After over a year, the Smole is back for its 51st season! For those who've forgotten, the Smole is a reality show where contestants take part in challenges, also known as missions, to earn money, or points, for a pot. However, among them is the Mole, a saboteur chosen by production to sabotage and keep the pot low while flying under the radar. The other contestants must take quizzes every alternate episode about who they think the Mole is, with the lowest scorer going home each time. In the even ot a tie, the slowest scorer will be eliminated, or executed, instead.
Hope you are ready for it, because the Smole, Seaon 51 begins now!
Bruna: "Is this the Smole? Where is everyone?"
Jim: "The graveyard? Seriously?"
Preston: "Wow, I always saw the future depicted on TV but I never thought I would one day actually experience it...silly me."
Eddy: "I have a feeling I'm not in Kansas any more."
Eddy: "Which begs the question...WHERE THE HELL AM I?!"
Molly: "In my favourite colours too!"
Wendy: "I heard about this. A very futuristic elevator."
Wendy: "Oh. Something dropped out of my pocket...I don't remember putting this in my pocket."
Cam: "Two set of stripes. What could this mean?"
Jim: "There's something on the back."
Jim: "This one says points, while this one says exemption."
"There's something else too: You must be confused as you find yourself in a foreign place. However, this is not where the season will take place. There are 12 of you, but only 11 tickets to the actual location this season. You may only take one of the following paths. The choice is yours, but act quickly, for your ticket to the Smole leaves at 12pm."
Eddy: "I'm clearly going for the exemption, no question about it."
Myrtle: "I'm not leaving before it started."
Petunia: "It's so dreary, like a doomsday scenario."
Petunia: "There's someone ominous there."
Petunia: "And he's gone."
Petunia: "Hoverboards!"
Petunia: "That's so cool!"
Petunia: "Okay, enough geeking out. It's time to focus on the mission at hand."
Petunia: "Whatever it may be. We actually have to work for itthis time, and who knows how much time is left? Better get to it, chop chop."
Larry: "There's only one way to go, and that's up."
Preston: "The water is so clear."
Preston: "I expected less wildlife."
Eric: "It's so barren. Not what I expected from the future."
Molly: "This is so industrial. Why does the future need to rely on industry?"
Preston: "Should I be looking for something? I signed up for the Smole."
Cam: "Fortunately they still have taxis."
Taxi Driver: "You're not from here, are you?"
Cam: "Is it my accent?"
Taxi Driver: "...Your dress style, ma'am."
Cam: "You're dressed the same as I am."
Taxi Driver: "It's a uniform, ma'am. Lowlifes like us are only allowed to wear fashion that dates back to the 21st century."
Larry: "Finally, a house."
Larry: "Who left their baby unattended?"
Amanda: "I can't believe you didn't bring Melany in."
Larry: "Excuse me there--"
Larry: "WOAH! Is that a flying goldfish?"
Amanda: "Who is this strange man I've never seen him before."
Amanda: "Come on Melany. It's not safe out here. There are strangers...where did he go?"
Larry: "Hey, excuse me there."
Rowley: "I've been expecting you."
Larry: "You have?"
Amanda: "Rowley, is he the visitor?"
Larry: "What are you talking about?"
Rowley: "Aren't you from the Smole? You were given minimalistic drawings to look for me, don't you?"
Larry: "I was? Oh. I was."
Larry: "I assume this is you?"
Rowley: "Yes indeed. Here are the directions to your destination."
Cam: "This was the first house I saw."
Cam: "I hope they are friendly."
Andrew: "Go away. I'm not talking to lowlifes."
Cam: "Lowlife? I'm not a lowlife. I'm the wife of a real estate tycoon."
Preston: "Oh, I do have them too. But how come you only have one?"
Andrew: "Oh, you are? Pardon me. My name is Andrew Dunes."
Cam: "I am Cam Ngoc Tran, but you can call me Cam."
Andrew: "Cum?"
George: "Yup, the future is just like I know it."
George: "Hey, watch it!"
George: "You nearly knocked into me!"
George: "Hey, wait, I want to ask you something. Not even an apology? Rude."
George: "Hello, may I speak to you for a moment?"
George: "is everyone here so rude?"
George: "What is with the trash all over the compound?"
George: "What the..."
George: "Hmm, I don't recall if I read about this."
George: "I know the concrete they use is like quicksand. It can be soft or hard depending..."
George: "Yaah!"
Molly: "I've made it to the city centre. The building is just right there!"
Janet: "Excuse me!"
Bruna: "Woah. A nightclub...that opens in the day!"
Bruna: "That's today's fashion...or past fashion, since I'm in the future. I wonder if he's also a part of the Smole."
Eric: "Thank goodness I've run into someone more normal...relatively."
Bruna: "I'm Bruna. Are you from the Smole too?"
Eric: "I am. I'm Eric."
Eric: "I have two pieces of paper. One worth points and another worth an exemption. Someone inserted it into my pocket while I wasn't aware."
Bruna: "Oh...hey, I do too!"
Eric: "I think we should go for points. This is a good opportunity to do so."
Bruna: "I was thinking the same."
Eric: "You know, this is quite my scene."
Bruna: "It is?"
Eric: "Random Sims walking funnily aside."
Bruna: "It's not for me."
Eric: "You want one?"
Bruna: "I think we should be searching for the points."
Eric: "You're right. Let me take a look at yours."
Eddy: "The future is exactly what I feared it would be, and what I expected it to be. And there's nobody to blame but ourselves."
Eddy: "I see a house there. I hope it has the answers I need."
Wendy: "Oh thank goodness. I thought I was the only Sim in this world."
Wendy: "Excuse me, but do you happen to know what this is?"
Preston: " just a black and white picture."
Wendy: "I'm actually part of a competition called The Smole--"
Preston: "Wait, you're from the Smole? Me too! I'm Preston."
Wendy: "Wendy Ortiz. You're the first Sim I met."
Preston: "How did you get this?"
Wendy: "They were in my pockets when I came to."
Wendy: "Erm, the other flew away. Do you want to work together to find out what they are?"
Preston: "Yes, definitely. It beats walking around aimlessly."
Cam: "There's nothing pink here."
Preston: "Do you think this could be a clue?"
Wendy: "She's holding a Simoleon. That's not what I'm looking for."
Preston: "How about this statue over here?"
Wendy: "I think we should be talking to real Sims, Preston. Speaking of which, where are the other contestants?"
George: "That lady is out here now. Now is my chance to finally get some answers."
George: "Do showers not exist in the future?"
Arian: "Get your pet cloud away from me."
George: "I wish I could. I slipped into the geyser and now this raincloud won't stop following me. Anyway, my name is George Goog."
Arian: "Keep your hands way from me."
George: "...Fine. I just have a quick question. Does this remind you of anything?"
Arian: "Oh, so you aren't the one I'm looking for."
George: "What do you this supposed to be a Sim? Is someone's target Sim you?"
Arian: "Stop asking and get outta here!"
George: "Huh?"
George: "This isn't my day, huh?"
Eddy: "What was that?"
Bennett: "A meteor storm. You'll get used to the shaking and racket."
Bennett: "It's a good thing you got here before the storm started. Who knows what might have happened if you were caught outside."
Eddy: "Hmm..."
Eddy: "I think I understand what I need to do now, but he's not who I'm looking for."
Preston: "Even in the future, they still failed to develop immortality."
Wendy: "Maybe they didn't want to."
Preston: "Sorry, did you say something?"
Wendy: "Nevermind that. I don't see how looking at tombstones will help us."
Preston: "I...I can communicate with the dead."
Wendy: "Bwahaha!"
Preston: "Please don't laugh."
Wendy: "That has got to be the funniest thing I heard all day."
Preston: "It's true!"
Preston: "Can you keep it a secret?"
Wendy: "Sure. Wouldn't want others to question your sanity...or mine."
Petunia: "Ugh, do I really have to dig through this?"
Petunia: "Hey, there's a normal looking Sim for once! Maybe she might know something."
Petunia: "Excuse me!"
Myrtle: "Did someone say something? I just knew something felt wrong about this place."
Petunia: "Excuse me!"
Petunia: "You're not from here, are you?"
Myrtle: "How did you...are you a Smole contestant?"
Petunia: "You too?"
Myrtle: "I'm Myrtle."
Petunia: "I'm Petunia. Do you know what we have to do?"
Myrtle: "My guess is that this is a minimalistic depiction of a Sim. We have to find someone who represents what we have."
Myrtle: "I was just about to head inside."
Petunia: "That random burst of fire is not ominous at all. I didn't know the Earth was capable of this."
Myrtle: "Hmm, nope."
Petunia: "Are you going for the exemption or the points?"
Myrtle: "The exemption. And you?"
Serena: "No, but I do have instructions on where you are to go."
Petunia: "Myrtle! I got it! It's a train ticket!"
Myrtle: "Congratulations. You'll be heading there now?"
Petunia: "I couldn't have found her without your help. I'm going to help you find your ticket to the Smole."
Myrtle: "Thank you, but the train leaves at 12. What if we fail to find mine and you end up failing to board in time?"
Petunia: "We still have time. Come on. I doubt that both our tickets are here."
Myrtle: "What happened to...forget it, I don't want to know. The future is a weird place."
George: "I've been hit by a meteor and a rain cloud. What more do I have to lose?"
Myrtle: "There's someone over there."
Petunia: "Ew, the future still has hobos."
George: "I should ask those two ladies if they know something."
Myrtle: "He saw us."
Petunia: "Let's just pretend we didn't see him. Maybe he'll ignore us."
Myrtle: "Nope. He's coming over."
George: "You two look like you're from the same timeline as I am. And you smell fresh!"
Myrtle: "...Thank you?"
Petunia: "Same timeline? Are you also from the Smole?"
George: "I am! At last, finally someone who isn't rude."
Myrtle: "What happened to you?"
George: "I got hit by a meteor and a rain cloud. That's not important though. I'm sure you also received strips of colour."
Petunia: "We did. We figured out that the colours represent a Sim, like what they are wearing. We're on the way to find Myrtle's."
Myrtle: "Do you want to come with us?"
George: "Yes, of course."
Petunia: "Do you think there's a clothing store or gym in the future?"
Larry: "This is where the address leads me to."
Larry: "Only one way to go."
Jim: "How the hell am I supposed to finish this mission?"
Molly: "This was in my pocket all along? It says 'exemption'. Am I supposed to find the exemption next?"
Wendy: "There are a lot of Sims here. I think we chose a good place."
Petunia: "Hey there, do you happen to recognise a lavender greyish Sim or a pink Sim?"
Nathaniel: "Can't say I have, unless you're talking about Plumbots. Only Plumbots have unusual skin colours."
Petunia: "No no, not skin colour."
Myrtle: "Are you okay? Do you need...what do robots need? Oiling?"
Planchette: "You got hit by a meteor, didn't you? Tough luck."
George: "I did."
George: "You look familiar."
George: "Is this you?"
Planchette: "It is. Congratulations. Here's where you must go to next, and here's your ticket."
Molly: "What is everybody protesting about?"
Jim: "Is this the highest I can go?"
Jim: "Why is he staring at me like that?"
Jim: "Oh. Everything clicks now."
Jim: "So you're a Sim, eh?"
Jim: "Get back here!"
Eddy: "Too colourful."
Eddy: "I'll check outside...jackpot."
Eddy: "Excuse me, what's your name?"
Valerie: "Depends on who's asking."
Eddy: "Eddy Xenish, Smole contestant."
Valerie: "Oh. You must be looking for this."
Eric: "Look at the height of those bookcases."
Eric: "There's no way I'm reading all of that."
Bruna: "We don't have a choice. We're here to find information."
Eric: "I know, I know. I just don't like reading."

Eddy: "Victory, here I come."
Cam: "It won't be the end of the world if I don't get to go on the Smole, but it would sting. I just need to keep calm and think."
Bruna: "Eric's right."
Bruna: "There's no way we can comb through all the books in time."
Bruna: "There must be another way."
Bruna: "Everyone here walks so weirdly. It's as if they're trying to get my attention. Maybe asking a Sim would help."
Cheryl: "Are you from the Smole?"
Bruna: "I am."
Cheryl: "Take this. I've been carrying it for too long."
Eric: "Bruna!"
Eric: "Bruna, come over here! I've found a lead!"
Bruna: "I've found a lead too. It turns out that we're supposed to be looking for Sims. That lady just gave me a train ticket."
Eric: "That's great. Let's go to the station then."
Bruna: "Don't you need to find one too?"
Eric: "Maybe I'll have answers there. If not, at least I know where to go in case time runs out. If I'm not even at the station at 12, there's no hope of me playing on."
Molly: "Hello! Can you help me?"
Myrtle: "There's not much time left."
Petunia: "If we still can't find Myrtle's Sim, maybe I should leave first. George is there to help her anyway."
George: "One good thing about this future is that nobody cares about how I smell."
Myrtle: "There was nobody home over at that house."
George: "Can I borrow your bathtub? And maybe some clothes?"
Celene: "Bathtub? We don't do that here."
George: "What? But don't you know that if you don't bathe enough, you have an increased risk of body odour, acne, skin infections and flare-ups of skin conditions like eczema or psoriasis?"
Bruna: "We're here!"
Bruna: "I hope you can find your ticket."
Eric: "What's that supposed to mean? You're not going to help me?"
Bruna: "I'm already here and I don't want to miss the train. Good luck."
Eric: "You're just going to abandon me now that you found what you wanted? I thought we were working together!"
Myrtle: "Oh, the grey is her grey hair. She must be the one I'm looking for."
Myrtle: "Hi. I am from the Smole. I believe you have a train ticket for me?"
Lanna: "I do. I've been waiting for you."
Myrtle: "Thank you. I've been searching for you too."
Myrtle: "George, let's find Petunia and go! I've got the ticket!"
George: "But I have to educate her on hygiene!"
Myrtle: "Now's not the time!"
It is 12pm. The train has departed.
Eric: "What?"
Eric: "No, no, this can't be happening..."
Eric: "GRRAAGH!"
Eric: "I blew it. I had my chance and I fucking blew it...I should have taken that exemption."
"Eric, while you may not have boarded the train in time, it does not mean you are out of the game. You still have a chance to join the others on the Smole. Here is a ticket to your destination. There, you will find more information about how to join the others."
Eric: "What?"
What surprises are there in store? Will Eric be able to get back to the Smole? Did Myrtle, George and Petunia board the train in time? Who chose points and who chose themselves? Find out in the next episode.
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