Tuesday 4 October 2022

54.01-The wonders of the Watcher

 Surprise! We're back with another season of the Smole! If you don't know by now, the Smole is a reality game show where contestants participate in various challenges called missions to fill points for a pot. The reason for this is that one of them will get to walk away with a prize money equal to 1000 times the pot at the end of the season. However, among them is a Mole sabotaging to keep the pot low and the unearned points for the Moleself. The contestants must figure out who the Mole is and be evaluated via quizzes. The lowest scoring contestant will be eliminated, or otherwise known as executed.

As with nearly every season, this season brings a few new twists. The first is that in this season, in the event of a tie, the contestant who earns the least to date will be executed.

What's the second twist? Find out for yourself.


"Welcome to the Smole, Season 54. We have decide that we would like you to be one of our Mole candidates this season."

Llama: "Really? I am honoured."
"But you are not the only Mole candidate. There are two other Mole candidates who are like you."

Alien: "I don't get it. Am I a Mole or a contestant?"
"You are both. For the other contestants, they have three answer keys, one for each Mole candidate. But for you, you only have two."

"This means you can be executed if you score the lowest in a quiz. You can also be executed if over half of the other contestants and Mole candidates combined have you as the Mole in their quizzes. And as the last in line to be the Mole candidate, if you and another Mole candidate make it to the finale, you will be removed of your role as Mole candidate and become a contestant."

"Here is a folder containing all the information on the other contestants and the missions. Good luck Mole candidate. This season won't be an easy one for you."


Claire: "It's a new season. When we arrived, we were brought to a graveyard and had to stand in circles."


Claire: "I'm confused. What are we supposed to do now?"

Agatha: "We can start by way of introductions. I'll go first. My name is Agatha Hathaway. You may have read a few of my works before, such as The Adventures on Hornwry Lane, Room Goes Dark or Rise of the Llamas. I write horror novels for a living. I'm 42 years old this year and I joined to get more inspiration for my next novel. A pleasure to meet all of you."

Augustine: "I am Augustine Irrawaddy. I am a contractor specialising in water irrigation systems. I am 37 years old. I joined the Smole because I heard I can earn a lot of money here if I am lucky so I am trying my luck."

Arnold: "Hey I also joined for money. I've been working as a graphic designer since I graduated. I'm already 34 and realised the importance of moolah too late. In my spare time I like to smoke a puff or two and get stoned with friends. Hopefully we can do that here too. My name's Arnold by the way; Arnold Dacinda."

Dolores: "Hi, I'm Dolores Gatsby. I'm 29 this year and I work as a travel blogger for a travel agency called Windshields. As to why I joined the Smole, I thought it would be a good experience and I get to travel abroad too. If you can't tell I'm in love with travelling. Nice to meet you all!"

Desmond: "You may not have heard of me but you've definitely heard of my clients. Nadia Holland, Darcy Hitch, Will Johnson. They're leading happy lives with their significant other as a result of my services. They call me the date doctor but the name's Desmond Mulder. Pleasure to be of service."

Beatrix: "I am Beatrix Domma. I am 24 years old and I am a spy from France. I am not afraid of my identity being known. Nobody can touch me even if they try. In fact, it is the very reason I joined the Smole. I want the whole world to know who caused their downfall. The Smole is a walk in the park for me."

Desdemona: "Big talk for a little girl. I'm Desdemona Villegas, a 34-year-old pastor. I enjoy spreading the wonders of the Watcher and see it as an important duty. I'm someone who does what I want and nobody can stop me from it. I hope that by the end of the season the Watcher touches all of your lives."

Kayla: "Hey, I'm Kayla Kyla. I'm 32 this year. I help Sims grow their wealth for a living. Desmond has big-name clients? So do I. I manage all kinds of clients, including big-name Hollywood actors like Evan Stonewall. If you let me, I can help you grow your wealth too. We'll have all the time in the season for me to help you."

Everett: "Heya. I'm Everett Decker, a 28-year-old flight steward. Unlike the rest of them I don't have an agenda for coming to the Smole. I just want to sit back, relax and enjoy the process and have fun doing it. I moved to Hawaii about a year ago and I love it there. From first impressions it looks like I'll love it here in Isla Paradiso too."

Kamil: "Hello. I am Kamil Zakari. I am 40 years old. I am of Nigerian royalty. I am here to make life better for all of you. Thank you."

Claire: "I'll go next. Hi everyone. I'm Claire Bennett. I am 31 years old. I joined the Smole for a distraction, knowing that it is a game that requires a lot of concentration. I also joined because it's been going on for so many seasons now so I got intrigued to try and participate as a contestant myself. I hope to make new friends and memories here."

Davian: "Hello! I am Davian Lemming. I am 31 years old this year. I am part of the Kenyan national sprinting team. My biggest hobby is running. I came to the Smole because I heard good things about it. I decided to apply for leave and join and here I am. Let us work together and make a big pot this season."

Arnold: "So, uh, we went through introductions. Now what?"

Claire: "AAAAHHH!"

"Claire has been eliminated."

Arnold: "What the shit just happened man?"

Desmond: "Claire just got eliminated."
Desdemona: "Eliminated from what?"
Beatrix: "The mission. It has begun."

Davian: "Hey, there's something written in the centre! We just didn't notice."

Davian: "Task: One contestant is to solve a mathematical problem."
Kayla: "There's a timer on the top. It says '10 seconds left until the dome opens'."

Dolores: "I can do it."

Augustine: "The dome is open."
Arnold: "Go go go!"

Dolores: "A train leaves Prague at 6:45 pm, averaging 30 mph. Another train headed in the same direction leaves Prague at 7:45 pm, averaging 60 mph. To the nearest minute, at what time will the second train overtake the first train?"

Dolores: "Oh no. I'm bad at math."


Desmond: "Did she just say she's bad at math? And she still wanted to do it?"


Dolores: "This must be a trick question. The second train goes twice as fast so it will never meet the first train."
"Incorrect. The correct answer is 8.45pm."

Augustine: "The dome has closed. There is a new task for one contestant. Label countries on a world map."
Kayla: "5 minutes till the dome opens again. Let's actually discuss this proper."

Agatha: "I agree. I think our international fellows will be best suited for a geography task."
Davian: "I can try."

Augustine: "No. We don't want to just try. We need someone who actually knows. We cannot waste our chances."
Dolores: "Sorry. I just wanted to help."
Arnold: "It's cool. But we need to seize our chances. So I'm out of this one."

Kayla: "Everett's a flight steward. He travels a lot. I think he's a good choice."
Everett: "Me? Nah. That's just a stereotype."
Kamil: "If he does not want then we shall not force."

Beatrix: "There must be an exemption for the sole Sim standing."
Desdemmona: "How do you know?"
Beatrix: "It has to be."
Desmond: "I think I can go next. I aced geography back in high school. If there are any objections, voice it now or hold your peace forever."

Augustine: "AAARRGH!"
"Everett has been eliminated."

Kayla: "I still think Everett is best suited."
Desmond: "He already said he can't."
Desdemona: "Yeah. Respect his wishes."
Kayla: "Let's put this to the vote. Anyone else support me?"

Davian: "I think we can let Desmond give it a shot."
Agatha: "Desmond does have better credentials."

Desmond: "I have to label the countries on a map."

Desmond: "This is Norway. The boot is Italy."

Desmond: "This is obviously China. Beside it is Russia."

Desmond: "There are a lot of countries."

"Time is up."
Desmond: "What? I didn't realise there was a timer."

Kayla: "I told you Everett is a better choice."
Desmond: "I lost due to a hidden timer."

Agatha: "The next task opens in 5 minutes and is for one contestant again. Someone needs to count to twenty in Spanish."
Kayla: "I can do Spanish."
Everett: "Are you sure?"
Kayla: "Yes. I have to take matters into my own hands or we'll keep failing."
Agatha: "How about we all stand near the dome so that we do not waste time walking there?"

Agatha: "AAAH!"
"Agatha has been eliminated."
Davian: "I think we can't leave the circle until the dome is open."

Desdemona: "There must be a reason behind the eliminations."
Beatrix: "That must be what the tasks are for. We can complete them to find out the reason."

Kayla: "AAAH!"

"Kayla has been eliminated."
Kayla: "I was supposed to do the task."
Kamil: "We have 3 minutes until the dome opens again."

Desdemona: "I can speak Spanish. I will do it."

Beatrix: "The dome is open."

Desdemona: "Okay. Uno, dos, tres, cuatro, cinco, seis, siete, ocho, nueve, diez, once, doce, trece, catorce, quince, dieciseis, dieciocho, diecinueve, veinte."

"There is an order behind the eliminations. Woman and men alternate with each gender having a different criteria for elimination."
Desdemona: "Finally. Our first clue."

"For solving the task, Desdemona will switch elimination positions with the next Sim."
Desdemona: "Yay."

Arnold: "You just messed up the order."
Dolores: "At least we have a clue now. We know the next one to go is a man."

Everett: "Guys? There's some bad news. The next task is for one Sim and the task is to get the heart rate to 130 bps. The bad news is that if we want to complete the task we have to sacrifice someone."
Desdemona: "Go for it. We need more hints to know what the order is."
Beatrix: "Those who have already tried a task and failed should offer themselves up for sacrifice."
Desmond: "Hell no. I think Kamil can be sacrificed. He is barely contributing."

Kamil: "No. I am Nigerian royalty! I cannot be sacrificed!"
Everett: "I'll do it. I can be the sacrifice. But who's gonna do the task?"

Davian: "This is a task for me. I am an athlete."

"Everett has sacrificed himself and will be eliminated in place of another contestant."

Dolores: "The dome is open."

Davian: "What?"

"Arnold has been eliminated."
Arnold: "I thought Everett took my place!"

Desmond: "I figured out the pattern. Every 4 minutes someone will be eliminated."
Desdemona: "And every 5 minutes the dome opens. Since the dome opened at the same time Arnold was eliminated this should be...the 20th minute."
Beatrix: "We still need to find out why they are eliminated. Don't get distracted Davian. Do the task."

Davian: "Can you help time how long it takes before the dome closes again?"
Desmond: "Sure."

"Time is up. Davian's heart rate is at 80bps."
Desmond: "Did you even try?"
Davian: "You...saw me..."

Desdemona: "He's an athlete. His heart rate is naturally lower than others."
Davian: "You should have told me that earlier."
Desdemona: "Sorry. I forgot."

Dolores: "The next task is to eat 3 cloves of garlic. I can do it."

Beatrix: "No."
Desmond: "I think we can let Kamil do it. He's the only one who hasn't done a task yet."
Desdemona: "But we need another sacrifice. And quick before the default 4 minute timer kicks in and eliminates someone extra."

Dolores: "I can help. I'll be the sacrifice."

"Dolores has sacrificed herself and is eliminated in place of another contestant."

Davian: "The dome is open!"
Kamil: "Do not rush me."

Kamil: "You are lucky I do not like to waste food."

Kamil: "That taste."
Desmond: "Hurry up."

Desdemona: "Eat like you've never eaten before!"
Kamil: "It is not that easy."

Desmond: "I timed and it takes about 30 seconds for the dome to close. So you have to hurry up."
Kamil: "I'm trying."

Davian: "You did it!"
"Men are eliminated in descending order based on their last name. If there is a tie in length, the oldest man will be eliminated first."
Desdemona: "Finally another clue. Maybe women have the same logic. Is the logic for men and women the same?"

"For solving the task, Kamil will switch elimination positions with the next Sim."

Davian: "The next task is to solve an algebra problem. Who's going to be the sacrifice? Anyone?"

"Beatrix has been eliminated."

Desmond: "Damn it. Now we need to sacrifice another contestant if we want to complete the task. We just need one more clue."
Desdemona: "Let's just forsake this task and use the time to think instead. Claire was eliminated, then Agatha, then Kayla, then Beatrix."

Kamil: "You forgot Dolores."

Desdemona: "No, she sacrificed herself so she doesn't count. Actually, Agatha was eliminated because she stepped out of the circle so she doesn't count too. That leaves Claire, Kayla and Beatrix. Could it be by first name?"

Davian: "You're assuming that for women, it is by name length too. And you still haven't considered the event of a tie."

Desdemona: "Yes. There doesn't seem to be a penalty so let's just try. I think for women, it is by ascending order of first name. And if there's a tie in length, the oldest woman gets eliminated."
"That is incorrect."

Desmond: "How old were each of them again?"
Desdemona: "I don't really remember. But I know Beatrix was really young."

Davian: "I think I got it. Eliminations for men are as the clue. Eliminations for women is by ascending order of first name. And if there is a tie, the youngest woman gets eliminated first."

"That is correct. The mission has ended. You have earned 40/90 points. There was a hidden exemption if only one of you remained, but that is clearly not the case, so no exemption is awarded."

After many electrocutions the contestants have finally figured out the reason behind their eliminations and in the process earned 40/90 points. They missed out an exemption. Who would be the first one to need it?

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