Wednesday, 27 November 2013

4.05-You've got me real good

Q1: Is the Mole male or female?
A: Male
B: Female

Q2: Does the Mole have long hair or short hair?
A: Long
B: Short/Shoulder-length
Q3: What did the Mole eat for breakfast?
A: Hot dogs
B: Autumn Salad
C: Pancakes
D: Unknown
Q4: Which activity did the Mole choose not to do for Mission 2?
A: Hot dog contest/Greeting card
B: Water Balloon fight
C: Face painting
D: Lighting fireworks
E: Spray tanning
F: The Mole did all the activities
Q5: In Mission 2, did the Mole choose to do the hot dog contest or greeting card?
A: Hot dog contest
B: Greeting card
C: Both
Q6: Did the Mole win any exemptions so far?
A: Yes
B: No

Q7: Did the Mole enter the diary room so far?
A: Yes
B: No
Q8: In Mission 3, where did the Mole lose?
A: First rounds
B: Second rounds
C: Third rounds
D: Final round

Q9: In Mission 3, who was the Mole’s first partner?
A: Matthew Hamming
B: Katrina Pala
C: Romeo Rake
D: Katelyn Missoni
E: Kirby Wise
F: Matty Crewe
G: William Fangmann

Q10: Who is the Mole?
A: Matthew Hamming
B: Katrina Pala
C: Katelyn Missoni
D: William Fangmann
E: Matty Crewe
F: Kirby Wise
G: Romeo Rake


“Now guys, sit down as we get around to our double eviction.”
Matty: “What?”
“Yes. We had 2 missions, so we have 2 eliminations! First up, Katrina Pala.”

Katrina: “I accept my fate.”

Katrina: “I hold back my tears. I couldn't believe I was out after trying so hard! Oh Mole, you've got me real good.”

Katrina: “It’s a surprise, but I will bring back all my memories and share them with my sister and niece. I've got to get back to work soon too. Goodbye!”

Katelyn: “This is such a surprise!”
Kirby: “Come, let’s all stand for her.”
William: “Come on guys, it’s not as if she’s dead. Sit down and relax.”
Matthew: “Easy for you to say. You have an exemption along with Romeo.”

“Kirby Wise.”
Kirby: “Great…I feel fish swimming up my throat.”

Kirby: “I’m…I’m safe. Yes! I survived the double elimination!”

Matty: “Good job for you Kirby!”
“Katelyn Missoni.”

Katelyn: “Wish me good luck…I don’t want to go home on an empty stomach.”

Katelyn: “I can’t bear to open my eyes.”
“You’re safe.”
Katelyn: “Really? Yay!”
“Matty Crewe, you’re up.”

“It’s either you or Matthew that will be leaving tonight. Who will it be?”
Matty: “Gosh. I've never felt so nervous in my entire life!”

Katelyn: “I feel so relieved…you can do it Matty. I believe you will make the right choice.”
Matty: “Thanks Katelyn. Here goes nothing…”

Matty: “I’m safe? Woo!”
“That means that Matthew Hamming, you are the 3rd to be executed. Please pack your bags and leave.”

Matthew: “I can’t believe I’m being chased out of my own house! I’m sure I’ll find a place to stay until this whole thing is over, but it’s not good for my reputation or the charity I’m representing. I’ll be back, guys!”

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