In the previous episode...
"Finalists, your last mission is worth 50 points, all or nothing. Here in Aurora Skies, the concept of the Smole was birthed. There have been 43 successful seasons, but what nobody knows is that there is a season that nobody is aware of, a Season 0."
Maximillian: "Ooh, interesting."
Lucy: "Indeed. I did not know there was a secret season."
Tiffany: "So the first season was supposed to take place here?"
"Yes. However, it was a failure. This season was thus shoved under the rug, never to be talked about again."
Lucy: "How grunge."
Maximillian: "This is exciting. Time to solve a good mystery."
Tiffany: "This is where ideas come to die? That's so sad."
Lucy: "This guy needs to organise his notes better. I bet he didn't win."
Lucy: "Guys, I think the most important information are in the journals. Help read the journals."
Tiffany: "Oh my gosh, there are so many words in here. This guy has a few pages dedicated to each contestant. Just seeing this is giving me a headache."
Lucy: "He has quite a few drawings."
Tiffany: "None of which I understand."
Lucy: "Neither do I. How many of these are actually important to us?"
Tiffany: "Why do we care about what happened in the past anyway? It's all history now. I don't like this place. Can we get out of here soon?"
Lucy: "These boxes are nailed shut. The producers at that time really didn't want us finding out about this mission. If we can find a way to open these crates, we'll be able to solve the mystery."
Tiffany: "I'm going to take a nap. This is hard work. I need to recharge my brain to be able to help you guys."
Maximillian: "You never help."
Tiffany: "Guys, we don't need to destroy our brains over this. We only need 6 names for the password."
Lucy: "We have to make a guess. You think Adam is 5th and Melvin is 4th?"
Maximillian: "I have a strong intuition but we need facts to confirm this."
Lucy: "We don't have facts. Let's input that. Tiffany, also input Yvette as the last."
Lucy: "I'm in!"
Tiffany: "Yay! It worked!"
Maximillian: "We were actually right?"
Maximillian: "Help us think of the solution then."
Tiffany: "You're asking me? Aren't you supposed to be the smartest? You're a lawyer for goodness sake."
Lucy: "There's nothing of use on this computer. We were led on a wild goose chase."
Maximillian: "We're supposed to be working together."
Lucy: "I had to make a decision because the two of you weren't going to do it and we were almost out of time."
The game has been played. One of the three finalists will walk away with the 478/1000 points in the pot. Which among them will win: Maximillian Young, Tiffany Etsoos or Lucy Neuwark? And which among them is the Mole?
...and some dress up for the occasion.
Lucy: "You make a good point. Being flippant about your attire sends off a bad message. It would be disrespectful to not put in effort."
Tiffany: "Oh my gosh, you finally get it! Wait right here. I've got a bunch of dresses to choose from. I need your help deciding."
Tiffany: "So excited! The finale is almost here! Eek! I'm so glad that Lucy is in the final with me. At least I can get a second opinion about what to wear. Max can go and cry in a corner. Anyway, I have come up with the perfect look that will bedazzle all of you."

Maximillian: "I hope it's not too late for me to buck up. To be honest, I won't be too disappointed if I lose in the end because this has been an adventure in itself. If the producers can prove to me that they'll handle all matters carefully, starting from contestant selection, then maybe I'll live and let live. We'll see. The Smole needs to be put under probation and observation. If it ever stops one day...well, you know who caused it."

Maximillian: "I hope it's not too late for me to buck up. To be honest, I won't be too disappointed if I lose in the end because this has been an adventure in itself. If the producers can prove to me that they'll handle all matters carefully, starting from contestant selection, then maybe I'll live and let live. We'll see. The Smole needs to be put under probation and observation. If it ever stops one day...well, you know who caused it."
Tiffany: "You're such a nerd, Max. I always see you with your journal."
Maximillian: "It's called making last-minute preparations. You can never be too prepared."
Tiffany: "I don't believe in last-minute work. Besides, there are more important things to focus on."
Maximillian: "Like?"
Tiffany: "Like what you're going to wear to the finale! Surely you're not going to show up in that."
Tiffany: "If you really really need me help, feel free to approach me. I'm not as well-versed in men's fashion and I doubt you have a good wardrobe but I'll see what I can do."
Maximillian: "Thanks for the offer but I think I'll only think about that after the final quiz."
Maximillian: "I don't ever see you studying. It would be a miracle if you win."
Tiffany: "That's because I've got it all up here."
Tiffany: "I know who the Mole is. And I'll shock all of you in the finale ceremony."
Lucy: "Max and I have a weird relationship. We fight a lot in the missions but after that we're fine again. I think we both understand that we want the mission to be a success and that we're both playing hard at this game."
Lucy: "This show has transformed us."
Maximillian: "It has."
Q16: What were the three categories the Mole's pair had in Mission 5?
Q28: What colour is the chair the Mole is currently sitting on?

Howard: "Suure...Richard, hey. Looks like you didn't make it in the end. Funny how things turn out. You suspected me and I suspected you. And at the end of the day we're both here."
Richard: "Life does that. Your offer from the season still stands, right?"
Howard: "Of course. You have a number of mine. Ring me when you need me. I'll see what I can do."
"Tiffany wanted Charlemagne and herself to get the exemptions in the fourth mission. She didn't do much as she expected enough role-switching and chaos for the group to end up deviating from her picks each round. True enough, as the rounds progressed fewer and fewer points were earned."
"In the next mission, Tiffany gave poor clues that were already in scarcity. A lack of (useful) clues meant that her pair could not get a single photograph at all, ensuring that they would not earn any points."

Lucy: "Remember all the times we argued? We had so many differences in ideologies."
Maximillian: "We still do argue from time to time."
Lucy: "We can never somehow see eye to eye. But at the same time we're okay with each other."
Lucy: "That being said, I'll welcome a challenge any day."
Maximillian: "You know where to find me."
Maximillian: "The season is coming to a close. Weirdly enough, I quite enjoyed it. It's been so unpredictable and exciting for me, like I was sitting in a rollercoaster."
Maximillian: "Ever since I put my prejudice aside, I've felt more relaxed. It was pretty unfair of me to conflate my experiences and apply a blanket generalisation across all seasons and contestants, and even producers. That last mission gave me a deeper understanding of what goes on in the producer's minds, and how much effort they put into every season. To say they were sloppy was unwarranted. I take that back. It also made me realise how much things have changed."
Lucy: "But the soul never changes."
Lucy: "It's almost time to head out. May the best finalist win."
Maximillian: "May the best finalist win."
It is time for the final quiz.
30 questions about the identity of the Mole.
Whoever knows the least will be the runner-up of the season.
Whoever knows the most will win the game.
Q1: Is the Mole male or female?
A: Male
B: Female
Q2: How old is the Mole?
A: 24
B: 27
C: 34
Q3: What is the Mole's height?
A: 1.63m
B: 1.64m
C: 1.65m
Q4: What is the Mole's weight?
A: 42kg
B: 57kg
C: 70kg
Q5: What is the Mole's favourite colour?
A: #000000
B: #00A2E0
C: #43BD2C
Q6: What is the Mole's favourite food?
A: Mac and Cheese
B: Fruit Parfait
C: French Toast
Q7: Which of the following songs would the Mole like most?
A: Last Friday Night
B: Light Up Tonight
C: Lock My Heart Down
Q8: Which quilt does the Mole currently use to sleep in at night?
A: White floral print
B: Blue floral print
C: Blue checkered
Q9: Which of the following describes the Mole best?
A: The Loner
B: The Bane of the Smole
C: The Floater
Q10: What is the Mole's occupation?
A: Philosopher
B: Lawyer
C: Unemployed
Q11: In Mission 1, who was the Mole partnered with?
A: Lindsey Lorraine Shaw
B: Ignatius Fandango
C: Charlemagne Moon
Q12: Who poisoned the Mole in Mission 2?
A: Clarice Sanford
B: Richard Xyz
C: Vera Control
Q13: Which cup did the Mole poison in Mission 2?
A: Cup E
B: Cup G
C: Cup J
Q14: In Mission 4, what was the Mole's role in the third round?
A: Werewolf
B: Seer
C: Villager
Q15: In Mission 4, how many points could the Mole have brought in in total?
A: 5
B: 10
C: 15
Q16: What were the three categories the Mole's pair had in Mission 5?
A: Things that explode, What a flower might say, Mythological creatures
B: U.S. States, What a Frisbee might say, Things that make you laugh
C: Types of green, What a dress might say, Famous artists
Q17: Who was with the Mole in Mission 6?
A: Richard Xyz
B: Clement Oakley-Wakefield
C: Howard Barbarossa d'Kellie and Charlemagne Moon
Q18: In Mission 7, after voting, who sat directly opposite the Mole?
A: Richard Xyz
B: Clement Oakley-Wakefield
C: Nobody
Q19: Which dilemma did the Mole get in Mission 8?
A: The Last Will
B: The Slave's Reward
C: The Team Player
Q20: Which phrase appeared in the Mole's dilemma in Mission 8?
A: Your parents and sister will never know
B: The light at the end of the tunnel
C: Let sleeping dogs lie
Q21: In Mission 10, which car was the Mole in?
A: Red car
B: Blue car
C: Yellow car
Q22: In Mission 10, whose journal did the Mole pick up first?
A: Melvin Thomas
B: Adam Keeper
C: Yvette Hedrick
Q23: In Mission 10, what information could be found in the first journal the Mole took?
A: What the first mission was about
B: The time Adam Keeper jumped in the first mission
C: How far Peter Hoffman threw in the second mission
Q24: Which of the following was first noticed by the Mole in Mission 10?
A: The journals
B: The whiteboard
C: The quiz records
Q25: In Mission 10, did the Mole sit at the computer?
A: Yes
B: No
Q26: Which information was seen only by the Mole in Mission 10?
A: The instructions to get the password
B: The chain email
C: The thumbprints on the photographs
Q27: What is the name of the place at which Mole is taking the final quiz?
A: Groomed Grounds
B: Recreational Reserve
C: Perspective Park
Q28: What colour is the chair the Mole is currently sitting on?
A: #83BC1C
B: #78D940
C: #86C17D
Q29: How many exemptions did the Mole get this season?
A: 1
B: 2
Q30: Who is the Mole?
A: Lucy Neuwark
B: Maximillian Young
C: Tiffany Etsoos
Lucy: "Tiffany voted for who she wanted to return in the very first mission. As the Mole, she would want to pick someone she could get along with, as well as someone she picked beforehand so that no points could be earned."
Tiffany: "Oh my gosh, she's twerking! We've gotta bring her back. We'll be besties!"
Charlemagne: "多分我々は挑戦のために行くべきです。 Maybe we should try."
Tiffany: "Yeah, definitely try for Vera."
Tiffany: "Max showed that he is very good at fooling everyone. He escaped being caught as the werewolf, and then later as the killer. Both of that cost points."
In Round 3, Clarice was chosen as the werewolf. That is incorrect.
Maximillian was the werewolf.
Audrey: "The one who killed me is..."
Audrey: "My boyfriend!"
Maximillian: "Tiffany does absolutely nothing every time. I can say with certainty that she has brought in the least points out of all of us."
Maximillian: "Take that one. I'll try to see if I can see any more nearby."
Tiffany: "Do I really have to? It looks so icky."
Tiffany: "I'm going to take a nap. This is hard work. I need to recharge my brain to be able to help you guys."
Maximillian: "You never help."
Lucy: "Tiffany, can you do something for once?"
Lucy: "In Mission 9, Tiffany wasted a lot of time, especially when when trying to divide the rewards. Tiffany is the Mole."
Tiffany: "Tell me when you guys reach a decision. Then I'll change my answer."
Lucy: "I think this is another trick question. We have to be careful and think really hard about this."
Clement: "But thinkin' ain't my strong suit."
Lucy: "Not a chance. We can sit here all day and lose our entire pot, or we can distribute this fairly."
Tiffany: "At least give me a correction."
Clement: "Eh...alright. Can't bear to see a girl cry. I'll take the bonus points."
Tiffany: "Yipee! Thanks Clement! You're the best!"
Tiffany: "Clement and I were so sure of Richard's dilemma but Max didn't think we were smart enough to get it correct. In the end he was wrong. Max is def the Mole."
"Lucy has been locked in."
Clement: "I was right!"
Maximillian: "Then why didn't you insist that you were right?"
Maximillian: "Tiffany gave horrendous clues in the fifth mission. They should have been able to get something but instead they could not get a single category right at all. The Mole is Tiffany."
Tiffany: "Um...lime."
Clement: "Fruit?"
Tiffany: "No! Lime!"
Tiffany: "Um...Lime and...lime!"
Clement: "Sour fruit?"
The quiz has been taken. The game has been played. Only one thing left to do.
Deer: "Bleat!"
Deer: "Bleat bleat!"
The deer are excited for the finale and so are you. Without further ado, let's jump right into the finale ceremony!
Clarence: "I worked really hard. There are still so many things I want to do here. I can't believe my luck..."
Clarence: "This is much bigger and daunting than I thought."
Clement: "You do the honours."
Clarence: "We wish to bring back Jane Plain."
Clarence: "Your son must be so lucky to have such a wonderful chef as a mother."
Melinda: "You flatter me."
Clarence: "No!"
"Unfortunately, Clarence Winston, you have been the first to be executed. Please pack your bags and leave."

Vera: "I just came back. You can't get rid of me now..."
"Vera Control, you have received 4 votes. Congratulations. You are the last contestant of Season 44 of the Smole, and will receive your very first exemption!"
Vera: "You're boring."
Vera: "Ew, don't spit into my drink. I'm not done yet. What if your AIDS drips out of your saliva?"
Richard: "You have AIDS?"
Lindsey: "Wanna find out?"
Tiffany: "Hmm, are you secretly a pervert?"
Vera: "Me? No way. I just like to be myself."
Vera: "If I like something, I'm not afraid to show it."
Tiffany: "I can respect that. No wonder we're in a coalition."
Vera: "I'm back, bitches. Vera Control is going to slay all of you. What's not to love about this bitch?"
Vera: "WOO!"
Lindsey: "Fuck. I'm still processing this. I was expecting a different twist, but a double execution? So early in the game? That's brutal..."
Lindsey: "Hi there!"
Lindsey: "We're gonna rock this mission."
Lucy: "Uh-huh."
Lindesy: "Can you say something more than two syllables?"
"You have 20 minutes to decide. Thereafter, you will each personally say who you would want to play alongside."
Lindsey: "No frickin' way."
Lindsey: "Anyway, cute undies. Is that something else or are you just happy to see me?"
Lindsey: "All I know is that this bathroom is made for more than one to use at a time. Hence the two showers? And I thought you were smart."
Lindsey: "Maybe you like a quick job but I prefer someone who can ride with me till the end."
Howard: "Was that a euphemism?"
Lindsey: "Wow, cocky and dirty-minded. That's not a good look for you."
Lucy: "Her wit's as sharp as her tongue. I suggest you stop talking or you'll embarrass yourself further."
Lindsey: "Who died and made you Mole?"
Lindsey: "...This has been a mindfuck season thus far. If I was a virgin before I wouldn't be now."
Ignatius: "If that's the way it shall be, I accept. Perhaps my purpose here is complete, and I am no longer needed here..."
Maximillian: "I'm Maximillian Young but you can just call me Max."
Ignatius: "Ignatius Fandango."
Ignatius: "Only one cup is water. Someone will try to poison it. So I have to fight poison with poison."
Ignatius: "May the Watcher bless me."
Clarice: "Congratulations but I don't think anyone was expecting another contestant."
Vera: "Stop reading your book, you that the Bible? Oh my god, God doesn't exist. Don't buy into their bullshit."
Ignatius: "Do you dare defame Him like that?"
Ignatius: "Do you not realise we are but Sims? Why do you think we can sometimes walk into a room and forget what we are doing? It is because He cancelled the action. Why can we continue to sleep till a certain time even when our sleep motives are maxed? It is because of Him!"
Tiffany: "I'll see it every day and remember the day when Ignatius thought a mushroom was an exemption."
Ignatius: "What is this glowing disc?"
Ignatius: "Could it be a hidden exemption?"
Ignatius: "Wait, that isn't a hidden exemption?"
" just a mushroom."
Ignatius: "...I bid thee adieu, and may the Watcher guide you to all your goals."
Melinda: "I'll be lying if I said I wasn't disappointed in myself but I thought I had the Mole, so I needed to take a risk to make sure. This Mole is good. I hope the others find the Mole and win lots of money."
Melinda: "You're really tall."
Richard: "I think this is where you introduce yourself."
Melinda: "Oh silly me. I'm Melinda Rich."
Richard: "Melinda Rich? As in related to rapper Richie Rich?"
Melinda: "This is amazing. I've never been in a hot air balloon before."
Melinda: "I dropped my vial. Can I get another one?"
Melinda: "We all need to work together to succeed. We know the werewolf doesn't get an exemption for escaping, so why not be honest? I'm just a villager."
Melinda: "I'm just trying to help."
Melinda: "You did right guys."
Melinda: "Aah! Stay away!"
Melinda: "Oh no!"
Melinda: "I've been cornered."
Melinda: "It feels so weird, honestly. My son is a famous rapper and my husband is a retired stuntman but I'm a nobody."
Clarence: "You're not a nobody. You're Richie Rich's mom."
Melinda: "Oh shucks."
Clarice: "...Why can't things just go my way for once?"
Clarice: "What are you doing in my room?"
Vera: "It's my room now. They removed a bed."
Clarice: "Jonas, you cannot be so rude. Didn't your parents teach you manners?"
Maximillian: "We're here for the points, not to discipline another parent's child."
Clarice: "I have to. If my children were so rude I would wallop them. They must be set straight."
Clarice: "You can't run from me!"
Clement: "You're just a girl. You ain't outrunnin' me."
Clarice: "You'll regret saying that."
Clarice: "If you're really doing this...can I take a look?"
Clarice: "Can we keep it secret?"
Richard: "I think the others will catch on very quickly, but if you insist then I'm fine with trying to hide our coalition."
Clarice: "That's the game. You have to stay on top of things all the time."
Clarice: "If I could I would burn my whole journal."
Clarice: "I don't tolerate any kind of betrayal, not even emotional betrayal."
Clarice: "I couldn't take it lying down. I had to get back at him."
Clarice: "Nobody was supposed to know."
Charlemagne: "I really enjoyed my stay here. I can not believe that I was executed. I will miss the adventure and all of you."
Tiffany: "So what's your name? Or do you want me to just call you 'Moon'?"
Charlemagne: "Hai."
Tiffany: "We said hi already."
Charlemagne: "最初からペアになったのは運命でした。 It was destiny that I paired from the beginning."
Tiffany: "You mean that it's fate that we were paired together from the start? I'm totally understanding you now. It's settled then. We work together!"
Charlemagne: "誤解はありますか?Is there a misunderstanding?"
Charlemagne: "The building is huge."
Richard: "I like a challenge. We have no time to lose. We must comb every floor and leave no stone unturned."
Charlemagne: "Why is he under the stone?"
Charlemagne: "Eek!"
Charlemagne: "Oh no."
Charlemagne: "A dog!"
Lucy: "Fuck. That means Clarice wasn't the werewolf."
Charlemagne: "It was me."
Tiffany: "You're like...a jinx! You caused Lindsey and Vera's execution!"
Charlemagne: "I'm sorry."
Charlemagne: "I feel really guilty about what happened. That's my fault."
Charlemagne: "Will you forgive me?"
Charlemagne: "I think she found it."
Tiffany: "...Thanks for asking me to go there. I got to warm myself up, swim and become safe."
Clement: "Y'know, crazy lips aside, you're not too bad after all."
Charlemagne: "Sayonara!"
Howard: "Oh. I guess that's it for me."
Howard: "I'm just saying...look at Clarence. He's your typical nice guy and he's dead last. Nice guys finish last."
Lucy: "You're not a nice guy?"
Howard: "I'm not who you think I am."
Clarice: "We can't forget about the Mole's picks. Which two do you think the Mole picked?"
Howard: "It doesn't matter. We must pick someone who will benefit us in the long run, even if that costs 50 points."
Howard: "Excellent. Now that we have some points it won't be so bad if we spend the points on another clue."
Howard: "Two exemptions with our names on it."
Howard: "It looks like he didn't lock the drawer. Look what's in here."
Clarice: "I don't think you should do that. That's an invasion of personal space."
Howard: "I already did."
Howard: "I know how to play by the rules but can also play dirty. I think my experience will be valuable to you."
Howard: "So this is what it's all about. What's it to you?"
Lucy: "If you've got the balls, play the game the proper way. Don't resort to dirty tricks like blackmail."
Howard: "Please, you and I both know that playing fair will only get us executed."
Lucy: "What is that supposed to mean?"
Howard: "Aren't you interested in what her secret is?"
Lucy: "I...I already know. Don't play these tricks with me."
Howard: "And you think I'll pull the same trick twice?"
Lucy: "By the way, I heard you were once a cop. Why change routes?"
Howard: "I love the thrill of crime. It's always so exciting to nearly be caught."
Lucy: "Is going to jail really worth the risk?"
Howard: "Big risk, big payoff. While working on the upper side of the law I realised how inefficient and useless they were. The crooks and their lives were more interesting."
Howard: "Playing the victim won't get you anywhere. In fact, it makes you suspicious even more."
Howard: "You think I'm the bad guy here, but Clarice is the real wolf in sheep's clothing. All this while you've only heard her side of the story."
"Howard has been killed. Howard, please leave immediately."
Howard: "What the hell?"
Howard: "You don't have to be sorry for anything. I played my best, bringing a few suckers down with me. Unfortunately it looks like I mistrusted some of us here and that landed me in the final six. Can't complain though. I made it far."
Richard: "Fuck..."
Richard: "Attention! We've been under the same roof for so many days. But for some fucking reason we can't fucking put aside our differences and fucking work together to complete the missions. The pathetic state we're in? 375 out of 800 points. We aren't even halfway. And we're in the fucking final five. This is a pathetic group to pick finalists from."
Clarice: "I object."
Richard: "Overruled."
Tiffany: "You're not the boss any more."
Richard: "Caught you."
Clement: "Oi, no fair! Go catch someone else!"
Richard: "There's no such thing as fairness in war."
Tiffany: "Fastest round ever."
Richard: "It can't be that simple."
Clarice: "Thanks for giving me the exemption."
Richard: "I benefitted from it too."
Howard: "...I believe that two heads are better than one. Why not we team up?"
Richard: "You can't be trusted. You were the one who leaked Clarice's secret out. How do I know you're not leaking valuable intel out?"
Richard: "You and I both know we don't trust each other fully. We can continue playing pretend or we can just lay it on the table so that we get the most out of this coalition."
Richard: "I'm Mr. Sleaze."
Richard: "Speaking of Clement, that man doesn't realise how lucky he is. He has such a supportive, loving wife and daughter. And he's complaining about missing them. What I'd do to have a happy family."
Howard: "You conveniently omitted that information, dear."
Richard: "Don't do that. It's gay as fuck. Anyway, I hid it from you because I was afraid you would misunderstand."
Richard: "Be a man. Real men don't cry."
Clement: "If you have children you'll understand."
Richard: "What makes you think I don't?"
Richard: "I had a son too. Joined the army just like his old man."
Clement: "That's nice. He must look up to you. Do you miss him?"
Richard: "I do...but missing him won't bring him back."
Clement: "Where's he now?"
Richard: "Dead."
Clement: "It sounds like you've got a lot of hate in you."
Richard: "I'll get rid of it soon enough. Now that I have help."
Richard: "Like it or not we're stuck together. You have two options: leave the game right now, or listen to me."
Clement: "I'm damn proud of myself. Fourth place. I never dreamed of making it fourth. I always treated each execution ceremony as my last. I'm more than happy to be here. I hope my Daisy Duke and beautiful Brooklyn are proud of me too."
Clement: "Are you decent yet?"
Lindsey: "Yes..."
Clement: "You sure?"
Lindsey: "Oops, forgot to put a tampon in. I need to undress again."
Clement: "Sorry sorry sorry!"
Clement: "I ain't the werewolf, y'all!"
Howard: "There we have it, folks. Clement is the werewolf. Case closed."
Maximillian: "Why not we stick together? One more pair of eyes will help, especially since I'm only using four eyes now. And I'm including my specs."
Clement: "Err...naw, it's fine. Don't wanna get all three of us into trouble."
"Lucy has been locked in."
Clement: "I was right!"
Maximillian: "Then why didn't you insist that you were right?"
Clement: "We ain't as smart as them two. They should know this stuff more than us."
Clement: "I miss my home."
Clement: "I miss the warmth, I miss the horses, I miss my job. I miss my Daisy Duke and my Brooklyn. I wonder how everyone's doing at home."
Clement: "I'm a big man alone in this big big world."
Tiffany: "Ooh, so pretty! So beautiful!"
Clement: "My beautiful wife?"
Tiffany: "It's gorgeous."
Clement: "My baby girl?"
Clement: "Oh country roads, take me home~"
Clement: "Ay, don't cry. I hate it when girls cry."
Tiffany: "At least give me a correction."
Clement: "Eh...alright. Can't bear to see a girl cry. I'll take the bonus points."
Tiffany: "Yipee! Thanks Clement! You're the best!"
Clement: "Aw, come here."
Clement: "I've become more comfortable around y'all. But I want to depend on myself. If I ain't gettin' it through my own hard work, I ain't wantin' it."
Clement: "Y'know, I think we should be doing something. I can't just sit here all day doing nothin'. My wife and daughter will be disappointed if that's how I play the game."
Tiffany: "It's up to us to save the day."
Clement: "We've got to get this right. We need to save the rest."
Clement: "Home at last."
Howard: "Clarence, is that you? You look really different."
Clarence: "Figured I'd transform myself totally and stop half-assing things. I'm tired of being the good guy, the perfect student, the role model. That led me to last place. From now on, I'm going to be bad. I'm going to be the baddest guy you've ever met."
Howard: "Suure...Richard, hey. Looks like you didn't make it in the end. Funny how things turn out. You suspected me and I suspected you. And at the end of the day we're both here."
Richard: "Life does that. Your offer from the season still stands, right?"
Howard: "Of course. You have a number of mine. Ring me when you need me. I'll see what I can do."
Charlemagne: "Very beautiful tonight, Melinda."
Melinda: "Thank you.. My son chose this dress for me. I was worried it would be a bit much. He also hired a stylist for me."
Clarice: "That hair does look great...too bad it's also mine."
Melinda: "Sorry. I didn't expect us to have the same hairstyle."
Clarice: "Even on finale night things go wrong somewhere."
Charlemagne: "それほどささいなことは必要ありません。みんなゴージャスに見えます。You don't have to do that much. Everyone looks gorgeous."
Richard: "That disgusting slut is here to try and seduce someone again. To think I worked so closely with her."
Clarice: "The only reason why I came was to clear the air. The Smole portrayed me in such a bad light. I'm looking for Max to sue them. I can feel all the eyes on my back."
Ignatius: "What you did was utterly disgraceful and amoral. You need to make up for your sins before it is too late and you find yourself in a walled-up pool."
Melinda: "While I don't quite understand Ignatius, I do agree that it was wrong of you to take advantage of your father-in-law while he was vulnerable. I don't know how I'll be able to stay in the family if I were in your shoes."
Ignatius: "What do you mean you don't understand me? Moon is the one talking gibberish half the time here."
Clarice: "The TV somehow magically broke after I returned home and we decided that TV wasn't good for the child, so we banned it. Leander doesn't know how to use smartphones yet and I managed to get Raymond to believe they were trying to portray me as the villain of the season, so I have things under control right now. But I'm not letting Howard off."
Lindsey: "Howdy Handsome. Love the getup you have there. Really amps up the rugged look. Look at those bulging biceps."
Clement: "I ain't a piece of meat."
Lindsey: "Yes you are. We're all flesh. And you're many pieces of meat. Get my drift? Surely you'll be happy to see me like you were when we were alone in the room..."
Clement: "Oi! Don't spread rumours! Why ain't there other seats..."
Vera: "Loving the drama you're stirring. Keeps me occupied while waiting for this thing to start."
Vera: "But I think we should go talk to Clarice instead. That's where the most fun is."
Lindsey: "I'd swap with Clarice but then again I think Clarice would rather sit with Sims."
"Contestants, welcome to the finale ceremony for the Smole, Season 44. Tonight we are gathered here to witness who among the three have been lying the whole time."
"The finalists are upstairs. These past few weeks, we've seen a lot of them. Some of them have changed while others stayed the same throughout. One of them had a hidden role not known to the rest, but tonight, the Mole will be unmasked."
"If at least one of the three finalists have figured out who the Mole is, he or she will leave with at least 478,000 Simoleons. Who will it be?"
"Is it Maximillian Young, the young lawyer who's grown to love what he once hated?"
"Or is it Lucy Neuwark, the philosopher who sought a better life?"
"Or is it Tiffany Etsoos, the self-important girl who treats her dreams as reality?"
"The winner of the Smole, Season 44 is..."
"Maximillian Young!"
Melinda: "Good job Max! Your mother will be so proud of you!"
Ignatius: "And you were saying that Max could be the Mole."
Clement: "You did great, Max!"
Lindsey: "The bane of the Smole wins the Smole? What has this world turned to?"
Maximillian: "This is incredible. I'm speechless. This is beyond my wildest imagination. Never in my life did I think I would win the Smole, the very game I swore to take down. I remember before I left, I told my fiancee that there is no way I'm making it past the first two executions. And today, I'm standing here as the winner. This is so awesome. I'm glad the Smole gave me a chance to win this show. I'll never forget this day."
"Thank you for joining, Max. You are indeed the winner of the Smole, and you can take home the 478/1000 points in the pot assuming you have the correct Mole...which begs the question: who is the Mole?"
Melinda: "I always suspected Lucy was hiding something. Seeing her in the finale, I'm pretty sure she's the Mole."
Ignatius: "I agree that Lucy would make a more satisfying and believable Mole. It fits in with the clues like the many night missions as well."
Howard: "Who do you think it is, Mr. Bad Boy?"
Clarence: "I'm the most distant from this game so I'm most likely wrong but if I had to choose, I'll pick Lucy. She fits the Mole persona and vibe more."
Howard: "I feel alone in this but I think it's Tiffany. Objectively, she does nothing for the group, but she is so blatant that I dismissed her."
Richard: "You're picking Tiffany? Then I'm going for Lucy. I'm sure I'm right."
Vera: "Tiffany and I were in a coalition. I know her. It can't be her. Therefore it must be Lucy. Imagine the scandal if it was Tiffany though."
Lindsey: "I do think Tiffany is physically incapable of Mole sabotages."
Clement: "I always knew it was one of the women but I can't decide which one. I think I went with Lucy the other time so this time I'm picking Tiffany."
"Is the Mole as per what the others have thought?"
"Or has the Mole been underestimated and overlooked this season?"
"The Mole of Season 44..."
" none other than..."
Q10: Who is the Mole?
A: Lucy Neuwark
Q10: Who is the Mole?
H: Ignatius Fandango
Q10: Who is the Mole?
H: Ignatius Fandango
Q10: Who is the Mole?
C: Richard Xyz
Q10: Who is the Mole?
A: Lucy Neuwark
Q10: Who is the Mole?
D: Howard Babarossa d'Kellie
Q10: Who is the Mole?
B: Richard Xyz
Q10: Who is the Mole?
B: Richard Xyz
Q10: Who is the Mole?
A: Lucy Neuwark
Q10: Who is the Mole?
A: Lucy Neuwark
"He was a boy, she was a girl~"
Tiffany: "Can I make it any more obvious?"
"Ladies and gentlemen, your Mole this season: Tiffany Etsoos!"
Richard: "What the fuck? You mean the girl who does absolutely nothing is the Mole?"
Lindsey: "I can't believe that I was in a coalition with the Mole! I share Richard's sentiment: You mean the girl who can't be bothered to do any good Mole sabotages or proper good TV is the Mole?"
Vera: "Hate all you want. I think this is the result I'm happiest with. You got me good, Tiffany."
Charlemagne: "いいえ!私が彼女と仕事をするまで私はティファニーを疑った。それから私は彼女が1つになることはできないと思いました。No! I doubted Tiffany until I worked with her. Then I thought that she could not be one."
Clarice: "We overestimated this season's Mole to be a good one. What is her montage going to be? Her just sitting around doing her nails?"
Howard: "You were wrong."
Clarence: "As I expected."
Ignatius: "Tiffany did fool most of us here, so she did do her job as the Mole, and a good job too."
Tiffany: "Hi guys! It's been so long. I heard you are disappointed thatI'm the Mole but youMre just saying that because you suck and didn't win. To be honest, it was very stressful for me at first when I was first told I would be the Mole. I had so many great predecessors and expectations to live up to and the worst part is I couldn't share the news with everyone. Luckily I sorted out my thinking. A lousy Mole is still a Mole. I get to enjoy an all-expenses paid trip to Auora Skies. And, I don't need to care about studying and quizzes. Who cares what everyone else thinks?"
"Congratulations Tiffany. As the Mole, you have kept 522/1000 points out of the pot. Your name has been put down on the quizzes 14 times in total, so 14 points go to the winner who gets 492,000 Simoleons. However, you still get the biggest share of 508,000 Simoleons! A job well done!"
"Let us invite the runner-up to grace the finale. A hand for Lucy Neuwark!"
Lucy: "It's been a pleasure to be a part of the Smole, especially since I thought I wouldn't get another chance after dropping out. My indecisiveness had a part to play in my loss but that is my fault. I'm flattered that so many of you thought I could be the Mole but it also shows that I'll be a bad one that is easily spotted by the rest. Clarence already put my name down in the first quiz. Don't be so hard on Tiffany. Everyone played their part in creating a memorable experience, including our own selves. Instead of applying our own bias and expectations, perhaps we should learn from Max Young and take the facts as they are. I would like to congratulate him."
"Congratulations to Lucy and to all the finalists."
Lucy: "By the way, I thought you were going to change up your hair?"
Tiffany: "I was, but then I was afraid that my fans couldn't recognise me. Besides, this hairstyle is best suited for me for this dress."
"Lucy mentioned an interesting point. Maximillian, Lucy, the two of you are the only ones in the final six to have been onto Tiffany. However, three of you here have suspected Tiffany before."
"The last one is Charlemagne Moon, who actually identified Tiffany as the Mole in the first quiz. Unfortunately, her coalition with Tiffany marred her vision and she began to lose sight of the Mole. Nevertheless, for being one of the only three contestants to have ever suspected the Mole, she deserves recognition."
Charlemagne: "Arigato."
"Apart from that, we can also see the full list of cumulative scores this season. Some interesting things to note:
Only three contestants showed an overall increase from start to finish: Maximillian, Lucy and Clement.
Howard managed to get a 5 in his first four quizzes.
Lucy and Clement were really close. At one point in time they had tied in their cumulative scores. However, Clement later surpassed Lucy and if not for her exemption, Clement would have been in the finale instead of Lucy.
Generally, everyone was quite close this season. It was a tough race that Maximillian eventually won."
"Now that we know who the Mole is, it is time to share her sabotages. Generally, Tiffany didn't try too hard to sabotage...or to do anything, for that matter."
"In the first mission, Tiffany chose Vera Control and Lewis Stewart. Without trying too hard to go for someone, she then voiced her opinion All she needed to do was to convince Charlemagne to pick Vera, who would then go on to convince the rest to pick Vera, losing the first 50 points."
Tiffany: "Oh my gosh, she's twerking! We've gotta bring her back. We'll be besties!"
Charlemagne: "多分我々は挑戦のために行くべきです。 Maybe we should try."
Tiffany: "Yeah, definitely try for Vera."
"In the third mission, Tiffany didn't do anything to help. Maximillian was the one who found most of the eggs. Tiffany did not even want to pick them up, leaving Maximillian to do everything himself. She even got herself caught by Howard. This led Maximillian to suspect her."
Tiffany: "Found one. I'm not touching it."
Maximillian: "It really isn't that bad, Tiffany. Just try touching it."
Tiffany: "And risk...I don't know, cancer? No way."
Maximillian: "Fine. We'll both go together and reach for it, okay?"
Tiffany: "Did you touch me, Max?"
Maximillian: "I'm over here. How would I have touched you withou..."
Howard: "Surprise."
Tiffany: "Noooo! I'm frozen!"
"Tiffany wanted Charlemagne and herself to get the exemptions in the fourth mission. She didn't do much as she expected enough role-switching and chaos for the group to end up deviating from her picks each round. True enough, as the rounds progressed fewer and fewer points were earned."
"... You do not earn 5 points."
"You are the tanner. You can get a hidden exemption if you are chosen to stay behind. You do not earn 10 points."
"You are the robber. You can secretly swap roles with someone else by swapping the recordings. You do not earn 20 points."
Howard: "Two exemptions with our names on it."
Richard: "Not exactly. They have Tiffany and Moon's names on it. And the white one says that only Moon can claim the 20 points."
"In the next mission, Tiffany gave poor clues that were already in scarcity. A lack of (useful) clues meant that her pair could not get a single photograph at all, ensuring that they would not earn any points."

Tiffany: "Moi."
Clement: "Huh?"
Tiffany: "Je, mi, moi."
Clement: "Foreign languages."
Tiffany: "No! Me!"
Clement: "Tiffanies?"
"Again, in the next mission, Tiffany did nothing to help find points. She ignored the circles on her map completely."
Howard: "Are you sure you're helping to search?"
Tiffany: "I am. It could be in this drink!"
"Tiffany had a lot of important information in the seventh mission. However, she hardly mentioned them. This helped to cover Maximillian's tracks, allowing him to lose 120 points for an exemption. When the group seemed to believe Clement was the killer, all she needed was to vote in their favour. She also refused to go near the crime scene and help solve the mystery."
Tiffany: "My character info actually said something about the Boyfriend thinking it was me and the Colleague who killed Audrey and is trying to extort money from us or he'll report us. But he finally realised that we were scapegoats and the true killer is The Ex-Husband."
"For Mission 8, Tiffany knew what the correct answers were. She occasionally gave the right answer but chose not to bring too much attention to it or insist she was right. As a result, Lucy and Richard were locked in, instantly preventing 40 points from reaching the pot. When she wasn't suggesting the correct answer, she would disagree and waste a lot of time."
Clement: "We can't reach an agreement and we already took 5 minutes."
Tiffany: "Why couldn't they just ask if Max loved his parents or something? We know the answer to that...I hope."
"In the penultimate mission, Tiffany once again contributed nothing. When answers were wrong, she would just go along with the group. When there was disagreement, she would choose to listen to those who were wrong. When everyone seemed to agree on the right answer, she would try and cast doubt. She also wasted a lot of time in the mission, and in this mission where time meant money, her dawdling cost a lot of points. By getting rid of someone she thought would pose the biggest threat to mission failure, she also kept more points at bay. Ultimately, her brinkmanship with Lucy nearly cost the entire pot this season if not for Clement's intervention."
Maximillian: "We're all in unison except for you, Tiffany. It's time for you to change your answers."
Tiffany: "We shouldn't give in to peer pressure, Clement. That's called bullying."
Maximillian: "Tiffany, do something!"
Clement: "We ain't as smart as them two. They should know this stuff more than us."
Tiffany: "Fine, fine. Where is that button?"
Clement: "Hurry up!"
Tiffany: "Shh! Don't rush me."
"Time is up. You have not reached an agreement so no points are earned."
Tiffany: "Are you sure we should be listening to Max? He gave us a lot of wrong answers."
Tiffany: "Tell me when you guys reach a decision. Then I'll change my answer."
Lucy: "Not a chance. We can sit here all day and lose our entire pot, or we can distribute this fairly."
"Tiffany did not help in the last mission. She had first access to Melvin Thomas's journal which contained a lot of information but she did not share what she read. What she did was to add to the confusion and general frustration of the group. When the group was headed in the wrong direction, she knew she could just sit back and relax."
Lucy: "Tiffany, what's in your journal?"
Tiffany: "Boring stuff. The missions sound so boring."
Tiffany: "I'm going to take a nap. This is hard work. I need to recharge my brain to be able to help you guys."
Maximillian: "You never help."
Lucy: "We never made it a point to check on Tiffany or bother too much about her because we knew she wouldn't be useful in the missions. I should have realised that her lack of help was a clue that we were going in the wrong way, because she would try to mislead us when we were on the right track as seen in the ninth mission."
Maximillian: "She really played up her dumb persona."
Lindsey: "Oh honey, believe me when I say she's not playing anything."
"I'm sure most of you are interested in seeing the clues this season. How did we know it was Tiffany?"
"The first clue can be caught by the viewers. The first letter of the first confessional in every episode spelled out 'The Mole: Tiffany Etsoos'. To quote Tiffany, 'can I make it any more obvious?'"
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Episode 1 |
Lindsey: "This is incredible..."
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Episode 2 |
Clarice: "Happy isn't the word I'd use to describe Vera coming back to the game..."
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Episode 3 |
Howard: "Ehh,.."
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Episode 4 |
Ignatius: "Melinda can be...."
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Episode 5 |
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Episode 7 |
Clarice: "Excuse me Howard..."
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Episode 10 |
Richard: "Fucking hell..."
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Episode 12 |
Tiffany: "And behold, my exemption.."
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Episode 13 |
Tiffany: "No..."
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Episode 14 |
Maximillian: "Yes.."
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Episode 15 |
Lucy: "Exactly how did Tiffany, Max and Clement make it so far..."
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Episode 16 |
Richard: "This lot needs to learn the meaning of camaraderie..."
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Episode 17 |
Lucy: "Sounds like fun."
"The next clue was seen whenever someone was executed. The execution screen was an off-red colour. Looking into the RGB colour code, one would find that it is 164,44,42. Tiffany is 164cm and weighs 42kg. She is also the 44th Mole."
"The first quiz asked about the Mole's favourite Disney/Pixar movie. Tiffany's favourite movie is Sleeping Beauty, of which the protagonist is called Aurora. This season happens to take place in Aurora Skies, so the season is paying homage to the Mole's favourite movie."
Q5: Which Disney/Pixar movie is the Mole's favourite?
A: Snow White
B: Zootopia
C: The Incredibles
D: Tangled
E: The Princess and the Frog
F: Wreck-it-Ralph
G: Beauty and the Beast
H: Coco
I: The Lion King
J: Cinderella
K: The Hunchback of Notre Dame
L: Sleeping Beauty
M: Mulan
"In the fourth mission, contestants who made it to the end would notice a room full of things like rescue tools, a ship, a plane and a life buoy. The lights also blinked in Morse code, signalling SOS, and the Morse code for SOS is written on a board. All these items are used or seen when someone sends out an SOS signal. In other words, it is an SOS set. Re-scramble the letters to form Etsoos, Tiffany's surname."
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Tilt your head to see the code on the board. Three dots, three dashes, three dots. |
"In Mission 5, the categories that Tiffany had were related to her. Her favourite colour is lime, a type of green. She believes she is a famous makeup artist online, and she wears a dress."
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"Famous makeup artist" |
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Lime |
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Tiffany wears a dress |
"The cafe they visited for the mission, which is this very cafe, also housed several other clues. There was a photograph of Sinan Can, a contestant from Season 19 of the Dutch Smole. He was known for doing nothing on the season like Tiffany. There was also a quote: I'll never get used to anything. Anybody that does they might as well be dead. This is a quote from the movie Breakfast at Tiffany's."
Tiffany: "The cafe had such an Aurora Skies vibe and really gelled well with the surroundings. The inside was so cozy, perfect for hiding in on a cold winter day like today. It was very homely with beautiful paintings and inspirational quotes like 'I'll never get used to anything. Anybody that does they might as well be dead.' The most amazingest part is that so many famous peeps like Lola Belle, Justin Bieber and Sinan Can have visited this place before. Their photos are hanging on the wall in this very cafe! I really love the colour in this town and its charm is really growing on me."
"In Mission 7, more Breakfast at Tiffany's references could be seen. The name of the victim was Audrey Capote. Audrey Hepburn acted as the main character in the movie, whereas Truman Capote was the author of the book. The victim also resembled Holly Golightly, the protagonist of the aforementioned movie.
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Audrey Capote |
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Holly Golightly |
"The Wi-fi password was S4E32. The 32nd episode of the 4th season of Spongebob Squarepants is titled 'The Pink Purloiner'--Tiffany's nickname in the mission. What is special about this episode? It is the source of a famous meme where Patrick Star crosses off the only item on his to-do list: nothing. Patrick Star did nothing. Tiffany also did nothing."
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From S4E32: "The Pink Purloiner" |
"Tiffany was known as the floater. This season there were several images of floating objects, such as snowflakes, life buoys (in the fourth mission, beside the elevator) and rubber ducks."
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In Episode 14 you can see a rubber duck. |
"In Mission 9, the only question that was relevant was the last one. The first song that could be heard was Avril Lavigne's Complicated. In particular, Tiffany was the one who sang the line 'Why do you have to go and make things so complicated?' This is directed at Lucy and everyone else who over-complicated matters and thought the Mole would come up with more complex sabotages."
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Notice the tilde (~) is not present when Tiffany sings. She's not singing it; she's saying it. |
"Uh-huh, life's like this~"
Tiffany: "I recognise that song! Why do you have to go and make things so complicated?"
"The final clue is in the final mission. In Season 0, May Wizard was the Mole. Her quiz result could be found. However, the Mole shouldn't have a quiz result. This means that her quiz result was actually the answer key. In fact, this is the answer key for the final 5 quiz this season as well. Comparing the questions and options, one would find that all the options point to Tiffany."
"Those are the clues and the sabotages. Congratulations once again to the Mole and the winner. We hope that you had an enjoyable and enriching season in Aurora Skies. Till next time."
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