Q1: Is the Mole male
or female?
A: Male
B: Female
Q2: What colour is
the Mole’s outerwear?
A: Red
B: Blue and yellow
C: Red and yellow
D: Blue

Q3: In Mission 9,
which leg did the Mole do?
A: 1st
B: 2nd
C: 3rd
D: The Mole was
Q4: In Mission 9, how
long did the Mole take to finish his/her leg?
A: 1h
B: 3h
C: 4h
D: The Mole was
Q5: In Mission 9,
where was the Mole stationed at first?
A: Park
B: Home
C: Jones’ home
D: Beach

Q6: In Mission 9,
what tool did the Mole use?
A: Bicycle
B: Snowboard
C: Body
Q7: In Mission 9,
where was the Mole stationed at the end?
A: Park
B: Jones’ Home
C: Beach
D: Recurve Strand
Q8: In Mission 9,
what was the Mole doing just before his/her leg started?
A: Nothing
B: Chatting
C: Playing on the
D: The Mole was the
(Because Blogger is the BIGGEST IDIOT OF ALL TIME and refuses to upload Timothy's picture, showing it as broken.)
Q9: In Mission 9, when
the Mole started his/her leg, how much time did he/she have to complete it?
A: 7h
B: 4h
C: 3h
Q10: Who is the Mole?
A: Kay Micheals
B: Timothy Foyer
C: Miss Chief
D: Winnie Ber

“Welcome to your final execution ceremony. Tonight, 3 of you
will be making it to the finale, while one will be going home with nothing.
First off, congratulations on making it this far. It isn’t easy. Secondly,
there is a tie. Either that means two of you were so good to guess the Mole, or
both had no clue who the Mole is. Thirdly, why are you still wearing your
swimwear, Miss?”
Miss: “Because I’m immune to the cold! For a few more
“Very well. Let us begin.”

“Kay Micheals. What will it be?”
Kay: “I’m going to be real annoyed if I’m going home at this
“Congratulations Kay, you are making it to the finals!”
Kay: “Excellent!”

“Winnie Ber. Your fate will be decided tonight.”
Winnie: “I’m ready to face the music.”
“I’m sorry Winnie, but you are the last to be executed.
Please pack your bags and leave.”

Winnie: “It really was a fun and whimsical ride! I am glad
to have joined the Smole and met all of you great people. I did not think I
would make it this far anyway, and I know my self-doubt would have killed me
sooner or later. But I’m going home with a smile, especially when I know my
work here is done. Fairies do exist. Ta-ta, and good luck to the final 3!”
Miss: “I told you our coalition wasn't the Mole. Believe me now?”
Kay: “Perhaps. But look at what I found! It’s a piece of
paper with the word ‘YIN’ on it. I wonder what it means? Yin Yang? As in
Miss: “I don’t know. Maybe it means ‘Why I’d Never’! If so,
then the Mole is you, Kay! What a twist of events!”

Kay: “If Miss really does believe that note, then I have a
clear victory. But I doubt she’s that stupid. She’s a blackhead, not a blonde.”
Earlier that day…
Miss: “Hmm…I wonder which book I should choose. Ah, this
looks perfect! ‘Grey Matter’. Sounds boring enough. Well, all books are, so I
shouldn't have any qualms ripping this page off. I hope that someone will find
this clue, hopefully Winnie, and think the Mole is Kay!”

The final 3! Who will win? Who is the Mole? All will be
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