Monday, 11 November 2013


Esmeralda: “Nice! They have a bar!”

Esmeralda: “Why are you reading the news? Lighten up! Now is the time to forget about outside worries!”
Fiona: “I have to keep in touch. Oh, there are Mole journals outside. Each one get one.”


Charity: “Disappointing TV, but I can live with it. I’ve seen worse and I know to appreciate.”

Esmeralda: “Hey guys.”
Alexander: “Hey there, babe.”
Valerie: “Ugh.”

Alexander: “Let’s dance!”
Charity: “Seems like we have flirts in this house.”
Esmeralda: “You’re so suave, and your voice is smexy!”

Esmeralda: “Grr!”

Esmeralda: “Alexander is such a letdown! He teased me and then just left it at that! I want more than a dance! Well, actually all I want is a dance and to have fun, but Alexander is trying to get fresh with me. His reputation will plummet immediately the moment viewers watch this.”

Valerie: “LALALALAL!”
Audrey: “What’s up with you Valerie?”
Valerie: “Nothing.”

Valerie: “I was walking past the bathroom when I heard Alexander commenting about how beautiful each women looked. He was making thrusting sounds too. Gross! And then he came to me, and he started talking about my….Oh I don’t even want to say it!”

Mole quiz time!


Q1: Is the Mole male or female?
A: Male
B: Female
Q2: Did the Mole enter the Journal room?
A: Yes
B: No
Q3: Could the Mole be seen in the taxi to the studio in Mission 1?
A: Yes
B: No
Q4: Was the Mole seated in the front or back seat during the taxi ride to the Studio in Mission 1?
A: Front
B: Back
C: The Mole could not be seen
Q5: In Mission 1, was the Mole the banker?
A: Yes
B: No
Q6: Did the Mole pick a case in Mission 1?
A: Yes
B: No
C: The Mole was the banker
Q7: How many cases did the Mole pick?
A: 1-2
B: 3 or more
C: 0
D: The Mole was the Banker
Q8: Did the Mole receive an exemption?
A: Yes
B: No

Q9: Did the Mole shout “Deal/No Deal” in Mission 1?
A: Yes
B: No
C: The Mole was the banker
Q10: Who is the Mole?
A: Rory Sim
B: Tanya Sim
C: Audrey Adler
D: Alexander McWee
E: Charity McProsper
F: Jin Tai
G: Esmeralda Ivy
H: Edison Richards
I: Valerie Sidnia
J: Carlos DeSantos
K: Fiona Poisette
L: Egret Hendrique


“Gather round guys. This is your first execution night. I will call down Sims one by one. If the light does not change, you are safe. If it turns red, you are executed. Now, Audrey got the first exemption, so she is safe, but she still has to take the quiz. Anyway, let’s get started.”

Charity: “Stop being a llama-head, Valerie.”

Charity: “Oops, did I say that?”
Valerie: “I’m going to pretend I didn’t hear that.”

“Charity McProsper.”
Charity: “Nothing? Alright!”

“Esmeralda Ivy.”
Esmeralda: “Yes! I’m safe!”

“Egret Hendrique.”
Egret: “No! It’s red!”
“Sorry Egret, you are the first to be executed. Please pack your bags and leave.”

Fiona: “Good! One contestant down!”
Valerie: “I did suspect her a bit, but she’s gone, so one lesser suspect!”
Audrey: “Oh, wish her good luck in the future.”
Alexander: “There goes one hot chick…”

“How was the journey?”
Egret: “Okay, I guess. I could have gotten further, but my comfort is that the first few to leave are always by luck. Nobody could figure out who the Mole is so quickly, except the Mole him/herself. Adios!”


Charity: “This shall be my breakfast tomorrow.”

The first contestant leaves! 

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