs to taste defeat
before she can even succeed. Her life’s too charmed right now. I can’t let her
win. She’s too crazy to win. Both Charlie and I have strategized, even for this
execution. We knew that Amy chose Christopher and looking back at past quizzes,
Amy would have scored quite high if the Mole had left. So we had to score
higher than her. It was hard but we worked together and defeated her. I never
really wanted to form a coalition with Charlie, but he proved to be so useful.”

Imogen: “Oh, the gnome’s gone! Yes, I conquered him!”

Mysterious Mr. Gnome: “I’m still here.”
Imogen: *chokes* “Where did you come from? I thought you
were gone!”
Mysterious Mr. Gnome: “You can never get rid of me, Ms.
Pelly. Or should I say Mrs, since you should be getting hitched. Unless you
want to remain without a husband and have the child be fatherless. Oh can you
two take the humiliation and watchful eyes of society?”
Imogen: “Stop it! When I win this, I’ll have the money and I
can marry any man I want and not worry about the public eye anymore! See? I
managed to get into the finale smoothly despite all odds stacked against me.
I’ve won! I’ve won, gnome!”
Mysterious Mr. Gnome: “No you haven’t. You may still end up
being the runner-up. And then you’ll be left with nothing. Penniless. You have
to hang your head in shame. Your spawn has to hang her head in shame. And then
she’ll grow up wondering why she doesn’t have a father and you’ll have to tell
that bastard that you had casual woohoo with him. A one-night stand.”
Imogen: “It wasn’t like that!”
Mysterious Mr. Gnome: “Oh, so he dumped you after using you!
How pitiful of you! You’ll have to tell her that her father was a bad man who
dumped her because she’s cuckoo! Cuckoo! Cuckoo!’
Imogen: “Shut up, shut up, shut up! I’ll win this! I will
succeed! I’ve never lost. This is no exception!”
Mysterious Mr. Gnome: “We shall see.”
And only 3 remain? Who will win? Who is the Mole?
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