Casey: “You mean I was sleeping with that guy last night? Shudder.”
Casey: “I found out that that Guy guy came
and slept beside me last night! Ew! Anyway, from what I observed yesterday, Mei
could be the mole for stalling, and so could Nick. Dennis was the only other
guy eager to complete the mission and earn the money. I think I should talk to
him and form a coalition or something.”
Kathleen: “I wonder who the Mole is. Well,
whatever. I’m here to rant about how terrible this house is and why the toilet
is so cheap. Like Casey. Truth is, I know Casey. She’s my love rival. She stole
my almost-to-be husband. Time to make her pay.”
Gerald: “It was sad to see Celin go
yesterday. I worked with her before and though we didn’t quite get along, it
was nice to know that someone I knew was on the show with me. Well, whatever
now. I’m going to have to make more friends.”
Casey: “Ugh.”
Kathleen: “Why are you in such a bad mood?”
Casey: “Because you’re here.”
“Okay guys, listen here. I gathered your
responses yesterday about who the Mole was, and Guy was voted to be the Mole
Guy: “What? Why me?”
“Beats me. But thank them, because you earn
a free exemption from today’s mission and execution. For this mission, you guys
will be randomly grouped up. You guys will head to a specially crafted maze
with eye contacts that make you go blind.”
All: “What?”
“Well, for the time you wear it anyway. You
guys are scattered everywhere and are to find all the members of your group and
then make it to the end. First group there earns an exemption, all members.
This mission is worth 80 points. Good luck.”

“Put on your lenses now. I will move you
around the maze. When I say start, then move.”
Carter: “Anyone here?”
Carter: “Huh?”
Carter: “At that point in time I didn’t
know why I was asked to stop. Then after a while I realised that I had gotten
to the exit all by myself. I’m good.”

Casey: “Ow! Not again. Wait, who are you?”
Susan: “Susan Angels.”
Casey: “Perfect! We’ve found each other!”
Nick: “What was Gerald up to? He says he
was just having fun. I can’t imagine his public image then. It’s so suspicious.
He deliberately make everyone walk past him and waste time.”
Dennis: “Lalala…ow! Who are you?”
Mei: “Me.”
Dennis: “Who’s me?”
Mei: “Me, duh.”
Dennis: “I wish I listened to everyone’s
voices first. I need to talk to them more. Listen, if you don’t say your name,
I’m leaving.”
Mei: “Can’t you hear me? I’m Mei!”
Dennis: “Mei? Oh! I thought you said ‘me’.
Sorry there. Well, that was a waste of time anyway. Bye. Lalala…”
Casey: “Do you know where you’re going?”
Susan: “Nope! I’m using my instincts!”
Casey: “Just don’t walk straight into a—“
Susan: “Ow! I think I got pricked by the
thorns in the bushes!”
Casey: “Too late.”
Mei: “Anyone there?”
Casey: “Why do I listen to you?”
Carter: “Who’s there?”
Carter: “Who’s there?”
Casey: “You are….”
Carter: “Carter.”
Nick: “Oh, I’m so hungry! And I banged into
another bush!”
Gerald: “I should get moving if I want to
avoid being found.”
Susan: “I’m hungry!”
Casey: “I’d like a good meal too!”
Dennis: “Who’s that? Wait up!”
Kathleen: “Wait, someone was there!”
Nick: “It sounded like Dennis.”
Dennis: “Hey, is that you Carter?”
Carter: “Yeah, it’s me! Are you Dennis?”
Dennis: “Yup!”
Kathleen: “Hey!”
Nick: “Oops! Sorry.”
Kathleen: “How dare you do that again!”
Nick: “I didn’t knock into you again.”
Kathleen: “Gerald! Finally, we found you!
What’s the meaning of this? Making us find you!”
Nick: “Ow! I’ve been pricked! And my shirt
is torn! I can feel the holes!”
Kathleen: “Shut up Nick. I’m lecturing
Gerald. Wasn’t your shirt already torn?”
All: “Hurray!”
“That’s 40 points and an exemption for each of you!”
“That’s 40 points and an exemption for each of you!”
Mei: “Achoo!”
Gerald: “Hey, I hear someone!”
Mei: “I thought I heard someone. I must be
so hungry that I’m hallucinating and disorientated. I feel like I’ve been
walking in circles!”

Kathleen: “If we lose I’m blaming all of
you! Eat my fists.”
Gerald: “They’re too small, princess.”
Gerald: “Ah! Not again!”
Nick: “It’s almost time up.”
Mei: “Hello? Who’s there?”
Nick: “Mei! We finally found you!”
“Congratulations! You’ve found Mei and the
exit at the same time! That’s 40 points! Unfortunately, you don’t earn an
exemption. And all but Mei are dirty and smelly.”
Gerald: “You mean you were waiting at the
exit the whole time?”
Pot: 240/280
Pot: 240/280
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