In the previous episode...
Clement: "Aw, come here."
Lucy: "Since when do you care about the Smole?"
Lucy: "It's good to see that you're finally trying to appreciate the Smole from a different angle."

"Tiffany Etsoos!"
Clement: "We shared a room for so long, ya think we should've worked together from the start."
Maximillian: "We did help each other, at least initially. You looked so lost and helpless."
Maximillian: "But maybe it's best if we didn't work together. Maybe we would have misled each other and we wouldn't both be here today."
Clement: "You got a point. You always do."
Tiffany: "Actually, I've got a better idea. I'll style your hair!"
Lucy: "No."
Tiffany: "Come on! Don't be a sourpuss. We're the only two gals left in the house. Let's have a gal's night out."
"...joining Lucy Neuwark in the finale!"
Maximillian: "Yes! Yes!"
Clement: "Congrats. Oh boy. One spot left."
"One of you will be the last finalist, while the other will be the last victim to be executed. Watch the screen."
"The last finalist of the season is..."

"Tiffany Etsoos!"
Tiffany: "Yay! I did it! I did it! I'm in the finale!"
Maximillian: "Clement, sorry man."
Clement: "Naw, it's fine."
"Clement Oakley-Wakefield, you are unfortunately the last to be executed. Please pack your bags and leave."
Clement gave up his chance at getting a correction and he ended up being the last one to be executed. Lucy, Tiffany and Maximillian are the three finalists this season, but which one of them is the Mole?
Tifany: "Oh my gosh! Are you seeing this? I am in the finale! I am a happy woman now."
Maximillian: "I gave the Smole another chance and it's giving me a chance too. I'm going to make full use of it. I'm going for the win."
Lucy: "The Mole has tell-tale signs. Every season there will be signs. Max and Tiffany are unlikely finalists. But one of them is the Mole."
"Finalists, your last mission is worth 50 points, all or nothing. Here in Aurora Skies, the concept of the Smole was birthed. There have been 43 successful seasons, but what nobody knows is that there is a season that nobody is aware of, a Season 0."
Maximillian: "Ooh, interesting."
Lucy: "Indeed. I did not know there was a secret season."
Tiffany: "So the first season was supposed to take place here?"
"Yes. However, it was a failure. This season was thus shoved under the rug, never to be talked about again."
"You will be brought to a warehouse where all the ideas were destroyed and abandoned. There are eight contestants in this season: Melvin Thomas, Adam Keeper, Peter Hofferman, Bjorn Bruijn, Yvette Hedrick, May Wizard, June Nightingale and Olga Ellis. You have half an hour to find out the placing of each contestant to earn the 50 points. Good luck."
Tiffany: "Ooh, the producers have been hiding a humongous secret from us."
Lucy: "How grunge."
Maximillian: "This is exciting. Time to solve a good mystery."
Tiffany: "This is where ideas come to die? That's so sad."
Lucy: "It's so dusty in here. It hasn't been opened in ages. They really wanted to keep this a secret."
Maximillian: "There is a computer."
Maximillian: "A password is required. Of course."
Lucy: "There are a few journals here: Melvin Thomas, Adam Keeper and Yvette Hedrick."
Lucy: "I'll read Adam's journal."
Maximillian: "There are a lot of clippings and notes here. A lot of it is old and faded though. I can see which locations they were planning for the season on this map though."
Lucy: "This guy needs to organise his notes better. I bet he didn't win."
Tiffany: "There is a summary of a mission here. Contestants have to play musical chairs, where one contestant is eliminated each time. There were 4 rounds to this and the ultimate winner would get an exemption."
Maximillian: "That's the only mission that we can read."
Tiffany: "I'm surprised there are no points."
Lucy: "Guys, I think the most important information are in the journals. Help read the journals."
Tiffany: "Do I have to?"
Maximillian: "Yes. I'll read Yvette's journal. You take Melvin's."
Tiffany: "Oh my gosh, there are so many words in here. This guy has a few pages dedicated to each contestant. Just seeing this is giving me a headache."
Maximillian: "Yvette only wrote about parachuting. I think that's the first mission. She must have been executed first."
Lucy: "Adam wrote quite a bit. Mission 1: Yvette, June, Melvin and Peter did not parachute. Only half the points were earned. May took a lot of convincing from Bjorn. Olga jumped first, followed by me. May jumped next and Bjorn was the last to parachute."
Tiffany: "I can corroborate what he said. This guy Melvin's first page is on Adam Keeper. He wrote that Adam jumped second at the 6 minute mark."
Tiffany: "Do you think any of our journals could belong to the Mole?"
Lucy: "That is possible."
Maximillian: "If so, it might be mine. She maybe tried to pretend to be a contestant but gave up."
Lucy: "Then she wouldn't be a good Mole."
Maximillian: "We should be able to confirm that Yvette is last."
Lucy: "Mission 2: June dropped the ball at the starting point. Peter threw the furthest..."
Maximillian: "They have physical archives of the quizzes here."
Maximillian: "And only one is still intact. The rest have been scribbled over, vandalised or its pages torn out. Why am I not surprised?"
Maximillian: "The answer key isn't in here, but there are five contestants who appear here. We can confirm that they made it into the final five...or six, considering the Mole doesn't take quizzes."
Maximillian: "What's interesting is that Olga's quiz results are underlined and there is a 'SAFE' stamped next to it."
Lucy: "I think this implies that Olga scored the lowest with someone else but survived on time."
Maximillian: "I need to sit through and analyse each option...this is going to take a while. They should have provided the correct answers. At least we know that none of these are the Mole because the Mole doesn't have a quiz result."
Lucy: "Tiffany, what's in your journal?"
Tiffany: "Boring stuff. The missions sound so boring."
Lucy: "Oh, there is a piece of paper in this journal. It's a drawing of six contestants standing in a circle."
Lucy: "I can't read his chicken scratching but I think May's opposite Olga, June is opposite Melvin and Adam is opposite Peter."
Lucy: "He has quite a few drawings."
Tiffany: "None of which I understand."
Lucy: "Neither do I. How many of these are actually important to us?"
Tiffany: "Why do we care about what happened in the past anyway? It's all history now. I don't like this place. Can we get out of here soon?"
Maximillian: "If nothing much changed, I can confirm that all five thought the Mole was a woman. How do I know who they suspected though? Can I go by the order listed here?"
Maximillian: "I think I identified all the discrepancies. Olga made the most mistakes but if she's tied, then someone has to have made the same number of mistakes as her. But nobody did. Unless she has an exemption which means someone else went home instead. It is interesting to note that both Peter and May answered exactly the same way. They must be in a coalition. In that case, May isn't option E because she wouldn't pick herself."
Maximillian: "I think it's either Adam or Melvin who would have been executed as 5th but I can't figure out who. There must be more information elsewhere."
Tiffany: "Looks like someone tried to clean up the place a long time ago but gave up. There are gross stains on that towel."
Lucy: "These boxes are nailed shut. The producers at that time really didn't want us finding out about this mission. If we can find a way to open these crates, we'll be able to solve the mystery."
Maximillian: "I'll take a look at another journal."
Maximillian: "Oh, I didn't realise there were photographs hung all the way up there. Three photos: June, Melvin and Yvette. All have a red thumbprint on them. They must be executed."
Maximillian: "So Olga jumped in the first mission, threw decently in the second mission, Olga was completely useless in the third mission and in the next mission only recognised 2 songs."
Tiffany: "Found anything interesting?"
Maximillian: "There's a lot of information to sift through. What about you?"
Maximillian: "It was information overload and only two of us were processing the information."
Tiffany: "I'm going to take a nap. This is hard work. I need to recharge my brain to be able to help you guys."
Maximillian: "You never help."
Maximillian: "Oh, what is this?"
Maximillian: "Melvin fell sick during the season. But he was stupid to let the others sign on his journal. What if they peeked into it?"
Lucy: "Max, switch journals with me? I can't find the last one."
Maximillian: "I put it with the quiz archival. But there's nothing of use in there. It's pretty bare. I want to look at Adam's journal too."
Lucy: "Tiffany, can you do something for once?"
Tiffany: "Fine. I'll look at the scenery...ooh, what's this? To get the password, input 6 contestants in order. Then, take the first letter of each name."
Maximillian: "Adam wrote about four missions too. And he mentioned that musical chairs one on the board. We know that's the final 5 mission."
Lucy: "Adam is 5th? What about Melvin?"
Maximillian: "I think he's 4th, given that there were 5 different handwritings on the last page, one of which was his."
Tiffany: "Guys, we don't need to destroy our brains over this. We only need 6 names for the password."
Lucy: "We have to make a guess. You think Adam is 5th and Melvin is 4th?"
Maximillian: "I have a strong intuition but we need facts to confirm this."
Lucy: "We don't have facts. Let's input that. Tiffany, also input Yvette as the last."
Maximillian: "Time is running out. We only have three names. In the only quiz record found, most of them chose E. Bjorn was the only one who didn't appear. Bjorn should be the Mole."
Lucy: "What about June?"
Maximillian: "June had a red thumbprint on her photo. It was above the journals. She was executed like Yvette, so she can't be the Mole. June is 7th."
Tiffany: "We have Bjorn as Mole, Melvin as 4th, Adam as 5th, June as 7th and Yvette as 8th. We need one more name."
Lucy: "I'm thinking about the well wishes left in Melvin's journal. Why was that included? There were four wishes, but it is possible that not everyone wrote in it."
Maximilian: "If we can figure out who wrote the other messages in Melvin's journal, it may help. One of them is Adam's but who are the rest?"
Lucy: "Let me look at the quiz results."
Lucy: "Peter and May had the exact answer. I think this is supposed to lead us to think that they are the finalists."
Maximillian: "Are you sure we can conclude that from one quiz? We must remember that if this was supposed to be the first season, the format would have been slightly different. Quizzes would have been independent of each other so they could ace one quiz and flunk the next."
Lucy: "They only provide this much info for a reason. We can't decide who is first and who is runner-up, but we know that the last one remaining must be sixth."
Tiffany: "Olga is it. The password is BMAOJY."
Lucy: "Let's try it."
Tiffany: "I hope it works. Then our job here will be done and I can finally return to sanity. Staying in here too long is not good for my complexion."
Lucy: "I'm in!"
Tiffany: "Yay! It worked!"
Maximillian: "We were actually right?"
Lucy: "I see the application forms of the eight contestants. It contains their basic information but all of this is before the season took place."
Tiffany: "Come on. You two are the smart ones. I'm sure you can figure out the last two positions."
Lucy: "This is the only folder on the compter."
Tiffany: "What if the Mole had already deleted the files?"
Maximillian: "How? None of us had access to the computer."
Tiffany: "I meant the previous Mole. That Bjorn guy or whatever."
Tiffany: "Hurry up Lucy. I can't take the horrible smell any longer."
Maximillian: "Help us think of the solution then."
Tiffany: "You're asking me? Aren't you supposed to be the smartest? You're a lawyer for goodness sake."
Lucy: "Peter is 34 years old, May is 25. He's a Virgo she's a Libra."
Tiffany: "I think Libras are smarter. That makes May the winner."
Lucy: "Oh, there's an inbox open in the taskbar."
Lucy: "It's just a bunch of emails saying 'test' and 'hi' over and over again."
Tiffany: "I feel like we're being rick-rolled. And that is so 2010."
Maximillian: "When were the emails sent?"
Lucy: "9 years ago."
Tiffany: "What could that mean?"
Maximillian: "Go back to the app forms. I want to take a look at them again."
Lucy: "There's nothing of use on this computer. We were led on a wild goose chase."
Maximillian: "Lucy, what are you doing? Lucy, stop."
Lucy: "Too late."
Maximillian: "What the hell?"
Lucy: "We didn't have time. If we didn't key in an answer at all we would guarantee nothing is earned."
Tiffany: "Can you guys not fight again? It's so unoriginal."
"Contestants, you have keyed in your answer. You believe that May Wizard won the season, Bjorn Bruijn was the Mole, Peter Hoffman was runner-up, Melvin Thomas was fourth, Adam Keeper was fifth, Olga Ellis was sixth, June Nightingale was seventh and Yvette Hedrick was eighth."
"You were wrong. That means no points have been earned. Peter Hoffman won the season. May Wizard was the Mole, Olga Ellis was runner-up, Melvin Thomas was fourth, Adam Keeper was fifth, June Nightingale was sixth, Bjorn Bruijn was seventh and Yvette Hedrick was eighth."
Maximillian: "We're supposed to be working together."
Lucy: "I had to make a decision because the two of you weren't going to do it and we were almost out of time."
Maximillian: "We were pretty off. What baffled me was how we could still access the computer, but afterwards I realised we would access different accounts depending on the password we typed in, so we must have typed in the wrong one which led to a bunch of useless stuff."
Lucy: "We didn't get it right but learning about the production process was cool."
With 0/50 points to wrap up the season, the pot stands at a grand total of 478/1000 points. Who will win it home? Who is the Mole?
Next episode...
Maximillian: "I don't ever see you studying. It would be a miracle if you win."
Tiffany: "That's because I've got it all up here."
Tiffany: "I know who the Mole is. And I'll shock all of you in the finale ceremony."
Lucy: "It's almost time to head out. May the best finalist win."
Maximillian: "May the best finalist win."
It is time for the final quiz.
30 questions about the identity of the Mole.
Whoever knows the least will be the runner-up of the season.
Whoever knows the most will win the game.
"The finalists are upstairs. These past few weeks, we've seen a lot of them. Some of them have changed while others stayed the same throughout. One of them had a hidden role not known to the rest, but tonight, the Mole will be unmasked."
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