Tuesday, 21 January 2014

9.02-What happened to the chair?

Okay, this is enough.

Manura: “Apparently the producers have given Wayne and I a condition. We can keep our pets, but should we choose to use an exemption we must release our pets. I find that incredibly unfair.”


Chris: “Oh, I feel sore all over.”

Patricia: “Cool! Genies can float!”
Noira: “You mean you didn't know that before?”


Mole quiz time.

Q1: Is the Mole male or female?
A: Male
B: Female

Q2: Is the Male above or below 30?
A: Above
B: Below
C: Exactly 30

Q3: What occult is the Mole?
A: Human
B: Witch
C: Fairy
D: Werewolf
E: Vampire
F: Genie
G: Ghost

Q4: In what order did the Mole introduce him/herself?
A: 1st
B: 2nd
C: 3rd
D: 4th
E: 5th
F: 6th
G: 7th
H: 8th

Q5: In Mission 1, what did the Mole perform?
A: Magic wand
B: Flight
C: Summoning food
D: Scare tactic
E: Transformation
F: Hunt
G: Nothing

Q6: In Mission 1, in what order did the Mole enter the arboterum?
A: 1st-4th
B: 5th-8th

Q7: In Mission 1, which car did the Mole take?
A: Black
B: White

Q8: In Mission 1, where was the Mole seated in the car?
A: Front seat
B: Back seat

Q9: Did the car the Mole sat in arrive home first after Mission 1?
A: Yes
B: No

Q10: Who is the Mole?
A: Vlad Pire
B: Chris Winters
C: Patricia Winters
D: Hossan Ghoti
E: Manura Dewick
F: Noira Green
G: Wayne Goppud
H: Faith Remosso


Vlad: “Ugh, what happened to the chair?”

“Welcome to your first execution ceremony. Firstly, let me tell you that the exemption holder is…Noira Green!”
Noira: “Of course.”
“However, exemption holders still must take the quiz so that they won’t ‘lose touch’. Now let’s get to business, shall we?”

“Chris Winters.”
Chris: “Oh boy. I don’t feel so well.”

Chris: “Phew.”

“Wayne Goppud.”
Hossan: “I’m kind of hoping you would go if not Patricia.”
Wayne: “Shut up. Do I go up or something?”
“No, the special TV on the fireplace will show you.”

Wayne: “Boo-yeah! Beat that Hossan!”
“Hossan Ghoti.”

Hossan: “See, I’m safe too!”

“Vlad Pire.”
Vlad: “I’m a bit nervous.”
Chris: “You’ll be fine, young man.”

Vlad: “Oh lucky me!”
“Faith Remosso.”

Faith: “Yes I’m safe too!”
Noira: “This is so nerve-wracking.”
“Noira Green.”

Noira: “Oh I’m safe!”

“Only down to you two left. Who will be the first to leave? Manura Dewick?”

Manura: “Yes! Oh yes!”
Patricia: “Boo!”
“Patricia Winters.”
Patricia: “I’m already out. Why bother?”

Patricia: “What?”

“That’s right. All of you are safe! Nobody is leaving today! But the lowest scorer will get a minus 1 on the next quiz.”

Nobody leaves first, but who is the lowest scorer?

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