We've managed to squeeze out one more season for all our loyal fans! On this 36th season of the Smole, 12 new contestants take part in various "missions" to earn "points" for the "pot". 1 point is worth 100 Simoleons. However, among them is a Mole, out to sabotage and deceive. The other eleven must figure out who the Mole is via a quiz before it is too late. After every quiz, the lowest scorer will be "executed" and this continues until two finalists and a Mole remain.
This season, the Mole has a lot of power. The Mole can choose half the contestants, excluding the Mole, to be up for execution and the lowest scorer among this group will be executed. This adds another layer of strategy for all twelve faces. Speaking of which, let us introduce them right now!
First up, we have Colt Fogey, 67, unemployed.
We also have Paris Virginia, 25, unemployed.
Thirdly, we have Theresa Meyers, 49, mayor.
Fourth, we have Bryan Seacrest, 35, TV show host.
Ainsley Ruth Del Rino is 29 and works as a stock broker.
This 31-year-old actress is Song Wu.
Next is Violet Flowerina, 32, researcher.
Next up, Sylvester Roscoe, 34, policeman.
We also have Sharon Vahassaberdeleon, 52, housewife.
James King is 43 and a construction worker.
Almost there! This is Stephanie Ball, 30, teacher.
Last but not least, Yves Kalin, 46, drummer.
For their first mission, contestants are visiting Galaxious Planetarium. Each of them has been assigned a horoscope that may or may not be their actual one. They have to find clues within the planetarium to ascertain their horoscope. Then, they have to all stand at the corresponding spots in one room within 2 hours to earn their first 100 points.
Ainsley: "And of course everyone and everything is out to kill me right from the first second."
Sylvester: "Sorry didn't see you there, but I guess the apology is wasted on someone like you."
Ainsley: "If I suffer from any internal bleeding I'll make sure you pay the full amount."
Sylvester: "I won't pay for your pyschotic meds."
Theresa: "Break it up. We're here to enjoy ourselves. Let's take a look at those brochures."
Ainsley: "I'm not here to 'enjoy myself'."
Paris: "I like a teecket, please."
Bobbi: "Name?"
Paris: "Parees Virginia."
Bobbi: "Alright. Here you go. It's been fully paid for."
Paris: "At first I was wondering why ze ticket wrote ze 21st of June when today wasn't ze 21st of June. Eet was a clue, I thought. Den I fleepped through some of ze pamphlets on ze table and saw somedzeeng about how ze French never have zeir horoscope changed. Another clue! I know I am a Gemini, so I was so proud of figuring zat out."
Sharon: "A trip to the planetarium would've been the perfect outing for my family. They would've loved this."
Bobbi: "Here's your ticket. Oh, I should also mention that your chosen horoscope will not tally with your actual one."
Sharon: "I see...thank you."
Song: "Does anyone else hear that? If your name starts with the same letter as another, your horoscope may follow suit."
Song: "Thank goodness for my perceptive ears."
Colt: "There's the bloody toilet. Why did they camouflage it? And why the hell is there a tree stump picture on the wall? We're not in the botanic gardens!"
Colt: "I really can't hold it in any more."
Colt: "Ah, that's better."
Song: "Oh...wow."
Bryan: "This is where we have to stand, I suppose. So let's get cracking."
James: "I went straight outside because I was afraid of breaking stuff."
Theresa: "Song, right? How about we work together? Two heads and six eyes are better than one."
Song: "Sure. Let's look around the cafe."
Ainsley: "I'm definite that there are clues hidden within these encylopedias."
Colt: "I found a copy of today's newspaper. I'm going to take a moment to read this."
Ainsley: "I'm not even mad at Colt. I saw it coming. I was searching for clues telling me about my own horoscope but I stumbled upon Bryan's. Bryan's name is on the bookshelf in the planets room. But I didn't tell him. Not my business."
Violet: "Anonymous? I'm not an anonymous user. I'm Violet Flowerina!"
Bryan: "Let me take a look."
Bryan: "Could you supply me with some keywords I can use to trigger some search?"
Paris: "I am very sure zis is my spot."
Sharon: "Stephanie, you're pretty smart, right? Could you help me?"
Sharon: "I'm born on the 6th of February. At the ticket counter I was told that this horoscope of mine will not tally with my actual one."
Stephanie: "So you want me to tell you what horoscope you are?"
Sharon: "Yes, if you know, that is."
Stephanie: "I happen to know it. In real life you're an Aquarius."
Sharon: "I see. Thank you. You're pretty knowledgeable, so why are you hiding up here?"
Sharon: "I'm sure you'd be able to help us the most."
Stephanie: "Thanks for flattering me but I'm not that good. I need to find out where the hints are at too..."
Sylvester: "A DIY station in the cosmic room. Maybe if I arrange the planet discs in order..."
Sylvester: "Come to think of it, why was a DIY station involving planets in the cosmic room, which is about the creation of the world and universe? Oh...I get it now. It's about creation."
Ainsley: "Some useless facts about the solar system, yadda yadda..."
TV: "...And that is the brightest star for Pisces."
Yves: "Okay. I hope I've got that all down. Man, this feels like school all over again."
Stephanie: "Oh! Didn't realise you were here. And Sylvester is here too."
Stephanie: "It looks as though you have things covered. Then I'll get going."
Stephanie: "I think I saw a switch to toggle the blacklight on. However, Sylvester and Yves were there. I did not want to disturb or surprise them so I didn't dare to try it. I am beginning to regret it now because I forgot about it completely afterwards."
Stephanie: "Hmm, Bryan's name is here. I'll be sure to tell him if I see him."
Stephanie: "Best to start reading. I want to help everyone figure out their zodiacs."
Song: "They wouldn't think that we would think that they would use the same type of clue twice. I'm listening hard for another hint."
Theresa: "So this is one of the theories about how the universe was created. Interesting."
Theresa: "Apparently a prevalent theory regarding the creation of the universe and worlds as we know them is that there are gods above us, using various developer tools to sculpt a world from a square block of land, downloading custom content from other worlds to add into their own. That's unfathomable and almost ludicrous to believe, but yet it's so widely accepted to be true. I learned a lot from the trip to the planetarium."
Theresa: "A sculpture of two fish! This has to be a hint towards Pisces."
Theresa: "But anyone could have seen this, so who is the Pisces? I'll keep this in mind and keep looking around. I'll share my findings later."
Theresa: "Oh, there's an interactive exhibit here."
Theresa: "Which is the closest star to the Earth? I think that's the Sun. I'm choosing that option."
Sylvester: "Must control the urge..."
Theresa: "What is this theory called?"
Sylvester: "I'll help you!"
Theresa: "Hmm...oh! The Creationist Theory, duh!"
Sylvester: "What constellation is this?"
Theresa: "Should I pick the third one? I think it's the Ursa Minor."
Sylvester: "Hey Ruth! Mind helping?"
Theresa: "Isn't Ruth a girl's name?"
Ainsley: "No. And no. So women can take away traditionally male names like Taylor and Casey but a male can't have a name called Ainsley or Ruth? For that I'm not going to help you."
Theresa: "Is he really leaving like that?"
Sylvester: "Yep. Forget him."
Sylvester: "I'll search for answers."
Theresa: "I'm stumped. I'm sure there are answers in this whole place but I don't have time, unfortunately. I only learned a few new things. Can you tell me the density of Mars?"
Sylvester: "Searching...got it! 3.93 g/cm^3."
Theresa: "Thanks. Oh! I got the whole quiz correct! Oh, the credits page is so cute. 'If you'd like this, please support us. We are planning to run for mayor next year. The election season is from 22 December to 20 January. Do come and support!'"
Sylvester: "Wait, let me search that...that duration corresponds to Capricorn. It's about politics. Theresa, you're a Capricorn!"
Theresa: "Oh, of course! Thank you for your help."
Ainsley: "The computer was logged in as Leon. That's spanish for the lion. It's way too easy and obvious. My job is done now."
Colt: "How about we just enter instead of sitting around here? We should at least try to help."
James: "If you say so. I just ain't gonna touch nothing."
Violet: "Ooh...is this the sun? or the moon?"
Violet: "I think these are the planets. The biggest one is Jupiter and that one with rings is Saturn. Hey, that looks like a constellation over there, by Pluto. The pattern differs from the rest."
Violet: "Hmm...oh, it's a Virgo!"
Violet: "Also, someone is obsessed with you, Bryan. Your name is plastered all over this bookcase."
Bryan: "Hmm, a library of books with my name...wait. Library? Libra? Could that be it?"
Violet: "Only one way to find out."
Violet: "I think this place really needs more African Violets. I WANT MY AFRICAN VIOLETS!"
Violet: "The solar system looks so cold without them."
Colt: "Fake clues. Why didn't I think of that earlier? Now I should look for a way to implement that."
Theresa: "Oh, a screening's starting soon."
Sylvester: "The guy's giving a commentary."
Ainsley: "I don't think anyone is going to make it, but I'm not going to risk someone standing in my space to help."
Theresa: "Wow. This is really pretty."
Bryan: "I've hosted a trivia show before. I can tell you that there's the Big Dipper."
Violet: "This is taking far too long. I'm outta here."
Sylvester: "I wonder what that was all about."
Bryan: "Shh."
Sylvester: "Hey, it appears that they're showing the constellations of each of the horoscopes one by one."
Yves: "Awesome. This is the best part of this mission."
Stephanie: "The twelve zodiacs' symbols are on the roof, in order. And the sun has finally set. I can see clearly now although that gives us 30 minutes left if I counted correctly."
Stephanie: "I hope this will be prove fruitful. Oh, what's that? An airship with the letter Y?"
Stephanie: "I must tell Yves."
Theresa: "Song, are you here? The screening is over."
Theresa: "There you are. There are a lot of things I want to share with you."
Theresa: "But did you find anything?"
Song: "I didn't."
Theresa: "Oh...I found out that I'm a Capricorn. I completed a quiz on the interactive station and it talked about politics and the days which correspond to Capricorn. Ainsley seems to have discovered he's a Leo too and Paris is a Gemini according to her. There was also a screening outside 30 minutes ago..."
Song: "Shh...it's starting."
Theresa: "This is the same as the earlier one. I think we should not waste our time when we're running low on it."
Song: "Okay. Fill me in later."
Yves: "Has it started?"
Theresa: "Yes."
Sharon: "I hope I didn't miss much."
Stephanie: "That advertisement with the opera singer singing out various body parts was strange. Ovarian, throat...cancer! I think Song has cancer! Oops, I meant Song's zodiac is Cancer."
Yves: "Woah. Cool."
Violet: "Indeed, indeed."
Violet: "Wait, we're not even looking at the same things."
Yves: "That was amazing but I think we just wasted time."
Stephanie: "Sit down for a moment, please Yves. I...I have something to share."
Yves: "Oh?"
Stephanie: "Yves, I'm fairly certain I saw a clue pertaining to you. There was an airship with the letter Y. It should refer to you. There was a constellation of Sagittarius. If I follow the archer's arrow, it points to that airship. You are a Sagittarius."
Yves: "Woah. Would never have gotten that. Thanks. Have you found out yours?"
Stephanie: "No..."
Yves: "Well, I have. It's er...a goat. During one of the screenings I saw a billy goat in a princess gown flash for a moment briefly. It had two big horns, so it had to be a billy goat"
Stephanie: "A billy goat? It must be Aries...um...thank you for telling me...I appreciate it..."
Yves: "I had to reciprocate, right?"
James: "I wonder if there's anything here."
Bryan: "I'd like a--"
Kristen: "You're from the Smole, right? We've got dinner catered for you already."
Bryan: "Oh. Can I have something else?"
Kristen: "No."
Kristen: "This is for you."
Theresa: "Thank you."
Theresa: "I think there is a reason why we are given different plates of food."
Bryan: "I suspect something too but I don't know what."
Sharon: "Excuse me. Hello?"
Kristen: "Oh, a customer."
Sharon: "She is way too free."
Kristen: "Agreed. You are Sharon from the Smole?"
Sharon: "Yes. Can I have..."
Kristen: "Fish cake? Here you go. Specially made with one cod fish and one salmon fish."
Sharon: "I'm not sure how that will taste, frankly. Can I change the order?"
Kristen: "No can do. It's been fully paid for."
Violet: "We are really running out of time."
James: "But I can't ignore my stomach."
Violet: "If you're gonna stick to eat then so will I. But we really need to hurry."
One minute left. Can they make it in time?
Stephanie: "Based on what you told me, you are likely to be Pisces. Two fish."
Theresa: "I saw two fish in a room too. I should've made the connection."
Sharon: "I shall trust your interpretation."
James: "Do I stand here?"
Stephanie: "What is your zodiac sign?"
James: "Eh...a bull. Because I feel like a bull matches me most."
Stephanie: "Then you are in the correct place...I hope..."
Stephanie: "Is everybody in position?"
Stephanie: "I hope we are."
Sharon: "I hope nobody moves until time is up because we can't see anything with the wall blocking us. How much time left, Stephanie?"
Stephanie: "About one and a half minutes or so."
Yves: "This is Sagittarius according to Stephanie, and I verified it myself."
Yves: "But I hope I didn't mislead her. She should be smarter than that, right?"
Yves: "James, you are a Taurus?"
James: "What? No. I don't know what kind of dinosaur you're talking about."
Yves: "Oh my gosh, has there been a bigger idiot in this world?"
Time is ticking away. Three spots have not been taken.
Violet: "So there were only three of us who couldn't figure out what we were, so we decided to wait in the centre while the rest took their places, then we would decide from there."
Colt: "This is a waste of time. Just pick one already.I'm going to do that."
Violet: "NOOOO!"
Sylvester: "Well, there goes those points."
Violet: "He totally cockblocked us."
Bryan: "There's a chance that he could be right."
Violet: "But we shouldn't be taking chances. We need to get all correct."
Ainsley: "We know who to blame if we don't get this right."
Song: "Hurry up!"
Violet: "How about we settle this with a game of scissors, paper, stone? Winner picks one zodiac."
Sylvester: "I don't have a better idea right now."
Sylvester: "I won!"
Violet: "Now quickly pick one!"
Sylvester: "I'll take this one."
Violet: "Then I'll pick this one."
Bobbi: "Hey, aren't you Bryan Seacrest? I love your hosting!"
Bryan: "Thanks for recognising me...but could we talk later? I'm currently busy at the moment."
"Time is up!"
Violet: "Eek! That was close."
"We shall now reveal the results..."
"You are all at the right positions, so 100/100 points have been earned! Congratulations!"
Sylvester: "No way! This is awesome!"
Violet: "Clearly the Mole let us for this one."
Sharon: "I thought we were doomed."
Violet: "I saw a lot of clues today. Not just for the mission but also regarding the Mole. I think I've got the Mole already."
100 points have been earned. The group is off to a great start. Did the Mole give in?
- Everyone's ticket has today's date except for Paris's-hers writes 21 June, which is the last day for Gemini.
- A brochure in the lobby writes "If you are born in France, your zodiac stays with you for life." PARIS is in France and this means that the zodiac will be the same as her actual one. She is born on 30 May, which makes her a Gemini.
- There is a picture of a tree stump with rings. Each ring represents the tree's age. As the tree grows older, more outer rings are formed. Hence, the further you are from the centre, the older you are. There is a solar system model and above Pluto (the furthest planet) is the constellation of Virgo. Colt is the oldest.
- The lobby occasionally plays the recording: 'If your name starts with the same letter as another, your horoscope may follow suit." -among Sylvester, Song, Sharon and Stephanie, two of them will be Aries and Aquarius or Cancer and Capricorn or Scorpio and Sagittarius.
- One computer is already logged into by someone called Leon instead of anonymous user. Leon is Spanish for lion (Leo). Ainsley is Spanish.
- Bryan's name is pasted on the bookshelf. Books-Libros-Libra.
- Through the telescope one can see the constellation of Sagittarius. By following its arrow, one would see the letter Y hanging from an airship. Y for Yves.
- An advertisement before the half-hourly screening showcases an opera singer singing the words "brain, lungs, throat, ovarian". These are all possible types of cancer that are sung in SONG format.
- Answering a quiz on the interactive station will give the clue that election season is from 22 December to 20 January. This corresponds to Capricorn and Theresa is a politician.
- The above three imply that the recording in the lobby is referring to Aries and Aquarius.
- In the "cosmic room", the spotlight occasionally flashes the words "look for the brightest star". The recording from the TV will talk about which is the brightest star for each zodiac. If James takes out his ticket and turns on the black light, he can see the word Aldebaran, which is the brightest star for Taurus.
- Occasionally the spotlight will also flash the picture of a Violet scorpion (Scorpio).
- The cafe serves cake made with two fish whenever Sharon orders food. The symbol for Pisces are two fish. This is also seen in the "cosmic room", with an aerial view of a cake with two fish on it.
- The ladies manning the register will tell Sharon that her horoscope will not tally with her real one. Sharon is born on 6 Februrary, which corresponds to Aquarius. Hence Sharon is not an Aquarius. This leaves Sylvester and Stephanie to be Aries and Aquarius (although order not confirmed yet).
- The male toilet has scrawling of the symbol of Aquarius, suggesting that a male has the horoscope of Aquarius. Sylvester is the only male left.
- By elimination, Sephanie is an Aries.
Sign[44] | Constellation | ||||||
Name | Symbol | Tropical zodiac | Sidereal zodiac | Name | IAU boundaries[45] | Solar stay[45] | Brightest star |
Aries | ![]() | 21 March – 20 April | 15 April – 15 May | Aries | 19 April – 13 May | 25 days | Hamal |
Taurus | ![]() | 21 April – 21 May | 16 May – 15 June | Taurus | 14 May – 19 June | 37 days | Aldebaran |
Gemini | ![]() | 22 May – 21 June | 16 June – 15 July | Gemini | 20 June – 20 July | 31 days | Pollux |
Cancer | ![]() | 22 June – 22 July | 16 July – 15 August | Cancer | 21 July – 9 August | 20 days | Al Tarf |
Leo | ![]() | 23 July – 22 August | 16 August – 15 September | Leo | 10 August – 15 September | 37 days | Regulus |
Virgo | ![]() | 23 August – 23 September | 16 September – 15 October | Virgo | 16 September – 30 October | 45 days | Spica |
Libra | ![]() | 24 September – 23 October | 16 October – 15 November | Libra | 31 October – 22 November | 23 days | Zubeneschamali |
Scorpio | ![]() | 24 October – 22 November | 16 November – 15 December | Scorpius | 23 November – 29 November | 7 days | Antares |
Ophiuchus | ![]() | N/A | Ophiuchus | 30 November – 17 December | 18 days | Rasalhague | |
Sagittarius | ![]() | 23 November – 21 December | 16 December – 14 January | Sagittarius | 18 December – 18 January | 32 days | Kaus Australis |
Capricorn | ![]() | 22 December – 20 January | 15 January – 14 February | Capricornus | 19 January – 15 February | 28 days | Deneb Algedi |
Aquarius | ![]() | 21 January – 19 February | 15 February – 14 March | Aquarius | 16 February – 11 March | 24 days | Sadalsuud |
Pisces | ![]() | 20 February – 20 March | 15 March – 14 April | Pisces | 12 March – 18 April | 38 days | Eta Piscium |
From Wikipedia
(Note: I used the Tropical zodiac)
I know Pluto isn't a planet any more and all that, but it will forever be a Planet in my heart.