The last time on the Smole, the 14 contestants had to negotiate whether to let the Non-Mole earn points, one of them, or none of them. Eunice and Rupert earned a hidden exemption and the Non-Mole earned 30 points in the group pot, bringing the pot to 230/540 points and losing 80 points. The sudden triple execution surprised all contestants and instilled fear in them. Ultimately, it was Jordan, Viru and Tony who were executed. Who will be next?
Angela: "I am only cooking for everyone because I have to cook for myself. In Germany the women are empowered and independent. They cook for themselves, not for husbands."
Quentin: "Ow!"
Quentin: "I knocked against the stone headboard. My head hurts now. Go ahead and joke about this, Eunice."
Eunice: "Oh, that's a hard one."
Quentin: "Ha! You can't...wait a minute. Was that a pun?"
Adelyn: "Must prepare myself for the outside world. Makeup is second-nature to a girl."
Quentin: "Yo Adelyn. Since we're roomies and all, what do you say about a coalition?"
Adelyn: "I have to decline. Your coalition won't be mine."
Quentin: "But why? I trust you."
Adelyn: "But I don't trust you. Boo-hoo-hoo."
Rupert: "I really really hate going to the gym. It spooks me. What if I die there? Do you know how heavy those dumbbells are?"
Eunice: "It's not that bad."
Eunice: "I'm just asking you to dance with me because for some reason they decided that the only place we should be listening to music is while slogging our guts out. Like 'oh, there's another track. Might as well run one hundred more rounds!'."
Eunice: "But anyway, let us dance. Forget that machine over there."
Rupert: "I feel really uneasy. This room is so small."
Eunice: "You're claustrophobic."
Rupert: "I'm everything-in-the-world phobic!"
Eunice: " tried, Rupert. You tried."
Youdina: "So refreshing in the heat."
Martin: "Nothing like rocking out in the morning. Who cares if the neighbours complain. They should be grateful to me for giving them music to wake up to!"
Angela: "I am a good chef, if I say so myself."
"Good morning, contestants."
Rupert: "AAAH!"
"...Right. Congratulations on surviving the triple execution. Today is another day for a mission. All of you will have to stand on a pole. The goal is simple: Outlast the Non-Mole. Again, the Non-Mole has played this before. You just need to beat his previous time to earn points for yourself. Anyone who does so is able to earn 20 points for themselves, whereas everyone who doesn't earns 20 points for the group. The longest survivor will earn an exemption. This is worth 220 points. Good luck."
Madeleine: "Let's get going. I know just what to do to win."
Angela: "Let me fix this before I leave."
Angela: "Done."
The contestants have to climb up these poles, which will then extend. If they can't, there's a portable escalator to help them.
Martin: "Oh boy."
Martin: "I'm actually deathly afraid of heights. But that's no reason to stop me from going up there and beating everyone."
And the time begins.
Eunice: "Easy peasy, lemon squeezy."
Rupert: "This is terrifying!"
Rupert: "You could die!"
Adelyn: "There's soft mud below. But if you want, you can go."
Martin: "Don't be such a baby, Rupert. Gulp."
Quentin: "It's hard to balance on this thing."
Stephen: "The base isn't stable."
Rupert: "I give up! I give up! Bring me down!"
Rupert: "Oh!"
Rupert: "That was scary. I think I'm going to faint."
Time elapsed: 2 minutes 3 seconds.
Adelyn: "That looked painful. But this is so cool."
Angela: "One less competitor. Though he could hardly be counted as one."
Quentin: "I'm really queasy. I want to forfeit too. I can't do this."
Quentin: "It's even scarier when this thing moves!"
Time elapsed: 4 minutes 16 seconds.
9 still remain.
Nicole: "I should have peed first."
Madeleine: "No sweat. I just need to counter the moment that this pillar creates."
Eunice: "Woah, it shook a little."
Eunice: "I'm losing my footing!"
Eunice: "Aah!"
Jose: "Is she okay? This is dangerous!"
Time elapsed: 11 minutes 0 seconds.
Stephen: "Just relax and not look down Stephen."
Madeleine: "You know, for a challenge, you should all dance!"
Adelyn: "I should record. Madeleine, my lord!"
Madeleine: "I'm actually quite the daredevil. I don't mind taking risks and going on adventures, as long as I have the perfect plan to reach my goal perfectly. Yeah, I can be pretty extreme."
Angela: "She is out of her mind."
Nicole: "I'll say."
Youdina: "Watching Eunice fall like that...I don't feel safe."
Youdina: "I want to be brought down."
Youdina: "Thank you."
Youdina: "I'm not going to risk my life for money."
Time elapsed: 14 minutes 59 seconds.
Martin: "Don't look, don't look! Aah! Get me down! Err, I mean, ahem. I don't care for a stupid game. This is boring. I quit."
Martin: "Why couldn't I be braver up there..."
Martin: "I blew it this time."
Time elapsed: 15 minutes 12 seconds.
They still remain.
Angela: "I am a strong, tough woman."
Stephen: "This thing rumbled a bit. I nearly tripped over myself."
Adelyn: "Oh, no!"
Adelyn: "I'm going to fall a steep height. I'll jump, that's right!"
Adelyn: "Ouch! Landing on my heels hurts; I can vouch."
Time elapsed: 17 minutes 29 seconds.
Angela: "I am so much closer."
Nicole: "I really need to pee. My bladder's going to burst!"
Nicole: "You can make it to the toilet!"
Nicole: "Quick, it's coming out!"
Time elapsed: 22 minutes 43 seconds.
Angela: "A horse!"
Jose: "Watch out!"
Angela: "Oof."
Time elapsed: 30 minutes 14 seconds.
Angela: "I had a dream that a horse kicked me until I bled. I had fought with it, but I lost. And then today, a horse came and I lost my footing. Horses must be my nemesis."
Only three remain. Who will win that exemption?
Or Madeleine?
Madeleine: "I have a proposal for you two. You give up and I'll share with you some valuable information that I gathered."
Stephen: "Hmm..."
Madeleine: "WHAT DO YOU SAY?"
Jose: "Erm..."
Jose: "Should I?"
Jose: "I really want to play though."
Jose: "And I really want to win."
Jose: "Is her information really that valuable? If I win, I am immune and have no need for it."
Stephen: "Well, I don't mind since I'm up against you two. Woah!"
Stephen: "Shit I'm going to fall."
Stephen: "Well, I was going to give up anyway."
Time elapsed: 49 minutes 31 seconds.
Down to these two. Who will win?
Jose: "Gah! Darn I dropped my journal."
Jose: "No!"
Madeleine: "Well, there he goes."
Madeleine: "It's his loss for not wanting to negotiate. Now that I've won, I'm coming down too."
Jose: "****."
Jose: "Shouldn't have reached out for my journal instinctively."
Time elapsed: 62 minutes 54 seconds.
Madeleine: "I won! I did it! I earned the exemption!"
Madeleine: "I can't believe it!"
Madeleine: "Woo!"
Time elapsed: 67 minutes 28 seconds.
The Non-Mole's previous timing was 16 minutes 15 seconds. That is to say, 100/220 points have been added to the group pot while everyone else after Martin has earned 20 points each.
Group pot: 330/680
Adelyn's pot: 20
Angela's pot: 40
Eunice's pot: 20
Fourier's pot: 0
Jordan's pot: 20
Jose's pot: 40
Madeleine's pot: 60
Martin's pot: 30
Nicole's pot: 40
Quentin's pot: 20
Rupert's pot: 20
Stephen's pot: 40
Tony's pot: 20
Viru's pot: 0
Youdina's pot: 0
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