Wednesday, 27 November 2013

4.03-Someone hold me, I'm going to faint

And welcome back to the Smole! On the first episode, contestants went out running around town, acting like paparazzi to earn points. Unfortunately they only earned 60 out of a possible 560 points. There was major sabotage going on by many Sims. At the execution, Apollo Bloom was found with the lowest score and eliminated. Who’s the Mole? Any guesses?

William: “From yesterday’s mission, I got a few suspects. Katrina and Apollo were trying very hard to sabotage, as well as Romeo. But Apollo failed and he’s eliminated, so that eliminated one of my suspects. Katrina and Romeo are my biggest suspects.”

Matthew: “My, you look dazzling even in your sleepwear.”

Kirby: “I never knew Matthew Hamming was this annoying and creepy! But oh well, maybe I can use him to win this thing. Sway him a little. Yup, it’s all part of my master plan. I learnt a few tricks from an old friend.”

Kirby: “Say Katrina, why not you join our coalition? You know, just the 3 of us girls, to dominate this game and win this thing together!”
Katrina: “I don’t know. What if one of you is the mole?”
Kirby: “What are the odds of that? I assure you that I’m not.”
Katelyn: “Neither am I. And remember how last season the 3 women managed to knock out all the men! We can do this!”
Katrina: “Well, all right, K girls.”


Contestants are headed off to their next mission at Bridgeport Acres, where the Summer Festival is. They will do various activities there to earn points, with each activity worth more points. They can choose not to do it of course. The one who is able to do all the activities will be the exemption holder for the next execution.

Romeo and Katrina are excited. Well, the first activity is to skate, for 5 points each. Everyone chooses to do it.

Matty: “Woah! Katelyn! I nearly bumped into you! Watch where you’re going next time!”
Katelyn: “Is that how you treat your princess?”
Matty: “What? Ugh, nevermind.”

Matty: “Woah! Nearly fell there.”
Matthew: “Hey William, why are you carrying an umbrella while skating?”
William: “I’m afraid of the sun.”
Matty: “How ironic. You’re playing for Sun International.”

And that concludes the first activity! The next one is to either eat hot dogs or take a greeting card photo together. The former is worth 20 points while the latter is worth 10 each. You can do  both, but only the first one will count.

Kirby: “I’m not going for either. I rather have a snow cone. The haze has set in anyway. It dampens my mood.”

Matty: “I can’t wait!”
Katrina: “Where’s the other contestants?”

Katrina: “Forget it. I’m leaving.”


While the guys wolf down hot dogs, Katrina casually order fries and Kirby licks her snow cone. Katelyn’s just playing dumb and wondering why she’s here.

Better lighting for those who can’t see the last competitor. No offence.

Matty: “Yay! I win!”

Matthew: “I’m finished!”

Romeo: “Ugh. I’m full. I’m not going to participate in the next activity. I need a toilet pronto.”
The next activity, which Romeo won’t join, is to have a water balloon fight, for 30 points altogether.

Let the games begin!

William: “Oof! I’m hit! Another hit and I’m out of this game!”

Matty: “You’ll lose, Katelyn and Matthew!”
Katelyn: “Says who?”
Matty: “Says this!”

Katelyn: “Haha! You missed!”

Matthew: “Ow! I’m hit!”

William: “No!”

William: “Win this for me, Matty.”

Katelyn: “Woah. Nearly lost my footing. But you missed, Matty! Ha!”

Matthew: “Great. I’m out."

Katelyn and Matty remain. Not that it matters, but who will win?

And Katelyn wins!


This next activity, worth 40 points, is to paint your face, and keep it like that until the finale.
Matthew: “What? Ruin my pretty face? I’m out of here. The festival’s over for tonight anyway.”
So it’ll continue tomorrow.

In the meantime, I left journals by the doorstep. They will be useful for taking down any Moleish behaviour, and is the only avenue for doing so.


William: “You still can eat hot dogs?”
Matty: “That’s how I ended up winning, no? It’s my prize anyway. You’ll have to eat it for a week.”

Matthew: “Oh Katelyn, you’re so sexy you steal my heart.”


Matthew: “Hey Katrina, let’s form a coalition, seeing as how we’re probably the only adults here.”
Katrina: “I can’t. I already have another coalition.”
Matthew: “With who?”
Katrina: “With….I can’t tell you. But I’ll consider your offer.”

Matthew: “We have so much in common. I’d like to get to know you better.”
Katrina: “Some other time. We have to get going now to finish our mission.”


Romeo: “It’s tempting, but no Kyle the mascot, I will not go on a date with you. I’m currently completing a mission.”

Katelyn: “OMG how embarrassing! I asked for a surfer face paint and the afro dude gave me a cat!”


These guys autonomously participated in the contest, but that’s over. (And why are they the only ones around the park?)
William: “I’ll go face paint.”
Katrina: “Yes! I win!”


William: “This is nothing scary, Katelyn. What’s scary is my menacing pirate look when I come out.”


While Romeo dances, Matthew teaches someone how to skate.
Nikolas: “Oh my god! It’s the Matthew Hamming! He’s helping me! He’s holding my hand! Someone hold me, I’m going to faint!”
Matthew: “I’m holding you. Shut up or I’ll let go and let you fall.”

Meanwhile, Kirby furtively records everything in her journal.

Kirby: “While the others were having fun, I was watching their every movement. I don’t care if it makes me seem more like the Mole. Maybe I am.”

And that concludes this activity. The next one, worth 45 points, is to light the fireworks.

Katelyn: “I’m not going to do any more activities! This is humiliating! Don’t film my face! It’s hideous!”


This last activity is to go and get a spray tan, for 50 points.
Matty: “I’m not doing it. No way. I love my pale, pasty skin.”
William: “I’m dark enough anyway. I don’t mind.”

William: “It feels great! I’m glowing!”
“Congratulations William! You earn an exemption! Altogether, you guys earned 520/1330 points. That’s quite little actually. With that, you guys earn a total of 580/1890 points. That’s really low. Don’t forget that the Mole earns whatever you don’t. With that, there will NOT be any eviction yet. You guys will head off to your next mission immediately.”

William: “I thought we could finally rest when the host decides to let us go for another mission immediately? Gosh, this is madness!”

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