Friday, 6 August 2021

51.02-Katy Perry Sweet Treats-coloured

In the first episode of the Smole, 12 contestants found themselves scattered across various timelines in the future. Each of them had the chance to find a Sim based on a minimalistic depiction to either get points or an exemption, assuming they boarded the 12 o'clock train in time. Not all succeeded but it turns out that there's a surprise in store for them. What is the surprise?


Jim: "I'm feeling woozy."

Jim: "No more Katy Perry Sweet Treats-coloured trees! No more coloured trees!"



Larry: "Over here!"

Eddy: "I'm Eddy and he's Larry. Are you a Smole contestant too?"
Jim: "None of your business...I must be at the right place."



Cam: "Hi, are you part of the Smole too?"

Eddy: "We are. I'm Eddy, he's Larry, he's 'none of your business'."
Cam: "My name is Cam Ngoc Tran. Nice to meet you."
Jim: "Cum what now?"
Cam: "Just call me Cam."



Petunia: "I'm here! I made it onto the Smole!"



Petunia: "It's so good to see all of you. I'm assuming all of you chose exemption?"

Petunia: "It's funny how we didn't bump into them at all."

George: "My theory is that we were in different timelines. I understand that there are three versions of Oasis Landing: normal, utopian and dystopian."



Larry: "Woah, how do you know all this?"

Jim: "I've never seen someone as ugly as him."
Cam: "Don't be rude."

Myrtle: "Is anybody else coming?"



Eric: "I have to make use of this opportunity to get back in."

Bruna: "I'm here. That was a long ride."

Bruna: "This still looks like the future."

Bruna: "I see a table over there. That doesn't look good."


Five contestants failed to make it in time.

Of which, two of them chose points.

The remaining three contestants failed to get the exemption and board the train.

They now have to take a quiz. 10 questions about the Mole's identity. Whoever scores the lowest will be given a one-way ride home. 

Q1: Is the Mole male or female?
A: Male
B: Female

Q2: What is the Mole's hair colour?
A: Black
B: Blonde
C: Red
D: Brown

Q3: Is the Mole married?
A: Yes
B: No

Q4: In Mission 1, which timeline was the Mole in?
A: Normal
B: Utopian
C: Dystopian

Q5: In Mission 1, did the Mole work alone or with other contestants?
A: Alone
B: With others

Q6: In Mission 1, who did the Mole work with?
A: Petunia Merryweather
B: George Goog
C: Myrtle Noon
D: Eric Zetsweller
E: Bruna Quiroga
F: Preston Jeremiah
G: Wendy Ortiz
H: The Mole worked alone

Q7: What did the Mole choose in Mission 1?
A: Points
B: Exemption

Q8: Who did the Mole choose in Mission 1?
A: Rowley Wilkins
B: Ceres Beaker
C: Cheryl Landgraab
D: Harkin Shire
E: Tina Talisman
F: Lanna Bannister
G: Serena Russo
H: Planchette Spector
I: Valerie Mannin
J: The Mole did not find a Sim

Q9: Did the Mole board a train in time in Mission 1?
A: Yes
B: No

Q10: Who is the Mole?
A: Larry Uggs
B: Eddy Xenish
C: Jim Quince
D: Bruna Quiroga
E: Cam Ngoc Tran
F: Petunia Merryweather
G: George Goog
H: Myrtle Noon
I: Molly MacRitchie
J: Eric Zetsweller
K: Preston Jeremiah
L: Wendy Ortiz


Petunia: "Someone's here!"

Eric: "Where is this sure isn't home."

Eric: "I must have passed the quiz. Yes!"



Petunia: "Come join the rest of us!"

Eric: "You don't understand how happy I am to be here."
Larry: "What happened?"
Myrtle: "We thought this season was only going to have 7 contestants."

Eric: "I didn't manage to find my Sim and board the train, so I had to take a quiz. I don't know who else failed and what my chances were."
Myrtle: "You made it and that's what counts."
Eric: "Yeah. I'm Eric by the way."
Myrtle: "Myrtle."

Wendy: "Oh what a relief!"

Wendy: "Or not? Where is everyone?"
Eric: "Behind you!"

Wendy: "I haven't seen this many Sims the whole day."



Preston: "AGGH!"

Preston: "I CAN'T SEE!"



Eddy: "That makes 10 of us. We're short of one more."



Molly: "I made it..."

Molly: "I made it! EEEE!"

Jim: "Oh Lord, an annoying twat who acts like a five-year-old."

Molly: "I'M ON THE SMOLE!"
Preston: "Yes you are!"




Jim: "How do I feel about my contenders? Some of them are fine, but there are some really annoying pipsqueaks, like the blonde one. Not that they stand a chance against me."

Molly: "I'm so happy to be here! I took the quiz despite not knowing so much and I was so afraid I was just going to be sitting there at the cafe. I can't describe what I'm feeling right now."

Eric: "Bruna didn't make it. I was with her the whole morning. My first impression of her was that she was a tall butch but she was actually very feminine. She surprised me. I thought she was going to make it since she boarded the train."

Myrtle: "Bruna was the only one to earn points. I feel sorry for her, I really do, but she should have known that safety is more important. She didn't seize the opportunity and paid the price. I hardly knew her but I wish we got the time to know one another. This has been such a start to the season."


12 contestants in Oasis Landing but only 11 in Roaring Heights. Bruna, the sole reason the pot has 10/120 points, was the first victim of the Mole. Did she just not know enough? As the contestants celebrate the night away, at the back of their minds they know that the game is on, and the Mole is ready. Will they be able to save themselves a second time?



Dot (Points)

Lilah Turni (Exemption)


Neel Das (Points)

Rowley Wilkins (Exemption)


Atom Beaker (Points)

Ceres Beaker (Exemption)


Connell Mannin (Points)

Daisy (Exemption)


Cheryl Landgraab (Points)

Chelsea Gateway (Exemption)


Gregor Planeson (Points)

Harkin Shire (Exemption)


Tedd Mann (Points)

Tina Talisman (Exemption)


Nathaniel Castle (Points)

Vroombo (Exemption)


Arian Lee (Points)

Lanna Bannister (Exemption)


Max Frost (Points)

Serena Russo (Exemption)


Bennett Obi (Points)

Valerie Mannin (Exemption)


Forest 231 (Points)

Planchette Spector (Points)

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