Saturday, 22 October 2022

54.08-Go get 'er, tiger

In the previous mission of the Smole, the contestants had an hour to find 10 buried inventions and arrange them in chronological order. They only got one item correct and made more than 5 mistakes so 0/100 points were earned, leaving the pot at 170/400 points. Arnold found himself a hidden exemption and will not be executed. But who will?


Everett: "We failed miserably there. I'm confident that there are three Moles still in this game. How else could we do so badly?"


Everett: "Yo Des. You know what I'm here for."
Desmond: "Another day."

Everett: "No no no. You are not pushing this back again. I'm not leaving until you teach me your ways."

Desmond: "Fine..."


Desmond: "Step 1: Put on a nice form-fitting shirt."
Everett: "I gained a few pounds ever since I settled in Hawaii though."
Desmond: "Fine. No form-fitting. But you should at least look crisp and sharp."

Desmond: "Step 2: Get rid of the hat."
Everett: "But it's Isla Paradiso. It shows off my fun side."
Desmond: "Let her find that out after the first impressions, 'cause she ain't going to think 'this guy is fun' on first look. And comb your hair."

Desmond: "Step 3: Shave."
Everett: "I've been trying to grow this beard though. Can I skip the shaving?"
Desmond: "Fine. It's not like she hasn't seen your beard before. She's probably gotten used to it."

Desmond: "Step 4: Pop a breath mint."
Everett: "Does my breath stink?"
Desmond: "No. But it doesn't hurt to pop a breath mint."

Desmond: "Step 5: Go out there and talk to her like a normal human being."
Everett: "What about?"
Desmond: "Her interests, what she's doing, maybe even compliment her outfit. Whatever it is, be genuinely interested. I actually compiled a list of things that I think would be good conversation starters based on my observation and interactions with her."

Everett: "Is there a Step 6?"
Desmond: "I've done way more than I needed to. You're going to have to pay me if you want even more. Oh, one more thing: do NOT get political with her, especially since she's a spy."

Everett: "Alright Everett. You got this. Go get 'er, tiger."


Arnold: "Oh we doing kickboxing now?"
Beatrix: "I'm just treating this as my enemy."

Arnold: "Why did you become a spy?"
Beatrix: "That's classified information. If I told you, I'd have to kill you."

Arnold: "You can stab me a hundred times and I'd be in heaven babe."
Beatrix: "Oh is that so?"

Arnold: "If I had to die, I'd rather it be in your hands."
Beatrix: "You've got good taste."
Arnold: "You've got an awesome fashion sense and a kick-ass personality."

Everett: "Someone already beat me to the punch..."


Desdemona: "You really like painting huh?"
Claire: "It serves as a nice distraction from the Smole. In fact, the Smole has been a distraction from life."

Desdemona: "What happened girl?"
Claire: "I got used to living alone. Then I met my husband."

Desdemona: "Relationship problems huh? I've been divorced and I'm living my best life. Women don't need a man in their life."
Claire: "I wish it were relationship problems." 

Claire: "My husband died in a bus crash."
Desdemona: "Oh. I'm so sorry for you sis."
Claire: "It's okay. I moved on. Or so I thought."

Claire: "His absence is so...obvious. Now I'm learning to live alone again but it's hard. Do you know that feeling of having something you like get taken from you?"
Desdemona: "Yeah?"
Claire: "Losing him is that feeling. Maybe I shouldn't have met him in the first place."

Desdemona: "Girl, don't think like that. Even though my ex-husband and I have split up we're still on good terms. And I definitely do not regret meeting him, marrying him or having a beautiful boy and girl with him."

Claire: "You're right. The Smole has been helping me ease into the process too. We started off with 12 and now there are only nine of us. I'm slowly learning how to live with fewer Sims."

Desdemona: "Have any kids?"
Claire: "No."
Desdemona: "Hm, then maybe you can get a hobby to occupy yourself with. Or join some clubs. Hang out with friends. Just because you don't have a husband any more doesn't mean you can't have friends."


Agatha: "The stairs creaked slowly with each step. Eek, eek, eek."

Arnold: "What happened next?"
Dolores: "I want to stop listening but at the same time I can't. I have to know what happens."

Agatha: "Two more steps to the top. Eek, eek...crash."
Augustine: "Aah!"
Agatha: "The final stair gave way."

Arnold: "I didn't know you're s scaredy-cat."
Augustine: "I am not."
Arnold: "Am too."
Augustine: "Am not."

Dolores: "Shh!"
Agatha: "With one giant step she got to the second floor. She moved towards the bedroom door, pushing it open ever so slightly."

Agatha: "The room was empty, except for a noose swinging gently with the breeze."

Augustine: "Is that the end of the story?"
Arnold: "Woman your mind is fucked up!"

Augustine: "I have to go now."
Arnold: "Admit it. You're scared."
Augustine: "I have a quiz to prepare for. You should prepare too."


Dolores: "Agatha was telling us an excerpt from one of her stories. It was so enthralling and bone-chilling. How does someone of such elegance and refinery come up with a story so warped? Agatha is definitely someone I wouldn't want to cross. She can come up with the most gruesome and horrific ways to off me."


It is time for the quiz. 10 questions about the actions and identity of the Mole candidates. The lowest scorer will be executed.

Q1: Is the Mole male or female?
A: Male
B: Female

Q2: Has the Mole been married before?
A: Yes
B: No

Q3: Has the Mole put another Mole candidate's name down in a previous quiz?
A: Yes
B: No

Q4: Does the Mole have children?
A: Yes
B: No

Q5: In Mission 4, what kind of swimsuit did the Mole wear?
A: Bikini
B: Swimming trunks
C: One-piece swimsuit
D: Shirt and swimming trunks
E: Shirt and mermaid tail
F: Shirt and skirt

Q6: How many items did the Mole find in Mission 4, excluding any exemptions?
A: 0
B: 1
C: 2
D: 3

Q7: Which item did the Mole find first in Mission 4?
A: Soap
B: Books
C: Camera
D: Radio
E: Teddy Bear
F: Frisbee
G: VR Goggles
H: Exemption
I: The Mole did not find an item

Q8: In Mission 4, in which order did the Mole find an item?
A: 1st
B: 2nd
C: 3rd
D: 4th
E: 5th
F: 6th
G: 7th
H: 8th
I: The Mole did not find an item

Q9: In Mission 4, in which year was the Mole's last invention invented?
A: 2800 BC
B: 500 BC
C: 105 AD
D: 1816
E: 1901
F: 1902
G: 1968
H: 1984
I: The Mole did not find an invention

Q10: Who is the Mole?
A: Agatha Hathaway
B: Arnold Dacinda
C: Augustine Irrawaddy
D: Claire Bennett
E: Beatrix Domma
F: Desmond Mulder
G: Dolores Gatsby
H: Everett Decker
I: Desdemona Villegas


"Welcome to your fourth execution ceremony, or third for Everett. Arnold is able to skip this execution ceremony thanks to his hidden exemption. Unfortunately for one of you, you will be executed tonight and due to a tie for that matter."

"Augustine Irrawaddy."


"Desdemona Villegas."


"Everett Decker."


"Claire Bennett."
Claire: "I hope it isn't me."


"Dolores Gatsby."
Dolores: "I can't look. I know I haven't been earning much. I hope I'm not part of the tie."

"Unfortunately, Dolores Gatsby, you are the next to be executed. Please pack your bags and leave."

Everett: "Dolores was a very friendly and helpful girl. I loved her energy. I can't believe she's gone."
Beatrix: "She could very well have been a Mole candidate. Regardless, she was a fashionable and feminine woman."
Claire: "Her heart was at the right place. She always wanted to help everyone."

Dolores: "I had a feeling deep in my gut it would be me. I can't say I'm not disappointed but I came here for an adventure and an experience and I got it. My highlight was scuba diving and seeing an actual shark while diving. I will never forget that."

"Thank you for joining Dolores. We hope to see you again."
Dolores: "Thanks for having me."

The globe-trotting Dolores has been executed! Is she a Mole candidate like Beatrix claims or was that a deflection? Who are the true Mole candidates?

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