Friday 8 November 2013

2.11-Wall of Deals

“Attention! Your next mission is up. You guys are to head to the Wall of Deals for your next mission.”
Susan: “About time!”

Mei: “Oh my gosh!”

Casey: “From here it looks like the Great Wall of China.”
Dennis: “Now what? Scale it?”

Casey: “I think there’s a secret wall somewhere.”
Mei: “I think so too.”

Mei: “Good. No bad hair day.”

Casey: “Aha! A secret door!”

Susan: “You can do it!”
Casey: “Phew!”

Mei: “Now what?”
Carter: “Apparently it says on the wall that our next mission is deal or no deal. Out of one of these 15 cases, we choose 1. Then we play it like how the normal game works. The total number of points is the amount in the case. We can earn more than the max number of points, apparently. Oh, we need 1 person to be the banker.”
Dennis: “I shall do it.”
Carter: “So, what case do we want?”
Mei: “I choose 14!”

Dennis: “Case number 14 it is.”

Susan: “I hope that’s worth a lot.”

Mei: “What’s that supposed to mean?”
Susan: “Nothing.”
Mei: “You are getting worse!”

Carter: “We pick 4 cases. I choose Case 5!”
Dennis: “That’s 15 Simoleons! Woo!”
Mei: “I choose case 1!”
Dennis: “20 Simoleons! Oh good!”
Casey: “I try 13.”
Mei: “That’s an unlucky number!”
Dennis: “That’s 1000000 Simoleons! Oh, grand prize gone!”
Susan: “I’ll pick 10.”
Dennis: “1 Simoleon! Nice job!”

Dennis: “The banker’s turn. I say…500000 Simoleons.”
Carter: “Let’s hope we win. If we win, the one who chose the case gets an exemption. If the banker wins, he gets an exemption.”
Casey: “No deal!”
Dennis: “Pick 3 cases.”

Susan: “I say choose 11.”
Casey: I want 14, so let’s average it. That’s 12.”
Dennis: “Ooh, 300000 Simoleons gone!”

Mei: “I pick Case 3!”
Dennis: “50000 SImoleons! Things aren’t looking good!”
Carter: “Okay, 7.”
Dennis: “10000 Simoleons. Ooh, that’s bad.”

Dennis: “Okay, I’m obviously going for a low number. 9000 Simoleons.”
Mei: “Deal!”
Dennis: “Okay! Let’s see what’s in Case 14.”

Susan: “It’s…”
Dennis: “20000 Simoleons!”

Susan: “What? No!”
Dennis: “So we earn 9000 out of 20000 points which mean 9660/21110 points altogether. That’s very bad. Less than half. At least I earn an exemption.”

Carter: “Right. Time to get out of here.”

Casey: “Great. The door’s closed. Anybody can help here?”

Casey: “Nevermind. Don’t sweat it, you losers.”

Casey: “I’m back to doing chores.”

Carter: “I love you.”
Susan: “What?”
Carter: “I really do. I’m sure you do too.”
Susan: “I’m sorry, I can’t. You can’t. This is TV.”
Carter: “So? If we don’t take the chance, you’ll never get another one! Who knows when we’ll be out?”
Susan: “Sorry.”

Pot:  9660/21110

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