In the previous episode...
Maximillian: "Richard sacrificed for us."
Lucy: "I guess we have him to thank."
Maximillian: "This final four isn't as bad as I expected it to be."
Lucy: "I'm inclined to think it's Harvard but is it really that simple? We should stop and think for a minute."
Maximillian: "A minute is all we have, Lucy."
"The answer is not A. It's C."
Lucy: "I told you we should have stopped to discuss this."
Tiffany: "Every round was rapid fire. Everyone was just talking over each other trying to convince each other that they're right. It was so confusing and so hard to follow."
Tiffany: "Guys, maybe we should listen to Clement. He's not actually dumb. We saw it last mission."
Clement: "I'm not the smartest here so I don't know the correct answer. I'll go with the majority."
Lucy: "It's just you now, Max."
Maximillian: "I know I'm correct. Listen to me."
Clement: "You're wasting time and money."
"Unfortunately, you are wrong. The answer is indeed A."
Maximillian: "I told you guys! I told you!"
Tiffany: "Wow. We really suck at trivia. Good thing I never tried applying for 'Divided'."
Lucy: "Half of us must change."
Maximillian: "Should we change our answers?"
Tiffany: "Fine, fine. Where is that button?"
Clement: "Hurry up!"
Tiffany: "Shh! Don't rush me."
Tiffany: "Are you sure we should be listening to Max? He gave us a lot of wrong answers."
Lucy: "It's not like you know the answer."
Maximillian: "Let me speak first. Tiffany is useless. She cannot contribute to the mission at all. It's better to get rid of her."
Tiffany: "Oh hell no. Why do you guys like to get rid of me so much? First in that werewolf mission, then in the hotel room, and now here. I want to play too. On the other hand Max, you have led us astray many times."
Lucy: "I disagree with you, Max. I think Tiffany will be easy-going and thus we can divide the rewards up later more easily. Among the four of us, you will be the hardest to convince."
Lucy: "Two of us have the same guy in mind. Clement, it's up to you to stop the pot from dropping even more."
Clement: "Eesh. Err...okay. I'll change to Max."
"There are three votes for Maximillian. Maximillian, you have been eliminated from the mission."
Lucy: "The pound is pretty stable and pretty good...until recently, that is, but something feels off. I think that is a red herring."
Clement: "There ain't no fish in here."
Tiffany: "Tell me when you guys reach a decision. Then I'll change my answer."
Lucy: "I think this is another trick question. We have to be careful and think really hard about this."
Clement: "But thinkin' ain't my strong suit."
Clement: "Hope you're right Lucy. Else we know who to witchhunt."
Tiffany: "Oh, so we're going for A and C? Okie-dokie. Give me a sec."
"Congratulations. You are correct. You have earned 51 points so far."
Tiffany: "Yeah! We don't care about the little points. We only go for the big ones!"
Tiffany: "I feel really smart after this mission."
"It is now time to divvy up the rewards. One of you will leave with an exemption, another with a correction and the last one can earn 100 bonus points. You have to agree on who takes what within 5 minutes. Otherwise, the bonus points will decrease. Once that reaches zero, the mission earnings will drop and when that's gone too, your pot will start to decrease."
Tiffany: "I'm going for the exemption of course."
Lucy: "No you're not."
Clement: "You ain't deserving of it, sorry. You did nothing to help us."
Tiffany: "You can't do this! It's bullying! You two are clearly just picking on me!"
Lucy: "We kept you over Max because we thought you were the easiest to deal with and the most agreeable. Looking at it now, we should have chosen Max over you."
Lucy: "Not a chance. We can sit here all day and lose our entire pot, or we can distribute this fairly."
Tiffany: "At least give me a correction."
Clement: "Eh...alright. Can't bear to see a girl cry. I'll take the bonus points."
Tiffany: "Yipee! Thanks Clement! You're the best!"
"Clement, you earned the bonus points."
"Tiffany, you get a correction."
"Lucy, congratulations. You are the first finalist."
Clement's selflessness in giving Tiffany a correction to preserve the harmony led to 103/150 points for the pot, which is now at 478/950 points. Will the correction cost Clement, or did he never need it? Who will join Lucy in the finale? Who is the Mole?
Maximillian: "Only two spots for the finale left. I'm pissed that I was voted out of the mission. I don't even get a single correction. Nobody wants to go home now, not when the finale is within reach."
Clement: "Tiffany was singing in the previous mission...she can't sing. Haha."
Tiffany: "Thank you thank you thank you!"
Clement: "Hold your horses. Whatchu trying to do?"
Tiffany: "Hug you?"
Clement: "My heart goes all soft when I see a girl cry. You remind me of my girl Brooklyn. She ain't like you at all, but at the same time she is. I don't know how to explain it."
Tiffany: "You're the best. I think your daughter will be so happy to have you as her Daddy."
Tiffany: "But we're not getting together. You're too old. Also, your pits smell."
Maximillian: "I heard you have an exemption. Congratulations."
Lucy: "Since when do you care about the Smole?"
Maximillian: "Did I look like an unreasonable guy to you?"
Maximillian: "Just because I wanted to end the Smole doesn't mean..."
Lucy: "I'm kidding. At this stage, giving you information is detrimental to me. But I did want you to try and appreciate this show, so I suppose I can give you a teeny bit of info."

Clement: "Howdy. Preparing for the quiz?"
Maximillian: "Yeah. I didn't see myself coming this far."

Clement: "Same."

Lucy: "Wow, you really decorated this room."

Tiffany: "Of course. I like to collect souvenirs from all my trips. I want to let my fans know where I've been to. It's fun keeping a collection like that."

Clement: "Howdy. Preparing for the quiz?"
Maximillian: "Yeah. I didn't see myself coming this far."

Clement: "Same."
Clement: "I take my hat off to ya, Max. I ain't got a clue how you can be so smart and just sit down and just read and study. I remember when I first saw you, you were a grumpy cat."
Clement: "Now you've changed so much. It's like watching a son grow into a man. To celebrate that, plus the fact that we were roommates till the end, I'm making us my famous hot dogs."
Maximillian: "You don't have to."
Clement: "Naw, I want to. To celebrate us getting this far. I'll make it less crispy this time, don't ya worry."
Clement: "We shared a room for so long, ya think we should've worked together from the start."
Maximillian: "We did help each other, at least initially. You looked so lost and helpless."
Maximillian: "But maybe it's best if we didn't work together. Maybe we would have misled each other and we wouldn't both be here today."
Clement: "You got a point. You always do."
Clement: "The Oakley-Wakefield's hot dogs are served!"
Clement: "Let's feast to the finale!"
Maximillian: "To the finale!"
Clement: "Ack! Put a little too much mustard."
Lucy: "Tiffany, have you seen my curler anywhere?"

Lucy: "Wow, you really decorated this room."

Tiffany: "Of course. I like to collect souvenirs from all my trips. I want to let my fans know where I've been to. It's fun keeping a collection like that."
Lucy: "You're really making it feel like home. Anyway, have you seen my curler?"
Tiffany: "Nope, but you can borrow mine if you want."
Tiffany: "Actually, I've got a better idea. I'll style your hair!"
Lucy: "No."
Tiffany: "Come on! Don't be a sourpuss. We're the only two gals left in the house. Let's have a gal's night out."
Tiffany: "We can dress each other and do each other's makeup..."
Lucy: "I'm not into that."
Tiffany: "I'm a pro. Just trust me. I know you'll mess my hair and face up but it's the experience that counts."
Tiffany: "It'll be fun! I promise."
Lucy: "Yawn. I suddenly feel really tired. And I decided I want my hair straight for tonight. Bye Tiffany."
Tiffany: "Some of us have got to loosen up."
Tiffany: "We made it this far. We should at least create the memories together while we still can. But Lucy is so stuck-up and antisocial. I get that she's confirmed to be in the finale but the rest of us aren't. It's time to have fun and get to know your fellow housemates while you still can."
It is time for the quiz. 10 questions about the Mole's identity. Whoever knows the least is executed.
It is time for the quiz. 10 questions about the Mole's identity. Whoever knows the least is executed.
Q1: Is the Mole male or female?
A: Male
B: Female
Q2: Are there more men or women taller than the Mole?
A: More men
B: More women
C: Equal men and women
Q3: Does the Mole have facial hair?
A: Yes
B: No
Q4: Did the Mole change rooms in Season 44?
A: Yes
B: No
Q4: Did the Mole change rooms in Season 44?
A: Yes
B: No
Q5: In Mission 9, did the Mole drive a car?
A: Yes
B: No
Q6: In Mission 9, what did the Mole answer initially for the third question?
A: A
B: B
C: C
Q7: In Mission 9, for the first question in the second round, what did the Mole pick at first?
A: Honda Civic and Toyota Corolla
B: Honda Civic and Lamborghini Gallardo
C: Toyota Corolla and Lamborghini Gallardo
A: A
B: B
C: C
Q7: In Mission 9, for the first question in the second round, what did the Mole pick at first?
A: Honda Civic and Toyota Corolla
B: Honda Civic and Lamborghini Gallardo
C: Toyota Corolla and Lamborghini Gallardo

Q8: Who did the Mole eventually choose to eliminate in Mission 9?
A: Maximillian Young
B: Tiffany Etsoos
Q9: What did the Mole get at the end of Mission 9?
A: Exemption
B: Correction
C: Bonus points
D: Nothing
Q10: Who is the Mole?
A: Lucy Neuwark
B: Maximillian Young
C: Clement Oakley-Wakefield
D: Tiffany Etsoos
Maximillian: "Never thought I'd have to make the decision of who to pick. I don't think I've been so nervous this season. I had my eye on Tiffany for the longest time. It doesn't make sense that someone as vacuous and lazy as her makes it this far unless she's the Mole."

"Maximillian Young, Clement Oakley-Wakefield, Tiffany Etsoos, the finale is right in front of you. However, one of you will be unable to join the rest. Be proud of yourselves for making it this far."

"Tiffany Etsoos!"

"Maximillian Young, Clement Oakley-Wakefield, Tiffany Etsoos, the finale is right in front of you. However, one of you will be unable to join the rest. Be proud of yourselves for making it this far."
"Lucy Neuwark is the first finalist this season. Who will the other two be?"
"Maximillian Young."
"You are..."
"...joining Lucy Neuwark in the finale!"
Maximillian: "Yes! Yes!"
Clement: "Congrats. Oh boy. One spot left."
"Clement Oakley-Wakefield,"
"Tiffany Etsoos,"
"One of you will be the last finalist, while the other will be the last victim to be executed. Watch the screen."
"The last finalist of the season is..."

"Tiffany Etsoos!"
Tiffany: "Yay! I did it! I did it! I'm in the finale!"
Maximillian: "Clement, sorry man."
Clement: "Naw, it's fine."
"Clement Oakley-Wakefield, you are unfortunately the last to be executed. Please pack your bags and leave."
Clement: "I'm damn proud of myself. Fourth place. I never dreamed of making it fourth. I always treated each execution ceremony as my last. I'm more than happy to be here. I hope my Daisy Duke and beautiful Brooklyn are proud of me too."
Lucy: "Clement is like a father. He's so unassuming and easy to get along with. I've seen how he warmed up to Aurora Skies and the other contestants here. He played a great game."
Clement: "This was an interesting experience. Never gonna forget this."
"Thank you for joining Clement. We hope to see you again."
"And the final three are known. Lucy Neuwark, Maximillian Young, Tiffany Etsoos, you have beaten so many other contestants and even one veteran to make it to the final three. However, one of you has always known that. Soon, questions will be answered. Who will win? What will the final pot be? Who is the Mole?"
"Did the Mole this season distance herself from the rest, never being able to fit in?"
"Or did the Mole try to pretend to hate the game to throw the others off his scent?"
"Perhaps the Mole never really did anything for the group."
Who is the Mole? You'll find out soon enough with the finale coming its way.
Next episode...
Tifany: "Oh my gosh! Are you seeing this? I am in the finale! I am a happy woman now."
Maximillian: "I gave the Smole another chance and it's giving me a chance too. I'm going to make full use of it. I'm going for the win."
Lucy: "The Mole has tell-tale signs. Every season there will be signs. Max and Tiffany are unlikely finalists. But one of them is the Mole."
"Finalists, your last mission is worth 50 points, all or nothing. Here in Aurora Skies, the concept of the Smole was birthed. There have been 43 successful seasons, but what nobody knows is that there is a season that nobody is aware of, a Season 0."
Tiffany: "Ooh, the producers have been hiding a humongous secret from us."
Lucy: "It's so dusty in here. It hasn't been opened in ages. They really wanted to keep this a secret."
Maximillian: "That's the only mission that we can read."
Tiffany: "I'm surprised there are no points."
Tiffany: "Do you think any of our journals could belong to the Mole?"
Lucy: "That is possible."
Maximillian: "If so, it might be mine. She maybe tried to pretend to be a contestant but gave up."
Lucy: "Then she wouldn't be a good Mole."
Maximillian: "And only one is still intact. The rest have been scribbled over, vandalised or its pages torn out. Why am I not surprised?"
Lucy: "He has quite a few drawings."
Tiffany: "None of which I understand."
Maximillian: "It was information overload and only two of us were processing the information."
Maximillian: "Oh, what is this?"
Lucy: "We have to make a guess. You think Adam is 5th and Melvin is 4th?"
Maximillian: "I have a strong intuition but we need facts to confirm this."
Tiffany: "Olga is it. The password is BMAOJY."
Tiffany: "Come on. You two are the smart ones. I'm sure you can figure out the last two positions."
Maximillian: "Lucy, what are you doing? Lucy, stop."
Lucy: "Too late."
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