Last time on the Smole, the contestants had to turn off lights whenever they lit up while avoiding traps. Unfortunately, they narrowly missed beating the Non-Mole by one light, resulting in all 120 points going to the group pot, making it 200/400 points. Fourier Gennery was the first Mole this season to be executed with no points in his pot. Who will be next? And can everyone earn points for themselves this mission?
"It's another back-to-back mission. This time, you will be randomly paired up and have to enter a negotiation room. If both parties are agreeable to having no points enter the group pot or their own, the negotiation would be successful and their job would be done. However, if they cannot come to a consensus, they must individually and secretly vote for the points to go to the group pot or themselves. If both players vote pot, all points go to the group pot. If one votes pot and one votes self, all the points go to the one who picked self. If both vote self, half the points will go to one of the two, randomly selected by the Non-Mole, while the other half goes to the pot. You can get a total of 140 points for the pot, 20 per duo."
Martin is first.
Martin: "I wonder who my partner is."
Martin: "Who's that?"
Viru: "Hello."
Viru: "We meet again."
Negotiation begins.
Martin: "Look I'm going to get those points."
Martin: "I don't care if it's not the best deal out of our options. I want points."
Viru: "Hmm..."
Viru: "I want the points too. I'm severely lacking in that department."
Martin: "You better vote pot later."
Viru: "And let you walk away with all the points? You don't scare me."
Martin: "How dare you!"
Viru: "You're so unreasonable. You don't even want to even try and come to a consensus."
Martin: "That's just the way I am. I rather take a gamble than willingly sacrifice money."
Viru: "I guess we'll agree to disagree then."
No agreement has been reached.
They must now vote. Nobody will know their vote...hopefully.
Martin: "I know what I'm voting for."
Martin: "Into the box you go."
Viru: "My turn."
Viru: "I know exactly what to vote for."
Viru: "I received valuable Mole information. I knew beforehand that Martin was my opponent/partner and had the chance to bug the voting area to see what Martin voted for. Not surprisingly, he went for himself. So I picked myself as well. I have a vendetta against him."
Youdina is next.
She has to face off with Tony.
Tony: "Hello dear Eugenia."
It begins.
Youdina: "What do you say we throw the others off?"
Youdina: "Forgo the points?"
Tony: "What? Why?"
Tony: "I want the points you know!"
Tony: "I'm not sure if it's a worthy investment."
Tony: "No, no, you must see it my way."
Youdina: "I doubt you know who is not the Mole this early. By successfully negotiating, we can make the others think we are the Non-Moles, which gives us an edge since we're less likely to go home."
Youdina: "We can always earn the points later after we survive execution. Think of it as an investment."
Tony: "I like the way you think."
Both parties have reached a consensus.
The points have been lost.
Tony: "Eugenia is suspicious for her actions...either that or she'll make it far."
The next pair.
Angela: "What?"
Angela: "Of all players, him?"
Angela: "What bad luck. Negotiation will be tougher now that he doesn't trust me from last mission."
Angela: "Nobody will budge. I think the best option we have right now is to negotiate successfully so that we are both content."
Quentin: "I can deal with that."
Quentin: "Excellent. We've reached it so fast!"
They have reached an agreement.
Rupert: "This will be quite the scare."
Eunice: "Should we sacrifice?"
Eunice: "I think we should, for the laughs."
Rupert: "This is scary. But I really want those points."
Rupert: "Are you the Non-Mole? Please don't bash me up."
Eunice: "Silly you. You're funnier than me."
Eunice: "But it's such a simple question. Do you want to work together?"
Rupert: "...No?"
Eunice: "Aha! You're the Mole!"
Rupert: "What? Oh, of course I am!"
Eunice: "I was just joking. Anyway, since you're pretty adamant..."
Eunice: "I guess it's time for the vote."
Eunice: "Your turn."
Rupert: "You scared me!"
Eunice: "No hard feelings, okay? Just vote how you would."
Rupert: "That was frightening. I thought she would know for sure that I can see her vote. So she went for the pot? Hmm...I don't dare to take the risk, but should I?"
Adelyn: "My turn is here. I've waited a year."
Adelyn: "Boo, you didn't play last time. You've committed such a big crime."
Adelyn: "You are high on my list. And you make me strangely pissed."
Jose: "Rolling my eyes here."
Adelyn: "My rhyme is not complete. How can I continue to compete?"
Adelyn: "How dare you turn off the light. Do you want to pick a fight?"
"Adelyn, please sit and begin the negotiation."
Jose: "Finally."
Adelyn: "Shall we just agree? Then we'll be set free."
Jose: "No way, anime rhyme woman. I'm not giving in that easily."
Jose: "Convince me first."
Adelyn: "Well you've become more conspicuous. You don't feel like one of us. Why not keep that ruse? Unless you're too obtuse."
Jose: "That's pretty felt like you were insulting me."
Jose: "But you've raised a valid point. I should take the opportunity to sabotage. That'll be more fun and lower my chances of leaving."
Negotiation is successful.
The next pair arrive.
Nicole: "I think this is a really boring mission."
Jordan: "What the fish fingers?"
Jordan: "Yawning is contagious."
Jordan: "Now I feel like yawning too."
After several minutes of yawning, it begins.
Nicole: "I was told that Jordan is my partner and I can see his vote if we end up voting...but I'm voting first, so there's no point in that."
Nicole: "I don't wan to be too predictable."
Nicole: "So I say we sacrifice the points completely."
Jordan: "What good do you get out of it?"
Jordan: "You are being really suspicious. You're hiding something."
Nicole: "What? No."
Nicole: "Why would you think that? I don't really think we should help the Non-Mole along, even if, you know, it's 14 against 1. He'll have a tough time staying undercover and earning points at the same time. Be cruel, Jordan. We have to lose to gain. Let's just lose the points and keep the status quo."
Jordan: "Well, if you're sure. I mean, if we vote, we all know we're going to vote for the same thing, and what are the chances that I'll get the points? I suck too much for that to happen."
An agreement has been reached.
The last pair. Will they negotiate successfully?
Madeleine: "Yawn. I've waited too long."
Stephen: "Two can play at that game."
Madeleine: "If we want to get the best deal, we can't agree. That does us both no good."
Madeleine: "Let's cheat a little. If we both want to gain something, the best option is for one of us to pick the pot and the other to pick self."
Stephen: "If you think I'll let you walk away with the money, think again. I'm no stereotypical man. Besides, how does that benefit us both?"
Madeleine: "Oh, I must have miscalculated. I can't believe that happened."
Stephen: "Neither can I. Hmm?"
Madeleine: "Well we don't have all day to discuss who to vote for."
Stephen: "Let's just leave it a surprise."
The negotiation has failed.
Madeleine: "I need to predict what Stephen will pick. It's hard to read his mind, but I bet he'll be picking himself. I refuse to believe it's that simple though. There's nothing to drive us towards picking the pot. There must be something. I need to know to plan."
Stephen: "Did Madeleine give herself away? That was so unlike her earlier.all the Moles are trying to look suspicious. Maybe I should jump onto the bandwagon. Alright, there're my vote."
The negotiation is over. The only duos that voted were Martin and Viru, Rupert and Eunice and Madeleine and Stephen.
Martin voted for self.
Viru voted for self.
The Non-Mole chose to give 10 points to Martin. 10 goes to the pot.
Eunice voted for pot.
Rupert voted for pot.
20 points go to the pot. They each earn a hidden exemption for both picking the pot.
Madeleine voted for self.
Stephen voted for pot.
20 points go to Madeleine.
Group pot: 230/540
Adelyn's pot: 0
Angela's pot: 20
Eunice's pot: 20
Fourier's pot: 0
Jordan's pot: 20
Jose's pot: 20
Madeleine's pot: 40
Martin's pot: 30
Nicole's pot: 20
Quentin's pot: 20
Rupert's pot: 20
Stephen's pot: 20
Tony's pot: 20
Viru's pot: 0
Youdina's pot: 0
Adelyn: "Where is this place? Why am I stuck in this space?"
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