Tuesday, 12 November 2013

3.04-Try to flirt with me again and I'll scream molest

Edison: “Eureka! I’ve figured out how the microwave oven works! Such a simple, yet complex mechanism. A true work of art. I give my praise to the man who invented this contraption.”

Carlos: “I feel like ending my life now…there’s no reason why I should live anymore.”
“Time for the mole quiz!”
Carlos:” I’ll jump later, I guess.”

Carlos: “I’m a coward. I keep procrastinating about ending my life. It was once beautiful, but it’s all over now. You see, I was once an international super spy. During one mission, I was to go undercover to infiltrate enemy base, but one of the villains saw through my disguise and brought me to his boss. I barely escaped. I was labelled a coward by my colleagues and the public, and I got fired by my boss eventually for underperforming. Nobody likes me. I just knew it. I already had this thinking from young, but I somehow managed to overcome it with the help of a counsellor and psychiatrist. But now I’m confined in this prison cell with no way out or help, like a bird, whose only escape is through death.”


Q1: Is the Mole male or female?
A: Male
B: Female

Q2: What did the Mole eat?
A: Waffles
B: Hot dogs
C: Unknown

Q3: In Mission 2, did the Mole look at the waffles?
A: Yes
B: No

Q4: In Mission 2, did the Mole eat the waffles?
A: Yes
B: No
C: Almost

Q5: Is the Mole in a coalition?
A: Yes
B: No

Q6: Did the Mole enter the Journal room so far?
A: Yes
B: No

Q7: Did the Mole enter the Journal room during the period of Mission 2?
A: Yes
B: No
C: The Mole did not enter the Journal Room today
D: The Mole never entered the Journal Room

Q8: What is the colour of the top of the Mole?
A: Green
B: White
C: Black
D: Blue
E: Yellow
F: Pink
G: Brown

Q9: Was the Mole in the kitchen during Mission 2 at any point in time?
A: Yes
B: No
Q10: Who is the Mole?
A: Rory Sim
B: Tanya Sim
C: Audrey Adler
D: Alexander McWee
E: Charity McProsper
F: Jin Tai
G: Esmeralda Ivy
H: Edison Richards
I: Valerie Sidnia
J: Carlos DeSantos
K: Fiona Poisette


“Okay, it’s time for the 2nd execution. One of you will be leaving tonight. There is no exemption for this mission, so there is a 1 in 11 chance of you guys going home. Without further ado,”

“Jin Tai.”

Jin: “Yes!”
“Alexander McWee.”

(No picture for this one.)

Alexander: “Booyeah! This man is still in!”

“Audrey Adler.”
Audrey: “Here goes nothing…What?”
“Sorry Audrey, you are the 2nd executed. Please pack your bags and leave.”

Valerie: “Audrey? That’s a surprise! She was a nice lady for someone divorced, and she was very open to a new relationship.”
Fiona: “This doesn’t look good for the ladies.”
Esmeralda: “Fiona, you’re right! We are outnumbered!”
Edison: “Hurray?”

“Share with us your thoughts, Audrey.”
Audrey: “It was fun! I thought a new romance would bloom between Alexander and me, but I was wrong. Maybe it’s a good thing. I don’t want to be cheated twice. I wish the rest good luck, and good love to Charity and Jin.”


Alexander: “I’m going to the toilet and cry.”

Alexander: “My love! Gone just like that! And it only just started! I haven’t even got to play with her yet! Oh well, she got away lucky. I suffer no loss either. And I don’t want to hurt her if she ever finds out about my two-timing abilities. She’s been hurt once already.”

Esmeralda: “Edison, come with me.”

Valerie: “They seem suspicious.”
Fiona: “I wonder what they’re up to.”

Esmeralda: “Hey, want to form a coalition? With my beauty and your brains, we can win this thing together!”
Edison: “That sounds like a good idea, but you haven’t thought it through. We need brawn, possibly.”
Esmeralda: “You’re right. Shall we get Alexander?”

Fiona: “I don’t know if I should…maybe she isn’t that trustworthy…but maybe she’s not doing anything…but what if she is? She may be sabotaging me and plotting to get rid of me with Edison!”

Fiona: “Whoops!”

Fiona: “That was embarrassing.”

Esmeralda: “I knew Fiona would get suspicious. Good thing I thought ahead. I hope Edison doesn’t mind. I’m merely following Charity, that’s all.”


Fiona: “Esmeralda…”
Esmeralda: “Oh, you came back.”
Fiona: “Yes, now that Edison’s left. I’m wondering who you feel is the Mole?”
Esmeralda: “Edison.”
Fiona: “Edison? But you just…”
Esmeralda: “Tactics, comrade, tactics. I was trying to test Edison out by getting closer to him and finding more about him.”
Fiona: “That’s risky business. Anyway, I believe it is Tanya.”
Esmeralda: “I beg to differ. I mean, everybody’s leaning towards Tanya, but you guys are wrong. She could just be throwing you off!”

Alexander: “Now that Audrey’s gone…”
Charity: “You think you can just do that, don’t you?”
Alexander: “What?”
Charity: “You know! Now that Audrey’s gone, you set your eyes on me! And every other lady in the house! Well, too bad! Audrey was wise in leaving. I think I shall do the same if you ever try to get fresh with me.”
Alexander: “”Chill babe, you’re too hot for me to handle like that. Let’s cool in the bed.”
Charity: “Try to flirt with me again and I’ll scream molest.”
Alexander: “It’s a pleasure…”
Charity: “MOLEST!”
Alexander: “Okay, okay. I’m leaving.”

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