Miss: “Hey look! A little chipmunk! And what’s this? Oh, my
phone! It’s so good to have it back.”
I bought a terrarium just for the little critter.
Miss: “Hello? Yes dear, I’ll
be raking home the big bucks! Just you wait!”
While some speak to their loved ones, others decide to have
a little fun before they go. And some choose to watch the little ones grow.
Timothy: “Oh you’re so cute, you warm, fuzzy little thing!
How did you find it, Miss?”
Miss: “It was outside. I couldn't let it freeze to death.”
Timothy: “You did the right thing.”
Miss: “I’m going to find if they’re any more of these animals.”
Kay: “Don’t worry Molefish. At least I haven’t forgotten
about you.”
Contestants take their final quiz to determine their fate.

Q1: Is the Mole male
or female?
A: Male
B: Female
Q2: How old is the
A: 27
B: 32
C: 34
Q3: What does the
Mole work as?
A: Unemployed
B: Fashion Boutique
C: Psychiatrist
Q4: Did the Mole
interact with the chipmunk?
A: Yes
B: No
Q5: What kind of bed
does the Mole sleep in?
A: Bunk bed
B: Single bed
Kay: “I’m confident of myself. I have to be at this
juncture. This whole time I’ve been going in rounds, but I’ve settled on one
Mole. Let’s hope I’m not wrong. Timothy Foyer has been low-key compared to some
of the others, and I didn’t notice much sabotage, though those that he did are
quite big and obvious, to me at least. Perfect conditions to be a Mole.
However, there is also Miss Chief, or Goldie Fischer. She’s
been hiding her true identity from the start, and was planning to until it got
revealed. However, she concealed her marital status extremely well, and she has
wanted to sabotage a lot. Take the last mission for instance. It could be her
too. I have my answer.”

Q6: What colour hair
does the Mole have?
A: Black
B: Red
C: Blonde
Q7: Before Mission
10, what did the Mole eat?
A: Autumn Salad
B: Waffles
Q8: In Mission 10, where
did the Mole sit relative to the fire pit?
A: Left
B: Middle
C: Right
Q9: In Mission 10,
what order did the Mole sit down at the fire pit?
A: 1st
B: 2nd
C: 3rd
Q10: In Mission 10,
how many stations did the Mole say?
A: 1-4
B: 5-8

Timothy: “On the one hand, there’s Kay Micheals. She was
quite quiet until she got into that big fight with Sam. She’s also been working
alone from the start, and I don’t recall her earning any exemptions. Very
peculiar for a non-Mole who wants to win. Unless she knows she will win.
On the other hand, there’s Goldie Fischer, who did a good
job at hiding her marriage. She also seemed to want to play and sabotage more
than to win, and even voiced it out before. Maybe she thinks that that will make
her too obvious to be the Mole, but using reverse psychology, it could just be

Q11: In Mission 10,
which station did the Mole not mention at all?
A: Simerset
B: Augustine Lane
C: Dantenade
D: Paddock Avenue
E: Novene
F: Skylights
G: Metro Square
H: Cerulean
I: More than one of
the above
Q12: In Mission 10,
did the Mole reject or accept the other’s answers more?
A: Accept
B: Reject
C: Equal
Q13: How many
exemptions did the Mole earn?
A: 0
B: 1
C: 2
D: 3 or more
Q14: Did the Mole
sabotage at all?
A: Yes
B: No
Q15: Who is the Mole?
A: Kay Micheals
B: Timothy Foyer
C: Miss Chief

Miss: “So, who could it be? Not much of a challenge for me.
Timothy Foyer is the good guy in the house, and good guys don’t last long. I’ve
been suspecting him for the longest time for his discreet sabotages and
double-faced-ness. He’s definitely looking like the Mole.
Of course, there’s still Kay Micheals. She hasn’t tried to
look like the Mole, at least not on purpose, but that’s what makes her so
suspicious. Because if she’s not the Mole, how can she last for so long? It
doesn’t really make sense. I think I know who to choose.”
Miss: “I’m so excited!”

“You guys shall now find out if you did well on the last
mission. Your first subway station is at Summer Hill Springs, which is
Augustine Lane Station.”
Kay: “Are you still trying to sabotage now, Timothy? Oh not
you too, Miss!”
Miss: “Come on! It’s your last chance!”
Kay: “Very well.”
They can always use the bridge, but no, they prefer skating
and falling to the subway station.
“This is the next station, at Lofty Cerulean Blue Pool, or
Cerulean Station. Looking good, right?”
The next station is Simerset Station at Sunnyside strand.
After going through all the subways…
“This is the last station, which is Novene Station. Not
surprised that you got this wrong.”
“Welcome to the finale of the
Smole, season 8! Let’s welcome all our previous contestants to join us for this
very moment. First up, Raphael Sinster!”
Raphael: “Grr…it’s cold.”

“Next in place is Norma Mellow!”
Norma: “I’m so excited to be back!”

“Followed closely by Lysander Harper!”
Lysander: “It’s great to be back, but can we do this another
time? My butt feels wet because of the snow.”

“Beside him is Sam Darryl John!”
Sam: “Who is the Mole that cost me my game? Show yourself!”
“All will be revealed soon.”

“Last but definitely not least, Winnie Ber!”
Winnie: “Whee! Hello again guys!”
“Welcome back! Unfortunately Demetrius had declined
returning, Alison could not be contacted, Estelle is currently overseas for a
photo shoot, Jeremiah just rang saying he was not coming and Bertram is still
stuck in a traffic jam. Well, we shan’t wait any further. First off, I’d like
to say that this season, all of you did great. The final 3 got 6/8 stations
correct, all except Novene, which is here, and Dantenade, which is at the
salon, thus earning 148.5/198, rounding up to 149/198. You guys have earned a
grand total of 765/1500 points, or 765,000 Simoleons out of a possible
1,500,000 Simoleons!”
Raphael: “Are you kidding? That’s terrible!”
“Well, the Mole did well this time, but could not elude
these final 2!”

“But before we reveal anything, let’s review all the
sabotages done by these 3 Sims.
Kay Micheals:
- Mission 1-No sabotage.
- Mission 2-No sabotage.
- Mission 3-No sabotage. She seems to have a clean record so far, but then again it’s hard to sabotage for these 3 missions.
- Mission 4-No sabotage, but she only did 1 task and worked with those letters. However she produced a 5-letter word which was quite impressive and remained under the radar.
- Mission 5-No sabotage.
- Mission 6-Her first big act of sabotage started here, where she chose to do only 2 tasks and sacrifice 4 points.
- Mission 7-She burnt her hot dogs and lost points, but so did many others, thus lessening suspicion on her.
- Mission 8-She willingly split up even though she knew the consequences of it, and she withheld some information for herself, although she chose the wrong theory completely, hoping to lose points for it.
- Mission 9-Despite not being athletic, she chose to do the first leg, well aware of its importance, and spent quite some time on her leg. However suspicion didn’t fall on her mostly.
- Mission 10-She gave some whacky and questionable answers, helping Miss sabotage.
Timothy Foyer:
- Mission 1-He seemed to blatantly miss the note and did not do the mission.
- Mission 2-No sabotage.
- Mission 3-He persuaded Norma a little and together they matched some names wrongly, costing points. However there was little suspicion as of yet.
- Mission 4-He spent most of his time only doing 1 task which was actually a risky task (as it isn’t easy to locate the previous Mole’s residence). He formed a 3-letter word, thus losing points.
- Mission 5-No sabotage, but he was the first out.
- Mission 6-He only did 1 task and sacrificed 5 points.
- Mission 7-He dropped his hot dog and stopped to pick it up, then got bored to death by Lysander, thus burning his hot dogs. However suspicion fell more on Lysander for boring him.
- Mission 8-He suggested splitting up, taking lesser rooms which had important clues. He also withheld information to make his theory and missed a clue (the burnt fabric). However, because he earned the exemption for best theory, others could understand his reasons for sabotaging.
- Mission 9-He chose to do the easiest task of the 3 despite knowing the abilities of the other 2. However he helped the team by gaining back lost time.
- Mission 10-Not much sabotage, but some answers he gave were wrong. He spent most of his time disagreeing with the others.
Miss Chief:
- Mission 1-No sabotage.
- Mission 2-No sabotage, but she did try to disrupt the fashion show by fainting along with Estelle. She also started a fire before the mission.
- Mission 3-She sacrificed some points by choosing herself to win, however there was little suspicion on her.
- Mission 4-Despite doing 2 tasks, she only came up with a 3-letter word.
- Mission 5-No sabotage, but she wanted to be eliminated.
- Mission 6-No sabotage.
- Mission 8-She came late to share her findings and left early to form her theory, not willing to hear if there was any more information.
- Mission 9-She chose to do the last task and spent a large time swimming to the end, but suspicion were put on the other two instead for giving her little time.
- Mission 10-She chose to sabotage again by giving wrong answers, although some of them backfired and ended up being correct.
So, here we have it! I know you’re freezing cold, so let’s
carry on.”
“Behind these doors are the final 3, 1 Mole, 1 winner and 1
runner-up. Let’s not keep them and us waiting any more, shall we?”

“Runner-up is….

“Miss Chief!”
Miss: “Hey guys!”

Well it’s great to have paparazzi cover the finale of the
Smole, but we’ve already got that part covered, thanks.

Miss: “Hi guys! I had a blast! I know this line has been
said many times, but I truly did have fun! I did not think of making it this
far, but as I progressed I became more sure of myself that I would win this.
Unfortunately complacency got the better of me and I didn't win in the end, but
oh well. I believe I got the right Mole!”
“You did, and you actually tied with the winner with a score
of 13/15, so it was a matter of speed this time.”

“Now, let’s see who the winner is.”

Kay: “Hello there! It’s me!”

Kay: “I’m exhilarated that I won. I wasn’t really sure I
would, as I was somewhat wavering in my opinions and suspicions. In fact, it
was only until recently that I caught onto the Mole, much later than Miss, and
even then I wasn’t completely sure. So I’d like to share this victory with
Miss: “Thanks Kay!”
“Congratulations Kay, you earn 756,000 Simoleons and the
official title of winner of the Smole, Season 8! It’s quite a hefty sum
actually, the money.”

“Let’s invite the Mole of Season 8 out now.”

Timothy: “Well, it was great but at the same time stressful.
I felt a bit guilty for deceiving everyone, so I wanted to try them help them
out with all their problems. I hope I managed to help at least some of you.
Keeping my identity under wraps isn’t easy. I can’t do it the way Miss did. I
think she’d make a better Mole honestly. But I tried. I switched strategies
from going low-key to sabotaging ruthlessly to looking like a player wanting to
win, and maybe that’s what caused suspicion to fall on me? Congratulations to
the other two fine ladies, and I’m sorry for all those in my coalition that I
tricked, because I told them the Mole was Lysander.”
“You did a great job as the Mole, Timothy, and you earn
744,000,000 Simoleons, almost as much as Kay!”

“Now, let’s see the clues leading to the revelation of
Timothy’s identity.
- Episode 2-One of the spotlights was cyan. Timothy wears cyan, evident on his outerwear, and hence it refers to him.
- There was a medicine cabinet. Timothy’s the only one with an inkling of a relationship with the medical career, hence it refers to him. To make it more obvious, it’s put in Timothy’s room.
- Episode 4-The Mole visiting the previous Mole should have been pretty symbolic and telling, even more so when Timothy’s the only one to do so.
- Alison found a bag of letters and read the first two out: T, F. These are Timothy’s initials.
- Episode 5-The letter E Lysander found actually referred to option F of Q10 on the quiz that episode, which is Timothy. Hence it’s talking about Timothy.
- The red tiles actually formed a ‘V’. V is the Roman numeral for five. Another way of interpreting it is because 5 red tiles are used to form the V (or because there are 3 more red tiles and 2 distinct different puzzle tiles), and 3+2=5, and the 3 and 2 comes from Timothy’s age (32), so it indicates Timothy.
- Episode 6-In the mausoleum, there was a wolf and a knife. The wolf referred to Raphael and the knife, Norma. These 2 happen to be Timothy’s patients, so they indirectly refer to him.
- Episode 7-This is a rather cryptic clue, also referring to Timothy’s age. There are 2 rows of 3 grills each, and because Timothy is 32, the number refers to him.
- Another clue referring to the age is the weather forecast that day. The highest was 3, the lowest was -2. Taking the magnitudes, they actually spell out Timothy’s age.
- Episode 8-The crack on the window was actually in the shape of an arrow, pointing towards Timothy, hinting that he’s the Mole.
- Kay found a blurred picture in the bedroom of the Jones’ house. That picture was actually Timothy’s, blurred on purpose.
- Episode 9-This is another cryptic clue. The ‘railings’ at the half-pipe actually had the letters ‘HE’, indicating that the Mole was a male and since Timothy was the only male then, he was the Mole.
- The book Miss had taken was entitled ‘Grey Matter’. Grey matter is related to the brain, which is commonly associated with mentality. Timothy’s job mainly deals with people with mental illnesses, so the book was hinting at Timothy.
- Episode 10-This is yet another indirect clue. The fire pit was made of pig skin. This is related to the phrase ‘piggy in the middle’, which means that the Mole is the one in the middle. There are many instances where Timothy is such, for example when taking the quiz, or in the quiz options itself (Q10).

“And there you have it! More or less the clues that hint at
Timothy being the Mole! Thank you once again for attending the finale ceremony
on this cold winter night, thanks to all our loyal fans and viewers, and thanks
to all those who are involved in the making of the Smole, Season 8, including
the players! We hope to see you soon!”
Epi 1
Epi 2
Epi 3
Epi 4
Epi 5
Epi 6
Epi 7
Epi 8
Epi 9
Epi 10
Darryl John
*Green means exemption, red
means executed, black means not in the game, bolded means lowest on quiz.
**In Episode 6, Kay had gotten
an almost perfect score by choosing Sam as the Mole. That was coincidental.
***Lysander and Sam are the one
of the few lucky ones for surviving with a low score.
****Winnie and Kay had tied for
Episode 9, but Winnie was just a few seconds slower, thus being out.
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