The contestants split into groups of 3 in the last mission to find street art. Martin, Angela and Quentin found 2 murals each, while Eunice found 1. However, 3 murals were seen by other contestants as well, thus deducting 3 points from their personal pot into the group pot. In the bonus mission, Rupert lucked out and earned 200 points whereas Nicole and Martin earned an exemption, with Nicole snatching the exemption from Quentin. 740/1130 points were earned in total for the Non-Mole.
Rupert: "I want to watch the telly, but I'm afraid of waking the others up."
Rupert: "I just don't feel safe now that Nicole moved in to this room. She's a snorer too."
Stephen: "What's he dreaming about?"
Stephen: "Ah, must be scared to wake her up."
Stephen: "Might as well give him a little scare."
Stephen: "Boo!"
Stephen: "It's just me, Rupert."
Rupert: "Why did you scare me like that?"
Rupert: "I embarrassed myself on live television!"
Rupert: "I made a fool of myself."
Stephen: "Hey, look. Sorry I scared you. I thought it would be good fun. Sorry for assuming. But at least we can prove that Nicole is as dead as a log."
Stephen: "Nicole is dead?"
Martin: "Did you hear that scream? Sounded like a girl."
Madeleine: "Sounds like Rupert overreacting again, I dare say."
Martin: "Time for a dip."
Rupert: "I'm always scared of falling and drowning when I come down the stairs."
Stephen: "I actually can't swim.,
Martin: "What? What a wimp."
Stephen: "Why do you assume that I can swim? Or that I must swim?"
Martin: "Be a little more daring, you two. Watch me."
Martin: "Woah!"
Stephen: "I'm not watching this."
Rupert: "Neither am I."
Martin: "The floor was too slippery."
Youdina: "Who left their dirty laundry here?"
Stephen: "Erm, Eugenia..."
Youdina: "Oh, good morning Stephen. Is this yours?"
Stephen: "No..."
Youdina: "Oh. Do you know who it belongs to? I need to give them a piece of my mind."
Martin: "That better not air."
Youdina: "Where are your clothes, young man?"
Stephen: "Well, would you look at that."
Stephen: "I mean, I'm not gay, but woo!"
Youdina: "I am disgusted. I'll just send this to the dryer and be on my way."
Eunice: "I realised we don't talk to each other a lot, Angela."
Angela: "We do not get along much. Our personalities are different."
Eunice: "Come on, let's befriend each other."
Angela: "I am not here to make friends. I am here to win."
Martin: "Thanks for that towel, cameraman."
Martin: "So, that meddlesome wretch took my trunks and sent it to the washing machine? She's being ridiculous. I need to wear something you know. I can't go around in a towel."
Martin: "At least she didn't throw these clothes away. If she did, I would murder her."
Stephen: "Look who's coming."
Martin: "You better run, Eugenia, or I will send everything you've ever owned to the shredder.,
Youdina: "He's being unreasonable. I helped him wash his clothes. Who asked him to leave them lying around?"
Nicole: "Where were they rushing off to?"
Martin: "I don't know."
Nicole: "It's probably time to take the quiz. Isn't it great to be safe?"
Q1: Is the Non-Mole male or female?
A: Male
B: Female
Q2: Which of these fun facts belong to the Non-Mole?
A: The Non-Mole was born in Egypt
B: The Non-Mole hates vegetables
C: The Non-Mole has visited Germany
D: The Non-Mole can play the keyboard
E: The Non-Mole is a risk-taker
F: The Non-Mole hates stereotypes
G: The Non-Mole loves puns
H: The Non-Mole fantasises about being a wizard like Harry Potter
I: The Non-Mole's favourite colour is red
Q3: What did the Non-Mole wear before Mission 6?
A: Sleepwear
B: Everyday wear
Q4: In Mission 6, which car did the Non-Mole take?
A: Black
B: White
C: Brown
Q5: Did the Non-Mole drive in Mission 6?
A: Yes
B: No
Q6: In Mission 6, did the Non-Mole find street art?
A: Yes
B: No
Q7: In Mission 6, where did the Non-Mole visit first?
A: Gym
B: Park
C: Swimming Pool
Q8: In Mission 6, Part 2, what did the Non-Mole earn?
A: Exemption
B: Points
C: Nothing
Q9: In Mission 6, Part 2, how many times did the Non-Mole initiate a seat swap?
A: 0
B: 1
C: 2
Q10: Who is the Non-Mole?
A: Youdina Sunplaak
B: Nicole Ferrier
C: Angela Duschwitz
D: Quentin Caballero
E: Martin Abernathy
F: Stephen Queen
G: Eunice Trope
H: Madeleine Lewis
I: Rupert Horrowitz
"TI is time for another Mole to leave the game. Who will be the unlucky one? Martin Abernathy."
"Youdina Sunplaak."
Youdina: "I found one of my bras missing when I returned to my room. I'm not leaving until the pervert returns it to me."
"Stephen Queen."
"I'm sorry Stephen, but you have been executed. Please pack your bags and leave."
Stephen: "I guess I should have prepared for this day. I'm not sure what went wrong, but it's probably the right/wrong nature of the quiz. Good luck to the rest, I suppose."
Quentin: "I feel like swimming. I should go change."
Quentin: "Cannonball!"
Youdina: "Hey!"
Quentin: "You're already wet. What difference does it make?"
Angela: "What is this in the water?"
Eunice: "Someone took the bait."
Madeleine: "They have a mirror."
Nicole: "Remind me why we are in his room again?"
Madeleine: "We are going to search his room for any evidence that he might be the Non-Mole. Oh and help Eugenia get revenge by stealing all his underwear."
Nicole: "That's a bit extreme. Anyway, I want to talk to you about something."
Nicole: "Do you think that Eunice is just constantly separated from the rest of us? She's always willing to split from us."
Madeleine: "She's helping us to cover more ground and observe the others more. She's an extra pair of eyes."
Martin: "What are you doing in my room?"
Madeleine: "Taking my leave."
Nicole: "No need to yell."
Martin: "You're not both getting away. You must give me your entire journal now."
Nicole: "What? No! That's not fair."
Martin: "You're the one who barged into my room."
Nicole: "I was just helping Eugenia find her missing lingerie, that's all."
Martin: "And I'm just helping to safekeep your information."
Nicole: "You're not being reasonable."
Martin: "I march to the beat of my own drum."
Martin: "Speaking of which..."
Rupert: "Nice...nice playing. Please don't kill me."
Madeleine: "Quentin! Look!"
Quentin: "What? Hey!"
Madeleine: "I hope I didn't break my neck or anything."
Madeleine: "My head really hurts."
Quentin: "You're really funny, Eunice. Why are you snorkelling?"
The one-of-a-kind Stephen has been executed! Who will follow in his trendy footsteps?
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