Sunday, 26 November 2017

36.10-English kiss

Previously, the contestants had to sit still or receive an electric shock. Stephanie, Colt, Bryan and Sylvester managed to sit still and earned 40/80 points, but Paris got shocked twice and thus lost 2 points, leading to 38 points to the pot, making it 198/570 points. Bryan earned an exemption for lasting the longest. He will survive one execution but will Violet and the rest?


Ainsley: "I am so not getting caught with this."

Ainsley: "Shit."
Paris; "Hmm?"

Paris: "Oh that my journal?"

Paris: "You thief! You stole it!"

Ainsley: "Woah hold on there. I didn't steal it. I found it lying around so I was trying to look for you."

Paris: "Absurdite. You are a liar."

Ainsley: "Now don't you go around pointing finger and making accusations unless you've got proof."

Ainsley: "I didn't want to bring this up because we slept in the same room but you've left me with no choice. You are the thief and the liar. You stole Song's earrings, didn't you?"
Paris: "What? No, I did not."

Ainsley: "See? I knew you would say no. Luckily I have proof."
Paris: "What proof?"
Ainsley: "Song said you took them. And they were in our room, a room with two men and one woman."

Paris: "Why would I want her earrings? I have my own. I have superior taste. We wear completely different earrings."

Ainsley: "That is true...but then how did it end up in our room?"
Paris: "I do not know but I know it is not me."

Paris: "I zink it is scary zat zere is a thief among us."

Ainsley: "This morning after I took a dump I was making my bed and found Paris's journal under my pillow. It wasn't there before. I know Paris lost her journal two days ago and was looking for it. I think Sylvester is the culprit. But I don't have proof. I need to find a way to get it out of him."

Ainsley: "Good morning Sylvester."
Sylvester: "Morning."

Ainsley: "I found Paris's journal under your pillow today. Care to explain?'
Sylvester: "What? I put..."

Sylvester: "Ahem! I meant I don't know how it got there. Maybe someone put it there to try and accuse me?"
Ainsley: "Maybe but information is valuable currency in a game like this. And I just recorded our conversation. You slipped up by saying you were the one who took it and put it somewhere."
Sylvester: "Record? With what?"
Ainsley: "A recording device. It's not listed under the list of contraband items to bring onto the Smole and I knew it would come in handy."
Sylvester: "So you've been recording all of us all this while?"
Ainsley: "Not every conversation. Only those that are of interest to me."


Bryan: "Sylvester, do you ever do raids on drug addicts?"

Sylvester: "Why the question?"
Bryan: "It's just that I found some recreational weed and I'm wondering where it's from.."

Sylvester: "Where did you find it?"
Bryan: "It was under Song's bed. I don't want to accuse her of smoking weed so I hope you can do a thorough investiagtion for me."
Sylvester: "I'm not on the job right now. You can go find out whether it's legal or not yourself. Sorry bud."

Ainsley: "Your memory is failing you, Colt."
Colt: "Don't you dare be rude to me."
Ainsley: "I'm just speaking the truth. You couldn't tell me who were the original occupants of your room out of the twelve of us."
Colt: "Why are you testing me on this anyway? It's not important."


Song: "Bryan. Stop there."

Song: "Is it true that you have a motive for getting close to me?"

Bryan: "Nonsense. Where did you hear that from?"
Song: "It doesn't matter. Just tell me if it's true."

Bryan: "Is our friendship so fragile as to be broken by a little rumour? I think that someone among us is jealous of me being friends with a megastar like you and wants to sow discord."

Song: "You're right. I'm sorry I doubted you."
Bryan: "It's okay. I know that the rumours must be unsettling. But they aren't true. And I think I have an idea of who's starting all this: Violet. By causing confusion she hopes to throw us all of so that she has a better chance of surviving."
Song: "Oh that makes sense. But I never epxected that from her."
Bryan: "How well do you know her?"

Ainsley: "You know I was kidding about the recording tape thing, right?"
Sylvester: "Uh-huh."

Ainsley: "But do you really have to resort to theft? That's very desperate."

Ainsley: "If you think I'm at fault then there's nothing I can do to change that view."
Ainsley: "I'll get the cameraman to give me the footage for the past few days. Then we'll see."

Ainsley: "I lied about lying about having a recorder. I do have it. It's in my possession right now and I'm not losing sight of it. To be safe, I make written copies of the exact conversations recorded."


Stephanie: "Bryan, did you tell anyone about my idol?"
Bryan: "Hmm, who's your idol again?"
Stephanie: "You don't remember?"
Bryan: "I really don't. Should I?"

Stephanie: "Then...could it have been Song who went around telling everyone?"

Bryan: "There's this air of disturst, isn't there? It's thicker than usual. Someone went around spreading rumours about me too."
Stephanie: "This is very worrying, especially since we don't know who is behind this."

Violet: "Yoo are a waste of space."

Violet: "What do you mean you've been here for ages? That's a load of bull."

Violet: "I'll tell you that my African Violets are far more superior than you are."
Sylvester: "Is she talking to a tree?"

Violet: "I have genetically modified them to be resistant and all-powerful. I've even harvested the Kanzakiaa Devada to cross-pollinate."
Sylvester: "Kanzakiaa DevadaI? Didn't that appear on the news before? That species is nearing extinction. Harvesting it is illegal. I better go before she sees me here."

Colt: "Watch where you're going! You have eyes for a reason. Youngsters these days."
Sylvester: "I've just about had it with your uppity attitude. Don't think that just because you're old doesn't mean your wise. you'rej ust a useless old man that nobody wants. Now get out of my way."


Violet: "I say that there are just like how there are two types of African Violets, my type and the boring type, there are two types of Moles: those that stand out and those that blend in. Don't you agree?"
Ainsley: "Yes but why are you telling me this?"
Violet: "Oh I thought I'd help you a little."
Ainsley: "Huh? I think you're the one who needs help."

Paris: "Could you hug me? I want to know what it feels like to have ze tender embrace of a man."

Bryan: "Well, I can accede to that request."
Paris: "Ahh..."

Paris: "So wonderful!"

Paris: "Let me give you an English kiss to zank you."

Bryan: "You really don't have to."

Paris: "No I insist."

Bryan: "A kiss on the cheeks would have been enough. What if my family at home watches this?"
Paris: "Oh I am sorry. I forgot you had a family, Yves."

Bryan: "Yves? Did you just call me Yves?"

Paris: "Oh non. I mean Bryan. I am so sorry."

Bryan: "Am I really uncomparable to him? Why is everybody mistaking me for a nobody?"
Paris: "Yves is not a nobody. He is my man!"
Bryan: "He is also married. And cheating with woman #2. Do you want to be woman #3?"
Paris: "If I can feel what love is like, zen why not?"
Bryan: "You're deluded."


Quiz time.

Q1: Is the Mole male or female?
A: Male
B: Female

Q2: What is the Mole's favourite colour?
A: Blue
B: Grey
C: Violet
D: Red
E: Orange
F: Aqua

Q3: Has the Mole ever been married?
A: Yes
B: No

Q4: Which car did the Mole take in Mission 5?
A: Black
B: White

Q5: In Mission 5, who sat beside the Mole in the car?
A: Stephanie Ball
B: Paris Virginia
C: Song Wu
D: Ainsley Ruth Del Rino
E: Colt Fogey
F: Bryan Seacrest
G: Violet Flowrina
H: Sylvester Roscoe

Q6: In Mission 5, in what order did the Mole sit on the white chair?
A: 1st
B: 2nd
C: 3rd
D: 4th
E: 5th
F: 6th
G: 7th
H: 8th

Q7: In Mission 5, how long did the Mole think they could sit for?
A: 90 minutes
B: 75 minutes
C: 60 minutes
D: 50 minutes
E: 40 minutes
F: 30 minutes
G: 22 minutes

Q8: In Mission 5, how long did the Mole sit for before getting an electric shock?
A: 15 minutes 
B: 24 minutes
C: 36 minutes
D: 41 minutes
E: The Mole did not get a shock

Q9: In Mission 5, how many electric shocks did the Mole get?
A: 0
B: 1
C: 2

Q10: Who is the Mole?
A: Stephanie Ball
B: Paris Virginia
C: Song Wu
D: Ainsley Ruth Del Rino
E: Colt Fogey
F: Bryan Seacrest
G: Violet Flowrina
H: Sylvester Roscoe


"It is time for another execution. If you had realised from the last execution, our jetsteam machine isn't working. We're currently having it fixed, but for now let's pretend the rain is the jet steam."

"Let us start with Violet Flowerina. Can she survive this execution, equipped with less information than the rest?"

"Violet Flowerina, you are..."

"...the next to be executed. Please pack your bags and leave."
Violet: "I didn't even get to stay long the second time. It's no fun. I rather not be in a place without African Violets anyway. But I thought I knew who the Mole was. How else did I make it back in?"

"Thank you for joining, Violet."

"Look around you. This is who you are spending the rest of your journey with. Welcome to the final seven, contestants."

Violet is out of the game again, this time via a different route. She didn't know who the Mole was, but do you?

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