Q1: Is the Mole male
or female?
A: Male
B: Female
Q2: Does the Mole
wear a hat?
A: Yes
B: No
Q3: Before Mission 3,
in what order did the Mole enter the pool?
A: 1st
B: 2nd
C: 3rd
D: 4th
E: 5th
F: 6th
G: 7th
Q4: In Mission 3, in
what order did the Mole do the mission?
A: 1st
B: 2nd
C: 3rd
D: 4th
E: 5th
F: 6th
G: The Mole did not
do it
Q5: In Mission 3, did
the Mole complete the mission?
A: Yes
B: No
C: The Mole did not
do it
Q6: In Mission 3, did
the Mole get tortured feet?
A: Yes
B: No
Q7: In Mission 3, did
the Mole become the Sole Survivor?
A: Yes
B: No
Q8: In Mission 8, who
did the Mole vote for?
A: Hossan Ghoti
B: Faith Remosso
C: The Mole was a
Q9: What did the Mole
eat for breakfast?
A: Autumn Salad
B: Burnt Waffles
C: Plasma Juice
Q10: Who is the Mole?
A: Vlad Pire
B: Chris Winters
C: Patricia Winters
D: Hossan Ghoti
E: Manura Dewick
F: Noira Green
G: Faith Remosso
Chris: “It looks like Hossan won.”
Patricia: “Ohmygawd.”
Manura: “This is so worrying!”
“I think you guys cheat, because you seem to always have the
same scores and tie for the lowest every time. It’s another 2-way tie. Before
we reveal any of that, let’s first talk about the mission. Only Manura and Vlad
were unsuccessful in completing the mission, so 250/350 points were earned,
which is decent, totaling the pot up to 420/590. Now, Faith Remosso.”
Faith: “Yeah!”
“Manura Dewick.”
Manura: “Why, of course!”
“Chris Winters.”
Chris: “I’m a bit worried. I’d split my answers.”
Patricia: “You’ll be fine dear. We all chose the same Mole
Chris: “Er…well, you could say that.”
Chris: “Yes, I’m safe!”
“How about Patricia Winters?”
Patricia: “If he’s safe, so am I!”
Patricia: “What?”
“I’m sorry Patricia, you have been executed. Please pack
your bags and head outside. And not straight
home this time.”
Patricia: “Can you believe that thing? I’m out? Impossible!
I still want to know more about occults! I want to form a coalition with Noira
Chris: “Maybe you were too slow on the computer. I told you
to be quick on your feet!”
Patricia: “I’m old!”
Hossan: “Stop yapping! No one’s gonna pity you even if
you’re old or dead.”
Faith: “You don’t have to be so rude even though you've gotten
that exemption!”
Manura: “I think we just broke up the only alliance in this
Chirs; “Hello there Patricia. How do you feel about leaving
Patricia: “At least I’m not first. Oh, that will be
embarrassing! I had fun, yeah, but I wanted to try out that telescope and
search for aliens! It’s too bad I have no chance to do that now.”
Chris: “What do you think your biggest mistake was? Was it
the nitty-gritty details that cost you?”
Patricia: “I trusted my husband too much.”
Chris: “Hey!”
Patricia: “Okay, fine, I trusted him too little and was too
slow. But you are awfully Moleish.”
Chris: “Answer the question, Patricia.”
Patricia: “Well, if we were talking about finer details, I
would say the food question. Really? What the Mole ate for breakfast? How was I
supposed to know? I ended up putting Plasma Juice or something. I never even
heard of that.”
Chris: “Vampires drink that.”
Patricia: “See? That’s why I need to know more about them!”
Chris: “I know you love singing, dancing and merrymaking.
Who do you think you were closest to during this season?”
Patricia: “Needless to say, you of course!”
Chris: “Aw, shucks. But other than me?”
Patricia: “I would say….Noira Green? She seems as equally
interested about the human way of life as I am about the occult way, so I think
we’d get along. I was hoping to form a coalition with her and learning more!”
Chris: “Thank you for joining us, Patricia.”
Patricia: “No problem! You better win this for me, Chris!”
Chris: “Don’t worry. I’ll avenge you and all of humankind.”
With that, the fun, eccentric Patricia leaves the scene! The
mansion has gotten a bit duller without her, but will her absence help the
others figure out the Mole?
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