Friday, 14 October 2022

54.04-Do you want to hear about our lord and saviour the Watcher?

In the previous episode, the contestants had to go diving for treasure chests. As beginners, Desdemona, Kayla, Agatha, Arnold and Claire went to Rocky Reef while the other more proficient divers went to Davy Jones' Locker. 60/140 points were found within the two hours and Everett also found an exemption. The pot is at 100/230 points. Who will be executed next? Who are the Mole candidates?


Desmond: "It is strange that Everett who is the best diver among us found no points but managed to find only an exemption. In fact, he looked like he was on a leisurely stroll and not a mission."

Arnold: "Why was Augustine the only one who could choose? I bet there were more points in the harder reef and the exemption was there too. It's not fair."


Desdemona: "Do you want to hear about our lord and saviour the Watcher?"
Kayla: "No...actually, on one condition."

Desdemona: "Oh you actually do? Sure, tell me your condition."

Kayla: "You buy an endowment plan for me."
Desdemona: "You haven't even done a needs analysis for me yet."

Kayla: "Are you married?"
Desdemona: "I'm divorced."

Kayla: "Then I have just the plan for you."

Desdemona: "I have a plan for you too. It's for you to GTFO."
Kayla: "I really think it will suit you. 5 minutes. 5 minutes is all I need."


Desdemona: "Kayla can be so annoying. Did she come to the Smole just to try to sell products to everyone? I hope she is executed for all our sake."


Dolores: "Hey Kamil, I just wanted to check in and see if you are okay."

Kamil: "I am okay. It still hurts but I am healing."

Dolores: "That's good to hear. I'm sorry. I tried to help distract the shark but it didn't work."

Dolores: "Is there anything I can do to help?"
Kamil: "You can give me money."

Kamil: "I am a Nigerian Prince. My father left a big sum of money before he died. 5.8 million Simoleons. But it is deposited in a bank and I can only get it if somebody transfers me 6 million Simoleons."

Dolores: "What? Is this a scam?"
Kamil: "No it is not a scam. I am really a Nigerian Prince in need of your help. The reason why I wear dirty clothes is because he left all the money in the bank. Please help me."

Kamil: "And now I have to pay for medical bills too. I can give you the 5.8 million if you help me."

Dolores: "Do you take me for a fool? Even if it's true I'll make a net loss of 200,000 Simoleons. I didn't think you were this sort of Sim, Kamil."

Kamil: "Why did it not work? They told me it would work."


Arnold: "Yo Augustine. You wanna work together?"
Augustine: "Why me?"

Arnold: "Because I was inspired by what you said when you introduced yourself. It seems like we are the only ones to care about the pot."

Arnold: "We can work together to bring each other to the end and get the highest pot the world has ever seen."

Arnold: "Whaddya say?"
Augustine: "I think we shouldn't be discussing this so openly."

Arnold: "Oh come on. There's no need to keep things a secret. Everyone will know we're working together eventually. I don't see the point of secret coalitions."

Dolores: "Hey I heard you guys were talking about a coalition. Can I join?"
Arnold: "The offer was to my man Augustine only."
Augustine: "Can you get your hands out of my face?"

Dolores: "Sorry. It just looked like you needed help chewing your food."

Augustine: "Okay. I trust you."
Arnold: "That's my man."
Kayla: "And someone was saying he didn't want to be influenced by others the other day."
Augustine: "I trust Arnold."


Beatrix: "I didn't see you at breakfast."
Claire: "I wasn't hungry."

Beatrix: "I heard you telling Kayla that Desdemona was watching you yesterday."
Claire: "You eavesdropped on us?"

Claire: "Forget it. I don't know what I expected from a spy."

Beatrix: "You sound like you don't trust me."
Claire: "I really don't. Now could you kindly leave me alone? I'd like to focus on painting."


Beatrix: "It appears that I am not fully trusted in the house. Maybe they think I am one of the Moles. Or maybe they just think I will betray them eventually and be selfish. That's not unreasonable to think but it makes gathering information very difficult. I need to find a way to have the other contestants open up to me. Maybe a coalition would help. But who is the most willing to work with me?"


Desmond: "Everett. Fancy a game?"
Everett: "Sure. Let's make it a competition. i win, you help me get the girl. I lose, I give you whatever you want."

Desmond: "You're on."

Everett: "Why did you decide to become a date doctor anyway?"
Desmond: "Shh."

Desmond: "Damn it."

Everett: "Dude, that was so off. Are you throwing the tame on purpose?"
Desmond: "No you distracted me."

Everett: "I was thinking of a few pickup lines that I tend to use on the beach babes. Do you think they'll work on Beatrix? She seems different from other girls."
Desmond: "No. Definitely not on her."

Everett: "Do you know her well?"
Desmond: "No but in my years of experience I can tell what kind of Sims everyone is with a glance and a quick conversation."

Everett: "Damn. You must pick up a lot of girls."
Desmond: "I'm a professional. I don't simply pick up girls for the sake of it."

Everett: "You still haven't answered me yet. Why did you become a love consultant?"
Desmond: "Because there's a demand. Plain and simple."

Everett: "Looks like I win."

Everett: "So when do we get started?"
Desmond: "Tomorrow. I need time to prepare."
Everett: "See you tomorrow boss."


Arnold: "Woah. You know how to make drinks?"
Agatha: "A few."

Arnold: "Give me one of your signature drinks."
Agatha: "One margarita coming right up."

Arnold: "You know, when I first saw you I thought you were a total Karen but you're actually pretty cool."
Agatha: "Thank you. I don't usually dress like this but I was coming to an island so I thought I would wear something more casual."

Arnold: "You're a writer right? That's rad."
Agatha: "Have you read any of my books?"
Arnold: "I'm not really a reader."

Agatha: "Writing gives me so much joy. And I think horror is most intriguing. I thought I would make my hobby my career and I've been fairly successful at it."

Arnold: "Great that you still have your passion."
Agatha: "Have you lost yours?"

Arnold: "More like I realise passion doesn't put food on the table. Money does. If only I realised that when I was younger."

Agatha: "I can't imagine working in a job I hate forever."
Arnold: "Not forever. Maybe just until I have enough to live comfortably."


Bot: "Why can I not answer the quiz on myself? I am the Mole. Oh I must find the other Moles? Okay. I think it is someone who earned nothing for the two missions."


It is time for the quiz. 10 questions about the actions and identity of the Mole candidates. The lowest scorer will be executed.

Q1: Is the Mole male or female?
A: Male
B: Female

Q2: Does the Mole wear a hat?
A: Yes
B: No

Q3: Is the Mole employed?
A: Yes
B: No

Q4: In Mission 2, which diving spot did the Mole dive at?
A: Rocky Reef
B: Davy Jones' Locker

Q5: In Mission 2, did the Mole dive in pairs?
A: Yes
B: No

Q6: In Mission 2, how many points did the Mole find?
A: 0
B: 5
C: 10
D: 15

Q7: What is the Mole's diving skill?
A: Level 8
B: Level 6
C: Level 5
D: Level 4
E: Level 3
F: Level 2

Q8: In Mission 2, what was the amount in the first chest the Mole found?
A: 5 points
B: 10 points
C: An exemption
D: The Mole found an opened chest first
E: The Mole did not find a chest

Q9: Was the Mole given a choice on a diving spot in Mission 2?
A: Yes
B: No

Q10: Who is the Mole?
A: Agatha Hathaway
B: Arnold Dacinda
C: Augustine Irrawaddy
D: Claire Bennett
E: Beatrix Domma
F: Desmond Mulder
G: Dolores Gatsby
H: Everett Decker
I: Kayla Kyla
J: Kamil Zakari
K: Desdemona Villegas


"Contestants, if you notice, Everett is not here with us today. He is exempt. One of you will be executed tonight. Who will it be?"

"Claire Bennett."

Claire: "Phew."

"Desmond Mulder."


"Agatha Hathaway."


"Augustine Irrawaddy."


"Kayla Kyla."


"Beatrix Domma."


"Kamil Zakari."
Kamil: "Ina addu'ar lafiya."

"Unfortunately, Kamil Zakari, you are the next to be executed. Please pack your bags and leave."

Kamil: "Ba!"

Kamil: "I thought I could survive but instead I am executed. If only I did not panic yesterday then I can see who is the Mole. I need money. Please help me by sending money my way."

Claire: "My impression of Kamil is that he is an honest chap. He felt very genuine even though he claimed to be a prince."

Dolores: "I thought so too but then this morning he revealed to me that he is a scammer. He tried to scam me of my money."
Claire: "Oh. You can't judge a book by its cover."

Kayla: "Scammer or not it is obvious that he was a bad liar which means that as far as the Smole is concerned, he is trustworthy. But at least that's one more competitor out of the way."

"Thank you for joining Kamil. We hope to see you soon."

The fake Nigerian Prince Kamil has been executed! Could he be a Mole or is he just a contestant? If so, then who are the Mole candidates?

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