Timothy: “Just relax and tell me all your worries.”
Kay: “Right now it’s the Mole, but my main concern is my
Timothy: “I see that you’re a career-minded woman. You need
to take it easy. Take it like you’re on vacation.”

Timothy: “I've got an idea. Here Kay, stare into this
stopwatch. You’ll feel very sleepy…your eyelids…they’re getting heavier and
heavier…you can’t keep them open anymore…your body is fatigued….this lounge
chair is so comfy….

Kay: *Snores*
Timothy: “Perfect. Now, you shall tell me who you think the
Mole is.”
Kay: “Sam Darryl John.”
Timothy: “I see…continue to think it is Sam Darryl John.
When I sneeze, you shall wake up and remember to pick Sam Darryl John for your
next quiz, as well as make up with him.”
Timothy: “Achoo!”
Kay: “Well, that was a pleasant rest. What were we doing
Timothy: “We were about to take the quiz. Let’s go.”

Sam: “I witnessed everything! Am I glad I refused his
services! He tried to hypnotise Kay and tell him who she believes is the Mole!
Well, obviously he knows she’s wrong. I can’t be the Mole! Or can I? We shall

Q1: Is the Mole male
or female?
A: Male
B: Female
Q2: Who does the Mole
interact with the least?
A: Kay Micheals
B: Lysander Harper
C: Timothy Foyer
D: Winnie Ber
E: Sam Darryl John
F: Miss Chief

Q3: How many
exemptions does the Mole have so far?
A: 0
B: 1
C: 2
D: 3 or more
Q4: In Mission 7,
which grill did the Mole pick?
A: Seaward left
B: Seaward Middle
C: Seaward Right
D: Inland left
E: Inland Middle
F: Inland Right

Q5: In Mission 7, who
was to the left of the Mole?
A: Sam Darryl John
B: Lysander Harper
C: Timothy Foyer
D: Miss Chief
E: Nobody
F: Nobody was to the
right of the Mole
Q6: In Mission 7, who
was to the right of the Mole?
A: Lysander Harper
B: Winnie Ber
C: Kay Micheals
D: Miss Chief
E: Nobody
F: Nobody was to the
left of the Mole
Q7: In Mission 7,
what quality hot dog did the Mole make?
A: Burnt
B: Normal
C: Nice
Q8: In what order did
the Mole finish grilling in Mission 7?
A: 1st
B: 2nd
C: 3rd
D: 4th
E: 5th
F: 6th
Q9: In Mission 7, did
the Mole drop a hot dog?
A: Yes
B: No
Q10: Who is the Mole?
A: Kay Micheals
B: Sam Darryl John
C: Lysander Harper
D: Timothy Foyer
E: Miss Chief
F: Winnie Ber

“Welcome to the another execution ceremony. We have quite a
disparity this time. There are those who seem to have caught on to the Mole,
and others who haven’t a clue what they’re doing.”
Sam: “Cross my heart, I know exactly who the Mole is.”

Lysander: “I know that I will be safe.”
“We shall see. Lysander Harper.”
Lysander: “What?”
“I’m sorry Lysander,
but you are the next to be executed. Please pack your bags and leave.”
Sam: “The proud soldier will always be the first to go
Winnie: “Well, he’s made a lot of people think that he’s the
Mole! He went down with a fight!”
Kay: “And I admire his bravery and boldness. But that cost
Timothy: “I actually chose him for the longest time, and so
did my ex-coalition members. Am I lucky!”

Lysander: “I hope I made a lot of the other contestants
think that I’m the Mole. I've been putting up an act the whole time, to make
myself seem like the Mole. I guess I can never retire from this acting
business. But I got weary fast and it was hard to keep up my act, so I focused
all my energy on maintaining my ‘image’ that I didn’t pay too much attention to
those around me and the Mole. I sincerely wish the rest good luck though, and I
hope all the saboteurs in there don’t end up walking down the same path as I

Kay: “Lysander was in the shed when he found that clue, and
he found another in that fireplace. Maybe someone deliberately left them there
to fool him?”
Sam: “You! You’re the Mole, you fairy!”
Winnie: “What? What discrimination! If that’s what you
think, fine!”
Kay: “Let me handle this messy situation. I’m sorry about
that Sam, will you forgive her?”
Sam: “Fancy you speaking up for her when you’re in a mess

Miss: “My, you look great today.”
Timothy: “Er…thanks.”

Miss: “I love my charm! It must be due to my aura! If I can
twist them around my ring finger, perhaps I’ll be able to get things to go my
Flirts ahoy!
Kay: “You brighten up my life, Sam.”
Sam: “Okay now you’re just plain creepy. Has insanity struck
you too? Oh wait, I forgot. It already did!”

Timothy: “Looks like it worked…”
Miss: “They’re pathetic. Let’s show them how it’s done.”
Kay: “I don’t get it, Miss. I tried doing everything to gain
his acceptance, but he just dismisses every single one of them! How do you do
Miss: “You have to give him some time. Who asked you to make
enemies? Be like me, be chill about everything and have fun!”

Snow comes down as Lysander departs. It’s out with the old
and in with the new. Will the others be able to figure out the Mole?
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