In the previous episode of the Smole, the 8 contestants who had successfully chosen an exemption were waiting in Roaring Heights for the other five, who had to take a quiz to determine if they would proceed with the game. Ultimately, while Bruna was the one who brought in 10/120 points, she was also the one who was executed first. 11 contestants continue on in a new land and time period. What will be in store for them?
Eric: "Look out!"
Petunia: "He's so hot."
Wendy: "Which one?"
Petunia: "Isn't it obvious? Eric! He's so tall and buff."
Wendy: "Larry may not be tall but he's fit too."
Petunia: "But he's so ugly."
Wendy: "What does that have to do with anything?"
Petunia: "It has to do with everything! Ugly Sims shouldn't work out or be fit. It just looks so wrong."
Petunia: "Just look at him. His head is so small and it looks like somebody cut out a head and put it onto a dwarf's body."
Wendy: "He put in the dedication and effort to be that fit. Men like to exercise for health reasons."
Petunia: "Health reasons my ass. At that level it's clearly just vanity."
Wendy: "Isn't Eric worse? He looks like he's on steroids."
Petunia: "He's different. He's handsome and tall."
Petunia: "Why do you keep contradicting me? Do you like Larry?"
Wendy: "What? Don't be silly. I have better things to do than that."
Wendy: "It was stupid of me but it paid off. I gambled everything on that quiz on one contestant. And I'm here, in Roaring Heights, living in a beautiful mansion. I hope it's not tunnel vision."
Molly: "Mm, French toast."
Molly: "Did you make this?"
Cam: "I did. It's been ages since I've had to do my own cooking though, so please bear with me if it is not good."
Molly: "It tastes delicious. I hope to be able to be as good as a cook as you, Cam. Then I can make good food for my husband."
Cam: "You're married? But you look so young."
Molly: "Aww, thank you. You look really young yourself for 54."
Cam: "How did you know my age?"
Molly: "Oh, when I had to take the first quiz I was shown some basic information about everyone first. It wasn't enough for the whole quiz but it gave me a rough sense of who everyone was so that I wasn't doing everything blindly."
For their next mission, contestants will have to answer questions. These questions were answered by 78 Sims, excluding the contestants themselves. They have to answer as per what they think the minority group answered to earn 1 point. If they end up in the majority, they get a strike. Three strikes and they are out of the mission.
To help them, one contestant per round will be given a chance to speak to up to 4 other contestants to find out how they would answer. Each contestant is worth 2 votes and this mission is worth 110 points.
The first question: Pineapple on pizza: Yay or nay? Preston is the first one to form a discussion group.
Preston: "I pick George. He's very knowledgeable."
Preston: "Jim seems like he knows a lot about pizza."
Preston: "Petunia too."
Preston: "And perhaps Molly."
Preston: "Hi guys. So, let's get things started, shall we? Yay or nay?"
Jim: "You called us here. You go first."
Preston: "Okay. Personally I have no preference. That puts me in the 'yay' group, right?"
George: "Buzzfeed did a poll like this in 2015. 63% of respondents liked it, despite the vocal minority."
Molly: "Oh, I actually prefer my pizzas pineapple-free. What about you, Petunia?"
Petunia: "I'm going to vote for 'yay'. George's statistics, if accurate at all, are outdated. There's a reason why there's outrage."
Petunia: "We had to give our opinions but they never said we had to be truthful."
The time is up. Contestants must now head back to their cubicles to answer the question.
Jim: "Nay. Hard nay. This is a matter of principle."
George: "My statistics may be old but they're still relevant. Since I have to pick the minority, I'll go with 'nay'."
Wendy: "What a pointless question. I'll go with my gut and pick 'yay'."
Myrtle: "I like Hawaiian pizza, so I must pick 'nay'."
Petunia: "Now watch me whip, now watch me nay nay~"
Preston: "Almost everybody said they preferred pineapple on pizza. Which means I must pick 'nay'."
Cam: "I think everyone will pick 'nay'. The answer should be split down the middle, so this group would have tipped it to the 'nay' region, so I pick 'yay'."
Molly: "Nay."
Eddy: "I don't know how the rest will vote so I can only vote based on how I feel everyone will respond. So I have to pick the opposite, which is 'yay'."
Eric: "Disgusting. Everyone's going to say no to pineapple on pizza, so I must pick 'yay'."
Larry: "I don't like pizza. 'Yay' for me."
"The results are in. 64% have voted for 'yay', while 36% have voted for 'nay'."
"This is the current leaderboard. 5 of you have earned a strike."
Question 2. Toilet paper: Over or under? Myrtle is the one who gets to lead the discussion.
Myrtle: "I pick Wendy. I think she'll be hard to read."
Myrtle: "Maybe Cam as well. She may need more info."
Myrtle: "I need a male opinion. Eric seems to be quite disciplined and attentive to details."
Myrtle: "Come to think of it, Larry too."
Myrtle: "What are your opinions on the way toilet paper should be placed?"
Eric: "Everyone I know puts it over. That's the only logical way."
Wendy: "This is such an asinine question."
Myrtle: "I put it over too. How is yours at home, Wendy?"
Wendy: "I never noticed."
Cam: "I never thought about this question, but I think I have always placed it under."
Larry: "Over is more efficient."
Jim: "Over makes more sense so I pick under."
George: "According to cnet, over 70% of wipers prefer over. Which means I can safely choose under."
Wendy: "Either way makes no difference to me, but since most of them seemed to prefer over, then they'll choose under. So I should pick over."
Myrtle: "Everyone seemed to be telling the truth. I should pick under."
Petunia: "Over. I have no clue."
Preston: "Over."
Cam: "Over it shall be."
Molly: "Under, duh."
Eddy: "My gut can't be wrong twice. Over."
Eric: "Over."
"It was a close round but overall, under prevailed."
"Petunia and Preston still have no strikes while Larry only needs one more to be eliminated."
Jim: "Third question. I personally think climate change is a hoax."
Eddy: "WHAT? You have to be kidding me. It absolutely is real and it will affect the future! I felt it last mission."
George: "He's right. Climate change is definitely not a hoax."
Petunia: "I personally don't see the big fuss."
Eddy: "It's inconsiderate Sims like you that are killing the planet."
Wendy: "That's not the issue here now. The issue is what the respondents think. And I think there are a lot of deniers, including big businesses."
Jim: "Of course I know climate change is real. I just wanted to test them. Petunia and Wendy fell right into my trap. But my answer to the question will be that it's not real."
George: "It's not real."
Wendy: "It's not real."
Myrtle: "It's not real."
Petunia: "I don't think any of them were fooled by me, so I'm going with the fact that it's not real."
Preston: "Not real."
Cam: "The majority has to be overwhelming. So it won't hurt if I pick not real."
Molly: "Not real."
Eddy: "Climate change is absolutely real, and I will be upset if I find out otherwise. Not real."
Eric: "Not real."
Larry: "Not real."
"It's a good thing for the earth that 72% said climate change is real. But all of you voted against it, so the leaderboard remains as it is. So far 23 points have been earned."

Preston: "Oh, it's me again. There is a Watcher controlling us...that's a very philosophical question."
Preston: "I pick Myrtle."
Preston: "And Wendy."
Preston: "I wonder what George has to say about this."
Preston: "And Eddy."
Preston: "What do you think about this question? I think there's a possibility."
Wendy: "There's no scientific evidence to prove it. I'm sure Myrtle will agree with me."
Myrtle: "Exactly. If there was a Watcher there wouldn't be suffering."
Eddy: "I hate to think that we don't control our own fates, but who's to say it doesn't exist?"
George: "Religion has its uses in keeping hope alive but it's not an excuse for mistakes or absent-mindedness. There has been no definitive information about the existence of a Watcher, even if others may think otherwise."
Preston: "Supernatural things exist in this world. Why not Watchers?"
George: "Unlike the rest, Watchers have not been documented."
Eddy: "I'm beginning to see Preston's point. I think the majority may truly feel that there is a Watcher controlling us."
Jim: "A's possible. So I'll say no."
George: "I believe in the wisdom of the masses. Yes to the question."
Wendy: "Yes."
Myrtle: "I firmly believe there's no chance in the idea of a Watcher. I pick yes."
Petunia: "I wonder what the rest chose. I think many of us don't believe in a Watcher so it's yes for me."
Preston: "I have to pick yes, don't I? Even though I truly believe there is a chance."
Cam: "Could be...I think the rest would say yes because they think otherwise, so I should choose no."
Molly: "Yes? Possibly?"
Eddy: "I tried to confuse them up there. My answer is yes."
Eric: "Yes. 'Cause no."
Larry: "Yes."
"Another close fight but 60% think that there is a Watcher controlling us."
"Larry is the first again, except now it's not a good thing to be first."
George: "Question 5. We should only marry for love. I think many of us hold this ideal but there are many reasons why Sims marry. What do you think?"
Cam: "I disagree with the sentiment."
Petunia: "But if you don't marry for love, you won't be happy. The question is whether we should, not whether we would."
Cam: "You can be happy in a marriage without love, or at least be content. Molly, what are your thoughts?"
Molly: "I agree that we should marry for love. But only love? Blind marriages exist."
Eric: "Those are all good points. We live in a practical society. We shouldn't judge a marriage based on how it started. So we all believe the majority will pick no, so we'll pick yes, right?"
Cam: "Yes."
Jim: "I truly believe not. Money is important to sustain the marriage. The only question is whether everyone else thinks that way...I'll pick no."
George: "Everyone seems to be against the idea. But I know many on the street will feel otherwise. Which means I pick no."
Wendy: "No. Not because I believe love is the only reason Sims marry, but because most won't think of that first."
Myrtle: "No."
Petunia: "I feel like the majority is yes, so I'll pick no."
Preston: "No."
Cam: "I know we said to pick yes, but the others are likely to pick no. This evens it out so it's a question of what the 78 think and I think they think yes so I think I'll choose no."
Molly: "We said yes so yes."
Eddy: "No."
Eric: "Now that I think of it, if we all say yes, then yes becomes the majority. I should say no."
Although Larry cannot earn points or participate in discussions any more, he can still cast a vote. He votes for no.
"Almost 3/4 of respondents said yes, you should only marry for love."
"This means that Molly gets her third strike."
"I chose all of you because I'm curious as to what you would vote."
Jim: "I agree that not everyone deserves happiness. There are evil Sims and assholes and bastards who don't deserve it."
George: "While that may be true, it feels like a technicality most respondents will miss."
Myrtle: "Will they? I think when framed like that, they would think of all the cases that Sims don't deserve happiness."
Wendy: "My personal view is that not everyone deserves happiness."
Cam: "But what will you vote for?"
Wendy: "I will stick with my personal view."
Jim: "George brought up a good point. Will the other 78 and the other contestants think everyone deserves happiness? I think they would, so I should pick not everyone deserves happiness."
George: "I will go with yes, not everyone deserves happiness."
Wendy: "I said I'll vote with my personal view."
Myrtle: "I think the majority will go with the statement, so I'll vote the opposite way and say that everyone deserves happiness."
Petunia: "Not everyone deserves happiness."
Preston: "Everyone deserves happiness."
Cam: "It seems like Wendy, Myrtle Jim think not everyone deserves happiness. If I'm right about what the others will choose, I should pick that everyone deserves happiness."
Eddy: "Everyone deserves happiness, so I must pick the other option."
Eric: "Everyone deserves happiness."
Larry said that not everyone deserves happiness.
Molly said that everyone deserves happiness.
"75% agrees that not everyone deserves happiness."
"This eliminates George, Wendy and Eddy. However, those who voted in the minority will gain an extra life."
Petunia leads the next discussion about the question: Beauty standards today are toxic for both men and women. As there are only 6 left, Petunia may only discuss with one other remaining contestant.
Eric: "I'm honoured."
Petunia: "Hi Eric. As someone clearly dedicated to fitness, what are your thoughts on this question?"
Eric: "I don't think it's toxic, especially not to men. I'm not working out because someone is telling me to or else. I do it because I love how I feel and how it makes others feel. Given my track record so far, I don't think that's how others feel though."
Eric: "How do you feel?"
Petunia: "Fine, thank you."
Eric: "As an aside, this feels so much like a date right now."
Petunia: "It does?"
Eric: "Yeah. It's just the two of us, a handsome lad and a beautiful woman."
Petunia: "You're just saying really think I'm beautiful?"
Petunia: "Is he into me?"
Jim: "I think everyone will say no to this, so I pick yes."
Myrtle: "There is a lot to unpack here. Are beauty standards toxic? Yes. Especially for women. But men too? Not sure how many would agree, but I think it's still enough to form a majority. I shall say no."
Petunia: "Eric and I agreed that our personal opinions don't really matter that much when there are so many other opinions. We agreed to vote against it because of the word 'and'."
Preston: "Yes, definitely yes. Which means I should go with no."
Cam: "How would the rest vote? I think many of them will disagree, and I believe it is representative of the other 78, so I will pick yes."
Eric: "It was a personal opinion but it seems like my personal opinions are very different from the rest. I should choose no. Petunia persuaded me."
Larry: "I truly agree with this statement. I don't have to vote against majority any more so yes."
Molly: "Yes."
George: "Yes. I can widen the gap between majority and minority."
Wendy: "No."
Eddy: "No."
"The answers are flipped this time. Most disagree with the statement."
"Petunia gets her final strike and is eliminated. As a quick tally, 40 points have been earned thus far. Only 3 more questions to go to bolster the pot."
Eric leads Jim on a discussion about whether vice activities are beneficial for society.
Jim: "Of course they're not! They'll wreck lives and destroy families!"
Eric: "But they can also help the economy. Some countries rely heavily on tobacco production, for example. We'll be creating jobs for the underprivileged."
Jim: "Do you think anyone bloody cares about the economy?"
Eric: "We don't know what the profile of the respondents are."
Jim: "I don't know why the hell you think vice activities are any good because it's clear everyone will think otherwise. Take it from me. I know better than anyone."
Jim: "Because everyone is clearly going to say no, I'll say yes."
Myrtle: "Yes. This is clear."
Preston: "The others won't be sufficient to flip the minority into the majority, right? I'm going with yes."
Cam: "Yes. No matter how many of us vote otherwise the answer is clear."
Eric: "Jim was very passionate. He must know the answer. I'll have to listen to him and pick yes."
Larry: "No."
Molly: "No."
George: "Actually, yes."
Wendy: "Yes. They are de-stressors."
Eddy: " I should pick yes."
Petunia: "Yes."
"Predictably, only 31% agree. This means that nobody earns a strike."
Eric is the leader again. For the question "there is no such thing as perfection", he chooses Myrtle.
Eric: "It clearly exists. It's in the dictionary."
Myrtle: "I don't think that's what they mean."
Myrtle: "We must look behind the meaning of this question."
Eric: "We must also think like the respondents. I don't think any of them are going to be thinking that deeply."
Myrtle: "That's a good point. So you believe the majority will believe perfection exists?"
Eric: "Don't you? It's what we strive towards."
Jim: "Nonsense. Nobody's perfect. That means the minority will be yes."
Myrtle: "What will everyone pick?"
Preston: "Yes."
Cam: "Yes."
Eric: "Yes, definitely. Just look at me. I'm peak perfection."
Larry: "Yes."
Molly: "No."
George: "Yes."
Wendy: "Yes."
Eddy: "Yes."
Petunia: "No."
"This was a very close one but there's a slight majority for the naysayers. No strikes are earned. One more question to go."
Cam: "Living a long life is a bad idea. I can predict what the other four will pick, except one."
Cam: "Preston, come take a seat."
Cam: "Do you think everyone will say that living a long life is a bad idea?"
Preston: "I doubt they will. Which means we should vote that it is."
Cam: "It's the last question so we must make things count. I believe that Myrtle will vote no as in living life is a bad idea because her profession is to prolong lives. Jim would say yes and Eric will say no."
Preston: "Jim might say no."
Cam: "That's true. He'll also be trying to figure out where everyone voted."
Cam: "That's true. He'll also be trying to figure out where everyone voted."
Jim: "Among the eliminees, I think only Eddy and George may feel no and thus vote yes."
Cam: "So that's 7x2 = 14 'no's. Given that the majority is likely to say yes, as in long lives are good lives, how many votes do you think will tip the scale?"
Preston: "I predict a current 60-40? Or the equivalent...about 46-34. If there's 14 'no's and 4 'yes's, that makes it 50-48. But that's just an estimate."
Cam: "Going by that, if we both vote no, then there'll be a tie and no minority. So we can't both vote no."
Preston: "But it's just a rough estimate. I don't think so many will say no so we shouldn't worry too much."
Myrtle: "It is a bad idea. A long life of suffering is worse than a short but fulfilling one. I suspect many don't feel that way so I should go with bad idea."
Preston: "Cam has me worried now. What if there really is a tie? Then nobody will earn points. But if I vote for the majority to break the tie, I will be willingly sacrificing points...what a tough decision."
Cam: "No matter what I'm voting that it is a bad idea."
Eric: "I disagree. There's nothing bad about living longer. It means you're healthy enough to get to that age."
"It's not a bad idea."
Molly: "It's not a bad idea."
George: "It's a bad idea."
Wendy: "It's a bad idea."
Eddy: "It's not a bad idea."
Petunia: "It's a bad idea."
"86% feel that living a long life is not a bad idea."
"Eric and Preston earn the last strikes of the mission. This means that 53/110 points have been earned in the mission, bringing the pot to 63/230 points."
The pot is faring very badly. Will the group be able to pull their socks up and fill the pot?
Q1: Pineapple on pizza - yay or nay?
Yay: 54+ 10 = 64
Nay: 24 + 12 = 36
Q2: Toilet paper: over or under?
Over: 33 + 12 = 45
Under: 45 + 10 = 55
Q4: Climate change is real.
True: 72
False: 6 + 22 = 28
Q4: There is a Watcher controlling us.
True: 42 + 18 = 60
False: 36 + 4 = 40
Q5: You should only marry for love.
True: 74 + 2 = 76
False: 4 + 2 + 18 = 24
Q6; Not everyone deserves happiness.
Not everyone: 63 + 2 + 10 = 75
Everyone: 15 + 2 + 8 = 25
Q7: Beauty standards today are toxic for both men and women.
True: 12 + 6 + 4 = 22
False: 66 + 4 + 8 = 78
Q8: Vice activities are beneficial to society.
True: 13 + 8 + 10 = 31
False: 65 + 4 = 69
Q9: There is no such thing as perfection.
True: 31 + 8 + 10 = 49
False: 47 + 4 = 51
Q10: Living a long life is a bad idea.
True: 2 + 6 + 6 = 14
False: 76 + 6 + 4 = 86
Hmm, there seems to be some mistakes in terms of what everyone answered as some of the answers and strikes and points dont tally