Thursday, 14 November 2013

3.05-That stupid lady

Welcome back to the Smole! Previously the 11 contestants were faced with a difficult challenge: resisting the waffles. Many stared at it and tried with their might to resist, but 3 of them still succumbed, therefore earning the team 190/280 points. Audrey was executed in the next execution, leaving Alexander to set for new sights. Who will be the next victim of the Mole?

“Mission time! You guys are to find out what the big picture is. You guys will be receiving small pictures randomly, so you find the big picture from there. You can use any method you want, and can work individually or in groups, but you must finish by 3pm. For each correct answer within the time limit, 30 points are added to the pot. This mission is worth 300 points. You may find some around town, but not all. First one will get an exemption!”

(Unfortunately, you will only see the pictures if you are viewing from Word. :( )


Edison: “Plant? No.”

Tanya: “I’ll search this up on the Internet.”

Charity: “Could it be under that plant? It could be right under your nose…”

Tanya: “Hey Edison, do you know where my picture could possibly be?”
Edison: “Where? Why not what? And this is so hard to see!”
Tanya: “My point exactly!”

Jin: “We should always eat breakfast before setting off. As they say, eat breakfast like an emperor.”

Edison: “Where could it be…Wait! Eureka! I found my answer! Is it the butter on the waffles?”
“That’s right. You’re the fastest so you earn an exemption!”
Fiona: “Bummer. I should have gone earlier.”

Valerie: “Shall we work together?”

Esmeralda: “No. Why not you work with Tanya?”
Tanya: “Do you know where my picture is?”
Valerie: “Sorry, no. How about mine?”
Tanya: “No.”


Tanya: “Is there something under there?”

Esmeralda: “So, will you join my coalition?”
Alexander: “Sure. I’ll accede to any request from a lady like you, so divine!”
Esmeralda: “You flatter me. Anyway, let’s go get Edison.”

Fiona: “Right…maybe the bookstore has answers.”
Charity: “Hello, Mei? I’d like to ask you about something. You see I have a…”
Charity: “…oh, you decided to give the remaining money to charity? Excellent! I’ll contact them as soon as possible! Come home soon!”

Fiona: “Excuse me!”

Esmeralda: “We’re heading to Maywood Glenn.”
Edison: “Hey, is this car white or grey?”
“White, actually.”

Edison: “I chose to follow Alexander and Esmeralda to fool them. I wanted to make them waste their time and then lose points, so everyone will be suspicious of them. They can suspect me too, I’m fine.”

Justine: “This? Oh, this is a Simoleon! Lots of it! I always see this when I catch robbers! Say, you…”
Charity: “Not at all. I’m a donator. Of course I have lots of money to donate!”
Justine: “Suspicious.”
Charity: “Thanks anyway miss.”
Justine: “Stop right there.”


Esmeralda: “Not the tree.”

Edison: “Might as well improve my logic to help me find the picture.”
Alexander: “Good idea.”

Esmeralda: “Wait! What if it’s not anywhere?”


Fiona: “So, what do I have in my journal that can help? They are all suspicions.”

Jin: “Let’s see if these books can help. This is a place of knowledge. There must be something.”


Charity: “I can’t believe that policewoman thought I was a robber! She brought me into questioning and wasted a lot of my time. I can’t complete anything now!”

Carlos: “The graveyard. It must be here. Is it a tombstone?”
“Be more specific.”

Carlos: “Hey Miss…”
Zelda: “Ugh, who are you?”
Carlos: “She doesn’t like me…”

Carlos: “Hello there, would you mind helping me?”
Dustin: “I’d like to, but I’m late for work!”

Carlos: “Nobody likes me! This place is depressing! The deaths here make me realize how short life is and reminded me that I was supposed to die yesterday!”


Fiona: “I give up! I’m going home.”

Esmeralda: “Where else could this be?”
Alexander: “I’m a little hungry….”
Esmeralda: “Later.”

Alexander: “Who does Esmeralda think she is? Just because she’s the daughter of a famous businessman doesn’t mean she can boss me around and abuse me by not letting me eat! She’s so selfish! I’ll make her mine, to pay.”

Jin: “Hmm…where could it be? Well, at least exercising helps keep my mind clear.”

TV: “Recent news reports have stated that alien sightings have been observed. Latest findings show that some scrawlings have been written on a big rock, believed to be by the aliens.”
Jin: “Wait, what? That looks like my picture!”

Jin: “Excuse me there, do you guys know where the alien markings are?”
Andrea: “Ugh…”
Nicholas: “Shut up.”


Fiona: “You didn’t leave? How could you! Don’t sacrifice the team’s points like that!”


Carlos: “Argh! I don’t know where I can find it!”


Alexander: “Listen babe, I’m hungry. Don’t let me starve.”
Esmeralda: “Ugh, alright. But let me finish this area first.”

Esmeralda: “I see something!”

Esmeralda: “Yes! That’s it! It’s the lighthouse, right?”
“Correct, you earn 30 points! Unfortunately you are not the first, so you don’t earn anything.”
Alexander: “Now, time to look for my one.”


Valerie: “Mmm…cheese plate….carrots and lettuce included. This should help. There’s a lot of fattening cheese too, to help me vomit.”
Justine: “Are you bulimic?”
Valerie: “Yeah…”
Justine: “Then you need to see the doctor asap! Come on, I’ll bring you there!”
Valerie: “No need…Hey!”

Fiona: “Much better. I can relax.”

Fiona: “I’ve never been in here yet…it’s so serene and peaceful. Anyway, if you ask me whether I regret giving up, my answer is no. I really had no clue what mine was, and there was no time to go and search anyway. I’m not the only one, for sure.”

Jin: “I will be able to make it! I finally managed to get the whereabouts of them!”

Alexander: “Finally, lunch. After this we’re going off to find my place. You don’t mind right, Edison?”
Edison: “Nope, but there isn’t much time left.”


Jin: “At last…”

Jin: “Is this it?”
“Yes, but you are 17 minutes late. Sorry, no points for you.”
Jin: “Shoot!”

Valerie: “That stupid lady made me go to the hospital for a checkup, then fell into labour...wasted my time and now it’s past 3 already.”


Charity: “Why did the TV break so early?”
Valerie: “Well, how well did we do?”
“Terribly. Only 3 of you managed to complete the mission, and only 2 did it in time, namely Esmeralda and Edison. As a result, only 60 points are added, making it 250/980. The Mole is sabotaging really well.”

Charity: “I was the one who actually sabotaged the TV. I wanted to give Esmeralda a chance to learn how it’s like to lose all her privileges. But she didn't even bother with it, and I felt bad, so I tried to repair it.”

Esmeralda: “I can’t believe you lied to me!”
Edison: “Since when?”
Esmeralda: “Nweh nweh nweh…”
Edison: “Fine! Be like that!”

Valerie: “Ooh, show.”
Esmeralda: “I’m sorry Edison, I don’t know what came over me.”

Fiona: “I formed a coalition with Valerie. It doesn’t matter if Esmeralda betrayed me and joined Edison, I still have my rights to betray her. I choose to form a secret one with Valerie. We get along well. Let’s hope she doesn’t two-time me.”

Here are the answers:
 -Rory (vampire bite mark)
 -Fiona (MinusOne Kelvin Refrigerator)
 -Jin (Alien Markings)
-Esmeralda (Lighthouse)
 -Charity (Money Tree)
-Edison (Butter on Waffles)
 -Alexander (Stonehenge)
 -Valerie (Burglar Alarm)
-Carlos (Tombstone death by meteor)

-Tanya (Certificate of Handiness)

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