Friday 29 November 2013

4.09-Talking to a brick wall

Katelyn: “A sailor went to sea sea sea, to see what he could see see see…”

Romeo: “I can win this all by myself! After all, I can’t trust anyone in this game.”

Katelyn: “Woah!”

Katelyn: “Hello Romeo!”
Romeo: “Hi Katelyn. Say, who do you think the mole is?”
Katelyn: “Hold breath contest! If you win, I’ll tell you!”
Romeo: “Um…sure.”

Katelyn: “Yay, I…oh. Well okay. I think it’s me!”
Romeo: “Talking to you is like talking to a brick wall.”

Matty: “Hey guys. Anybody seen William?”

William: “I summon….ECLIPSING FOG!”

William: “Yes I did it! Oh, it’s time to take the quiz now.”


Q1: Is the Mole male or female?
A: Male
B: Female

Q2: What did the Mole not eat for breakfast?
A: Hot dogs
B: Autumn Salad
C: Plasma Juice
D: Pancakes

Q3: In Mission 5, what order did the Mole arrive in the Studio?
A: 1st
B: 2nd
C: 3rd
D: 4th

Q4: In Mission 5, which area did the Mole observe in the bottom room the most?
A: Computer desk
B: Counters
C: Fireplace/Whiteboard/Easel
D: Cabinets/Statues
E: Bookcases
F: The Mole explored more than 1 part equally.
Q5: In Mission 5, did the Mole sabotage by adding an extra item?
A: Yes
B: No

Q6: In Mission 5, how many errors did the Mole spot correctly?
A: 0
B: 1
C: 2
D: 3
E: The Mole did not spot any error

Q7: In Mission 5, how many errors did the Mole spot?
A: 0
B: 1-2
C: 3-5
D: 6 or more
Q8: After Mission 5, what was the Mole’s aptitude score?
A: 710
B: 935
C: 984
D: 1284

Q9: After Mission 5, did the Mole pass?
A: Yes
B: No

Q10: Who is the Mole?
A: Katelyn Missoni
B: William Fangmann
C: Matty Crewe
D: Romeo Rake


“Welcome to your last execution ceremony. Tonight 1 of you will be leaving, while the other 2 join Romeo to the finale. Who will it be? Matty Crewe, you’re up first.”

Matty: “What…I’m out?”
“I’m sorry Matty Crewe, you are the last to be executed. Please pack your bags and leave.”

Matty: “I was so close! I thought I could win this, but..oh well. I tried. I guess I failed since I still wasn’t very sure who the Mole was. I was too caught up with the journal like Kirby to notice any new Moleish behaviour, while myself trying to look like the Mole. I wish good luck to the final 2! And why does it seem so foggy?”

William’s eclipsing fog is at work.

Katelyn: “Romeo! Wait!”

Romeo: “What is it?”
Katelyn: “You’ve got to tell me who you think this Mole is. I mean, I told you mine!”

Romeo: “You told me it was you, which meant I mistrusted you. Not that I could trust you or anyone in this house anyway.”
Katelyn: “I feel so hurt! How could you Romeo! Fine! Be like that! Maybe you’re the Mole yourself!”

Romeo: “I’ve got this in the bag now. I know it. I’m pretty sure Matty chose Katelyn as his mole, and he’s eliminated, so that eliminated Katelyn as the Mole. I know I’m not the Mole, so that leaves William. He never seemed extra hardworking anyway.”
Stay tuned for the finale! Is Romeo right? Will he win?

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