Last time on the Smole, the contestants had to identify 70s, 80s and 90s songs based on a word cloud. They succeeded in bringing 51 points, but at the bonus round, Eddy made one mistake which halved the eventual earnings to 45/90 points. The pot currently stands at 208/500 points. Will the group be able to overtake the Mole in the next mission? Who is the Mole?
Molly: "I won't lie. Cam's execution hit me really hard. I spent the whole night thinking about all the fun girls' night we had and wondering what went wrong. We had settled on a main suspect and a minor one, as a backup. Were both of them wrong? I work alone now and I need to soldier on. I'll carry her in spirit."
Jim: "Hey George, come over here for a second. Don't you usually hold your info sessions at this time?"
George: "Yes but not today. It sounds like it will be a tiring day. I thought you weren't interested."
Jim: "What about it? Can't I change my mind?"
George: "Of course you may. My sessions are welcome to anyone who is interested in the pursuit of knowledge."
Pleasant Pupil Academy is one of the finest academic institutes of Roaring Heights. It educates the future leaders to be uptight, upright ladies and gentlemen.
However, nobody is aware of the true situation within the four walls. But contestants will get a chance to find out today. They will be visiting the cafeteria, which has been turned into a makeshift war zone. Come recess time, the students of Pleasant Pupil Academy turn into rowdy beasts, engaging in the most primitive act of war: a food fight.
Contestants have been randomly split into two teams. The goal is simple: the team that wins the food fight during the recess period of 30 minutes wins exemptions for themselves. To win, they just need to score more hits on the opposing team.
However, the administration hopes to cultivate an appreciation of food scarcity and food wastage and as such, the food leftover at the end of recess will be weighed. The more food left over, the more points can be earned. They can earn 100 points in this mission, but is that what's on their minds?
Eddy: "Listen to me. When I rub my neck, we charge forward. When I scratch my nose, we retreat. On my other hand I will put out the number of fingers to indicate how many of us should charge or retreat."
George: "What a waste of perfectly good food..."
Wendy: "Any idea how we're going to win this? Eric and Eddy exercise regularly and Molly has dance background."
Larry: "I work out too, you know."
Jim: "And I used to be a coach. We're not giving up without a fight."
Myrtle: "Let me go first. I'm willing to be sacrifice."
Myrtle: "In high school they used to call me Myrtle the Turtle because I was the slowest runner. I never was athletically-inclined."
Larry: "FOOD FIGHT!"
Myrtle: "Yes! I got here first. We get to score extra hits with the food in the centre of the table."
Larry: "So it's 2v1, eh?"
Eric: "You're not getting past us."
Eddy: "This is Sparta!"
Myrtle: "He's distracted. Now's my chance."
Eddy: "Augh! Who was that?"
Larry: "Yeah! Team LJMW 1, Team Losers 0."
Eric: "LJMW?"
Larry: "We're still working on the name."
George: "They don't see me. Good."
Larry: "Take that!"
Eddy: "Food scraps from what hit me don't count."
Eric: "Don't be a pussy and hide behind the table."
George: "Maybe I can contribute in this asinine game."
Myrtle: "Wendy, watch out!"
Wendy: "Missed me."
Eric: "I'll always miss a pretty lady."
Larry: "Ow!"
George: "I did it. I did it!"
Molly: "Aah! Why is the food so watery?"
Eddy: "Almost..."
Eddy: "...there..."
Eddy: "You messed with the wrong man."
Eric: "Hey Myrtle, get a load of this!"
Myrtle: "EWW! ERIC!"
Wendy: "I'll make his ass stuffed turkey."
Eric: "Aurgh!"
Wendy: "I've got more where that came from if you don't play fair."
Jim: "Just stay right there..."
Myrtle: "Missed me."
Eddy: "Damn, your reflexes are good."
Eddy: "I think the one who got hit the least today was Myrtle. She doesn't strike me as someone who regularly engages in food fight or any kind of guerilla."
George: "I hope nobody notices me."
Jim: "I need to go get more food."
Eddy: "Have some lemon!"
Myrtle: "Great, I ran out of vegetables."
Myrtle: "Aah! Nearly got caught in the crossfire."
Eric: "Hey Myrtle! Wanna big plump berry?"
Eddy: "Eric, 4 o'clock!"
Larry: "Gotcha!"
George: "Argh! I have been hit."
Myrtle: "An exemption is at stake. We have to win this."
Larry: "Screw it. I'll take everything."
Eric: "Woah. Stupid chair."
George: "At some point the other team realised I was the weakest link. I was tall and hard to miss, and I wasn't as passionate about the game as the rest were. So they began to focus their efforts on me."
George: "Watch where you're aiming!"
Eric: "Things are about to get sloppy."
Jim: "I should be able to hit George from here."
Eddy: "Take that, Larry."

Myrtle: "That was a close one."

Eddy: "How much food did we throw away? And how much is left?"
Jim: "Let me get a bit closer."
Larry: "I'm out of food. Retreat!"
Molly: "He ran too fast."
George: "Don't you know that every minute a child in Africa is starving?"
Jim: "That's a load of BS and you know it."
"The period is over! Everyone put your food down!"
"It appears there's a lot of carnage. The headmaster and janitors will be immensely displeased."
"We have weighed the food and it translates to 42 points earned for this mission."

"Now the biggest question is...which team won the food fight?"
"Congratulations to Larry, Jim, Wendy and Myrtle!"
Larry: "WOO!"
Larry: "I beat ya for once!"
Eric: "Shut the hell up. How could we have lost?"
Eddy: "No..."
Wendy: "I think what saved the pot was the stuffed turkey which was heavier than the rest. And Jim and Larry really saved us from execution."
Larry: "Woo! Underdogs rule! That was such a fun mission. Can't wait to do that again."
In one fell swoop, the possible eliminees has been reduced to 4. Who among them will go home? Is any of them the Mole?
Jim - 26
Larry - 29
Wendy - 17
Myrtle - 22
Total: Hit 94 times
Food left: 17kg
George - 36
Molly - 18
Eric - 19
Eddy - 28
Total: Hit 101 times
Food left: 25kg
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