Monday 20 January 2014

9.01-Llamas need love too

Welcome to the 9th season of the Smole! As usual, I’m your host. We’ve made it so far, but for those new viewers, I’ll reiterate the rules one more time:

8 Sims join the Smole, in hopes of winning home money from the Pot. Each week they will complete missions to earn points for the pot, which will then be multiplied by about 1000 and translate into the prize money, which only 1 will win. How do we decide who wins?

This is where the Mole comes in. The Mole is a saboteur hired by production to sabotage missions and lose points. Why? Because whatever doesn’t go to the main Pot goes to the Mole! After every mission, the genuine players must take a quiz on who they think the Mole is. The one with the lowest score is eliminated and this continues until there are 2 players and 1 Mole left.

This season, we have 3 twists. The first one is that we are bringing back Season 7 twist, which is the ability not to use exemptions immediately. Players must choose when they want to use their exemption before taking the quiz. Any exemption not used by the finale will be void, which Aloysius of Season 7 would know by heart. This twist is likely to stay unless we choose not to.

The next twist is that all quizzes count to your final score in the finale, meaning to say you can’t smoke your way through at the start or rely on Lady Luck to whole way through, or just speed through quizzes. You must be able to identify the Mole early on. Of course, there will still be a final quiz which is of a higher percentage, but now who wins depends on their performance throughout the game. This is  to ensure a fair game and the one who brings home the dough is a deserving winner.

The last twist…well, we’ll reveal that to you in a jiffy. First, let’s meet our contestants!

First up, Manura Dewick, 47 (on a human timescale), witch.

Secondly, Faith Remosso, 20 (or so she claims), fairy.

Third, Chris Winters, 78, human elder male.

Following him is Patricia Winters, 74, human elder female.

The next contestant is Wayne Goppud, 33 (again, on human timescale), werewolf.

After that is Hossan Ghoti, 39 (forever), jellybean ghost.

And then we have Noira Green, 26 (because she can), genie.

Last but definitely not least, Vlad Pire, 27 (about 1/5 of his actual age), vampire.

The last twist? Most of them are supernaturals. Only 2 of them are humans, and they’re both elderly, married and one is crazy, so this will make for an interesting season.


And the contestants arrive at the mansion.

With pets.

This is why I don’t allow pets, though I expected the dog to make more nuisance than the cat. Speaking of which, why not we introduce them?

K9 Ghoti, once Hossan’s dog, now Wayne’s.
Pretteh Dewick, Manura’s cat.

Manua: “Bad kitty. I expected you to be more behaved than that. I can’t believe you contracted fleas the moment you got here! Must be that dog. Ugh, they’re all slobbery and disgusting.”


“Everyone gather by the fireplace. It’s time to do some introductions.”
Chris: “Oh my god, a ghost! Why did I sign up for this?”
Hossan: “Hey, at least you get to live till such a ripe old age. But you’re not going to live much longer anyway.”
Noira: “Ugh, a ghost. They’re always so cold and aloof.”
Hossan: “Shut it, genie.”

“Good, now everyone’s seated. Who shall start?”

Vlad: “Guess I shall start then. My name is Vlad Pire, 27. I come from Bridgeport, but was born here in Moonlight Falls. My parents brought me to the city because they wanted me to be normal, but that never happened. My father is a vampire but my mother is a human. I guess it’s because my father died of thirst that my mother started getting paranoid. But I’ve learnt to embrace and deal with vampirism. Anyway, I joined the Mole as it happened to take place in Moonlight Falls and I want to revisit my hometown.”

Wayne: “Yo! I’m Wayne Goppud, 33, a werewolf and proud, not like that Raphael of last season. Didn’t want to reveal his identity. What’s wrong? Chicken? Well, he should wolf up and accept it. Be loud and proud like I am! I’m here to win back the glory for our pack. Awooo!”

Faith: “Who’s turn is it? Me? How about them…alright, I’ll go first. I’m Faith Remosso and 20. As you can tell by my lovely wings, I’m a fairy. I was also born in Moonlight Falls and I’m looking for the time of my life like Winnie of last season. I’m hoping that I’ll be able to do the fairies proud by trumping every supernatural and non-supernatural here. Just watch me.”

Manura: “Good day, everyone. My name is Manura Dewick and I am 37. This here is my cat Pretteh. She’s been with me for such a long time and is such a darling, unlike some dogs.”
Wayne: “Hey, watch your mouth, you witch!”
Manura: “I shall not stoop to your level. I’m actually a witch in training as I had recently moved from Twinbrook back to Moonlight Falls with my Pretteh. I’m probably one of the few supernaturals that have never appeared on the Smole before, so I’m here to make my mark and show everyone that this witch knows what she’s doing.”

Patricia: “Hi guys, I’m Patricia Winters, 74, dutifully married to my husband Chris and an alien!”
Chris: “Or she thinks she is.”
Patricia: “To make up for the lack thereof. I enjoy extraterrestrial activity, and am super glad to meet all of you supernaturals. I’m here to see all the supernaturals I can.”

Chris: “Stop embarrassing me, Patricia. Right there, I’m Chris Winters, 78, the only normal Sim here. I had a great youth, but now I’m settling down with retirement, until she here dragged me along to join the Smole. I actually have no interest in doing so, but I guess my main goal here is to help all those normal Sims out there prove that no occult is the best occult.”

Hossan: “Are you done old man? Am I invisible?”
Chris: “Yes, and yes.”
Hossan: “Good. I’m Hossan Ghoti, that’s spelled g-h-o-t-I by the way, and not f-i-s-h like it’s pronounced. I’m 39, or at least I was 39 when I died. I happened to have some dealings with the literal and figurative underworld and was once part of the prestigious biker gang in Bridgeport. Never did I expect to die such a humiliating death. Death by jellybean! Come on, who dies by that?”
Chris: “You.”
Hossan: “Shut up, old man, I’m talking. I’m here to win back my pride, even if I can’t win back my soul and body. I’ll show you all!”

Noira: “At last, it’s my turn. Hello there everyone. I’m Noira Green, 26, a genie. I can keep myself eternally youthful at 26 and have served many in Starlight Shores. Have you met my great-great-great-great x10-to-the-power-of-17 granduncle, Genie? He helped Aladdin in his conquest for…something. I can’t remember. Guess I’m getting old. Time to become youthful again. But before that, I shall tell you why I’m here: Because we genies are like servants, no, slaves! We help you guys but we’re always forgotten! I cannot take that any longer! I’m glad the Smole gives us the opportunity for Supernaturals to join and not be discriminatory. I’m done now, thank you.”

“Since you guys are already seated, why not I brief you about your first mission. You guys will be going to the arbetorum to showcase your supernatural skill. Every supernatural skill showcased earns 20 points. You can only showcase 1 skill however. The one who manages to impress all the others earns an exemption.”

Manura: “We’ll win this , Pretteh.”
Pretteh: “Meow.”

Patricia: “They’re coming!”
Hossan: “Who’s coming?”
Patricia: “The aliens!”
Hossan: “You mad, sis?”
Chris: “Ignore her. She’s always like that.”

Our friendly mascot arrives fashionably late. Sorry, but llamas aren't allowed to compete in the Smole.
Christine: “What? Why? I want to meet that handsome young werewolf!”

K9: “Woof?”
Vlad: “I think he likes you, Faith.”
Faith: “I think he does!”

Manura: “Ooh, what’s this? Oh, the confession room! Better tell the others.”
“Hurry up, we don’t have all day to do the mission you know.”

Faith: “Why is there a creepy llama outside?”
Christine: “Llamas need love too you know!”

Hossan: “Why are we even taking a car?”
Noira: “Yeah, we can get there twice as fast!”
Faith: “And it hurts my intangible wings!”
Manura: “Because we've been specified to use this to travel. It’s the only legal thing.”
Vlad: “Why are we driving?”
Chris: “Because I’m an old man.”
Patricia: “Shut up and drive, old man.”


Patricia: “Achoo! What’s this? Pollen?”
Hossan: “I believe that’s fairy dust.”
Chris: “Argh I need some fresh air! It’s too dusty in here!”

Faith: “It feels so great to be here! I feel rejuvenated already, far from that dull mansion!”

“Okay Faith, you go first since this is your turf.”
Faith: “What? Me first? Okay then…”

Faith: “Watch this! I can fly!”
Noira: “Big deal. So can I. We already know you can fly with your humongous wings. Plus we've seen Winnie.”
Faith: “I’d like to see you try.”

Manura: “I’ll win this.”
Patricia: “What are you doing?”
Manura: “Shush, hag!”

Patricia: “Oh, what a cute little thing!”

Noira: “Today’s mission was a big failure! Well, anything that isn’t perfect is a failure to me. Chris and Patricia didn’t even do anything! Well, I know they’re not occult, but still, they can at least try and do human things! And all Patricia did was play with a parrot! And some of the tricks shown were just bleh! Please, I can do better any day!”

Noira: “Okay, watch me.”

Manura: “Boo!”
Noira: “Aah!”
Faith: “I’m watching all right.”
Noira: “You’ve ain’t seen nothing yet. Go away, Manura.”

Faith: “It’s toppled.”
Noira: “At least it’s better than your flight.”
“Your turn, Manura.”
Manura: “Watch this!”
Noira: “You still need a stick to help you?”
Manura: “Shut up and stop  acting like Hossan.”

“Chris, it’s your turn.”
Chris: “Gosh, I can’t do this…I want to forfeit.”

Hossan: “Boo! This is my trick!”
Wayne: “What? Oh, it’s you. Lame.”
Hossan: “Who are you to say this is lame? You know nothing!”
Wayne: “Oh yeah?”

Hossan: “Woah…”
Wayne: “This is just the tip of the iceberg, but I can’t show more since that’s against the rules.”

Hossan: “I’m not at all terrified by Wayne’s sudden transformation. Nope, not at all. I still feel I’m better and how dare he insult me! I would go through him but I’d rather save that. Everybody knows a ghost can go through things. Doing that will waste my chance.”

“Vlad, your turn.”
Vlad: “This is what I can do.”

Patricia: “Hey, what are you doing? Acting like a zombie? Looks like fun! I’ll join you!”

“A trip to the arbetorum and then we’ll call it a day. Here, we can learn more about fairies than flight.”

Looks like Vlad is done with the tour.
Tourist: “Ugh, no! I’m not your plasma pack! Vampires are scary!”

Vlad: “I feel hurt that that tourist said that to me. Just because I’m a vampire doesn’t mean I deserve to be discriminated like that! I should have followed my mother to…nevermind.”

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