Friday, 15 November 2013

3.07-Does no one do chores around here?

Previously on the Smole, contestants went round looking for the big picture of smaller items, many of them never noticed in detail. In the end, only Edison and Esmeralda completed the mission by 3pm, earning a total of 250/980 points and Edison earned an exemption. Later, Carlos was executed. Now, who shall be next? Who is the Mole?

Jin: “Hmm…fishy….”
Rory: “What is?”
Jin: “You and your wife.”
Rory: “What? You suspect us?”
Jin: “I don’t know…I’ll go…repair the TV.”

Jin: “Ow! But at least it’s fixed.”

Charity: “What’s wrong?”
Tanya: “I may have knocked myself against the sink and may have gotten a miscarriage!”
Charity: “I don’t think you’re pregnant. If you were you would have realised it long ago.”


Mission Time! The next mission involves going to the park to play hopscotch. Throw a baseball as far as you can. Then hop to it. The one who throws the furthest gets an exemption. 10 points for each square, meaning 60x9=540 points total.”

Esmeralda: “What is that stuck over there?”
Charity: “Oh! It’s a charity envelope! I want it!”

Edison: “Argh! Don’t get me! I’m not ready to go! I haven’t discovered anything worthwhile yet!”
Charity: “Don’t be melodramatic.”

Esmeralda: “Ha!”

Jin: “I think Esmeralda’s got a plan. Which reminds me of my plan to teach Charity to protect herself. If only we could sneak out or get some equipment.”

Rory: “I think Charity is a likely suspect.”
Fiona: “Why?”
Rory: “I don’t know. I have a vibe. That’s why I’m asking you.”
Fiona: “I don’t really think so.”


“First up, Jin.”
Esmeralda: “How far did that go?”
“30 points!”

Jin: “That’s terrible!”
“Next, Edison.”

 “20 points.”

“20 points. Hey, that’s illegal! Sorry, you’re disqualified. There goes 20 points.”

“20 points.”

“50 points.”

Charity: “Chances are I’ll win this exemption. It’s in the bag.”

Jin: “So, you guys think who is the Mole?”
Rory: “I told Fiona that I think it is Charity.”
Jin: “Maybe it’s you and your wife!”
Fiona: “I agree with Jin.”
Rory: “Fine!”

“30 points.”

Rory: “50 points.”

Alexander: “My turn! I can get 60. Watch me, ladies!”

“30 points.”
Alexander: “What? There must be something wrong with this ball!”

“Last but not least, Valerie.”

“30 points. Meaning Charity’s the exemption holder and 320/540 points, or 870/1520 points. You guys are rising, but it’s still not enough if you want to beat the Mole!”

Alexander: “Come on Fiona my dear, time to go.”
Fiona: “Do you really think I’m as pretty as a ruby?”
Jin: “I’ll be going first.”


Jin: “I’m beginning to suspect Esmeralda. I mean, she keeps cheering about something. She must have got something up her sleeves.”

Valerie: “Seriously? Does no one do chores around here?”

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