Saturday 4 January 2014

8.09-Hit me baby one more time

Previously the team earned 430/830 points for the pot when only 4 did the mission successfully to earn points. Norma surprised everyone with her big word CONUNDRUM, fetching her an exemption. However, Alison was sent home at the execution. Who will be next?

Miss: “So I hired a lawyer!”
Timothy: “You hired a lawyer because you defaced the military base? Wow.”
Winnie: “Oopy-daisy!”
Miss: “Oh, how cheeky of you, Winnie!”
Kay: “Gosh, be more considerate! We’re eating right here and you have to display your incontinence?”

Kay: “And Raphael! You’re stepping on my waffle!”
Raphael: “Not like you had any appetite left.”
Kay: “I do! But I can’t eat it now!”
Raphael: “Sorry…want mine?”
Kay: “Ergh, no! Is that…is that fur in it? Eww! I don’t want to know what happened. I’m getting another plate.”


Miss: “Naughty naughty Lysander. Are you trying to peep at me?”
Lysander: “What? No!”
Miss: “You don’t have to act so coyly. I know your adrenaline must be rushing right now…”
Lysander: “I’m leaving, okay?”

Sam: “You smell!”
Winnie: “We all do.”
Sam: “Want me to give you a 10000 word speech on the importance of hygiene?”
Winnie: “All right, sheesh.”

Lysander: “I went to the shed and found a picture of a fireplace that looked like the one in the living room, so I inspected it. All I saw was the letter F. I think one of the contestants must have been so upset he burnt the letters from the previous mission. Is it Sam?”

Kay: “Muacks! I love you everyone! Without you, my fashion wouldn't have been a success. Without you, none of this could have happened! I love you, all my fans!”

Sam: “Are you mad, woman? You think you can be successful?”

Sam: “Please, all you need to do is fulfill your role as a mother. Oh wait, your breasts are so small they can’t give a baby enough milk!”
Kay: “Why I’d…”
Sam: “Never? We've heard that a thousand times. Come up with something new, you prudish old hag.”

Kay: “Take that for all that you've said!”
Sam: “I had enough of you woman!”
“Mission Time! Everyone is to gather at the white square outside. Each of you will stand on a tile. Then, they would change colours and if the tile you’re standing on turns red, you’re out. The last one standing wins an exemption. Anyone who is able to last at least 3 turns earns 20 points, making this worth 160 points.”
Sam: “I’ll settle this with you later.”
Kay: “I’ll be waiting!”

Kay: “Why I’d never! I can’t believe that Sam! He’s using his words in the wrong way, going round and insulting others! He called me a prudish old hag! Prudish? Old? Hag? I’ll show him!”

“Timothy’s been hit! He’s out!”

Winnie: “Not bad. Everybody survived this second round.”

Lysander: “Oh, I’m not sure about this spot…”

Sam: “Shoot I’m out.”
“Which means 120 points are automatically added since 6 survived 3 rounds!”
Miss: “Oh, squares can change colour again.”
“Except the red ones. You can’t walk on those.”

Raphael: “We did it!”
Norma: “Gosh this mat reminds me of the spring festival.”
Miss: “Hit me baby one more time!”

Lysander: “No!”
Raphael: “I want to call for a clue. I don’t know where to go next.”

Winnie: “It’s really a hit or miss, this thing.”
Norma: “I’m hit!”
Miss: “They missed me again!”

Kay: “Another miss!”

Raphael: “Oh dear.”
“If that square southeast of you turns red, you’ll be cornered and stuck there.”

Kay: “This is taking too long.”
Miss: “Hey Raphael, you’re the only guy left standing!”

Miss: “Yay! They hit me! Bye guys!”

Kay: “The left side is always safe.”
Raphael: “Oh…come on hit them!”

Raphael: “I knew this would come…”
It’s down to these 2 ladies. Who will win the exemption?

Winnie: Yeah I’m untouchable!”
Kay: “No!”
“Winnie earns the exemption, and the pot is now 550/990 points.”

Kay: “I was so close! Did Winnie have magical abilities or something? As in, to foretell the future? To know that square would not be hit? I should have stuck to the left the whole time. And I found it weird the guys were the first to leave. Sabotage much? And why did Miss want to be out? Fishy…Does she not want the exemption?”

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