Previously on the Smole, the contestants found themselves standing in circles and had to find out how they were being eliminated. 40/90 points were earned as Desdemona, Davian, Desmond and Kamil survived till the end. Unfortunately, Davian could not survive the first execution ceremony and was executed. Who will be next? Who are the Mole candidates this season?
Arnold: "Damn. Did you see that booty?"
Desmond: "Please give a woman some respect."
Arnold: "Don't act like you aren't excited about seeing her in that. Awoo!"
Desmond: "All of you need to stop being pathetic simps."
Arnold: "Who else is simping for her?"
Desmond: "Virtually all the men."
Arnold: "Heh. Not surprised. She's got the goods."
Desmond: "You know, maybe I need to give all of you free consultations for my own sanity."
Agatha: "Good morning Claire."
Claire: "Aah! Oh my goodness, you scared me."
Claire: "You can see me?"
Agatha: "Of course. I have big eyes. Do you not see them?"
Claire: "Okay..."
Everett: "Our next mission was scuba diving. Awesome. We first had to undergo some basic training and tests to see our aptitude. Having scuba dived frequently myself, I was allocated to the harder dive spot, Davy Jones' Locker, along with Beatrix, Kamil, Augustine, Desmond and Dolores. The rest of them went to the easier dive spot. We had two hours to find as many treasure chests as possible and open them to find points and maybe even a hidden exemption. Who knows?"
Agatha: "It definitely struck me as weird that some of them knew how to scuba dive quite well. I can understand Everett knowing how to scuba dive, but Kamil? Augustine? Dolores? I did not expect that. Maybe they trained for this..."
Augustine: "They asked me if I wanted to join the easier or harder group as my proficiency was somewhere in the middle. There is more to gain at the harder one so of course I said I would join the harder group."
The five of them are at Rocky Reef.
The six of them are at Davy Jones' Locker.
Everett: "So, we just split up and search for treasure?"
Beatrix: "Augustine, stop breathing so much."
Augustine: "Sorry."
Dolores: "Relax Augustine. I'll dive with you, okay?"
Augustine: "Aah!"
Beatrix: "There's a shark in front."
Kamil: "A shark? Where?"
Dolores: "Relax Kamil. Don't waste your oxygen. Just play dead."
Augustine: "I think I just...nevermind. Nobody needs to know."
Everett: "It's just a shark guys. They won't bite unless you provoke them."
Kamil: "Where's the shark? Where's the shark?"
Dolores: "Kamil, keep calm."
Dolores: "We'll go together. The three of us, okay?"
Kamil: "Why can't I see the shark?"
Dolores: "Kamil, behind you!"
Kamil: "AAARRRGH!"
Dolores: "Kamil!"
Augustine: "Oh my god, oh my god."
Kayla: "We were the beginners so we decided to pair up, except for Desdemona who went alone."
Kayla: "Let's keep moving forward."
Claire: "Do you think we should look around the area first?"
Kayla: "I said let's keep going forward."
Desdemona: "There's a cave up ahead. I bet there are some treasure chests hidden in there."
Arnold: "Look at all the pretty corals. It feels like I'm tripping."
Agatha: "They are pretty. We should admire them while we still get the chance."
Dolores: "Kamil, are you okay?"
Dolores: "Kamil? Can you respond?"
Kamil: "I'm going back up."
Kamil: "I cannot do it."
Kamil: "I am disappointed. I panicked underwater when a shark attacked me. I never saw sharks back in Niger."
Claire: "I think we may have missed a chest or two. We've been diving for so long and haven't seen a single chest."
Kayla: "I see one in front."
Claire: "How many points?"
Kayla: "5 points."
Claire: "Good job."
Desmond: "How sneaky of them to hide a chest here."
Desmond: "10 points."
Augustine: "I can't go any lower."
Dolores: "That's okay. let's just keep moving."
Augustine: "All this shipwreck."
Dolores: "And not a single sign of a treasure chest."
Beatrix: "Nothing here."
Desmond: "Another chest. 5 points. I suppose that's fair since it's easier to find."
Everett: "I could spend the whole day down here. Ooh looky what I saw."
Everett: "Let's see what you've got. Well, it's my lucky day today. An exemption!"
Desdemona: "There are too many corals in here. I can't see the chest."
Claire: "Do you think there are points in there?"
Kayla: "That's just a clam."
Claire: "But clams have pearls."
Kayla: "We're looking for chests. What part of that do you not understand?'
Claire: "Sorry..."
Arnold: "Hey I'm gonna really need to go right now. I hope you don't mind if I pee in my suit."
Agatha: "Go ahead."
Arnold: "Ahh, that feels good."
Desdemona: "Agatha, Arnold, have you found points?"
Agatha: "Not yet. You?"
Desdemona: "I found 5. They're not easy to find."
Beatrix: "A chest. Nothing escapes me."
Beatrix: "10 points."
Dolores: "A chest!"
Augustine: "It's been opened."
Beatrix: "I see another chest."
Beatrix: "How am I going to reach that?"
Agatha: "There's a chest up in front."
Arnold: "Jackpot."
Agatha: "10 points."
Arnold: "Only? I was expecting 50."
Claire: "We need to keep our eyes peeled."
Kayla: "You're blowing too many bubbles."
Desdemona: "Hmm, maybe I should start looking at the others rather than the chests."
Claire: "There! Up in front!"
Kayla: "I think I see another chest over there. I'm taking a look up in front."
Claire: "10 points."
Claire: "Is that Desdemona? Why is she just floating there?"
Claire: "Desdemona, why are you looking at us?"
Desdemona: "I couldn't find any chests. I thought maybe you could find some and you did."
Claire: "Have you tried searching there?"
Desdemona: "Yes."
Claire: "Hang you not trust us? Is that why you're monitoring us?"
Kayla: "Claire, stop talking to others and keep looking for chests. We don't have a lot of time left."
Arnold: "This chest better be worth more this time."
Agatha: "5 points."
Arnold: "What? Is there any more at the bottom that you missed?"
Agatha: "You can check for yourself."
"Time is up."
Dolores: "Already? We haven't found any chests yet."
Augustine: "Sorry I slowed you down."
Dolores: "No, it's not your fault."
60/140 points have been found for chests and lucky Everett snagged himself an exemption. He will not be going home next but who will?
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