Welcome back to the Smole! Last time the contestants went to
the whiteboards and picked a place. Somehow they ended up grouping themselves
together, so it was a race to find the prize…or punishment. Vlad, Patricia,
Chris and Noira helped earn 50 points, making the pot 170/240, while Hossan and
Manura found themselves with a -2 on
their next quiz. Fortunately after a round of voting Hossan was spared, but the
same couldn’t be said for Wayne. Who will be next to go?
First, we called back Wayne to have a little interview (with
Chris being the interviewer for us):
Chris: “Thanks for coming back, Wayne.”
Wayne: “No problem. I didn't realise that I now had to
complete an interview.”
Chris: “Things have changed a bit since last season, you
Chris: “Anyway, on to our first question. How do you feel
about being the first to be executed?”
Wayne: “Like I expressed last night: sad, shocked, a bit
ashamed and humiliated. I never expected me to be going first and I was sure my
instincts were right.”
Chris: “So you feel humiliated, eh?”
Wayne: “Who wouldn't? Going home first is embarrassing
enough, and with me, I have to face my pack with shame now!”
Chris: “What do you think your biggest mistake was?”
Wayne: “Following my instincts too much. I zoomed in on that
one Sim and I ended up being wrong.”
Chris: “I know you have some brewing rivalry between you and
Vlad. How would you feel if he were executed?”
Wayne: “In a literal sense, I guess I’ll be happy. In a
figurative sense, I’ll still be happy because that means he would have taken my
place and go home first, and then he disgraces his clan while I bring glory to
mine. It’s a win-win situation here!”
Chris: “Thank you for your time Wayne. We hope to see you
around some time!”
Vlad: “I’m glad Wayne is gone, really. He disgraced his
pack, but I brought glory to my clan, despite how much I hate being a vampire.
We were always at loggerheads with each other, we two groups. So now that Wayne
is gone…take that! Ha!”
Chris: “Sigh. I've been having sleepless nights lately.”
Noira: “I wonder how these measly mortals get
food…Apparently they cook. Gosh, this is hard!”
Hossan: “You’ll be dropping like a fly in no time!”
Chris: “Gasp! How could you say such a thing, you jelly bean
Hossan: “Pah! You’re going to die a sad old man, with no
achievements whatsoever!”
Chris: “Contrary to your belief, I have made many achievements. I’m actually a rich entrepreneur, mind
you! You’re just some biker dude with no life!”
Chris: “I can’t believe you chose be as the Mole! Don’t you
trust me?”
Patricia: “Because you’re a butterfly!”
Chris: “Don’t go bonkers on me now…”
Manura: “Woah! Oh, it’s just you. Mind if I join?”
Hossan: “Duh!”
Manura: “Then I shall impose myself.”
Noira: “What are you doing there, Faith?”
Faith: “It’s so relaxing here! Have a try!”
Chris: “Is this a pool party? Whoops!”
Hossan: “Don’t try to kill me you old turd!”
Chris: “You’re already dead.”
Vlad: “What’s this? A party? Well, it’d be awkward if I
didn't join.”
“How convenient of you guys
to gather at the pool. Just in time for your next mission, too. You guys will
be walking the scorching hot firepit. Anyone who makes it across earns 50
points for the group, and the exemption will go to the one who bravely walks
over it like nothing ever happened.”
Vlad: “There’s no way I’m joining. I’m a vampire for
goodness sake!”
“Patricia! You’re up first!”
Patricia: “Ouch! This is hot! Gosh, my stockings are burnt
Noira: “Oh hi Pretteh.”
Pretteh: *growls*
Noira: “Huh? Ow! Stop that! Ugh, I’m getting out of this
house you mad cat!”
“Manura, it’s your turn.”
Manura: “It’s not like it’s some radioactive substance or
something…ouch! Hot, hot, hot! I’m going back! Oh, my poor feet!”
Manura: “That was excruciating! I need a massage, pronto!”
Patricia: “Shall I call the aliens? I think they have
provide free masseur services.”
“Next up, Noira.”
Noira: “Brace yourself, Noira.”
Chris: “Is it that hot?”
Noira: “Why not you try?”
Chris: “Oh my poor soles!”
Noira: “Told you. Now, is this typical of all humans? To be
over-the-top and arrogant?”
Chris: “What? No!”
Noira: “Interesting. Tell me more about you humans.”
Hossan: “Good thing I got out of the pool in time before I
“Hossan, you’re up.”
Hossan: “Hey, I feel fine! I don’t feel anything! Though
that’s probably because I’m a ghost.”
“Lastly, Faith.”
Faith: “I hope my fairy dust will help me…hey, this is
“So I guess we have 2 exemption holders. Faith and Hossan
will battle it out for that exemption later.”
Vlad: “If you’re thinking of scaring me, it failed.
Hossan: “Aw. But you’re such a coward. I thought vampires
were fearless? So why didn't you go try the firewalk? Chicken?”
Vlad: “I’m a vampire!”
Hossan: “Stop using that as an excuse! You’re just chicken,
admit it! Pok Pok Pok!”
Vlad: “Don’t make me get out there and kill you…”
Hossan: “Come at me, bro!”
Manura: “Oh, Pretteh, we will conquer this one day. And then
they’ll all see.”
Pretteh: “Purr.”
Manura: “What’s that childish bickering?”
Vlad: “I’m not in a good mood right now.”
Chris: “Neither am I!”
Vlad: “You know what? I’m going to read your mind.”
Chris: “That’s invasion of privacy!”
Vlad: “Exactly. I see…you’re a modern Macbeth!”
Chris: “What? Nonsense!”
Chris: “I hate that Vlad! I hate all the occults in this
house! I must win it for us humans! But I guess it’s true that I’m a modern
Macbeth. I remember when I was starting out business with a few friends, I got
a bit greedy…together with my wife, we embezzled a few funds and got to where
we are today. Nobody noticed, and everybody was at each other’s throats except
ours. The plan we conjured was perfect. Except Patricia was crushed from the
guilt and went nuts. I guess that’s the price you’d have to pay for wealth. I’m
glad the pioneers of that company are long dead now though. I’m the sole
pioneer left standing. My daughters don’t like me very much but who cares? My
actions brought them happiness and a comfortable life.”
Manura: “Let’s practice the catwalk down and play some fine
tunes, as if we have won this.”
Manura: “Aah, classical. So classic.”
Vlad: “It’s time I wrote in my journal.”
“And this is the 2nd part of this mission, where
Faith and Hossan will battle it out for the exemption…only they won’t. With
your votes, the exemption holder will be decided.”
Hossan: “You guys better be voting for me, especially you,
lovely genie.”
Faith: “Yikes, he’s canvassing votes already! I’m not sure
what luck I will have against him.”
Vlad: “Don’t listen to him, Noira!”
Noira: “And I should listen to you?”
Faith: “I should win this exemption because I’m a fairy, and
fairies don’t go well with fire. I sacrificed a lot and had a lot of courage to
do that mission. So the exemption should be my reward!”
Hossan: “I deserve the exemption! Faith used her magic to
save herself. I didn't! Sure, I didn't feel anything, but I’m entertaining,
much more than her. I should stick around longer!”
Chris: “I actually vote for Hossan to win that exemption,
because I feel Faith cheated. Hossan, well he didn't feel anything due to his
occult state.”
Patricia: “I vote for Hossan because Chris did. I hope I
made the right choice.”
Noira: “I choose Faith to win because girl power and magic
is so much better. Hossan is just due and I can’t wait for him to leave!”
Manura: “I choose Hossan to win because I’m closer to him
than Faith.”
Vlad: “I’d vote Faith since she’s not as mean and a jerk
like Hossan is. It doesn’t feel right for someone like him to win.”
And with that, Hossan wins by a vote of 4-3! Time for the
quiz now. Hossan chooses not to use the exemption.
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