Saturday, 15 October 2022

54.05-Hang ten


Previously on the Smole, the contestants had to search for treasure chests in diving spots. 60/140 points were found in chests, making the pot 100/230 points. In addition, Everett found himself an exemption. While he was safe, Kamil was executed. Who will be next? Will Everett be able to continue to ensure his safety?

Contestants can earn 70 points in the next mission, all or nothing. Two contestants will be listening to teleprompter speeches said by the other contestants. At the end of it, they will have to answer three questions. If they get 2/3 questions correct, they get the points.

Agatha: "My, there are so many stereos."
Desdemona: "I'll take those further away while you take those around here."

Agatha: "I think..."
Desdemona: "Then it's settled. Don't sabotage!"

Kayla: "Isla Paradiso is located in the seas, consisting of two main islands and many small islands scattered around..."
Arnold: "Most of the Sims in Isla Paradiso are island lovers..."
Beatrix: "Vegetation regions can be divided into five major types: forest, grassland, tundra desert and ice sheet..."

Augustine: "Historically, there were four oceans...Dolores!"
Dolores: "Sorry!"
Desdemona: "Huh? Why did it suddenly cut off?"


Of course, it's not that easy. The contestants have to do physical activities while reciting their speech. Kayla's microphone is connected to the first stereo. The teleprompter will remain on as long as she maintains a pace of at least 6mph.

Arnold takes the second stereo. He has to hang onto the bar to get close to the microphone so that it can pick up whatever he is saying.

Beatrix has the third stereo. Every hit she lands on the punching bag that is of at least 2000N in force will keep her microphone on for an additional 30 seconds.

Everett is connected to the fourth stereo. His microphone stops working the moment he falls off the surfboard into the water.

Augustine and Dolores have the fifth stereo. Their microphones will stay on for as long as they maintain a rally.

Desmond is with the sixth stereo. He has to lift the door open to reveal the teleprompter and keep it open.

Claire takes the last stereo. Her teleprompter will stay on as long as she keeps dancing.


Beatrix: "Grasslands are areas which are dominated by grasses. Haiyah!"

Everett: "The first surfing references were found in Polynesia. Cave paintings from the 12th century show people riding on waves."

Everett: "Oh hey there little one."

Desdemona: "Is that part of the script? It sounds weird."

Kayla: "The first island is called The Lonely Isle. It contains a port named Pepper Port."

Desmond: "Historians think China...may have been the...the first civilisation to...develop...a magnetic compass..."


Claire: "It's been a while since I had to get used to being alone. The Smole helped alleviate that. In fact, at times I thought it was too crowded. But in the mission I had to dance alone. It suddenly felt so empty."


Claire: "Spain is a country in southwestern Europe...hey, why did it shut off? Oh, it can't detect my movements. I need to move more."

Arnold: "Oof! Shit. Can I stop the teleprompter? No?"

Dolores: "The Indian Ocean is the third-largest of the world's five oceanic divisions..."

Augustine: "...covering 706..."

Augustine: "Dolores, you went too far to my right."
Dolores: "Sorry. Where do you want me to aim?"
Augustine: "More centrally."

Everett: "Yikes, nearly fell."


Desmond: "No no no no..."

Desmond: "I guess I can use this time to take a rest. I'll get back to work in a moment."

Everett: "Mute Stereo 4."
Desdemona: "What? Why? Isn't this Stereo 4?"

Everett: "Alright. Since I'm supposed to mute myself I can just skip all this text and truly hang ten."

Everett: "Woo!"


Claire: "Huh? Oh my gosh, that's awesome. Wait I need to read off the teleprompter and not get distracted."

Desdemona: "Sounds like Everett is having fun...I guess I really have to mute this."

Beatrix: "Mute Stereo 7."

Agatha: "Desdemona is too far away for her to mute the stereo."

Desdemona: "Agatha! What are you doing? This is my turf."

Agatha: "Stereo 3 asked me to mute Stereo 7."
Desdemona: "Oh. Okay."


Kayla: " it for Joel and Brydon..."

Arnold: "Lincoln Porter was married to Marianne Porter who has since died of electrocutionnnnnrrrghhh..."

Beatrix: "Some plants that grow in the rainforest include short shrubs, grasses, birches and willow trees."


Arnold: "Unmute Stereo 4."

Agatha: "I barely hear anything from Stereo 7."

Desdemona: "Okay, it is unmuted. Grr, Everett isn't paying attention."


Everett: "Woosh!"

Augustine: "The Pacific Ocean is the largest and deepest of the oceans. It has a maximum depth of 350 thousand...wait no 35,797 feet."
Dolores: "Do you need me to take over the speech?"

Augustine: "Dolores! You distracted me."

Beatrix: "Hmm...I don't think I'm supposed to say this. I'll wait for the next line."

Claire: "Unmute Stereo 1."

Beatrix: "Examples of evergreen trees include the blue spruce and eastern hemlock."
Desdemona: "Blue spruce, eastern hemlock. Got it. Grr, this is information overload. Are you going to be muted any time soon?"


Everett: "And that's the end of the speech. I'm out."

"Agatha, Desdemona, you have heard 7 speeches this afternoon. Hopefully you paid attention. You will now be asked three questions. Question 1: What did Lincoln Porter's wife die of?"

Desdemona: "Who is Lincoln Porter?"
Agatha: "I heard this on Stereo 2. What was it...I think it was old age."
Desdemona: "I didn't hear it so we'll have to go with that."

"Incorrect. The correct answer is electrocution."
Desdemona: "Damn it."
"Question 2: Which is the largest ocean in the world?"
Agatha: "What is the ocean near China called? Was it the Atlantic?"

Desdemona: "No it's the Pacific Ocean."
Agatha: "Oh yes. You're right."
"That is correct. Question 3: Which country was surfer Robert Kelly Slater born in?"

Desdemona: "This was Everett's...I don't quite remember if he mentioned it."
Agatha: "Then we'll have to make a guess."
Desdemona: "Oh no. I always lose at guessing...but my gut tells me USA."

Agatha: "Then that's probably not it. Robert Kelly Slater sounds like an Australian name to me."

Desdemona: "We have to get it right. Let me try and recall if he said anything."

Desdemona: "No I don't think he mentioned a Robert Slater."
Agatha: "Let's just go with your guess then."
Desdemona: "Yeah. We don't have anything else to go on. USA it is."

"That is correct. Congratulations, you earned all 70 points."
Agatha: "You got it right. Why did you second guess yourself?"
Desdemona: "I always guess wrongly. Maybe my luck has finally changed."

The mission has been successful and made the pot 170/300 points. Who sabotaged here? Who are the potential Moles?

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