Previously on the Smole, the final 5 played a quick game of
bingo, to which Faith won the exemption, and 520/1530 points in the pot.
Unfortunately, she was also the one to leave due to her complacency and she did
not use her exemption. The finale is one step closer!

Noira: “Being the only lady left is stressful! I still
haven’t found out why genies are enslaved to humans. I refuse to believe the
folklore that it’s because humans are our saviours. We can rely on ourselves
and do much better than these mortals.”

Hossan: “I was thinking of forming an alliance with the guys
to get Noira executed next and let the men rule the game, like the opposite of
Season 3, but by the looks of it I doubt they would. Still, it’s fun to see
them fight amongst each other. I can just sit back and watch.”

Vlad: “I hate to admit it, but it’s true that I hate being a
vampire. I don’t want to shame my clan in public, but this is my business and
my personality. It shouldn't affect the rest of the clan. I never got along
with them anyway.”
Hossan: “Your mother’s a llama! That’s why you founded Llama
Chris: “That doesn't even make sense!”
Hossan: “Oh, how about the fact that you killed all but one
of your friends?”
Chris: “You. Shut. Up. Now.”

Noira: “Hey Vlad, sorry about the other day. I really hope
you’ll understand that it was Hossan that kissed me! He forced himself onto
Vlad: “I understand.”

Vlad: “Score!”

Vlad: “Guys, break it up.”
Hossan: “Don’t get me started on you.”

Noira: “Humans are such peculiar creatures. My observations
of Chris had made me think about a lot of things. What’s the purpose of life
anyway? Why are we here? Why even bother with showmances? It’ll just lead to
heartbreak. Why am I even here?”
“To do the next mission. This mission requires you to go to
the beach. Well, it doesn't require, but I thought it’ll be a fun outing. You
will gather by the fire pit and use your points to bid for an exemption. The
highest bidder will win an exemption…at the expense of points.”
“Starting bid is 5 points. Any higher?”

Hossan: “20 points…great it’s on fire!”
Vlad: “I thought you weren't afraid of anything?”
Hossan: “I’m not…it’s just that that old man there might die
and I want fair competition.”

Chris: “Oi! How dare you!”
Noira: “I’m betting 22 points.”
Chris: “I might as well. 25!”

Vlad: “27 points!”

Hossan: “28!”
Noira: “29!”
Chris: “30 points!”
“Going once, going twice…”

“Sold to Chris Winters!”
Chris: “All right! My first exemption!”
“This also means that the pot now has 490/1530 points.”
Noira: “Gee, thanks a lot.”

Chris: “I don’t really care if it’s a loss of points. I
don’t need the money anyway. I joined here solely for Patricia. Now that she’s
gone, my only other reason is just to scrape through and win this for humans.
At least I got my exemption. Only Vlad hasn't.”
The rest of the morning and afternoon is spent at the beach.
Vlad: “I really shouldn't be doing this, but what the heck.
I should enjoy myself while I can.”
Hossan: “What’s this? Oh, a teddy bear…with the words hidden
exemption on it! Booyeah! Who’s the man? I’m the man!”

Model pose by Vlad.

Chris: “I should read my journal while I can. I still want
to win this. It brings me glory.”
Vlad: “Like, really? You’re using a stone to attack me?”

Vlad: “Fail shot.”
Hossan: “I wasn't aiming at you, dumb. Don’t flatter
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