The 6 contestants went to grill some hot dogs in hope of
earning points, but 4 of the 6 burnt theirs, thus only earning 20/60, or
596/1092. Miss earned yet another exemption, and at the execution ceremony
Lysander got the boot. Who could this elusive Mole be

Miss: “So, are you thinking of joining our coalition?”
Kay: “I've decided against it.”
Miss: “But why? It’ll be fun! Let’s dominate this!”
Kay: “Well, we've seen how coalitions go. All those executed
had coalitions. I say they do more harm than good.”
Miss: “But Winnie and I are still here!”
Kay: “We can’t say for sure who’s the Mole. There’s a higher
odd of having the Mole in the coalition.”
Miss: “Are you suspecting that I’m the Mole?”
Kay: “Well, no…I’m just stating the statistics.”
Miss: “Well, okay then. Will you join be the ice skate
Miss: “Don’t you feel cold like this? It’s awfully
uncomfortable to trudge the snow in a dress.”
Kay: “I will wear a dress no matter what! And I’m wearing
more underneath, no need you worry.”
Kay: “Woah, this isn't easy!”
Miss: “Woah, this isn't
Kay: “Don’t mimic me, you
cheeky girl!”
Winnie: “A sailor went to sea
see sea…”
Miss: “What have you got down
Sam: “Nothing.”
Miss: “Come on, tell me…”
Sam: “Oh, stop it, you.”

Miss: “I tried flirting with
Sam to find out what he buried in the snow, but he refused to tell me. I waited
until he left to dig it up. I found a book on persuasive speaking. I wonder if
that’s a clue.”
Winnie: “I’m a rocker! And a
primate! I’m a rocker primate! Ooh, this is fun!”
Mission time. The final 5 are
to head to a house where murder has occurred. Mr Jerry Jones, owner fo the
house, has been found dead in his own home. The suspects: His wife: Tracie
Jones, his maid, Berthamelow St. Hilda, and his next-door-neighbour, Kerr
Mittz. 2 of the 5 will explore the crime scene, while the other 3 will go to
the morgue and inspect the body. They are then to come together to share their
findings (if they want) and then write a theory. The theory that is closest to
the actual series of events will earn an exemption, and any theory that seems
plausible enough with majority of the clues fitted inside earns 30 points, so
this is worth 150 points.
Miss: “Whee! It’s so great to
fly! I feel so light!”

This is the house of Jerry
Timothy and Kay are the ones
searching the house, while Miss, Winnie and Sam are inspecting the body.
Miss: “This is the morgue?”
Sam: “I should have brought
my journal along.”
“No, this is the place where
he was found. In the pool.”

“Over there is where his body
is kept. There, you will receive more info the others will not, like each of
the suspect’s statements. Let’s go there now.”

Timothy: “I say we split up.
You go right, I go left. We only have 2 hours to inspect this whole place.”
Kay: “Fine by me.”

Kay: “Hmm…this is very
familiar. The producers let us see a sneak peak of Season 6, so remember when
last season, Tay suggested splitting and Dolly agreed? Well, the same thing is
happening here, so I believe Timothy is suspicious.”
Timothy: “Nothing out of the
ordinary here, though that table looks like it held something once. It’s a bit
wet. I doubt that plant needs much watering.”
Kay: “A fishbowl…that is
completely dry and fishless? Fishy….”
Timothy: “Why is this
fishbowl out of water? Or fish? And the fridge. It’s only full of links. And
the stove…it’s not working….Oh, the whole gas cylinder has been removed! Well,
someone must have been mighty strong to do that!”

Timothy: “It was hard finding
all the clues, piecing the puzzle together and determining who did it. But the
discussion did help somewhat. Although I had a feeling the others were hiding
something. Everybody had a secret they were unwilling to share. When I
discovered the gas cylinder was gone, suspicions were roused, but I had no idea
who would do it. The wife sounds unlikely, the maid too, since they’re both
females, and the only male is a game addict. I doubt he’s fit enough to lift
that thing!”
Kay: “Hmm…shower?
Shower…maybe there’s a connection, because I’m drawn to this thing.”

Timothy: “Time to go outside
now…might as well check the dustbin. Wow, there are A LOT of glass shards in
here! And dead fish.”
Kay: “There’s another empty
fishbowl in the kitchen. Those photos do look pretty though. There’s a blurred
photo in the bedroom, but it seems like the Jones’ wedding photo. How sweet.
Maybe there’s something on the computer in the study that can help me.”
Timothy: “Oh! This tile feels
a bit loose…like it’s about to give way to me. And this grill…well everything
looks fine but the wooden doors. They’re charred. I’m guessing someone was
planning on starting a fire…but in winter? Well, that makes sense. What’s this
on the…arson? Well, this is interesting.”
Timothy: “I see cracks on the
window. The glass isn't shattered though. Strange. Car theft?”
Timothy: “The pool looks fine
Kay: “He’s done already?
Well, I only have 3 more minutes…ow! What’s that? Why are there glass shards
here? Oh, the car window…hey but it isn't broken! It doesn't belong here! And
what’s this? Oh, burnt fabric, eh? I think I have an idea…”
Winnie: “Okay, the suspects
we have are…”
Sam: “Let’s wait for Miss.”
Winnie: “It’s her loss.
Anyway, we have the game addict neighbour Kerr Mittz. He says that he was in
his room playing a video game at the time of the murder.”
Sam: “We also have the maid.
She’s very suspicious.”
Kay: “The maid? What did she
have to say?”
Sam: “She says that she was
making the bed when she heard a man scream. She was a bit stunned at first, but
eventually regained her composure and went out when she heard a female scream,
only to see Jerry in the pool and Mrs. Jones horrified. Oh, she also saw many
fishbowls lying on the ground.”
Kay: “Suspicious indeed.”

Sam: “I can’t believe Winnie
said to not care about Miss! She’s extremely suspicious. I should have
suspected her all along.”
Miss: “Sorry I’m late! I just
had to admire the scenery along the way. It’s so beautiful…”
Timothy: “Murder is not
child’s play, Miss! We have to be serious. What did you find?”
Miss: “Mrs. Jones was sobbing
her way through, it was hard to understand her. But she said something about
hearing a scream, and then running out to see Mr. Jones in the pool.”
Timothy: “Anything about Mr.
Jones? You guys were in the morgue, right?”
Winnie: “Oh, right. His body
turned blue, literally! He also looked a bit charred on the front. The back
seems less affected.”

Kay: “It was the first day of
winter when the murder occurred, so snow did not start to fall yet. This snow
has been affecting things a lot.”

Timothy: “My turn to share. I found that the stove
wasn't working, and there were empty fishbowls.”
Kay: “Me too!”
Timothy: “The grill was
charred at the cabinet only. The floor
around there did feel like it was about to fall. There was also arson on it.”
Kay: “I think we located the
murder weapon. A fire was started on purpose. It was homicide, I tell you! It
ties in perfectly with the burnt fabric I found lying by the car.”
Timothy: “Oh I didn't see
anything on it.”
Kay: “There were glass shards
around the car.”
Sam: “Whoever did it must
have thought that Mr. Jones was a football, easy to kick around.”
Winnie: “You think Mrs. Jones
could have done it? For the inheritance? This place is fine, after all.”
Miss: “Inheritance? Well, I
heard enough. I’m going to make my theory.”

Winnie: “Of all the 5, I
actually find my coalition mate Miss the most suspicious. She came late to the
meeting and didn’t share the fact that Mr. Jones was last found in the pool. Well,
neither did Sam and I, but there’s more. She even chose to leave early to make
her theory. I don’t know what she’s trying to achieve.”

Miss: “I think that Mr. Jones
was killed by Mrs. Jones, for the money and this house, which must be worth a
lot. Mrs. Jones must have poured arson all over the grill and asked for a
lovely meal by her husband. Being a doting husband, Mr. Jones agreed, unaware
of the arson which he though was just oil. So when he lit the coal, flames shot
up and burnt him into pieces! So he decided to jump into the pool and save
himself. Mrs. Jones then proceeded to push him down to drown him! Yes, that
must be it!”

Timothy: “I guess this is
over then. I’ll go make my theory.”
Winnie: “Me too. By the way,
Jerry reminds me of Jeremiah. Must be the name.”

Winnie: “I suspect that the
neighbour Kerr Mittz did the crime. He doesn’t have an alibi for being at home,
playing video games. He probably snuck in when Mr and Mrs Jones were having a
lvoely breakfast that winter morning outside, forgetting to lock the door. He
proceeded to tamper with the stove to set fire on them, only to realise that
they were already outside, so that would be the perfect time. He proceeded to
stealthly crawl out to behind the grill, then pour arson all over it and Mr
Jones front just as he was about to start the fire. Mrs. Jones, astonished,
froze, giving Kerr the perfect time to escape. Mr . Jones screamed and threw
his jacket away and jumped into the pool, freezing himself to death.”

Timothy: “Tracie Jones must
have done it. Why? Well, for the inheritance she would get if Jerry Jones died!
She woke up bright and early to make breakfast, only to have a wicked thought
to kill him. So she emptied out the fridge and threw it into the gas cylinder,
forgetting the links. She then dragged the gas cylinder out and rolled it down
the street. When Jerry woke up, he wanted breakfast, but Tracie was out, so he
decided to cook for himself, only to realise the stove didn’t work. Seeing the
links, he decided to grill instead. When Tracie returned she found Jerry
outside grilling, she got him to turn around and splashed arson on his front.
To make it look like he burnt the hot dogs, she did that to the grill too,
charring it. Jerry started screaming and
threw his burning jacket off, then jumped into the pool to save himself only to
kill himself. Hearing the maid’s car approaching, Tracie quickly ran to get all
the fishbowls to douse the fire, breaking some in the process.”

Sam: “Mr Jerry Jones was
murdered by Mrs Tracie Jones, because she no longer loved him and women are the
vilest creatures on the planet. Tracie went to pour arson on the grll, then in
order to get Mr. Jones out, broke some of the fishbowls to attract his
attention. Mr. Jones hurried out only to see Mrs. Jones standing by the grill,
unsure how to cook, so Mr. Jones demonstrated and got killed in the fire. Mrs.
Jones then proceeded to push his body into the pool, burning her nightgwown in
the process. Upon realising she caught fire, she screamed too and poured some
of the intact fishbowls on her. The maid then arrived.”

Kay: “The maid did it. If
it’s not the butler, it’s the maid. I’ve read stories like this before and this
is always how it goes. The maid had an affair with Mr. Jones and felt indignant
that they had to keep the relationship under wraps. Thus, one day she wanted to
kill Mrs. Jones. While they were out on the deck, the maid Berthamelow went to
take some links for them to grill. Unbeknownst to the couple, she had poured
arson on the grill beforehand, claiming it was polish. She set it down on the
table where Mrs. Jones sat and left to make the bed. She didn’t know that Mr.
Jones took the links to grill instead.
When he got burnt, he started screaming and threw off his burnt jacket,
hitting the car. He nosedived into the pool and died. Mrs. Jones had run into
the house to get the fishbowls to put out the fire and Mr. Jones, but it was
too late, so she decided to save the house instead. After a while the maid came
running out, horrified at her mistake.”

Sam: “Why did the lights
suddenly turn red? Am I executed?”
“No, but your theory is not
the closest, so you don’t get the exemption.”
Sam: “Drats.”

“Kay, your theory isn't the
Kay: “It wasn't? But I was so
sure of it!”

Miss: “Why did it turn red?”
“You don’t earn the
exemption, Miss.”
Winnie: “Wha—“
“You don’t earn the exemption
Winnie because you don’t have the best theory.”
Timothy: “What is this?”
“Congratulations Timothy, you
have the best and closest exemption, using most of the clues and thus earning
yourself an exemption!”
Timothy: “Me? Really? Gee,
thanks! It’s about time!”

Miss: “My record is ruined!
Oh well. I think Timothy won because he explored the place and withheld
information from the rest of us, thus giving himself an advantage. Also, he’s a
psychiatrist and has probably handled such situations before, knowing the
psychology of the killer well. So kudos to him!”
The actual event is that Mrs.
Tracie Jones killed Mr. Jerry Jones for the inheritance.
- Mrs. Jones learnt that Mr. Jones had written a will stating that his house and all his money would go to her if he died.
- To quicken that, she decided to clear the fridge of food and called for the gas company to remove the gas cylinder, stating that it would not be used. She also poured arson on the grill. All this was done while Mr. Jones was at work the day before.
- On the day of the murder, Mr. Jones woke up wanting breakfast, only to realise that the fridge only had links and the stove could not be turned on. So, he went to grill to grill hot dogs, only to be burnt when he started the fire.
- At this point in time the maid had arrived and was making the bed. Mr. Jones started screaming, took off his jacket which was burnt, which landed by the car, and jumped into the pool.
- Mrs. Jones had run in and out to put out the fire, which burnt the cabinet (not the rest because the rest was made of metal which conducted the heat away) as well as the tiles beneath it, using the many fishbowls they had. In the midst of that, some of the fishbowls broke. The maid ran out while Mrs. Jones was holding another fishbowl, so she threw it at the car window, creating cracks but not shattering the glass. She then proceeded to scream.
- The glass shards and the fish (except the ones by the car) were thrown away by the maid and thrown into the dustbin after Mrs. Jones said Mr. Jones was swimming when she accidentally started a fire.
- The fires (on Mr. Jones and the grill) were put out, but because it was winter and Mr. Jones was under-wrapped, he died by freezing even though he was burnt.
As such, Timothy earns the
exemption for being the closest, using the most clues. 4/5 of the theories were
rather plausible and used many clues, except for Sam (only because he used few
clues compared to Winnie and the rest), so 120/150 points were earned, or
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