Previously on the Smole, the 8 contestants went to stand on
a square, hoping (well, some of them) that their square wouldn’t turn red. Ultimately Winnie the “untouchable” survived
and earned the exemption as well as 550/990 points for the pot. However,
Raphael left, and much drama brewed after that, with tension bursting out in
flames. What will happen next?

Miss: “That was great.”
Miss: “Last night, me, Kay and Winnie decided to have a
girl’s night out…at home, of course, because the producers are wet blankets. We
gossiped and shared makeup tips and fashion and everything, it was great! Oh,
and boys too! I think Lysander is kind of cute! I know I’m married, but how
many of them know that? Only Winnie, and she’s kept the secret for quite a long
time. I can trust her.”
Norma: “I've been doing well under Timothy’s care. He
genuinely cares about me, and tries to help me in all my problems, much of
which is the Mole. I believe it’s Lysander. It got me this far…yet how did
Raphael get eliminated?”

Timothy: “I decided to mend the relationship of Sam and Kay.
Call me nosey, but it’s what I should do. I don’t expect immediate results, but
I hope their relationship will improve.”

Timothy: “You two need to take a step back and look at the
bigger picture. Is it worth it hating each other because you've been cooped in
the house too long? We should be working towards a common goal, to uncover the
Mole and earn points, not up each other’s throats.”
Kay: “Not my fault! It’s Sam! He’s been annoying everyone
and I just happen to be standing up for all of us, and now you shoot me down?
Oh, my actions are unappreciated.”
Timothy: “I’m not saying that. We should never cave in to
bullies, yes, but we don’t have to stoop to their levels. Tell you what, I’ll
speak to him and find out his problems. I don’t want to see you hating each

Sam: “The two of us have been flying solo for some time. Why
not we form a coalition?”
Lysander: “You’re not afraid I’m the Mole?”
Sam: “We both know neither of us is the Mole. You’re kidding
Lysander: “That’s what you think. I prefer working alone.”
Sam: “Suit yourself. But don’t come crawling to me when
you’re out.”
Norma: “I have the sudden urge to punch someone in the
face…no Norma! You can’t do that! Control yourself! Where are your meds?”
Sam: “What happened? Chicken flew out of the coup? You know,
insanity usually happens to those whose mothers are llamas.”
Norma: “How dare you!”
Timothy: “I thought I’d find you here. Norma, excuse us for
a while, will you?”
Timothy: “I’m concerned about your welfare, and everyone
else’s, Sam. Care to share what’s the matter? Why are you treating everyone
like this? Is it because of the new environment in this house?”
Sam: “I’m perfectly fine. I just like being superior, that’s
all. I don’t need any counseling or help whatsoever. Now excuse me, Timothy.
I’ve got real work to do.”
Timothy: “I figured you’ll react like this. A bit of an ego
maniac, eh?”

Norma: “Where are you going?”
Lysander: “Nowhere.”

Norma: “If it really was nowhere he wouldn't be braving the
rain with a broken umbrella. Something’s not right. He entered the shed…is
there something in there?”

Sam: “Ah, this journal keeps everything recorded nicely.
Let’s see who the Mole is.”
“Everyone gather round.”

“This mission works a little differently. You will be given
42 points from the start. Each time you choose not to do a task, 1 point will
be deducted from the total that you will earn in the end. The one who does all
6 tasks will earn an exemption.”

“First task: Show off your horrid dancing skills. Everyone?
Very well. How about visiting the haunted house?”
Timothy: “Er, no thanks.”
Winnie: “Oh, you've got a bit of a problem yourself there,
Timothy! Afraid?”
Sam: “I’m not going to either, because I have better to do.”
Kay: “Ha! Scaredy-cat!”
“Well, how about visiting the mausoleum at night?”

Kay: “Ugh, no. Bad for my beauty sleep.”
Lysander: “Because they are real corpses, right?”
Miss: “Come on, it’ll be fun! You get to step on their
graves and…”
Kay: “How disrespectful!”

“How about swimming in the deep ocean? All fine with that?
Okay then. How about braving the rain?”
Norma: “No thanks.”
Winnie: “You’d enter a haunted house and mausoleum, but not
brave the rain?”
Norma: “Yes! Got a problem with that?”

“Down to you three. How about wearing clown face paint?”
Winnie: “I’m fine with that.”
Miss: “Sure!”
Lysander: “I’ve done stunts before. This is nothing.”
“Very well. Those are all the tasks I have. You guys earned
26/42 points, or 576/1032 points in total so far. The one who finishes all the
tasks first will win the exemption.”
The first task.
Sam: “All your dancing skills are rubbish.”
Norma: “Your body will end up in the dumpsters if you don’t
shut up.”
Timothy: “Play nice, guys.”
Kay: “I have to admit, you dance decently. Did you go
overseas to learn dancing?”
Sam: “I do a lot of things.”
Miss: “Oh, how cheeky of you!”

Timothy: “Oh, the stereo broke.”

Time to do the next task. Let’s hope their bladder doesn't
end up like the rain.
The haunted house.
Miss: “Aw, it stopped raining. Ruins the fun.”
Lysander: “Hurry up.”
Winnie: “I was just sucked into the 4th
dimension, which is cold, but nothing big enough to scare me.”
Lysander: “That was nothing. I've done horror films before.”
Miss: “Ooh! I got touched by a ghost! That was amazing!”
Norma: “That was meh. I was touched by a zombie, but I just
kicked its head off.”

Norma: “But I do feel like peeing.”
Winnie: “Now that you mention it, me too.”
Kay: “That was nothing special.”
Kay: “Ciao!”
Winnie: “Off to the graveyard we go!”
Miss: “Do you think we’ll see any ghosts? That will be
Winnie: “That was nothing worrying. Though I did hear some
wolves howl.”
Norma: “These corpses weren't handled well. I saw a knife on
one of them.”
“Next task, to swim.”
Miss: “Ooh, the cold water is so exhilarating!”
Norma: “I wish I brought my swimwear.”
Lysander: “Wow, this is cold!”
Winnie: “All right you got this…cold cold cold! My wings
will shrivel! I never expected to swim at night!”
She took 2 hours before she chose to even enter the ocean,
but at least she did. The other tasks will resume tomorrow.
Kay: “You’re a terrible
pyschiatrist! You’re just a quack!”
Timothy: “Don’t insult my
integrity or my professionalism!”
Sam: “For once, I agree.”
Timothy: “Did you two gang up on me?”
Lysander: “I can hear you from upstairs.”
Miss: “Aw…it’s burnt.”

Timothy: “I think I know what therapy will work for you.”

Sam: “I hate manual labour. There’s a reason why our society
has maids and gardeners.”
Timothy: “Focus on the bigger picture and try to achieve
zen. Isn't this so calming?”
Fancy meeting them here. I’m not sure what’s stranger;
Taylor flirting in front of Nancy, or those floating apples.
Winnie: “Here we go…oh great. Lysander’s already inside.”
Aya: “Let’s just start, Aloysius.”
Taylor’s gotten real bold. Let up on the kissing, guys! It’s
not Spring yet!

Lysander: “Now to wait for the rain.”
Nothing can break these 2 up.
Miss: “You look hilarious!’
Winnie: “You’ll end up looking like that too.”
Someone’s gotten into his bad books.
Sam: “You better not be getting another exemption!”

Kay: “Did you hear? There’s a change of plans. The 3 of them
have to endure the cold in their everyday wear! It’s so cold! Good thing I gave
Lysander: “I give up! I’m going to pee!”
It’s down to these 2.
Winnie: “I give up! It’s too cold! I’ll wither and die!”
Miss: “Yay I win!”
Norma: “Shall we throw a party?”
Sam: “Don’t be snarky.”
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