In the previous episode, Madeleine and Rupert earned a hidden exemption for lasting to the end, as well as 300/300 points for the pot, making it 630/980. Jose, who didn't even get a fighting chance last mission, was executed. Will anyone meet a similar fate as him?
Stephen: "I should record in my journal."
Eunice: "Can I move in here?"
Madeleine: "No. It's best if we stay apart so that we can observe the other contestants. In fact, Nicole, you should switch to another room.,
Nicole: "What? But the other rooms are so disgusting! And they don't have a double bed!"
Madeleine: "It doesn't matter. Now, report to me your findings."
Eunice: "Nicole and I formed a coalition because of our similar hair colour and answering techniques. We want to confuse the hell out of the viewers. Nicole and Madeleine formed one because...I don't remember, frankly. But we merged to this trio coalition. To be honest, I only agreed to watch Madeleine and keep a close eye on her. But she's not letting me do that. And now she's kicking Nicole out too! Darn."
Youdina: "Who is making that ruckus? Oh, you again."
Martin: "This is music! Be grateful to me!"
Youdina: "Look at the time!"
Martin: "I play whenever I feel like it!"
Youdina: "I just can't get through to you."
"Contestants, listen up. Your next mission will be to find street art around town. For every piece of art you find, 10 points are added to your pot, up to a maximum of 150. However, if another contestant finds it as well, the points go to the group pot instead, meaning each piece of art can only be discovered once. When 2 hours are up, any pieces of street art not found will go to the group pot. There are 3 phones for you to communicate. Good luck."
Nicole: "How do we want to do this?"
Quentin: "I think splitting up into 3 groups is a good idea. We can communicate with each other anyway when we find one so that we won't accidentally stumble upon it again."
Madeleine: "Why won't you let me drive?"
Martin: "Because I want to. And your speed will kill us."
Madeleine: "It's the thrills."
Quentin: "The toilet is an excellent spot for vandalism."
Quentin: "I'll look in the men's toilet. You two go to the women's."
Rupert: "Me?"
Rupert: "In public, some more?"
Youdina: "I'll do it. Just search the whole park."
Rupert: "It's so big and daunting!"
Youdina: "Man up."
Rupert: "I don't dare look. If something splashes into my eye..."
Martin: "Okay, we split up to cover more ground."
Madeleine: "Okay. We'll inform each other if we find something to avoid duplication."
Martin: "Aha!"
Martin: "I saw it from afar."
Martin: "This looks horrible. I just hope nobody else notices this."
Nicole: "Could it be in the fridge?"
Nicole: "I'm not a vandal. I wouldn't know where graffiti can be found."
Madeleine: "The toilets look clean."
Madeleine: "Or have I spoken too soon?"
Martin: "Saw it first."
Martin: "She's pretty hot."
Madeleine: "Nope? Well, I would be more surprised if I could find something here."
Martin: "Hey, I saw the mural down there."
Madeleine: "I noticed it too, but I figured since you went in that direction you would have saw it first. Thanks for telling me though."
Martin: "There's nothing else in this gym. Let's just go."
Madeleine: "Am I supposed to believe you with that face of yours?"
Martin: "Are you insulting my looks, fatty?"
Madeleine: "Look! Over there!"
Martin: "Huh?"
Madeleine: "Bye!"
Madeleine: "Oh..."
Madeleine: "You were right."
Martin: "What the hell is wrong with you? I told you not to look! Now you gave 10 points to the pot! Mole! I mean Non-Mole!"
Nicole: "I'm going to just nap a little while. I'm beat from all the missions."
The third group.
Stephen: "Well, it looks pretty clear."
Angela: "If it were that easy, Stephen. Let us work together temporarily so that we do not run the risk of giving the Non-Mole an easy time."
Angela: "Aha. One here."
Eunice: "I need to go really badly. It's the bomb."
She should have picked the other toilet.
Martin: "Why not we just dump her here? She's clearly stalling for time."
Madeleine: "I guess you're right. We should find as much graffiti as possible. We can only hope she does not see the other graffiti here."
Martin: "What difference does it make? You already saw one."
Quentin: "I'm telling you, Eugenia, the library isn't the place to go. Who dares to vandalise the library?"
Youdina: "In the very first mission, I found Fourier here. So you never know."
Quentin: "Well...was this always here?"
Youdina: "No, it wasn't. I'm right. Say, we could clean this up, so that nobody else will see it."
Quentin: "That's a great idea. Considering how we both saw it so the points probably went to the pot already."
Youdina: "Oops."
Rupert: "I saw nothing!"
Rupert: "You were talking about cleaning? I really don't think it's allowed."
Quentin: "Nobody said it wasn't. Live a little."
Youdina: "I'll clean it up."
Rupert: "Okay, but don't drag me down. I'll just turn my back."
Youdina: "And gone for good."
Quentin: "Rupert, explore the toilets. I refuse to believe that the toilets are squeaky clean in Sunset Valley."
Rupert: "Hello? Anybody there? If not, I'll...I'll go, I can't. It'll be too embarrassing if someone really is in there."
Quentin: "Aha."
Quentin: "I knew you weren't so clean, toilet."
Quentin: "Now, time to scrub this off."
Youdina: "Rupert, follow me upstairs."
Youdina: "Rupert, could you move a little? I can't breathe."
Rupert: "Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry! Can you breathe? Are you suffocating? Are you still alive?"
Youdina: "Yes, don't overreact."
Youdina: "How did I not notice this the first time I came? Anyone could have been hiding here for all I know!"
Flashback to Episode 1...
Youdina: "Come. We don't have much time left. I don't think they'll be stupid enough to hide two in the same place. It looks pretty empty anyway."
Fourier: "Whatever you say."
Angela: "She is so dumb. She did not bother to check outside at all. Har har har."
Rupert: "That balcony looks unstable and dangerous. I'm staying put."
Youdina: "Hmm...nothing here. I think I should inform the others."
Youdina: "Eugenia to everyone. The library is all clear. We found two in here already."
Angela: "Angela here. Did you check the balcony?"
Youdina: "Yes."
Angela: "I see you've grown wiser."
Youdina: "Sorry?"
Angela: "Nothing."
Angela: "My group has just entered the art gallery. We see what is possibly street art."
Youdina: "All three of you?"
Angela: "Yes, unfortunately. We will continue searching. Goodbye."
Stephen: "Let's check the toilet."
Angela: "Hmm..."
Angela: "Everything feels out of place...which is exactly why everything fits in place."
Eunice: "A toilet. I could come up with a poop joke now but it'll stink."
Angela: "What was the graffiti like down there? I should go and check so that I know what to look out for."
Eunice: "This room is so empty."
Eunice: "Oh, what do we have here?"
Angela: "Where did Eunice go?"
Eunice: "I found something in there."
Eunice: "You shouldn't enter though. We don't want to sacrifice points."
Stephen: "Yes. Shall we call the others to tell them that the art gallery has been searched?"
Angela: "I can only trust you two. Very well."
Martin: "You wasted the time and inconvenienced everyone."
Madeleine: "Says the one who spent the entire time arguing with the store clerk."
Martin: "He refused to let us enter the storeroom or remove the books from the shelves."
Madeleine: "Of course! Use your brains, Martin."
Madeleine: "I'm pretty sure that it must be around here somewhere though."
Madeleine: "I actually received a tip-off. A piece of street art will be in the vicinity of a store."
Martin: "Why didn't you say so earlier? We should continue our search then."
Martin: "Come on. Let's go buy some tickets to enter the cinema."
Madeleine: "This isn't a store, Martin."
Martin: "Shut up. It's in the vicinity, right? That's all that matters."
"Time is up!"
Martin: "****."
Eunice: "What? Nooo."
Stephen: "Hey, did anyone see Angela?"
Angela: "Zzz..."
Quentin: "Oh no. We're too late."
Altogether, 7 works of street art have been found, but almost half of them were found by more than one contestant, meaning that 110/150 points goes into the group pot while the other 40 is equally divided into the pots of Martin, Angela, Quentin and Eunice.
This is a bonus mission. Similar to last season, the contestants will choose a chair to sit at. They can force someone to swap seats with them twice. At the end, the chest corresponding to the chair they sit at will be what they earn. Two chests have exemptions and one has 200 points.
However, you may notice that there are only 8 chairs. One of the contestants will have the power to replace a contestant after all the seat-swapping and claim whatever the contestant could have earned. If that contestant's chest contains the 200 points, however, the points would go to the group pot.
Nicole: "I volunteered because Madeleine and Martin ditched me at the gym. And Madeleine is supposed to be my coalition mate. Naturally, they had no objections to me wielding the power. And I know where the exemption is."
The other eight have chosen their seats.
Stephen: "I have information that one of the seats had nothing. I chose that seat, hoping that someone would swap with me and then maybe I can get something."
Martin: "Angela, I want to swap seats with you."
Angela: "I refuse."
Rupert: "I don't think you can."
Angela: "Ridiculous."
Angela: "Fine. I will swap with you, Martin."
Stephen: "Would anyone like to swap seats with me?"
Quentin: "I would. What are the chances of my seat containing something anyway?"
Madeleine: "I want to swap with Eugenia."
Youdina: "Me? I was getting comfortable, but alright."
Madeleine: "Thanks Eugenia."
Stephen: "Rupert, I have my eye on your chair."
Rupert: "Me? Oh boy."
Stephen: "If I calculate correctly, the chances of me getting something would have increased."
Angela: "I want to switch back, Martin."
Angela: "You cannot deny me of my request."
Martin: "Tit for that, eh? Ridiculous."
Stephen: "Eunice! I think your seat is better."
Eunice: "You flatter me."
Eunice: "But very well. I like that chair of yours too."
Stephen: "Well, there goes my power."
Madeleine: "Stephen. I want to change seats with you."
Stephen: "No! Groan."
This is the final arrangement.
Nicole: "Time for me to do my job."
Martin: "Don't you dare pick my seat."
Nicole: "Who should I steal from? Madeleine, my coalition buddy who dumped me in the previous mission?"
Madeleine: "You were sleeping so soundly, I didn't want to wake you up."
Nicole: "Don't give me that crap."
Nicole: "Or Eugenia, who just wants to keep her pot at the nice figure of 0?"
Nicole: "Maybe Martin, who absconded with Madeleine."
Martin: "I think you used it wrongly."
Nicole: "Don't interrupt me. Maybe I should help get revenge for everyone by getting back at you."
Nicole: "Rupert, how about yours? I know you won't resist."
Rupert: "Gulp!"
Nicole: "After much deliberation, I have decided that I will pick..."
Nicole: "Quentin."
Nicole: "I think yours is promising."
Quentin: "Why me?"
"Quentin, please open the chest."
Nicole: "I thought I would be getting it!"
"You will. It is just that Quentin will see what he lost."
Rupert: "Ouch."
Martin: "Shut up, scaredy-cat."
Rupert: "Why must you bully me and make me fear you?"
Stephen: "I guess it's time for us to open our own chests."
Stephen: "Nothing?"
Angela: "It is empty."
Eunice: "Bummer."
Martin: "I must thank Angela for sending me back to this seat."
Youdina: "Points must hate me."
Rupert: "Oh! I have the points!"
Madeleine: "What? Dumb luck, Rupert!"
Quentin: "Nicole got a bloody exemption."
Rupert earned 200 points. Nicole and Martin earned an exemption.
Group pot: 740/1130
Adelyn's pot: 20
Angela's pot: 50
Eunice's pot: 30
Fourier's pot: 0
Jordan's pot: 20
Jose's pot: 40
Madeleine's pot: 60
Martin's pot: 40
Nicole's pot: 40
Quentin's pot: 30
Rupert's pot: 220
Stephen's pot: 40
Tony's pot: 20
Viru's pot: 0
Youdina's pot: 0
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