Previously, the contestants had to complete a spelling bee. 96/200 points were earned to make the pot 106/300 points. James earned a bronze exemption, granting him immunity should he tie for the lowest, and he survived. However, the same could not be said for Katelyn who was executed second. What does this mean for her coalition? Will they switch suspects?
Brianna: "We now know that our Mole suspect is wrong. This gives us the opportunity to re-evaluate while we're still around. But something must be done about Apollo. Single Sisters And Apollo just doesn't have that ring to it. And his parochial, sexist views are not welcome here."
Apollo: "Katelyn is gone. This means that I get the whole room to myself. No more hearing her sleep-screaming. I'm so glad I managed to push the role of sacrificial lamb to her or else it would have been me going home instead. I'll be honest here. I didn't actually fully listen to my coalition. In fact, I found it funny that they wanted me to go all out on James. They must be the reason I'm surviving. Ha! This season is easy. I'm going to win."
Kelly: "You should be eating something nutritious instead of that disgusting goop."
Brianna: "I don't need good food. All I need is the energy."
Kelly: "But good food will provide you energy. Junk food won't."
Kelly: "I make it a habit to cook every meal as far as possible. Breakfast especially."
Brianna: "How do you even find the time to cook? Aren't you supposed to be swamped with homework and projects?"
Kelly: "When there's a will, there's a way. My dorm mates enjoy my cooking. Those that have the time to eat, anyway."
Brianna: "You cook for your whole dorm?"
Kelly: "Not the whole dorm. Mainly my roommates but there's often leftovers. Youngsters nowadays don't know how to take care of themselves. What would they do without me?"
Brianna: "It was nice chatting with you."
Kelly: "I'm not even done cooking yet."
Brianna: "Time waits for no woman. Bye."
Guillermo: "I thought I'd look for a coalition because even though you can't trust anybody here, you need others in the game to help you win."
Guillermo: "Why won't you consider it?"
Jo: "Because...because..."
Guillermo: "You don't trust me, do you?"
Jo: "It's not that, it's..."
Jo: "Okay, it is that. You were once a Mole, Guillermo. I can't forget that. I can't forget how you once fooled everyone."
Guillermo: "That was a long time ago, and is also the whole point of this show."
Jo: "I know, but I don't think we need to resort to deceit just because everyone else here is."
Guillermo: "You're so sure I'm going to lie to you already. Am I that untrustworthy?"
Jo: "No, it's not you. It's me. I just have a hard time trusting others. I was completely wrong in my season. I fluked to the finale."
Guillermo: "This is the Smole. You never know if you're right. There's no point in feeling inferior or like you don't belong here. If you continue to keep this attitude you might as well quit now."
Jo: "I...I suppose you're right. This is my chance to actually pick the right Mole this time."
Apollo: "It's not James. Otherwise Katelyn wouldn't have left."
Brianna: "Or it was just pure bad luck."
Apollo: "You saying Katelyn lied to us?"
Bloom: "Not lie per se, but not know the correct answers to all the questions."
Brianna: "Yes, that was exactly what I was going to say."
Apollo: "Hmm...she is too dumb."
Bloom: "You know her best. You two shared a room. You know how much she studied for the quiz."
Apollo: "I still don't think it's James though. I think it's someone else."
Bloom: "I think we need to keep this experiment going."
Apollo: "Fuck no. I'm not gonna be the one doing it. You guys can do it for all I care but it's your fault if you don't listen to me."
Brianna: "Why should we listen to you? Who made you leader?"
Apollo: "Because I'm a man and you are women. You all better fucking listen to me."
Brianna: "What?"
Brianna: "2019 has no place for scum like you here. Go and die."
Bloom: "Brianna, don't be rude."
Brianna: "Don't be rude? He's the one who's--"
Bloom: "Apollo has a point. We should give and take in this coalition. He listened to us. Now it's time for us to listen to him."
Apollo: "Someone here gets it. Now, as I was saying, I think the Mole is actually..."
Jo: "Hi guys. I hope you don't mind. What are you talking about?"
Brianna: "Nothing important."
Apollo: "What the fuck? You don't just sit between us while we're having an important coalition meeting."
Bloom: "Ugh, Apollo..."
Jo: "Oh. Sorry. I'll just leave."
Brianna: "No, I think we're done here. I'm glad you're seated in between me and Apollo or I would strangle him to death."
Apollo: "Ha! I'd like to see you try."
Bloom: "Apollo's so easy to manipulate. He's a huge egotist. All I need is to feed into his ego and he'll come crumbling before me. I sense he already has a Mole in mind but isn't open about it. I have a way to get him to spill his...fill in the sentence. Try not to get stuck in the gutter. ;)"
The contestants will pick a spot on this board. For this next mission, they will move in an L-shape formation, much like a knight in chess, to a new tile. If they ever find themselves trapped and unable to move, they will be eliminated from the mission. The last one standing gets a gold exemption, which not only grants the holder immunity in the upcoming quiz, but also prevents anybody from being executed should the golden exemption holder score the lowest overall. Along the way, they may also pick up points or different types of exemptions. This mission is worth 150 points.
The contestants have picked their starting square. Brianna will make her move first, followed by Max, then James, then Bloom, then Guillermo, then Jo, then Kelly and lastly Apollo.
Brianna makes her first move. The tile she was originally one has been removed.
This will happen every time a contestant moves.
It is now Apollo's turn.
Apollo: "Why are we playing in the rain? I feel so sticky. And why am I last? I should be first."
"It's a cycle. Just think of last as being the first from a different starting point."
Unsurprisingly, everyone survived the first round. The next round commences shortly, but now there are points to be earned on the board.
Brianna: "Hmm, if I move to that tile, then I can grab those points in my next move."
Max: "I need to move to safety. It's getting too crowded there."
Apollo: "Go stand somewhere else."
Max: "I can't undo my move."
James: "The tactic here is to stay as long as you can. For me, I'm also going to try and remove as many tiles as possible to block off everyone else."
James: "Good thing I'm third."
Bloom: "Sorry James, but we can get close and intimate after the mission."
James: "What the hell? That wasn't my intention."
Bloom: "Only you know what you truly wanted to do."
Guillermo: "This seems to be the only move I can make to prolong my stay here."
Jo: "I hope I didn't make a wrong move."
Kelly: "I've got 10 points."
Kelly: "Easy."
Apollo: "I know I'm super hot but stay away from me. I need my personal space."
Everyone's still around. More points have been introduced to the board.
Brianna: "I've got 10 points too."
Brianna: "I'm going to be the winner here."
James: "Moving into the danger zone."
Bloom: "We meet again James. I'm surrounded by two handsome man. What a day."
James: "Your flattery won't work on me."
Kelly: "You blocked off my path."
Guillermo: "Did I? Oops."
Kelly: "I'll have to go this way."
The third round has ended. Now, there's a normal green exemption up for grabs.
Brianna: "I'm going to have to move around a lot to get to that exemption."
James: "Just one more move."
Bloom: "Don't make a wrong move, Christian."
Jo: "I fell short of the points. And I'm too far from the exemption too."
Apollo: "Why did they have to put the fucking thing in front of me."
Bloom: "You can see but not touch."
Tiles that have been removed are now colour-coded according to their umbrella colours. It seems that I may have accidentally deleted the wrong tile for Jo and Apollo, so I'll let them slide this time.
Brianna: "One more move to the exemption."
Apollo: "That's for me. Go somewhere else."
The balls are to indicate the last tile the contestants were on.
James: "I have the exemption. Game over."
Apollo: "Fuck you."
Brianna: "Right. I forgot about you."
Kelly: "Looks like I have no choice but to get the points. 10 more points."
Round 5 adds more points to the game.
Brianna: "Shit. Only one way possible. I'm going to be trapped soon."
Max: "10 points."
Bloom: "Hmm...I'll move here."
Jo: "Why didn't you go towards the points?"
Bloom: "To let you become the hero."
Contestants are still surviving after 5 rounds, but it won't be for long.
James: "It's over for me. I have nowhere else to go after this."
Apollo: "Ha! You suck!"
Bloom: "There are so many possibilities."
Jo: "Indeed. I hope I'm going down the right path."
Jo: "I have 20 points. Wow."
Bloom: "Congratulations."
Round 6 is over. Round 7 introduces more points.
Max: "This is the best move for me to make. Hi Guillermo."
James: "It's my turn. I have nowhere to go."
"James is trapped."
James: "I have an exemption so it doesn't matter to me."
Bloom: "Count yourselves lucky, Jo and Kelly."
Kelly: "Were you planning on trying to cut me off?"
Guillermo: "I'm still waiting out for another exemption. Or was the one James took the only other one?"
"Jo, you have been disqualified for making an illegal move."
Jo: "What? Oh. I was supposed to be on the white one, wasn't I?"
Bloom: "That was a surprise. Jo isn't one to cheat. Or maybe I don't know her well enough."
"Because of your illegal move, both tiles have been taken away."
Guillermo: "Thanks a lot Jo. Now we have even lesser positions to move to."
Kelly: "Arsehole."
Apollo: "Focus on me, guys. I just moved and have plenty of ways to go. I'm going to win."
A bronze exemption has been introduced in Round 8.
Brianna: "I just need to last a little bit longer. How do I get to that exemption?"
Max: "I can get some points before being eliminated."
Brianna: "Woah. Nearly fell."
Max: "There goes my escape route."
Kelly: "Can we get this over and done with?"
Apollo: "Didn't even need to think about where to go. It's so straightforward."
The next round introduces more points. Round 9, go!
Brianna: "Bye Felicia."
Kelly: "Who's Felicia?"
Bloom: "Weren't you going to get the points?"
Max: "I found a better path."
Bloom: "The points are right there for the taking."
Bloom: "20 points."
Guillermo: "This place looks like a children's playmat."
"Kelly is trapped."
Kelly: "Sigh. All the best mates."
Apollo: "There's got to be a path somewhere."
"Apollo is trapped."
Apollo: "Fuck, no I'm not."
"Please leave or we will have to do it by force."
Apollo: "Ugh, fine. No need to embarrass me."
Half the contestants are still on the board. How long more can they go?
"Brianna is trapped."
Brianna: "At least I took down Kelly."
Max: "My instincts have been trained."
Bloom: "That's hardly bait. I'm not going to ensnare myself for points."
"Guillermo is trapped."
Guillermo: "I knew I should have stayed at that corner."
Only two remain. Who will get the golden exemption?
The last of the points are up for grabs in this next round, a reward for making it past 10 rounds.
Max: "There's only one way to go for you and that's to take the points. I still can go to that black tile on my right. You lost."
Bloom: "Is that so?"
Bloom: "There are a lot of things you don't know about me."
Max: "Damn. Shouldn't have opened my mouth...where can I go now?"
Max: "Haha! Heaven gave me another option."
Bloom: "I was baited."
"Bloom is trapped."
"Max, congratulations. After 12 gruelling rounds, you have emerged as the winner of the golden exemption. 80/150 points have been earned in this mission to make the pot 186/450 points."
Max has the golden exemption. Will he flunk the quiz to save everyone or will he let an innocent contestant die?
Round 2:
Kelly got 10 points
Round 3:
Brianna got 10 points
Round 4:
Kelly got 10 points
Round 5:
Max got 10 points
Round 6:
Jo got 20 points
Round 7:
James trapped
Jo disqualified
Round 9:
Bloom got 20 points.
Kelly trapped
Apollo trapped
Round 10:
Brianna trapped
Guillermo trapped
Round 12:
Bloom trapped
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