Tuesday, 26 November 2013

4.01-It reeks of garbage

And it’s another season of the Smole! This season, 8 well-known Sims will be playing for their respective charities. As usual, 8 Sims will play for a grand prize which they will earn via missions. However, there is 1 Sim who acts as the Smole, sabotaging and deceiving to take away the money. The remaining 7 contestants must find out who this Smole is with a quiz. Each time, the one with the lowest score is eliminated. Same rules apply, so let’s get started on who’s playing this season!
1st up: Matthew Hamming, 43. He’s representing Hollywood Charities.
Next: Katrina Pala, 40. She’s representing B&B For the Poor M&M.
Thirdly: Katelyn Missoni, 26. She’s representing Lavish Lifestyles.
Next up: Apollo Bloom, 31. He’s representing Sim Quarterly Magazine For the Poor.
5th player: Matty Crewe, 30. He’s representing Trendy Treasury.
The 6th: William Fangmann, 35. He’s representing Sun International.
7th is: Romeo Rake, 37. He’s representing All For the Greater Good.
Last but not least: Kirby Wise, 29. She’s representing Political Campaigns Treasury.

After brief introductions, the players head off to their 1st mission. They are to run around Bridgeport, acting like paparazzi, taking pictures of every other contestant while keeping a low profile. For every photo (with the Sims inside) taken, 10 points are added, making this worth 70x8=560 points. That’s a lot for the first mission. The one appearing in the least photos get an exemption.
But there’s also a hidden exemption. Anyone who spots this Weather Stone and snaps a photo of it gets an exemption too.

(Again, missing pics. -_-)

And they’re off!

Kirby: “Katelyn, why not we form a coalition?”
Katelyn: “That fast? Well, let me consider…”
Kirby: “Just say yes. You can sit back and enjoy the fruits of our labour while I do all the work.”
Katelyn: “All right. Deal!”

Kirby: “I chose to form a coalition with Katelyn because I know her. We’re distant friends, but still, she’s that naïve and easily manipulated. She can be here to help ensure my victory.”


Matthew: “Hmm…nobody here.”

Katrina chooses to just relax and play, hoping to spot another contestant. Fun fact: All 3 female contestants this season have names that start with the letter K.

Katelyn: “Where should I hide?”

Matthew: “Hello? Yes, yes. Could you help me locate um…Katrina Pala?”
That’s not allowed, Matthew. Do that again and you’re disqualified.

Neither is that, but I’m not sure how he’ll be able to locate anyone through the laptop, so I let him off.

Kirby: “The beach. Sounds like a great secluded place to hide!”

Even Apollo is doing it. Warning given.

Katelyn: “Who are you? Oh, hello good-looking!”

William: “I doubt anyone will think of checking in here.”

Romeo: “Ooh lala! You’re a lovely lady!”
Moxie: “Creep.”
He just missed Matty pass by.


Matty: “Hmm…I see someone there.”

Despite the random gnome’s effort to ruin the picture, (we don't even own a gnome!) we can still see Apollo, so that’s 10 points! And Apollo is still so unsuspecting.


Kirby: “Grr…where could they be? I’m pretty sure Katelyn will be distracted and go shopping or something. The consignment store, perhaps?”

Not too obvious, but Kirby manages to snap a shot of Katelyn.

Katelyn: “Hey! Kirby! You betrayed me!”
Kirby: “I’m not! I’m just trying to win this for the team! Don’t worry. I’ll share with you all my suspects and everything afterwards.”
Katelyn: “You better. But I want a photo of you too. Hey, come back!”

Unfortunately Katelyn’s thumb hinders our ability to see Kirby, so it doesn't count.

Kirby: “Aha! Time to take a photo.”

Katelyn: “Hey Kirby! Wait up!”


William’s chilling out here.
William: “It was so hot inside there. And it reeks of garbage.”

Ooh. With 17 minutes left before this mission is over, can Matthew, Kirby and Katelyn take a photo of each other without being spotted?

Matty: “What’s this? Hmm…interesting. I guess I waste some film on this beauty.”
Mission over!


Our mascot for this season arrives.

She has a crush on Romeo and Matthew. Wow. Love triangle on the first episode.

Katelyn: “Time to share our photos.”

Katrina has 0 photos.
Matthew has 1 of Katelyn and Kirby. While it’s two people in one shot, we count by photos, so it’s only 10 points.
Romeo has none.
William has 0 photos.
Katelyn has 3, but because 2 of them have her thumb on it, only the last photo of Kirby counts. 10 points.
Matty has a photo of Apollo. 10 points.
Apollo has no photos to show.
Kirby has 3 photos of Katelyn, Matty and Matthew. 30 points. That means altogether, 60/560 points have been earned. That’s super pathetic. And Katrina, William and Romeo stand a chance of earning the exemption. And the winner of that will be….

Katrina, out of randomness.

Matty: “Wait! I have something to say. I have a photo of something called the Weather Stone, so I earn a hidden exemption!”
Both Katrina and Matty still have to take the quiz though to get a feel of it, it’s just that they are safe.


William: “You’re so lazy!”
Apollo: “And you’re so smelly.”

Romeo: “Care to dance with me?”
Kirby: “What?”
Romeo: “It’s nothing…it’s just…I haven’t danced in a long time, so…”
Kirby: “Well, okay then.”

Poor Matty and Matthew don’t stand a chance of even talking to Kirby.

Kirby: “Sorry, but it just feels so awkward. I think that’s enough.”
Romeo: “But….as you wish.”


Matthew: “My, Katelyn. You’re really pretty.”
Katelyn: “Oh, you think so?”

Matthew: “Mmmfff….”
Katelyn: “MMMFFF!”

Katelyn: “What the…?”

Katelyn: “Get away from me you creep!”

Matthew: “But I thought…I’m sorry Katelyn. Will you forgive me?”

Matthew: “I thought Katelyn was a simple-minded girl whom I could get my hands on easily. Turns out she’s smarter and harder to get than she looks. Or at least harder.”

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