Sunday, 15 August 2021

51.06-We live in a world where aliens exist and you're questioning me about meteorology?


In the previous mission, the contestants were split up. George, Petunia, Myrtle, Jim and Cam had to find selected books that fit a given criteria. The others could help with that by relaying the first sentence of the required books. They managed to find 22/25 books and also completed 4 collections, earning them 100/100 points, thanks to 12 bonus points. The contestants had a fruitful day but someone must be executed. The question is: who?


Eddy: "I definitely find it suspicious that Eric and Molly failed to dance in sync. That was easy, although also very easy to screw up. They only found 3 of the clues. Preston and I found 6. Wendy and Larry both said they didn't keep track of how many clues they had, which means they found a whopping 13 clues. And they had the hardest task. They are definitely not the Moles."


Wendy: "We have to keep quiet about how many clues we found."
Larry: "Why?"
Wendy: "We did too well for our own good."

Larry: "Will it work? There are 5 of them. Surely one of them was keeping track. Probably George."
Wendy: "Then we'll just say we weren't keeping track. We need to mudsling each other too."

Wendy: "If anyone asks, I'll say that you were too busy having fun to pay attention. And you'll say that I insisted on going on so many rounds that we both felt too sick to continue or pay attention to the clues."

Larry: "I don't know if it'll work or if it'll backfire, but I can give it a shot if you're so insistent."


Molly: "You haven't changed out of yesterday's pants/"
Eric: "I'm a model. I have many of the same outfit."

Eric: "I caught you staring at me the whole time yesterday. Now too. So, what do you think? Like the way they move?"
Molly: "I think you're mistaken. You look nice I'm married."
Eric: "Can you say confidently that your husband is better than this? Does he have a six-pack?"

Molly: "You need to get over yourself, Eric."
Eric: "Thought so."


Preston: "He was pretty amazing."

Preston: "He was swimming like a professional."

Preston: "Interesting. It smells like it will rain soon so let's get inside."

Preston: "You can smell rain?"
Petunia: "I'm a meterologist. This is kinda my job."
Preston: "Is meteorology even real?"

Petunia: "We live in a world where aliens exist and you're questioning me about meteorology?"

Preston: "Fair. Since you believe in aliens, do you also believe that Sims can talk to the dead? Even when they are still buried?"

Petunia: "Tell me more."
Preston: "I haven't told many about this but, I can talk to the dead. Not even ghosts. The dead. I hear their voices. It started when I had to visit a graveyard to find out how the land development was progressing."

Petunia: "Interesting...anyway, remember that rain I was talking about? I miscalculated and it should start any moment. Gotta go!"


George: "Jim, you are just in time for our second session."

Jim: "I'm not going to be a part of your cult."
Wendy: "It's not a cult. George has so much information in his head and he's willing to share that with all of us."
Jim: "That's exactly what a brainwashed cult member would say."

George: "I've never met someone so rude and exasperating in my life, and that's saying a lot."

Jim: "What did you say, chump?"

George: "I said, you are the rudest, most exasperating Sim I have ever met in my entire life."
Myrtle: "George, calm down."

Jim: "Oh yeah? You're the snobbiest, most arrogant Sim I've ever met! You act like you're better than us because you know everything. If you're so great why couldn't you find all 25 books yourself, huh?"

George: "I never claimed to know everything. But I try to help whenever I can but I can only help those that want to help themselves. It seems that you can't the fact that others may know more than you."



Jim: "I shouldn't."

Jim: "But I really need a drink."

Jim: "But I promised myself to never touch the bottle again."

Eddy: "You gonna use that or what?"
Jim: "You use it."

Eddy: "Need me to pour one out for you?"
Jim: "I'm not dead."
Eddy: "You seem like you have something on your mind."

Jim: "Are you a therapist now?"
Eddy: "No, I'm a bartender for the next few minutes. And bartenders have great listening ears."

Jim: "You're doing it all wrong. Let me...nevermind."
Eddy: "If you bottle your troubles up it'll affect your health."

Jim: "Don't act like you know everything. I don't see why you care anyway."
Eddy: "I care about a lot of stuff. That's why I joined activism."

Jim: "How 'bout you tell me your sob story instead?"
Eddy: "Heh, too many to recount."

Eddy: "But each time I feel despair, I'm reminded of why I joined in the first place: to make the world a better place."
Jim: "That's cheesy as hell."

Eddy: "Yeah, it is. But it's also the truth. There's so many things wrong with the world and with society. Apathy is our biggest enemy. I know that if we don't do anything, it's only going to get worse from here. I have to do my part to help everyone so that others don't have to suffer the consequences of our actions."

Jim: "Deep."

Eddy: "You get it, don't you?"
Jim: "In a way."

Eddy: "You sure you don't want one?"

Jim: "Get the hell away from me. I'm four months sober and I'm not destroying that streak."


Myrtle: "Why are we here?"
Petunia: "Because I don't want anyone else to find out about this. You're the only one I can trust right now, and you're also one of the more normal Sims."

Petunia: "I'm certain the Mole was in the library. We just need to find out who was the one that messed around with the books when nobody was looking."
Myrtle: "The library was quite open. It would be quite difficult to sabotage since anyone on the upper floors can look down at any time."
Petunia: "It's a ballsy Mole. And nobody was paying attention. We trusted each other too much."

Myrtle: "I'm curious too. You can count on me."

Myrtle: "Do you have someone in mind already?"
Petunia: "I do actually. It's not much to go off of, just a hunch, but..."

Petunia: "I think it was Cam."


Petunia: "I think the Mole was at the library. The Mole took some of the books while we weren't looking and threw them into the storeroom. Fortunately Myrtle found them, but it also means that Myrtle isn't the Mole. How did we end up with a wrong book though? Was that the result of her actions? What if she actually didn't bring out all the books? I should have checked."


It is time for the quiz. 10 questions about the Mole's identity. The lowest scorer will be executed.

Q1: Is the Mole male or female?
A: Male
B: Female

Q2: How old is the Mole?
A: 25
B: 27
C: 28
D: 30
E: 31
F: 32
G: 36
H: 46
I: 50
J: 54

Q3: Who saved the Mole in the previous execution ceremony?
A: Petunia Merryweather
B: Myrtle Noon
C: Larry Uggs
D: Preston Jeremiah
E: Jim Quince
F: Eric Zetsweller
G: George Goog
H: Eddy Xenish
I: The Mole was not saved

Q4: Where was the Mole in Mission 3?
A: Library
B: Gym
C: Boardwalk
D: Pool

Q5: In Mission 3, how many clues did the Mole find?
A: 2
B: 3
C: 4
D: 6
E: The Mole was not a clue finder

Q6: In Mission 3, how many books did the Mole find?
A: 3
B: 5
C: 6
D: The Mole was not a book finder

Q7: Which of the following sentences did the Mole find in Mission 3?
A: I go to sleep alone, and wake up alone.
B: What's it going to be then, eh?
C: Where's Papa going with that axe?
D: When he was nearly thirteen my brother Jem got his arm badly broken at the elbow.
E: Far out in the uncharted backwaters of the unfashionable end of the Western Spiral Arm of the Galaxy lies a small unregarded yellow sun.
F: The Mole was a book finder

Q8: Which book did the Mole find in Mission 3?
A: A Farewell To Arms
B: The Time Traveler's Wife
C: A Clockwork Orange
D: Emma
E: Slaughterhouse 5
F: The Mole was a clue finder

Q9: In Mission 3, who gave the clue for the first book the Mole found?
A: Eddy Xenish
B: Preston Jeremiah
D: Wendy Ortiz
D: Larry Uggs
E: Molly MacRitchie
F: Eric Zetsweller
G: The Mole was a clue finder

Q10: Who is the Mole?
A: Eddy Xenish
B: Preston Jeremiah
D: Wendy Ortiz
D: Larry Uggs
E: Molly MacRitchie
F: Eric Zetsweller
G: George Goog
H: Jim Quince
I: Cam Ngoc Tran
J: Myrtle Noon
K: Petunia Merryweather


"It is time for your next execution ceremony. While you could have relied on your fellow contestants to save you previously, you now can only rely on yourself to make it through."

"Let's begin with Petunia Merryweather."

"Unfortunately, Petunia Merryweather, you have been executed."

Petunia: "No! I still want to play!"

Petunia: "I'm very disappointed in myself. I thought I could make it further than that. But on the other hand, I'm the first executed that played three missions, so I shouldn't be complaining too much. The money though..."

"10 contestants remain. Congratulations, you have survived your first real execution ceremony. How many more can you survive?"

The materialistic meteorologist has been executed! Did she take the place of someone else or did she fail to escape her inevitable fate?

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