Thursday, 20 October 2022

54.07-I'm doing charity


 Previously on the Smole, 8 contestants had to read off teleprompters while exercising for Agatha a and Desdemona to hear. They later answered 3 questions based on it and succeeded in earning 70/70 points. The pot grew to 100/230 points. Unfortunately, Kayla could not watch it grow further as she was the next to be executed. Who will be the next to be executed? Has a Mole candidate been executed yet? Who are the Mole candidates?

Desmond: "Ah, nothing like a morning shower to start the day."

Arnold: "Yo."
Desmond: "What the fuck? When did you come in?"

Arnold: "So I heard you've been going around giving your services for free. I want one too."
Desmond: "No."

Arnold: "Then I'll stare at you and your cock until you say yes."
Desmond: "Don't be gross. Why didn't they put dividers..."
Armold: "Nice cock bro. A little small and tilted to the left though."
Desmond: "You say that like I'm ashamed pf my own body."

Arnold: "Come on. I just can't get Beatrix out of my head. We share a room together. I feel the energy."

Desmond: "You just want her to be your latest hook up."
Arnold: "Hey not true. I mean, maybe it can lead there. But I can see the sparks flying."
Desmond: "Well if you're serious about this and you'll stop being a creep..."


Desmond: "I'm already helping Everett. What difference does one more make? I just don't get the appeal. Beatrix bewitched Everett and Arnold to be so smitten with her and want to get to know her better. I'm not sure how serious they are given their history but if this can teach them how to be a better man and treat women better, then let's just say I'm doing charity."


On this bright and sunny afternoon, the contestants have to dig for items buried in the sand and arrange them in chronological order in one hour. If all items are arranged correctly, 100 points will be earned. 1-2 mistakes and the amount would be 80 points. 3-4 mistakes and the amount would be halved to 50 points. If they make 5 or more mistakes, they earn nothing.

Desmond: "This is childish."

Arnold: "Found anything yet?"
Augustine: "No. Have you?"
Arnold: "Nope."

Claire: "What's this?"

Claire: "It's a camera. Let's all put the things we found over there, okay?"

Claire: "I'm putting this over here."

Augustine: "There is nothing here. I am going to another spot."

Dolores: "I see something peeking. Oh, it's a frisbee!"

Beatrix: "I cannot find anything here."

Desmond: "I've been digging and digging and there's nothing."
Desdemona: "Maybe we should keep digging deeper. I don't know how deep they buried the items."
Desmond: "I think we should move to another spot."

Everett: "Well well well, an old radio."

Augustine: "There is still nothing here."

Dolores: "A little help anyone? I see something but I can't seem to get it out."

Augustine: "You were burying it deeper. Let me help you."
Dolores: "I was? Oops."

Dolores: "It's an oil lamp. Thanks Augustine. I'll go set it with the rest of the items."

Arnold: "There's a note here...congratulations you found a hidden exemption. Sweet."
Desmond: "What? Maybe there are more hidden."

Beatrix: "This is stupid. I am an elite spy and here I am digging in the sand like an imbecile."

Desdemona: "I found a whole stack of books."

Everett: "How many items do we gotta find?"
Arnold: "10 dude. Not including my hidden exemption."

Desmond: "Surely there's more than one hidden exemption somewhere."

Agatha: "I found a bottle of soap."

Augustine: "There's a teddy bear here."


The contestants have spent over half an hour digging. They are still missing three items: a laptop, paper, and VR goggles.

Arnold: "I found a laptop. I wonder if it's still working."

Augustine: "We need two more items."


Augustine: "We decided to find all the items first before arranging them together but I thought we did not have a lot of time left so I started arranging first."


Augustine: "Technology is a recent invention. I should put them all at the end first."

Augustine: "This oil lamp looks old. Maybe it is the earliest. Books were also invented early."

Augustine: "Toys should be a more recent invention. Hygiene was not that early so I will place the soap in the middle. That looks right."

Dolores: "Ow! I think I stubbed my toe."
Desmond: "On sand?"
Dolores: "Yeah...wait a minute..."

Dolores: "VR goggles! I found the VR goggles."

Desmond: "Wasn't this area already searched by someone?"

Beatrix: "Somebody is sabotaging."

Desdemona: "That means we need to re-dig all the areas we looked at before."

Agatha: "What a clever Mole tactic."
Claire: "But the beach is so big. There is no time to redo everything."
Agatha: "We should have taken note of where each item was found."

Beatrix: "I found paper."
Everett: "That's the last item. We're done here."


Augustine: "I have done some arranging."
Arnold: "Looks good to me."
Claire: "I'm not too sure about the older inventions."
Desmond: "We can leave that for later."

Agatha: "I think the VR goggles come last."
Desdemona: "I think so too. I believe it's radio first, then laptop, then camera, then VR goggles."
Dolores: "I thought the camera would come first."
Desdemona: "It was only recently that we could bring cameras around and take photos wherever we go."

Agatha: "Desmond, you listened to inventions in the previous mission. Care to shed some light?"
Desdemona: "Oh that's right."
Desmond: "I don't remember. But I think what you say makes sense."
Arnold: "I'll do the honours."
Augustine: "How about the early inventions? Does everybody agree the oil lamp comes first?"
Everett: "I think books came first actually."
Claire: "No paper has to come before books. Then the oil lamp."
Everett: "Oh yeah."

Augustine: "Now for the middle. This is the order I believe is correct."
Dolores: "The teddy bear was created in honour of Teddy Roosevelt. It's pretty old."
Arnold: "Not as old as the oil lamp or soap."
Beatrix: "The Frisbee should come after the teddy bear."

Desmond: "Is this the final order we agree with?"
Beatrix: "No. I think the soap should be the first. And the radio should be after the oil lamp."
Augustine: "Hygiene was not popular until the 18th century. Soap could not have been invented that early."
Desmond: "Maybe it's invented before the oil lamp. Could that be possible?"
Arnold: "Yeah that makes sense. If we're all okay with it let's make the switch."
Dolores: "I think we can switch that but not the positions of the radio and the oil lamp. Oil lamps are used by miners and miners to me sound like a fairly recent career. It's still active today."

Augustine: "I agree. This shall be our final order."


"Contestants, you have found 10 inventions and arranged them in what you think is the correct chronological order. It is time to check if you are correct."

"The first invention is actually the soap. It was invented in 2800 BC."

"You are right that the books are the second earliest invention. It was invented in 500 BC."

"Paper was actually invented after books in 105 AD. Before that they wrote on other surfaces like bone, shell or wood."

"We fast forward to 1816 which was when the camera was invented."

"Only then was the oil lamp invented in 1862."

'the radio was invented in 1901."

"One year later, the teddy bear was invented."

"The Frisbee was invented in December 1967."

"The VR goggles were actually invented one year later in 1968. Finally, the laptop is the most recent invention of all, being invented in 1984 by IBM. Only one item is in the correct position, so no points have been earned this time."

The contestants failed miserably in their history knowledge. Were the Moles at work?

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