In the first episode of the Smole, the contestants were launched straight into their first mission without any instruction. One by one contestants were seemingly randomly eliminated and they had to figure out why. Eventually, Desmond, Desdemona, Davian and Kamil figured out the reasoning and earned 40/90 points for their first mission. The first quiz and execution will be coming soon. Who will it be? A contestant or a Mole candidate?
Desmond: "I knew it. I was timing my task so that I would be able to delay my elimination until the very last moment. But Desdemona and Davian had to ruin my plan and solve it. I better not be going home first."
Kayla: "For the women, it was by shortest name first. For the men it was by longest surname first."
Claire: "I see. Thank you for telling me."
Claire: "It's such a shame I was eliminated first. I barely know what happened."
Augustine: "Me too."
Kayla: "They should have listened to me. We would have solved it far sooner and earned more points."
Claire: "We have three Moles this season. The fact that we have 40 points is pretty good already."
Augustine: "La la la la!"
Claire: "Are you okay?"
Augustine: "I do not want to be influenced. I want to be able to think for myself."
Kayla: "We weren't going to discuss potential Moles."
Arnold: "I'm hoping the prize pool will be bigger since we're staying in such a dinky cabin."
Kamil: "It is quite nice."
Arnold: "Really? I would have thought your palace looks nicer."
Desdemona: "Do you really think he's royalty?"
Kamil: "I am a Nigerian Prince!"
Desdemona: "Look at what you're wearing. It's so dirty."
Arnold: "She's right you know. Maybe you can prove yourself."
Kamil: "I cannot."
Desdemona: "See? He's a phony."
Kamil: "No! I cannot prove because I did not bring anything to prove. I came to be a commoner."
Arnold: "Woah, commoners don't look like they live on a farm."
Kamil: "I will take note. But these are all the clothes I have."
Agatha: "Oh. This must be a boys' room."
Beatrix: "It is. The rest of them are all boys."
Agatha: "You don't mind? I noticed some of them were staring at you throughout."
Beatrix: "Why should I? If they try anything, they will never live to see another day."
Agatha: "You're an assassin?"
Beatrix: "No, a spy. I just know self-defence."
Beatrix: "I've dealt with all kinds of men before. None of them have ever laid a finger on me that I don't want them to lay."
Agatha: "Interesting. You spy for the government? Why does France need spying?"
Beatrix: "Why are you asking so many questions?"
Agatha: "I just wonder if I can create a character like you in my next story."
Everett: "Psst. You're a date doctor right?"
Desmond: "You need help getting a date?"
Everett: "Not really. More of getting to know her."
Everett: "She's pretty hot. But when I tried to talk to her earlier she wanted to stab me with a fork."
Desmond: "What did you say?"
Everett: "Hey sexy, what ya doing?"
Desmond: "Sigh."
Everett: "Did I say something wrong?"
Desmond: "Yes. A thousand times yes."
Everett: "Then what am I supposed to say?"
Desmond: "My services aren't free."
Everett: "Oh come on. It's not like I have a lot of cash on me right now. Take it as a way to get exposure."
Desmond: "They call me the date doctor. I don't need any more exposure."
Dolores: "I never visited Kenya before. How is it like?"
Davian: "It's actually a beautiful place. Kenyans are also very friendly."
Dolores: "I thought Kenyans would be poor. You don't look poor."
Davian: "It's a stereotype. There are poor and rich Sims everywhere."
Dolores: "Oh. Then is it a stereotype than Kenyans can run?"
Davian: "Yeah I guess so. I'm actually the deadweight on my team."
Dolores: "But you're on the national team. You can't be that slow."
Davian: "Well yeah. But my coach keeps buying me shoes to help me run faster. I keep having to break them in. I'm more used to running barefoot."
Dolores: "In the scorching hot desert?"
Davian: "It can actually get very cold at night."
Davian: "By the way, don't you feel hot wearing that?"
Dolores: "This? It's called fashion. It's also very breathable."
Alien: "I'm not too sure who my Mole competitors are. I only hope that I didn't make myself too obvious."
It is time for the quiz. 10 questions about the actions and identities of the Mole candidates. Whoever scores the lowest will be executed.
Q1: Is the Mole male or female?
A: Male
B: Female
Q2: What is the first digit of the Mole's age?
A: 2
B: 3
C: 4
Q3: Does the Mole have dyed hair?
A: Yes
B: No
Q4: In Mission 1, which section was the Mole standing at from the mausoleum's perspective?
A: Left near section
B: Right near section
C: Left far section
D: Right far section
Q5: In Mission 1, what colour was the Mole's umbrella?
A: Red
B: Blue
C: Yellow
D: Green
E: Teal
F: Orange
G: Pink
H: Purple
Q6: In which order did the Mole introduce themselves in Mission 1?
A: 1st
B: 2nd
C: 3rd
D: 4th
E: 5th
F: 6th
G: 7th
H: 8th
I: 9th
J: 10th
K: 11th
L: 12th
Q7: Was the Mole standing in the middle of their section in Mission 1?
A: Yes
B: No
Q8: In Mission 1, did the Mole do a task?
A: Yes
B: No
Q9: In Mission 1, in which order was the Mole eliminated?
A: 1st
B: 2nd
C: 3rd
D: 4th
E: 5th
F: 6th
G: 7th
H: 8th
I: The Mole was not eliminated
Q10: Who is the Mole?
A: Agatha Hathaway
B: Arnold Dacinda
C: Augustine Irrawaddy
D: Claire Bennett
E: Beatrix Domma
F: Desmond Mulder
G: Dolores Gatsby
H: Everett Decker
I: Kayla Kyla
J: Kamil Zakari
K: Desdemona Villegas
L: Davian Lemming
"Contestants, welcome to your very first execution ceremony. Tonight, one of you will be executed and that can include one of the three potential Moles. However, you will not know their identity until the finale."
"Let us begin with Desmond Mulder."
"Everett Decker."
"Augustine Irrawaddy."
Augustine: "We are skipping Kamil?"
"Claire Bennett."
"Desdemona Villegas."
Desdemona: "I don't have a good feeling. Knowing my luck..."
"Kayla Kyla."
"Kamil Zakari."
"Beatrix Domma."
"Agatha Hathaway."
"There are only three contestants left with their fates unknown. One of you will definitely be leaving tonight. The question is: who?"
"Dolores Gatsby."
Dolores: "I can't look."
Dolores: "Phew."
"Arnold Dacinda."
Davian: "No!"
"Unfortunately, Davian Lemming, that means you are the first to be executed this season. Please pack your bags and leave."
Dolores: "Oh poor Davian!"
Kayla: "What a shame."
Davian: "I wasn't very certain but I thought it wouldn't be this quick. There's still so much I want to do and so much I prepared for. This is hard to accept but that is the game."
"Thank you for joining Davian. We hope to see you again."
Desdemona: "Davian was a very eager man. He was so enthusiastic in the first mission and so excited to be here in general. He will be missed."
Everett: "Davian was very enthusiastic and I'm sure we would have been good friends. Too bad he's gone now."
Kamil: "A shame. Is he the Mole candidate?"
"You will not know until the finale."
The Kenyan runner has been the first to be executed! Was he a potential Mole or a normal contestant?
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