Wednesday, 1 January 2014

8.04-Gone with the wind

Q1: Is the Mole male or female?
A: Male
B: Female

Q2: What colour roots does the Mole have?
A: Black
B: Brown
C: Red

Q3: Was the Mole around the kitchen when the 2nd fire started?
A: Yes
B: No

Q4: Did the Mole put out any fires?
A: Yes
B: No
Q5: In Mission 2, in what order did the Mole catwalk?
A: 1st
B: 2nd
C: 3rd
D: 4th
E: 5th
F: 6th
G: 7th
H: 8th
I: 9th
J: 10th
K: 11th
L: 12th
Q6: Did the Mole stop and pose in Mission 2?
A: Yes
B: No
Q7: What did the Mole’s outfit consist of in Mission 2?
A: Pants and Coat
B: Dress
C: Skirt and Coat
D: Others
Q8: Did the Mole faint in Mission 2?
A: Yes
B: No
Q9: Where was the Mole seated in Mission 2?
A: Side
B: Front
C: The Mole stood
Q10: Who is the Mole?
A: Jeremiah Wol
B: Raphael Sinster
C: Kay Micheals
D: Norma Mellow
E: Estelle Lavin
F: Alison Jonas
G: Sam Darryl John
H: Lysander Harper
I: Timothy Foyer
J: Miss Chief
K: Winnie Ber
L: Bertram Beckham


Timothy: “I’m feeling a bit chilly. Good thing there’s this medicine cabinet in the room.”


Lysander: “Morning, Norma. Why are you dressed like that?”
Norma: “Because I have a feeling I’ll be going today.”
Lysander: “Aw come on! Be more confident!”

Norma: “I won’t lie, I’m mentally ill. I have violent tendencies. I have the urge to kill before. Fortunately for me I never did. I've been trying to act like a normal Sim now. But Raphael had to say it in my face and Lysander just had to be sarcastic! Or I believe he was. I’m not sure, I’m a bit foggy up there. So foggy that I still believe it’s Raphael that’s the mole. Can’t be that simple. It never is.”

Raphael: “Must resist urge to scratch…”
Sam: “You’re crazy.”
Raphael: “Who says!”


Timothy: “We’re alone now. You guys can confide into me if you want. I’m a psychiatrist, remember?”
Norma: “How did you know I was ill?”
Raphael: “I’m not!”
Timothy: “Either way, I hope we can form a coalition.”


Norma: “I don’t know why I’d sit beside you.”
Raphael: “Because you want to see what I’m writing in my journal.”

“You guys know the drill right? When the others come, we shall start. Firstly, this would have been a 10-way tie if someone didn’t score lower by 1 mark. Secondly, there was a hidden exemption where as long as someone stood beside the blue light they would have gotten it. But nobody did.”

“Thirdly, Norma.”

Lysander: “I told you you had nothing to worry about.”


“Safe too! Timothy.”
Norma: “The newly formed trio? Oops.”

“Safe as well! Bertram.”
Winnie: “Be gone, Bertram!’
Estelle: “You don’t have to be so bad.”
Bertram: “Who doesn't have to be so bad?”
Estelle: “Winnie.”
Bertram: “She’s the contestant that hasn't arrived yet right? To think I suspected her at first. I think she dropped out.”

“I’m sorry Bertram, you have been executed. Please pack your bags and leave.”

Lysander: “You have my blessings.”
Kay: “Well, he was rather dull and all anyway.”
Winnie: “Good riddance! Nobody likes a rude, ignorant Sim!”

Bertram: “My biggest mistake must have been me splitting my answers, half on a contestant that has yet to even arrive! Maybe she doesn't exist! Maybe she’s the fairy everyone’s been talking about, but they’re all looney. Fairies don’t exist. This whole house is mad. I’m out of here.”

Another one gone with the wind! Who shall be next?

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