Saturday, 2 November 2013

2.04-Lan Long

Gerald: “Hey, what you playing?”
Mei: “Lan Long.”
Gerald: “What?”
Mei: “Sky Dragon.”
Gerald: “Why the heck are you playing a Chinese game? Chinese people are the worst!”
Mei: “Excuse me? You just offended me for I am Chinese.”
Gerald: “What? You want me to apologise? Never! I never take back my words!”
“Time to take the quiz!”
Mei: “Hope you’re out next.”
Gerald: “Same to you.”
Mei: “I’ll never be out.”
Gerald: “Neither will I.”
Mei: “Stop copying me! You lack creativity and originality. I shall not stoop to your level.”
Gerald: “Because my level is too high for you to reach, idiot!”
Mei: “You’re the idiot! You don’t know what ‘stoop’ means!”
“Mei Leow, Gerald Huerto, Guy Forrest, please come and take the quiz now.”


Q1: Is the Mole male or female?
A: Male
B: Female
Q2: What did the Mole wear at the maze?
A: Shirt/Blouse and Pants
B: Dress
C: Shirt/Blouse and skirt
Q3: Did the Mole enter the diary room yet?
A: Yes
B: No
Q4: Did the Mole win an exemption in this mission?
A: Yes
B: No

Q5: In what order did the Mole’s group arrive at the finish line?
A: 1st
B: 2nd
C: The Mole was not in any group.
Q6: In what order did the Mole find his/her whole group?
A: 1st
B: 2nd
C: The mole was not in any group
Q7: In what order was the Mole found by his/her group?
A: 1st
B: 2nd
C: 3rd
D: 4th
E: The Mole found his/her group members
F: The Mole was not in any group
Q8: Did the Mole bump into a hedge at least once?
A: Yes
B: No
C: The Mole did not go into the maze
Q9: Did the Mole earn an exemption at all?
A: Yes
B: No

Q10: Who is the Mole?
A: Mei Leow
B: Carter Leon
C: Nick Trest
D: Kathleen Dion
E Guy Forrest
F: Gerald Huerto
G: Susan Angels
H: Dennis Coralis
I: Casey Eughberton


“Because Guy was sleeping, he’s now taking the quiz. In the meantime, let me announce that apart from Guy, Dennis, Casey, Susan and Carter earned an exemption. Oh good, he’s coming. Let’s start with Mei Leow.”

Mei: “Wish me good luck guys.”
Gerald: “Good luck! NOT!”

Mei: “Well, I don’t need your luck, because I’m safe!”
“Gerald Huerto, please step forward.”


Gerald: “Well, I don’t need your luck either, because I’m…”

“Eliminated. Sorry Gerald, but you are the next to be executed. Please pack your bags and leave.”

Gerald: “This is so embarrassing. Both the TV actors are out first. I say this is unfair! I can sue you! I’m sure Celin would agree! I’m not going to go down without a fight!”

Mei: “He was so stuck up anyway. Good riddance.”
Dennis: “I need a shower again.”


Susan: “I don’t care if you’re fixing the toilet. Shoo!”
Dennis: “Hey, where did you find that?”
Kathleen: “The host left a bunch of Mole journals by the doorstep. I took an extra for anyone who needed it. Here.”
Dennis: “Thanks.”
Kathleen: “You know Dennis, you’re so handsome…”
Dennis: “Um, you’re creepy. I’m going…to grab a bite.”
Kathleen: “I just want to be friends.”
Dennis: “We can be friends. Just don’t try anything funny.”
Kathleen: “All right. Want to hear some gossip?”

Casey: “Turns out that video games are this addictive! No wonder my sons can’t get away from them!”
Susan: “I love the physical aspect of this game. It’s like football. Do you have football in China, Mei?”
Mei: “Well, yeah, but it’s not called football.”
Casey: “Yeah! Punch him! I’m going to beat my husband up! And then dump him!”
Mei: “That’s so violent.”
Susan: “What’s wrong with you and your husband?”
Casey: “We…have some relationship problems.”
Mei: “It’s all right.”

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