Tuesday, 18 October 2022

54.06-Shoot some hoops

In the last mission, Agatha and Desdemona had to listen to 7 speeches by the other contestants who were doing physical activities. Despite the hiccups, they answered 2/3 questions correctly and earned the full 70/70 points of the mission, leading to 170/300 points in the pot. However, the contestants are not ignoring the problems that happened throughout the mission. How many of those are true sabotages? Who will be misled and be executed next?


Llama: "I think one of the potential Moles has shown some foreknowledge consistently throughout. But it is not easy to get the other contestants to suspect them and execute them. I have to lay low in the meantime to avoid execution myself but I know I can't stay in hiding forever. The mission shouldn't have succeeded."

Agatha: "Claire and I formed a coalition. She seemed to be struggling and I feel that I can trust her to not be a Mole so I initiated the coalition. I hope we can replicate last season's success."


Claire: "You're telling me Desdemona told you that Everett basically stopped the speech after he had to mute himself?"
Agatha: "That's what she said."

Agatha: "Not only that but I think Desmond also went silent for too long. However, I didn't tell her that."
Claire: "This is strange to me because Everett looked like he was doing the mission, albeit also having fun at the same time. He did try to distract me."

Agatha: "I think we have our three Mole candidates."
Claire: "Desdemona, Everett and Desmond?"

Claire: "You may be right. I'm so glad I'm working with you, Agatha. I don't think I could ever have done this alone."


Everett: "Desdemona said that about me? I actually said everything I was supposed to. I definitely mentioned Robert Slater. She's trying to use me as a scapegoat man."

Desmond: "I'm not sure who to trust right now."
Everett: "Me of course. I admit I was having fun, but shouldn't you have fun while on the Smole?"

Everett: "By the way, you were supposed to help me woo Beatrix yesterday."
Desmond: "We had the mission yesterday and my arms are sore. They're still sore today. Maybe in a few days."

Everett: "Bro, you better not be scamming me. We had a deal, remember?"
Desmond: "I didn't forget. Sheesh. I won't destroy my own reputation."


Arnold: "This house is boring. I mean, yeah there are arcade hoops and shit, but there's none of the good stuff. I should have brought my own. Then I could roll a joint with whoever wants to join me."


Arnold: "You're here. Wanna shoot some hoops with me?"
Augustine: "You asked me to come over to discuss the Moles."

Arnold: "Come on. Don't be so serious all the time."
Augustine: "If you are not ready then I will leave first. I have better things to do."

Arnold: "Boo. You're no fun. Fine, we can talk while I play."
Augustine: "Okay. Do you think Beatrix could be the Mole?"
Arnold: "You're just saying that because she's a smoking hot badass."

Arnold: "Score!"

Augustine: "Yes. Everett is suspicious but maybe there are others. We cannot put all our chickens in one egg."
Arnold: "All our eggs in one basket, dude."

Arnold: "And yeah I getcha. Maybe Davian was a Mole but there's no way in hell Kamil is one. So it means there are at least two Moles left to catch. Once we figure it out we just tell everyone and boom. Mole caught and executed."
Augustine: "I was thinking maybe we shouldn't do that."

Arnold: "What? Why not?"
Augustine: "The more Moles there are, the easier it is for us contestants to stay longer."
Arnold: "But then that will mean more sabotage and a lower pot!"
Augustine: "Yes. But if we are gone a high pot is useless to us."

Arnold: "You're a sly one, Augustine. Maybe you're the Mole."
Augustine: "Do not be silly. I am only looking out for ourselves."


Augustine: "Arnold is not a very helpful partner. Especially in this mission the ones who have the most information would be Desdemona and Agatha. Maybe I can get them to tell me something about what happened that I am not aware of."

Desdemona: "I've been hearing Augustine complaining about Dolores and how he doesn't want to be paired up with her any more. She is unable to succeed at any mission so far. I think that is very very suspicious. So I tested her and she told me she wasn't the Mole. Like hell I'm going to just take that at face value."


Desdemona: "Come on..."

Desdemona: "Yes! My luck is really improving!"

Dolores: "What does this have to do with luck?"

Desdemona: "Everything. I've always had cursed luck since young. It was even to the point that my ex-husband divorced me because I was a jinx."
Dolores: "That's nasty."

Desdemona: "Not really. He's right. We parted on good terms and he let me have custody of the kids. They're currently staying over with him now that I'm on the Smole though. And it looks like I'm going to change things for the better."

Dolores: "I wish good luck to you. Is there anything I can help to improve your luck?"
Desdemona: "You could tell me if you're a Mole candidate."

Dolores: "I'm not."

Desdemona: "I guess we'll see."


Kayla: "I didn't know you can box."
Beatrix: "I can fight. Nobody can beat me."

Kayla: "Fighting is dangerous. You could get injured easily. Do you have adequate protection?"
Beatrix: "My skills are all I need."

Kayla: "But there could be a chance you end up in hospital, no matter how small. And then you have to pay a huge sum in hospital bills that could cripple you financially."

Beatrix: "Healthcare in France is partially funded. I will not suffer."
Kayla: "Partially, which means you still have to pay. And in a dangerous line of work such as yours you need all the protection you can get. I have something that may suit you."

Beatrix: "Are you selling to me?"

Kayla: "I'm helping you."
Beatrix: "I don't need your help."

Kayla: "But--"
Beatrix: "One more word and you will regret it."

Kayla: "Just hear me out....ow!"

Kayla: "Did you just step on my foot?"

Kayla: "Ow!"

Kayla: "What the hell? Are you crazy?'
Beatrix: "I told you you would regret it."

Beatrix: "Maybe if you didn't spend the money on breast enhancements you wouldn't have to go around selling."
Kayla: "That's not why I'm working so hard to sell!"


Kayla: "I know nobody likes financial advisors but we're normal Sims too! We're just trying to make a living. Why do you have to make life so difficult for us? All I wanted was to earn more money to give my family a better life. My husband is a construction worker and doesn't earn much. Everything I do is to create a better future. I just hate that Beatrix was so abusive to me. Can I sue her? Can she be forcibly eliminated? I want her out of the game."

It is time for the quiz. 10 questions about the actions and identity of the Mole candidates. The lowest scorer will be executed.

Q1: Is the Mole male or female?
A: Male
B: Female

Q2: Which of the following is in the Mole's bedroom on the Smole?
A: Basketball arcade machine
B: Dominos table
C: Easel

Q3: Does the Mole have dyed hair?
A: Yes
B: No

Q4: What is the Mole's costume?
A: Bot
B: Llama
C: Alien

Q5: In Mission 3, what physical activity did the Mole do?
A: Run
B: Lift weights
C: Table tennis
D: Chin-ups
E: Boxing
F: Surfing
G: Dancing
H: The Mole did not do any of the above

Q6: In Mission 3, which stereo was the Mole connected to?
A: Stereo 1
B: Stereo 2
C: Stereo 3
D: Stereo 4
E: Stereo 5
F: Stereo 6
G: Stereo 7
H: The Mole did not have a stereo

Q7: In Mission 3, what was the Mole's speech about?
A: Isla Paradiso
B: Isla Paradiso Sims
C: Vegetation
D: Surfing
E: Oceans
F: Inventions
G: Spain
H: The Mole did not have a speech

Q8:  In Mission 3, was there a question related to the Mole's speech?
A: Yes
B: No
C: The Mole did not have a speech

Q9: Where was the Mole in Mission 3?
A: Bella Vista Beach
B: The Palms Gym
C: Nautilus Laboratories

Q10: Who is the Mole?
A: Agatha Hathaway
B: Arnold Dacinda
C: Augustine Irrawaddy
D: Claire Bennett
E: Beatrix Domma
F: Desmond Mulder
G: Dolores Gatsby
H: Everett Decker
I: Kayla Kyla
J: Desdemona Villegas


"Another execution ceremony but this time anyone can be executed. There was a tie this time and so the one who earned the least among the tied will be executed. Let us begin."

"Augustine Irrawaddy."
Augustine: "It better not be me."


"Dolores Gatsby."


"Agatha Hathaway."


Agatha: "Hm."
"Everett Decker."
Everett: "Surely I ain't that unlucky?"


"Desdemona Villegas."
Desdemona: "I think my luck changed for the better. Means I'm not going home tonight."


"Claire Bennett."


"Beatrix Domma."


"Desmond Mulder."
Desmond: "Hmm..."


"Two Sims left. Arnold Dacinda, Kayla Kyla, one of you will be executed tonight."

"Kayla Kyla."

"Unfortunately, you are the next to be executed. Please pack your bags and leave."

Arnold: "Woohoo I'm safe baby!"
Kayla: "No, no..."

Kayla: "All I wanted was to make our lives better. It doesn't matter what I have to go through. As long as the deal is made and money is made, that's all the matters. But now...this is all just a wasted trip. I shouldn't be going home. Beatrix should."

Arnold: "She named you."
Beatrix: "She is just upset I was not a willing buyer. But I can respect her grit."

Dolores: "I think it's a shame. Kayla was definitely trying hard for the group and for herself. I think she did well so I'm honestly shocked she lost the tie."

Agatha: "Kayla was hardworking and willing to do whatever it took. She was also willing to help accompany Claire in the second mission. I think deep down her heart is at the right place and it is a shame for her to leave so early."

"Thank you for joining Kayla. We hope to see you soon."

Kayla was executed before she made any sales. Could she be a Mole candidate? Who are the Mole candidates?

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