Thursday, 26 August 2021

51.10-My Godzilla


In he previous episode, the 9 conterants had to split themselves into 70s, 80s and 90s. The group earned 51 points, but they had a chance to earn more. After much discussion, the group sent Eddy to take part in the bonus round, in which he brought in 40 more points but also halved the winnings. As a result 45/90 points were added to the pot to make it 208/500 points. As the contestants gear up for the next execution, who will be miss the mark and be executed next?



Jim: "We ended up with even lesser than what we had at first. Yeah, Eddy brought 40 points but all the Mole needs to do is sabotage once."

Eric: "What Eddy did reminds me of a previous Mole. He wanted to do well so that he could go on the bonus round to lose points. And look what happened here. Coincidence? I think not."


Larry: "Damn, Eric! You're brave AF. The water is freezing today."

Eric: "My Godzilla's not afraid of a little cold."
Larry: "Bro, what?"
Eric: "Don't act like you don't know what I mean."

Myrtle: "Oh my god!"
Eric: "That's what she said!"
Myrtle: "Eric! can you not?"

Eric: "Don't act like you have a stick up your ass."
Larry: "Yeah. You're a doctor. It's not like you haven't seen anything like this before."

Myrtle: "Doesn't mean I enjoy unsolicited nudity."

Eric: "C'mon, you know you like what you see. Don't be coy."

Eddu: "But speaking of sticks up asses, I'm sure you've seen a lot of it as a doctor."
Myrtle: "I don't work in ER. But I do have friends who have seen weird things in places they shouldn't be."

Eric: "Like a dildo?"
Myrtle: "Like a cucumber."
Larry: "So, a dildo."

Myrtle: "Eddy, can you please tell Eric to put on something? It was ruining my vacay mood."

Eddy: "We're not on vacation Myrtle. We're all here for a very important mission."
Myrtle: "But you're relaxing and watching the sunset."
Eddy: "I was ruminating."

Eddy: "Alright Eric. The lady's not comfortable. Put on something so she doesn't get scarred."
Eric: "You can't contain a monster."
Larry: "Haha!"

Eddy: "Eric."
Eric: "Fine, fine. Guess some of us just aren't ready for the truth."

Myrtle: "Thanks Eddy. What were we talking about again? Vacation, right?"
Eddy: "Specifically, the fact that the Smole isn't a vacation."

Myrtle: "To me it is. I'm on leave either way."

Eric: "How do doctors have time for leave anyway?"

Myrtle: "Because...ERIC! Why are you still naked?"
Eric: "Give me a while to get my pants, will ya?"
Eddy: "That's a question I'm curious about too."
Larry: "Me too. I thought doctors were always busy."

Myrtle: "Erm...I'm on extended leave."
Eddy: "What happened?"

Myrtle: "I did something the administration didn't agree with, so I'm now on probation while this gets escalated to the medical council."

Larry: "Woah. Sounds serious."
Eric: "What did you do?"
Myrtle: "I don't want to talk about it."

Eric: "Did you botch up Larry's plastic surgery?"
Larry: "Bro! I didn't go for plastic surgery."
Eric: "Clearly."

Eddy: "Do you believe what you did is right?"
Myrtle: "I do."

Eddy: "Then that's all that matters. We all should stand by our actions and fight for what's right as long as we don't lose sight of the bigger picture. I salute you, Myrtle."


Jim: "Didn't mean to stumble onto your meeting."
Cam: "You weren't interrupting anything. In fact we were just talking about you."
Molly: "We were?"
Cam: "Come. Please sit."

Jim: "What were you talking 'bout me?"

Cam: "We were just talking about how impressive you were in the mission. Even George was complimenting you. That's very rare."
Jim: "Heh. I surprised myself too."

Cam: "How did you know so many 70s songs? You weren't even born yet."
Molly: "Hey, that's true."

Jim: "What about it? Songs don't stop playing just because they hit a new decade."

Molly: "You never struck me as someone who listens to the oldies."
Jim: "Neither do you."

Molly: "That's because my parents let me listen to it when I was younger. If I had a child I would do the same too. Do you let your son listen to music from your generation?"

Jim: "How did you know I have a son? I don't remember telling anybody."

Cam: "She had to take the very first quiz, remember? She had access to all our basic information."

Jim: "Then do you know...about my wife?"
Cam: "What about her?"

Jim: "...Thank you. For not telling anyone."

Cam: "Should I leave?"

Jim: "Yes...that'd be great. I want to speak to Molly privately."

Molly: "What is it?"

Jim: "Thank you."
Molly: "You said that already. But I don't know why you're thanking me."

Jim: "I thought you were the kind to go around blabbing every gossip you heard. But you didn't tell anyone about me, or my wife."
Molly: "It's not my place to tell. I know what it's like to lose someone. But I'm not supposed to tell anyone."

Jim: "I understand."
Molly: "But...I trust you won't tell anyone, and I already accidentally let it slip to Cam, so there's no harm telling you."

Molly: "I actually separated from my husband. It was a misunderstanding."
Jim: "That's a bad reason to split up."

Molly: "We were actually looking forward to having children, but especially me. My husband just went along with what I wanted. So we tried a lot of times but we failed. So he got discouraged. But I was determined, and one day I bought a pregnancy test kit and tested. And it was positive. I checked a second time. It showed the same thing."

Molly: "I was excited and I told my husband. I even showed him the proof it wasn't a second mistake. But he thought I cheated on him because he got a vasectomy."

Jim: "Then how did you..."

Molly: "It ended up being a false positive. Both of them. He finally understood and actually came to me a few days before I was about to join the Smole to annul the separation."

Jim: "If you want some advice, I say treasure him and give him a second chance."

Molly: "But I was hurt that he didn't trust me, and even got a vasectomy behind my back knowing I wanted children."

Jim: "It's your choice. Whatever it is, thank you for sharing it with me. And..."

Molly: "And?"

Jim: "And...sorry. I misjudged you."
Molly: "I know I look and appear like a bimbo so I understand. And I don't blame you. But promise to keep it a secret?"

Jim: "As long as you keep mine."


Eric: "You're studying pretty hard."
Wendy: "The quiz is coming this evening. I want to be prepared."

Eric: "Relax. You're so accomplished. Taking a little test is nothing to you."

Wendy: "It means a lot."

Eric: "You're probably the smartest out of all of us. You don't need to study. You can walk in there blind and ace it. Give the rest of us a chance."
Wendy: "I do not appreciate the sarcasm."

Wendy: "If I can't be useful in missions the least I can do is do well in quizzes."

Eric: "Why so stressed? Just go with your gut and stick with it. You won't go wrong, trust me."
Wendy: "I went with my gut and put everything on Preston. I went very, very wrong."

Wendy: "And now you know I'm not the Mole too!"

Eric: "Wendy, chill. For all I know you could be an amazing actress that's trying to fool me right now."
Wendy: "You don't really believe that."

Eric: "Fine. But you're still smart enough to get through this. You picked Preston and survived. The more I think the more you could really be the Mole."

Wendy: "The real smart one is George. He can do anything and knows everything."
Eric: "He's an information consultant, duh. But what you need now is to relax. Action movies always help me de-stress."

Wendy: "Pass. But you're right about one thing..."


George: "Come in."

George: "Wendy, how may I help you today?"
Wendy: "You're an information consultant, right? So you know a lot of things."
George: "I do. It's part of my job."

Wendy: "What does an info consultant do anyway?"
George: "My job is basically to provide clients with information."
Wendy: "Don't they have Google for that?"

George: "You can Google medical conditions and diagnoses but you would still much rather consult a medical professional. Additionally, Google is becoming increasingly irrelevant. I'm sure you have had the experience of getting tangentially related information. Wildcards no longer work too; you can search '"X" -Y' and Google will return everything about Y and nothing about X, completely ignoring your specifications. As an example, try searching for 'Apple -technology -company -US'. You'll get everything about the US technology company despite wanting to learn more about the fruit."

Wendy: "You have very strong opinions on Google."
George: "I do. It annoys me to no end when someone claims to know better than me just because they searched it on the Internet."

George: "I also find it annoying when my clients are rude, or if they are stubbornly stupid. I can try to correct them when they misspell something but they insist on giving me the misspelt term. I often want to pull my hair out. I also don't like it when clients are late or hog my time unnecessarily, or if they request stupid information."

Wendy: "You have a lot of pet peeves."
George: "I just expect basic respect to my role."

George: "What are you doing?"

Wendy: "You don't seem like the type to have so many annoyances."
George: "That's because I'm not doing my job right now. If I was I'd be cursing like a sailor. For once I'm free."

George: "But is this what you came to me for?"

Wendy: "No. Sorry, I got derailed. I was actually thinking of proposing a coalition with you. I think we would be mutually beneficial. Like symbiosis."

George: "Oh."

Wendy: "Was it a stupid question?"

George: "No it wasn't. I would love to be a part of a formal coalition with you."


It is time for the quiz. 10 questions about the Mole's identity. The lowest scorer will be executed.

Q1: Is the Mole male or female?
A: Male
B: Female

Q2: What is the Mole's relative height?
A: Short
B: Average
C: Tall

Q3: Who sat opposite to the Mole during breakfast before Mission 5?
A: Eddy Xenish
B: Eric Zetsweller
C: Myrtle Noon
D: Larry Uggs
E: Jim Quince
F: Cam Ngoc Tram
G: Molly MacRitchie
H: Wendy Ortiz
I: Nobody

Q4: In Mission 5, which era of songs did the Mole listen to?
A: 70s 
B: 80s
C: 90s

Q5: In Mission 5, who was with the Mole?
A: George Goog
B: Eric Zetsweller
C: Myrtle Noon
D: The Mole is one of the above

Q6: Did the Mole change hairstyle in Mission 5?
A: Yes
B: No

Q7: Did the Mole's outfit for Mission 5 contain a necklace?
A: Yes
B: No

Q8: Which song did the Mole hear in Mission 5?
A: Your Song
B: Girls Just Wanna Have Fun
C: I Want It That Way

Q9: How many songs did the Mole's group get correct in Mission 5?
A: 3
B: 5

Q10: Who is the Mole?
A: Eddy Xenish
B: Eric Zetsweller
C: Myrtle Noon
D: Larry Uggs
E: George Goog
F: Jim Quince
G: Cam Ngoc Tram
H: Molly MacRitchie
I: Wendy Ortiz


9 contestants find themselves on a beach in a foreign land. 8 of them will make it through to the next episode but one of them will be executed tonight.

"Molly MacRitchie."


"Jim Quince."

"You are safe."

"Wendy Ortiz, you..."

"...are safe."

"Larry Uggs, you are the next..."

" be safe."

"Eddy Xenish, you are not...."

"...not safe."

"Myrtle Noon."

"You are not executed."

"George Goog."

"You are not executed."

"Eric Zetsweller,"

"Cam Ngoc Tran, one of you will be executed tonight and claimed as the Mole's fourth victim. Who will it be?"

"Cam Ngoc Tran, unfortunately, you have been executed."

Molly: "No! Not Cam!"

Cam: "My time is up. Too bad."

Cam: "I shouldn't cling on to what's not mine, so I'll make a move first. I'm so happy to have met all of you."

Cam: "Especially you, Molly. You remind me so much of my younger self. Outgoing, optimistic, tenacious and pure. I pray you never change."

Cam: "Tạm biệt. That means 'goodbye' in Vietnamese."

"Congratulations to the eight of you for surviving yet another round of execution. I suggest you get some rest; tomorrow's going to be an intense day."

The mature Viet exits the game with grace and dignity. Was she onto the right Mole or did she turn blind to red flags?

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