In the previous mission, the final eight were randomly divided into two groups and had to engage in a food fight in the school. After a close fight, Larry, Jim, Wendy and Myrtle emerged victorious with fewer total hits than the other team, but at the expense of 58 lost points. With only 42/100 points earned, the pot remains low at 248/600 points. However, this is not what is on the minds of Eddy, Molly, Eric and George. Who will be leaving? Who is the Mole?
Eddy: "I've been thinking about our failure. It's my fault as a leader. In the chaos it was difficult for the rest to see my signals. But the other group spared no expense in wasting food. I told George that survival was the goal, not the points, but he didn't listen and I think he must take a big part of the blame too."
Eric: "In the first mission it was one in five. Now, it's one in four. This is just shit. Because I had useless teammates like George and Molly, we ended up losing. By 7 hits. That's the worst part. If they bucked the hell up we would have prevailed."
George: "One of us is going home tonight. That's for certain."
Eddy: "I want to find out what went wrong."
Eric: "We don't need to. Not now when we could be using this time to study."
Eddy: "This is exactly why we keep failing in missions. We just go through the motions without reflecting."
Molly: "How about we form a temporary coalition?"
George: "That's tautological."
Molly: "What?"
Eric: "I always knew we were on the same wavelength."
Eddy: "I'm afraid that's a bad idea."
Eric: "If they aren't interested I am. We can form one ourselves. Even if only for this execution round."
Molly: "We should be all in this together."
George: "High School Musical?"
Eric: "George should be the sacrifice. He cost us the exemption. He deserves to go home."
Molly: "I don't think George wanted this to happen."
George: "Now there young man. Don't cross the line."
Eddy: "Molly is right."
Eric: "Why the 180?"
Eddy: "We got ourselves into this mess. So we have to get out of it together. We are going to need to share everything we know, no exceptions."
George: "Can I get a coffee break first?"
Eddy: "...We meet back here in an hour. Grab whatever you need. Food, drinks, your notes, an empty bottle..."
Molly: "An empty bottle? Are we sharing drinks?"
Eric: "That's not for drinking, Molly."
Myrtle: "This is the first time I see Larry staring so pensively."
Myrtle: "A penny for your thoughts?"
Larry: "Hmm? Oh hey Myrtle."
Larry: "I was just thinking how great it is that I actually beat Eric for once."
Myrtle: "I didn't know you had a competitive streak."
Larry: "You are too."
Myrtle: "I used to be while in med school, but I learned to take things easy now."
Larry: "Mm-hmm. That's why you were so determined in the mission."
Myrtle: "Okay, maybe I still have a bit of a competitive streak in me. It takes time to unlearn. But that's not the point. I thought you and Eric were best buddies."
Larry: "We are...but sometimes I feel like he's treating me as just the sidekick."
Larry: "I mean, he's taller, fitter, more handsome than I am."
Myrtle: "You're great too."
Larry: "If you had to choose, would you date me or him?"
Myrtle: "Well..."
Larry: "See?"
Myrtle: "I hesitated because I wouldn't date either of you. I'm engaged. Besides, you have a great personality. Better than Eric. It's the inside that counts."
Larry: "If only everyone only saw the inside."
Myrtle: "Hey, don't beat yourself up over it. If you think you're being treated as a sidekick, I think you just need to find your own identity. The mission proved it. Once you were separated, you shined."
Larry: "You're right. Thanks Myrtle."
Larry: "I've been caring too much about what others think. It's time to stop giving a rat's ass and start thinking for myself. I'm here for the game first and foremost."
Eddy: "Are those your notes?"
Molly: "No. I'm just penning down my thoughts if today's going to be my last day. What I'll say to everyone..."
Molly: "And what my decision will be when I return home."
Eddy: "I said bring your notes. Why are you wasting your time?"
Molly: "This isn't wasting time. And it's not an hour yet. Why the rush?"
Eddy: "You suggested this temporary coalition. You will be responsible for it. If any one of us leaves because we weren't prepared, it's on you."
Molly: "That's not fair. I can't control it if nobody's going to share everything."
Eddy: "Then make them."
Eddy: "You, Molly, are the key tonight. You worked with Cam. I'm sure you know where her head was at."
Molly: "That's not for me to tell."
Eddy: "Tell me. Or we perish together."
Molly: "You're scary when you're serious."
Wendy: "Do you want to set up a study session?"
George: "I'm on my coffee break. I have one with the losing team later on."
Wendy: "Oh. That's interesting to note."
George: "What are you doing?"
Wendy: "Washing my gloves."
George: "I'm on my coffee break. Don't disturb me."
Jim: "I'm not here to disturb you. I'm here to help you."
Jim: "I have a one-time offer to save your ass."
George: "Sigh..."
George: "Come here."
Jim: "Why do you seem so relaxed?"
George: "There's nothing to worry about. I either know or I don't."
Jim: "Or you know but not enough."
George: "I assume that's where you come in."
Jim: "The Mole is a man."
George: "That's it?"
Jim: "I can give you more...but only if you help me first."
George: "Sigh. I knew things weren't that simple."
George: "What do you want?"
Jim: "Do you know about a hit and run 5 years ago in Beaver Creek?"
George: "Be more specific."
Jim: "It was on the news. Around Christmas season. A woman died."
George: "I do have some recollection of it, yes. What do you want to know?"
Jim: "Who the driver was."
George: "I don't think the police ever found out."
Jim: "Surely there must have been some sort of lead or clue."
George: "If it wasn't reported and published online I don't know about it."
Jim: "Well thanks anyway. Knew I was gonna hit a wall but wanted to try anyway."
George: "Does that woman mean a lot to you?"
Jim: "She was my wife."
Larry: "Hey bro, need any help?"
Eric: "Nah. I got this."
Larry: "If you say so. Best of luck."
Eric: "Wait, are you just leaving like that?"
Eric: "How dare he ignore me. Who does he think he is?"
Larry: "Has he been telling me the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth?"
Eric: "Since my own coalition buddy left me to die, I thought I would take up the offer and meet the rest for help. It turned out to be a big mistake. We were tortured."
Eric: "Where is he?"
Eddy: "Good to see that you all listened for once."
Eric: "What the hell? Did you just lock the door?"
Eddy: "Yes. No one is leaving until we get all the answers we need tonight."
Molly: "He's gone mad."
George: "But we need to take the quiz."
Eddy: "Then I suggest we cooperate. If not, we'll be stuck here all day and miss the quiz and be executed via the flip of a coin."
Eddy: "How about you start, Eric?"
Eric: "Why me?"
Eddy: "Or we could just sit and stare at each other. You get more screen time if you talk more, Eric."
George: "Don't waste our time, Eric. We're already here. Might as well make it productive."
Eric: "Fine. I suspect Jim."
Eddy: "Keep talking, Eric, or I won't open the door."
Eric: "Asshole. I suspect Jim because of the second mission. When I talked to him, he seemed certain of what the answers were, as if he had foreknowledge. And everything I saw from then on confirmed it."
Eric: "Your turn Molly."
Molly: "I actually have no clue, honest. Especially since we were wrong and Cam got executed."
George: "Who did you and Cam previously put?"
Molly: "We thought it was either Larry...or you, Eric."
Eric: "Me? What did I do?"
Eddy: "Let's be objective."
Molly: "I don't know. Cam said it was a feeling and I trusted her."
Eric: "Are you telling the truth?"
Molly: "I am if you were."
George: "I suppose it's my turn. I honestly don't know who it is. I've been getting by trying to get an optimum score. There's so much information I don't know what's relevant and what's not. But I received information from Jim that the Mole is in this room right now."
Molly: "Really?"
George: "I'll leave that for you to decide."
Eddy: "Are there any questions?"
Molly: "No. I'm glad that we're willing to share this as it is."
Eric: "I just want to get out of here."
George: "I do have a question. Who do you suspect, Eddy?"
Eddy: "Of course. It's only fair that I tell you. I have been spreading it over Jim and Larry. Jim because of a hunch and Larry because he's always around when something goes wrong but somehow escapes suspicion."
It is time for the quiz. 10 questions about the Mole's identity.
Q1: Is the Mole male or female?
A: Male
B: Female
Q2: What is the Mole's body type?
A: Fit
B: Fat
C: Skinny
Q3: Is the Mole's current occupation the only occupation the Mole had?
A: Yes
B: No
Q4: Does the Mole have a permanent coalition?
A: Yes
B: No
Q5: In Mission 6, what colour car did the Mole take?
A: Red
B: Blue
C: White
D: Yellow
Q6: In Mission 6, who was the Mole's teammate?
A: Myrtle Noon
B: Molly MacRitchie
C: The Mole is one of the above
Q7: Did the Mole's team win in Mission 6?
A: Yes
A: Yes
B: No
Q8: How many times did the Mole get hit in Mission 6?
A: 17
B: 18
C: 19
D: 22
E: 26
F: 28
G: 29
H: 36
Q9: Did the Mole sit in the driver's seat while going to school in Mission 6?
A: Yes
B: No
Q10: Who is the Mole?
A: Jim Quince
B: Larry Uggs
C: Wendy Ortiz
D: Myrtle Noon
E: Eric Zetsweller
F: Molly MacRitchie
G: Eddy Xenish
H: George Goog
H: George Goog
"Four lights off, four fates to be determined. For half of you, this is your easiest execution ceremony yet. For the other half, it may be the hardest."
"Especially because we're executing two tonight."
Eric: "What the fuck?"
Molly: "Oh no!"
Larry: "I'm really glad it's not me sitting there."
Wendy: "I'm so grateful that we earned the exemption."
"Let us begin. Eric Zetsweller."
Eric: "I swear, if I leave..."

"You are safe."
"George Goog."
George: "It's probably me. I can no longer cruise along."
"Unfortunately, you have been executed."
"Molly MacRitchie,"
"Eddy Xenish, one of you will be joining Eric, and the other, George."
"Unfortunately, Molly MacRitchie, you have been executed."
Jim: "I actually grew to tolerate the both of them. It sucks that they have to go under shitty circumstances. But I'm glad that I had the chance to get to know both of them better."
"Thank you for joining. We hope to see you soon."
George: "I didn't have much hope going into the quiz. Everyone was trying to help me, but ultimately I just didn't know who it was and playing it safe no longer worked. Nonetheless, I am honoured to have been part of this season and I hope to have been able to contribute as much as I could, both in terms of the game and on a personal developmental level."
Molly: "When Cam was executed, I became lost. I had to start from scratch. I didn't know there would be a double execution or I would have done things differently. But I'm still happy to have played and gotten to know everyone and see the beauty of Roaring Heights. Good luck to the rest."
"And just like that, we're down to six. It's time to be certain of your Mole, or you may be next."
George and Molly have been executed in a surprise double execution! Did they miss the Mole? Who is the Mole that eluded them?
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