Friday, 28 February 2020

50.22-The end


Noel: "What the..."


"Contestants, welcome to your final mission. In this mission, you must deactivate the bomb within 1 hour to earn 100 points."


Noah: "Hey Dad! I know you're going to rock it there. You're just crazy enough to win. Mom and I believe in you. We can go on another road trip when you return. Someone watching must know where Grandpa and Grandma are, and then they'll tell us. You can waltz right to their door and brag about your two wins under your belt. I know they'll be proud of you just like we are. Break a leg! Love you."


Lisette: "Lloyd! Guess who? I'm rooting for you, Lloyd. You're the smartest, coolest guy I know. You won Season 26. You can win Season 50 too. I believe in you. I know we argued before we left, but if it really bothers you, maybe you can win and then we can start a new band together, just the two of us. So now you have to win. I'm counting on you, Lloyd."

Noel: "Now all that's left is finding yours, Claves."
Claves: "I don't expect one. Who would leave a message for me?"


Noel: "I think I deactivated the first mechanism."


Lloyd: "A click."


Claves: "This is too advanced for me to crack."


Claves: "What...It must be from Witos."
Regina: "Hey Claves. It's me, Regina. I hope you aren't surprised to hear me, but I heard you're on the Smole now. I'm glad you're fine and well. You're an amazing girl who has triumphed over the world time and time again. The Smole is a walk in the park to you. But more than your win, I hope you and Joaquin will be able to meet up and make peace. The two of you are siblings. The two of you need each other. Don't let each other go, please. Lastly, know that I'll always be there for both of you. Now knock them out."


Lloyd: "So even if she dies, neither of you are willing to budge? She just implied she knew where Joaquin is on national TV. One side is going to get to her first. She's already put herself in danger."


Claves: "I know what to do. But this has to wait until the Smole is over."

Lloyd: "I trust you will do the right thing. Life isn't worth it if the only thing you can look forward to is still being alive tomorrow."


Noel: "Lloyd, are you okay?"

Lloyd: "I'm fine. Ugh, the wire was sharp though."


Noel: "And, err, not to stress you out, but I went back to the starting point and we have less than 2 minutes. No pressure."


"Time is up. The bomb has detonated. The mission is over."


As the finale approaches, some cherish the last moments in the future..

...some prepare for the future...

...and some say their goodbyes to the future.


Claves: "The future was a nice respite but it's ultimately not where any of us belong. We have to return to our own lives eventually. However, having been given a glimpse of the future, I can now be certain that we really are fighting for a better future. Even Regina is fighting for us. I can't give up now. Some things have no resolution, and others are beyond our control. I spent my youth fighting for a cause I couldn't truly believe in, but I think I've now found a better purpose in life: to fight for family, to fight for those who believe in me. It's hard to truly detach oneself from politics, but my descendant told me that their ancestors flocked to greener pastures. The Poland I know is no longer my home. I can't imagine staying there any more, not when there's nothing to stay for. It's time for me to leave. To Witos, to PRF, by the time you see this, I should already be gone."


Lloyd: "My knee is healing quite well. It's almost as good as new. Medicine in the future has really evolved. It makes me really sad that I have to leave all this behind, but I know that staying here indefinitely is irresponsible of me. I've left things hanging back home. I have to go back and settle them. At least I got a taste, and with me I'll take memories of the future...well, that sounds weird."


Noel: "The end is nigh. We've all been through our ups and downs, and I'm no exception. I'm letting time heal my wounds. It used to hurt so much to even think about my parents that I tried to block all my memories, but now I can think about them a little bit more while a hurting a little bit less. It's so poetic that I'm in the future. It's like the world, literally, is telling me to look to the future. And that's with Paige, and that's with Noah. We all make mistakes, but it's about how we own them...maybe one day I'll finish writing that play about our road trip adventure."



It is time for the final quiz. 30 questions about the Mole's identity. This quiz takes 50% of the contestant's overall score, while the previous quizzes take the other half. The contestant with the highest score will be the winner of the Smole, Season 50.

Q1: Is the Mole male or female?
A: Male
B: Female

Q2: How old was the Mole when the Mole first joined the Smole?
A: 24
B: 31
C: 39

Q3: What is the Mole's profession?
A: Music
B: Politics
C: Theatre

Q4: Where does the Mole currently reside?
A: Poland
B: Seattle
C: Zimmaport

Q5: Which season did the Mole win?
A: Season 26
B: Season 41
C: Season 48

Q6: How much did the Mole previously win?
A: 813,000 Simoleons
B: 663,000 Simoleons
C: 487,000 Simoleons

Q7: How much did the Mole previously win as a percentage of the pot?
A: 48.7%
B: 54.2%
C: 55.3%

Q8: What colour is the Mole's hair?
A: Red
B: Black
C: Pink

Q9: How many exemptions did the Mole win this season?
A: 1 silver exemption
B: 1 silver and 1 green exemption
C: The Mole did not win an exemption

Q10: When was the Mole executed?
A: Episode 8
B: Episode 12
C: The Mole was never executed

Q11: In Mission 1, which of the following did the Mole post in the chatroom?
A: guys whaddyu think about the game?
B: Not sure about you guys but where I'm from, using u to replace you fell out of style 10 years ago.
C: Never played it.

Q12: In Mission 2, which of the following was a response from the Mole?
A: I am a bot
B: I said that I was thankful for the journey
C: I have split personality disorder

Q13: In Mission 3, where was the Mole on your list?
A: 3rd
B: 4th

Q14: In Mission 4, how many times was the Mole a seller?
A: 2
B: 4
C: 5

Q15: In Mission 5, what was the Mole's role?
A: Traffic police
B: Driver
C: The Mole had been executed

Q16: Which mission was the Mole not a part of?
A: Mission 5
B: Mission 7
C: Mission 8

Q17: In Mission 7, who was the original singer of the Mole's song?
A: Ed Sheeran
B: Samantha Barks
C: The Mole had been executed

Q18: In Mission 9, which of the following clues did the Mole give?
A: Hair: 2
B: Round: 2
C: Dateline: 2

Q19: In Mission 10, which phrase did the Mole have to guess?
A: Welcome to the future
B: 30 seconds to countdown
C: The Mole did not have to guess a phrase

Q20: In Mission 11, which number pertains to the phonebooth the Mole was initially at?

Q21: In Mission 12, in which order did the Mole walk into the maze?
A: First
B: Second
C: Third

Q22: In Mission 12, who left a message to the Mole?
A: Noah McAllister
B: Lisette Mack
C: Regina Natalia Seix

Q23: In Mission 12, which of the following colours bordered the Mole's name?
A: Green
B: Pink
C: Blue

Q24: In Mission 12, which mechanism did the Mole deactivate?
A: 1st
B: 4th
C: The Mole did not deactivate a mechanism

Q25: In Mission 12, which keystone did the Mole take?
A: Star
B: Crescent
C: The Mole did not take a keystone

Q26: Which floor switch did the Mole step on to deactivate the lasers in Mission 12?
A: Leftmost
B: Centre
C: Rightmost

Q27: In Mission 12, which of the following was in the message to the Mole?
A: Pride
B: Peace
C: Starting Anew

Q28: In Mission 12, in which order was the message to the Mole heard?
A: 1st
B: 2nd
C: 3rd

Q29: In Mission 12, what did the Mole say?
A: I want to keep him on a leash
B: It's clear
C: My poor fingers

Q30: Who is the Mole?
A: Lloyd Smart
B: Clavés Vann
C: Noel McAllister


The quiz has been taken. All that is left... to head back to the present.

Lloyd: "And, that's it? We don't find out our results?"
Claves: "I'm more curious as to how this time portal appeared."
Noel: "We're in the future. Don't question it."

Claves: "I assume that there's only one thing left for us to do."

Claves: "Guys, let's go home."

Lloyd: "Goodbye, Oasis Landing. You were amazing. I hope to visit again soon."

Noel: "Cheers to the good years."

Claves: "It's time for us to leave."


Lloyd: "What's changed?"
Noel: "Nothing."
Claves: "Yet everything."


We\re here at the finale of the Smole, Season 50. To mark this joyous event, we've invited many contestants from past seasons to witness another milestone together.

The seats are full, but one table remains empty. It is time to invite the contestants of Season 50 into this grand hall.


"Thank you all for gracing us with your presence today. Today, we are here to celebrate 50 seasons of the Smole. 50 sets of contestants, finalists, winners and Moles congregated here in one venue. Sue May, Philo Nickelworth, Sydney Wellington, Brianna McWinner and Chris Winters tried their best this season, but ultimately were beaten by three finalists."

"Without further ado, let us invite our three finalists of Season 50 in!"
Lloyd: "Hi everyone!"

Claves: "Wow, this is a grand event."

Noel: "It sure is an upgrade from the dive bar that was my finale...actually, maybe the lack of booze makes it a downgrade."


Lisette: "Woo! Go Lloyd! That's my boyfriend!"

Paige: "Do you think your father's going to win a second time?"
Noah: "It's hard to say. He could very well be the Mole."


"Contestants, welcome back. All of you were winners in your own right. You spent nearly three weeks in this future, on what some would say is a life-changing journey. It is good to see all of you reunited again, today."

Chris: "Despite only being executed once, I'm now all the way at 8th place. I'm fine with that though. Placements are just numbers. All eight of us are equally strong competitors. Unfortunately, my stubbornness made me realise I was on the wrong track too late, precluding me from re-entering the game. Still, it has been an amazing journey and I am glad to have spent so long on the Smole despite being last, and despite my age and being the furthest from this season."

Sydney: "I wanted to win, and I know I had the Mole. Unfortunately, so did all of us here. Ultimately I lost out in terms of strategy. But this, being here, in such an awesome hall, makes up for it."

Philo: "The Smole has been pivotal for me. I was lost and misguided after Season 40, and it was this season that helped me find the right path again. The Smole has taught me so much. It gave me a taste of fame I kept chasing after, but now I realise maybe this fame isn't what's most important. And going to the future made me realise how short-sighted I was to focus only on myself. I don't expect forgiveness, especially not from my own deities, but I have to at least try and seek forgiveness."

Brianna: "I joined the Smole for more selfish reasons. I wanted to pamper myself, and after using the money from my last win for repair efforts, I wanted to try and win again so that I could finally lead a better life. That didn't happen but I guess in life you can't ask for too much. I think we all played well this season, myself included. I'm content with that."

Sue: "I failed to learn from my lesson, and that landed me where I am today. I was focused on winning but looking back at all of us, and at the Smole, it's amazing how we've come so far, and it's made me realise that enjoying the journey is just as important. I am thankful to have been given the opportunity to be a part of such a momentous season and I hope that right here, right now, all our negativity can be dispelled."

"Ladies and gentlemen, somewhere among you is the 50th winner of the Smole. This contestant has proven to be the best, defeating 7 other winners to clinch the victory. This winner, if the Mole was found, may earn at least 713,000 Simoleons. The winner, of the Smole, Season 50 is..."

"...Clavés Vann!"

Sue: "Congratulations Claves."
Brianna: "This is awkward. I feel like the biggest loser today."


"We all know Claves Vann as the spy from Poland. We knew from Season 41 that she was a force to be reckoned with, and her victory this season further confirms that. She worked alone but had help from the walls of the house, gathering information without others noticing, and reaping the benefits of a coalition without herself having one. Smart and in control, Claves knew she had to be decisive in one of her most important quizzes: the one against Sydney Wellington. She successfully sounded her out, and beat her at her own game. A master at this game of deception, Claves never once faced execution. She is thus truly a deserving winner. Let us give a round of applause to our 50th winner as we invite her on stage to give a few words."


Claves: "Everyone, thank you for coming here. Most of you don't know me, or think you know me, but there are some things I like to address."

Claves: "I am an ordinary girl, just like all of you. I had my own struggles and times of confusion. It was not easy to stay in the game. I did not find the Mole immediately either."

Claves: "But perseverance and focus is what brought me through, and at the same time, the support of my rivals. It is comforting knowledge that there is no malice despite the comptetition or despite what methods we use to play the game. I am thankful to have shared Season 50 with the table before me."

Claves: "Even though not every one of us seated here won, we were all chosen to participate for a reason. We have a shared history that is the Smole. Call it fate or call it coincidence, but being a part of the Smole is something we should all be proud of. I am grateful for the opportunity and will use the money I won wisely to help as many Sims as I can."

"Thank you, Claves. You could earn the 713/1200 points in the pot if you have found the Mole."
Claves: "I believe I have."


"The winner has been revealed. But the role of two men still remain unknown. Both of them were executed, but only one of them is the Mole. The Mole either slipped back in behind two women unnoticed, or returned from a waived requirement with more knowledge than the rest."

"The other was close to the win. The question is: who is who?"

"The runner-up of the Smole, Season 50 is..."

"...Lloyd Smart!"

Lloyd: "I don't know what to say. It's so overwhelming right now. The finale, seeing all of you, being in the"

Lloyd: "I didn't win but that's okay. I lost to a worthy winner. After my first execution, I did not expect to return, much less win. But I did it, and I survived all the way. To me, that's enough. I don't have to win all the time and I don't expect to."

Lloyd: "Lisette, and the rest of the band, thank you for coming to support me. I missed you guys, especially Lisette. Let's start over and forget all our unhappy pasts, shall we? Know that I love you, and I will support you. Love is not trying to be better than the other, or to suppress the other. In love we are equals. So I will support you just as how you have supported me."

"To the rest of you, thank you for being here. I'm sorry to disappoint both my supporters and those who had their money on me as the Mole, but it's not me. But what matters is that we had fun, right?"

Lloyd: "Looking back, I did some stupid things on the season which I regret. There was so much frustration and tension. But I think I grew. I think we all grew from the experience. And that's the magic of the Smole."

"I don't know how many more of such times I can have. I truly enjoyed myself and am grateful I got to be a part of this and play alongside such wonderful contestants."
"Thank you, Lloyd. May we now invite our 50th Mole on stage."


"Ladies and gentlemen, put your hands to welcome the Mole: Noel McAllister!"

Noel: "Public speaking isn't my forte. But then again, neither is being the Mole."

Noel: "I accepted the role because it would be fun, but also because it meant I could secure the full journey. I went through some difficult times before coming here, and I hoped more than anything to use the Smole as an escape."

Noel: "But I got over myself. We all have to face reality someday, don't we? But that's not what you all signed up for so I'll shut up with the life philosophies now."

Noel: "Moving on to more interesting things, it was a blast being a Mole. I was surrounded by geniuses who would surely discover me if I mucked up. Which I definitely did, but hey, I got to play the Mole. That's what counts. Trying to find ways to sabotage, and when to sabotage, all while putting on a different face...boy, it wasn't easy. But I did it. I was also being really generous with the pot so I expect some moolah in return, Claves. Anyway, I think I stood here long enough so that's it for now. I'll sign autographs later. Thank you for coming to my TED talk."

"Thank you, Noel, for being a wonderful Mole this season. You kept 487/1200 points out of the pot. However, you were suspected 18 times, excluding quizzes taken by executed contestants. That means you walk out with a grand total of 469,000 Simoleons while gifting Claves 731,000 Simoleons!"
Noel: "I wouldn't have it any other way."


"Noel was a slippery Mole. For the most part, he behaved as he would as a normal contestant. The fact that nobody suspected him for the first four quizzes is testament to that. Quirky and quippy, Noel was a breath of fresh air and a fun spirit to be around. However, as a father himself, he kept the order in the house and guided the others with their troubles. Even though he eventually became a top suspect, Noel still inspired trust within others. It's not surprising' beneath those words lies a heart of genuine gold, no matter as a winner, a Mole, a father or a playwright."


"Noel, care to walk us through your sabotages this season?"
Noel: "It'd be a pleasure. Time for this magician to reveal all his tricks."


Noel: "I earned goodwill instead of points in the first mission, largely because I'm a generous man but also because the longer the chat grew, the more obvious it became about who was who. So I began my evilness in the second mission. I asked a question that even a human would fail so that I could confuse myself and not pick the bot. When Sue had to guess, I made sure to be as ambiguous as possible. I put myself into the shoes of a bot. How would a bot trying to pass off as a human respond?"


Noel: "All of you failed my test. I asked for dirtiest and darkest. And you, Mr. Red especially, didn't even have a secret. Mr. Green, your secret wasn't even dirty or dark."


Noel: "I am a bot."


Noel: "The next mission was simple: don't jump. I wasn't the most suspected anyway, so of course as a 'contestant' I would want to be more suspicious by not jumping. I don't have a back injury, by the way."


Noel: "In the next mission, I didn't even need to pretend. Regardless of whether I was the Mole or a white hat, I would still do the same thing: eliminate the black hats and save coins trying to report them. Lloyd helped me here so much. He's my accomplice."


"In Mission 5, I decided I had to take a key role if I wanted to lose more money. I had been hiding long enough. I was going to dawdle and be able to solve only 2 puzzles. And I also had a master plan that would help turn eyes away from me."


Claves: "I'm sorry. I truly am. But I think I've run out of fuel."


Noel: "Claves's car wouldn't start. Thanks to me. I drove the very car she used in the previous mission and made sure to use as much fuel as I could. I made sure that the tank wasn't refueled for the next mission."


"The next mission seemed disappointing. We put in so much effort for a less than proportionate result. The reason was simple: I was unlocking words. I don't know if anyone saw me. Sometimes you don't have to think so hard to sabotage."


Noel: "I was not a part of the next mission which is why it did so well. For the executed contestants' mission, I knew the answers beforehand. Of course I was going to come back, but I made sure I didn't look perfect."


Noel: "For the first mission after my return, I played by ear. What I did had to make sense, so obvious clues led to correct answers, but I jumped at ambiguity and wrong answers. And when it came to my turn, I wasn't going to show any mercy, because prolonging the round means more points to earn."


Philo: "Clothes: 1. That must be Jeans."
Noel: "Over there!"

Noel: "You do the honours, Philo."


Noel: "It's over now. What is the swiftest way to victory...Dateline: 2."


Noel: "I made the next mission look really hard. It was hard, but it was still doable. But I set the mood by being annoyed. More importantly, I made sure to not get Claves's phrase, nor to let her get mine by taking my time repeating word by word until she could get it right. It helped that I filled my snorkel with a little bit of water to make things more muffled and confusing."


Noel: "Nnghhy."
Claves: "Naughty?"

Noel: "Nnghhy."
Claves: "Noisy?"


Claves: "Twenty?"


Noel: "In the next mission I was avoiding everyone. I left when Sue found me at the start, and I used the time to settle some personal affairs. Later I hid in the bathroom pretending to try and get rid of the clown makeup. It was a happy little accident that we ended up at the same place eventually, but I think that helped make me look less suspicious because why would a Mole look suspicious but earn points? Turns out it's because I'm not like other Moles."


Sue: "Get out of my way."
Noel: "Your wish is my command."

Sue: "Hey, where are you going? We're supposed to stick together!"


Noel: "Are we at the last mission already? That one was fun. I made sure to run away when Claves did to mess around and take away the wire cutters, preventing any chances of us succeeding. And they wonder why I helped disable so many mechanisms."


Noel: "Aha. There you are."

Noel: "I found you first, wire cutter. With you we could cut the right wires and disable a mechanism."

Noel: "Or will we?"

Noel: "After all, only I know I have the wire cutter."

Noel: "Besides, there's no instruction manual. The right wires to cut are found in a computer later on in the maze. We'll need to get in first."

Noel: "Oh, the password to access the computer and disable a mechanism is here."

Noel: "Well I'm keeping that. Guess we'll never find our way into that computer now."


Noel: "They never did find the wire cutter later. It's funny how they never thought to search me."


"Thank you Noel. Every season we have clues to point viewers and contestants in the right direction. This season is no exception."


"Our very first clue has been in your face every episode. For the first 10 contestants, take the first letter of their names to spell 'THE MOLE IS'. Whose photo immediately follows the phrase? It's Noel's. "


"The aliases in the first mission are all characters in plays. Noel is a playwright:
Ursula is a character in Shakespeare's Much Ado About Nothing;
HappyWilly refers to both Harold "Happy" Loman and William "Willy" Loman from Arthur Miller's Death of a Salesman;
Mrs.Motherly is a character from John Vanbrugh's A Journey To London;
Lucifer is a character from Christopher Marlowe's play The Tragical History of the Life and Death of Doctor Faustus;
Kuo Te Yu is a character from William Hinton's Fanshen;
065106097120 is ASCII code for Ajax, the titular character in Sophocles's Ajax;
pppaullack, or Paullack, is a portmanteau of Paul Pollack, a character from Woody Allen's The Floating Light Bulb;
Varya is a character from Anton Chekhov's The Cherry Orchard."


"In Mission 4, the carpet at the entrance was of snowflakes. A common association of snowflakes is with Christmas, or with Winter which is then associated with Christmas. One of the Christmas carols is called 'The First Noel'."


"In that same mission, some of the usernames for sale referred to Noel:
Bridgeport_Emerald refers to Emerald City, with Bridgeport being a city. Emerald City is the nickname for Seattle, where Noel currently lives;
SaDDiaz refers to Sean and Daniel Diaz, the main characters from the game Life is Strange 2. The characters lived in Seattle;
Lincfervelt refers to the American presidents Abraham Lincoln, Thomas Jefferson and Theodore Roosevelt. These are three of the four presidents found on Mount Rushmore, the missing one being George Washington. Seattle is a city in Washington;
Shadow Run is a game that is set in Seattle;
Cleopatra is a character in Shakespeare's play Antony and Cleopatra;
ThelmaxLouise refers to Thelma & Louise, a road trip movie. Noel went on a road trip prior to Season 50."


"In Mission 5, the telescope Noel used was red, blue, green and black. These are colours that could be found on Noel."


"Episode 12 aired on 1.21AM. Episode 12 of Season 48 aired at the exact same time. Season 48 was Noel's debut season."


"In Episode 15, Noel said the phrase 'I no know'. This was his season's Mole's catchphrase."


Claves: "What answers did you get correct?"
Noel: "I no know. I wish I could tell you but they didn't tell us either. All I know is that I scored 14, Chris scored 13 and Brianna scored 11."


"Before we continue, it's time to draw our attention to four Sims. The first is Noel's son, Noah McAllister."
Noah: "Dad, you're a rotten Mole."

"The next is Paige McAllister, Noah's wife."
Paige: "Oh! Hello."

"The next is Kairel St. James, a contestant in Season 34."
Kairel: "Hey there!"

"The last is Noelle Saint James. She was the wine tasting coach back in Season 32."
Noelle: "Bonjour."


"Kairel appeared in Episode 15 and Episode 20. He was in the background both times."

"He is a clue towards Noelle Saint James, who shares a last name with him."

"The other three Sims are significant because they appeared as statues."

"Both Noah and Paige are related to Noel as they are his family."

"As for Noelle, her name is similar to the Mole's name this season: Noel."


"In Episode 19, dialling certain numbers will give a robotic response. The first 5 digits, 76653, spell 'SMOLE' if typed on a traditional mobile phone keypad. The last 2 digits corresponds to the mission number. These messages are actually confessions by the Mole, hinting at how he sabotaged this season:
7665301 corresponds to SMOLE, Mission 1 (SMOLE-1). The message is 'Sometimes I have to earn points if it doesn't make sense not to.' The Mole Noel earned points.
7665302's message is 'A test can be failed in two ways: a bad student, and a bad setter.' In Mission 2, Noel set a bad question to the others, such that even the humans could not pass the test.
7665303's message is 'Anyone not suspicious will try to up their suspicion.' In Mission 3, Noel did not jump as he was not highly suspected.
7665304's message is 'I didn't even need to pretend.' In Mission 4,Noel's goals were aligned as the Mole and as a white hat. He did not need to pretend, or justify his actions of only buying 4 times. He would have to if he was a black hat.
7665305's message is 'You know, the wastelands are a bunch of nothing. One's naturally going to drive in it a while until one finds a way out.' In Mission 5, Noel drove the car that ran out of fuel while getting to the location of the previous mission. He wasted fuel driving aimlessly before getting to the location.
7665306's message is 'I could've sworn we worked harder than that.' In Mission 6, the group did not earn as much as they could have even though they had locked in more words. This was because he had unlocked some words.
7665307's message is 'Sometimes you just don't get a chance.' Noel did not get a chance to sabotage Mission 7 as he was executed.
7665308's message is 'The Mole always knows a bit more.' Noel, as the Mole, had foreknowledge of the answers, which is how he won Mission 8 and returned.
7665309's message is 'I'll play by ear.' In Mission 9, Noel had to respond to the clues given accordingly. Based on whether his team won the first two rounds, he would then decide whether or not to sabotage and how.
7665310's message is '"I'll take it really, really slowly.' Noel kept repeating word after word slowly. in Mission 10."


"The last clue is in the final mission. The chest the bomb sat on was navy and gold, Oregon's official colours. Noel was born in Oregon."


"It is with a heavy heart that I announce that we have reached the end of the finale ceremony. All is known now. 50 successful seasons has gone by, and we have seen so many colourful contestants and interesting missions."

"We had the luxury of sharing in the victories of the winners."

"We supported the finalists, and caught, or missed, countless of deceptive Moles."

"We invested in the stories of our Hall of Famers."

"As well as every other contestant who participated in the season."

"A special thank-you goes out to our hired actors and actresses. They played a supporting role and helped to bring the seasons to greater heights."

"And last but not least, we thank everyone for attending, whether or not you're a contestant, a fan or a supporter of the show. From the bottom of our hearts, thank you for supporting the Smole and giving us the push to continue producing better seasons each time."

"We hope that you have enjoyed not only this finale night, but also every single episode and season. It's uncertain where the future of the Smole will be at, but the Smole will always be a part of our memories and experiences. A Season 51, or even a Season 100, may appear in the future, but for tonight, let us celebrate our achievements as a group. To 50 successful seasons of the Smole."

To all viewers, thank you so much for viewing the Smole, whether you were a loyal viewer from the start or only just found out about this season. Without you, 50 seasons would not have been possible. We hope you enjoyed the Smole.

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